Jake Gyllenhaal on the set of Source Code - someone sit him down quickly and give him a cup of tea full of sugar while I get out my plasters covered in dinosaurs!

This is an emergency post - the proper one will be up later! I need to sit down...
Source (as if you couldn't tell...).
Morning! OMG! There's another post coming later today, lots of stuff, but had to get this out!!
ReplyDeleteHave a good day :D
Relax WDW, it's strawberry sauce so that he can save it for later for ..... You're so quick I had to move my comment to this post.
ReplyDeleteThank you Stace for your comment on the previous post. I feel that about him. I can't say the exact words I mean but he truly evolves.
With regard to his experience of BBM that's great that he felt the 'specialness' (I know its not a word but I can't think of the right one) that he felt taking in all the elements of that shoot. I've recently taken up Tai Chi and its amazing, calming, pure. Everything converged with actors, crew, director to produce something so special they never thought would explode the way it has. It still 'tisses' me off that Ang never thanked Jake and Heath directly when he won his oscar but Ang said BBM was his healing from being 'beat up' by the industry. I think that PoP is Jake's healing to bring back the adventure and fun to his life.
He's about bringing forward the 'real' which is a strange dichotomy because he is an actor and such a good one. But good God, no-one could be that constistent in exuding a beautiful spirit the way he does and not know when he's pretending. If I'm wrong about him I'll kick his ass for wasting my time believing in his gooodness.
Sorry for the long post but I had a good night's sleep and feel buzzed for him and us, that he's healing from the beating in life he got. He's no different than us in all the trials we have to suffer in life but he's had to do it in the public eye and that's really tough for such a private person. I couldn't do it, not even for 1 day.
Gosh, how long is left till my Prince will come?
Morning Sheba! I know, I was just having a joke :D It's an interesting picture!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment - here and on the previous post. I do agree that PoP has been just what Jake needed.
Morning everyone. That pic is interesting. I am so looking forward to seeing Source Code already:)
ReplyDeleteI notice that the posters are already around for the Ironman 2 movie so I reckon it won't be long before we start seeing our Prince all over the place!!
Morning Carol! I've seen some TV ads for Iron Man - would love to see a PoP one :D
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen any TV spots for Ironman 2 yet only the posters over the last few days. I think we will definitely see TV trailers for PoP and very soon too I hope!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's super-early for me but it's good to be getting up for something. Last night was crazy with all the excerpts from the GQ article AND my new favorite show, Glee, coming back with a new episode. But, it was a good crazy.
Sheba, I completely feel you on relating to Jake and the hard knocks he's had over the past couple of years. Life gets that way sometimes. I've been through a pretty harrowing year and a half myself which is probably why I was so moved by his strength and his honesty. Not many of us could do that. And not as graciously as he does. So, in a way, he is what some of us needed after being 'beat up' by life and the economic recession. ;-)
And WDW, thankfully I have enough knowledge of British English to know what you are saying, although I am still learning new words which is awesome. Did I mention I was a bit of an anglophile? I know that probably freaks you out a bit, and I have been trying to keep my gushing to a minimum. I can't tell you how excited I was to learn Jake was doing a movie with mostly Brits(and with an accent!). Anywho, poor, wounded Jake. I usually don't go for action, but when I get in my 'dude' mode hanging out with my guy friends I love it. Can't wait for all the action he's bringing. There is nothing sexier than a man that can kick some serious ass.
Also, meant to say because I'm not sure I'll have time later today, but I truly appreciate how welcoming you are to newcomers. I've been around fandoms a long time and inevitably there is a tendency to be clique-ish and ignore other, less knowledgeable fans. But, it figures that someone that loves Jake so much would be that down-to-earth. I couldn't imagine him having any other kind of fanbase but this one.
Anyway, gotta get up and get ready for work(still not use to saying that)
wow... did he have peanut butter and jelly for breakfast and it was a very tight jar??? :P
ReplyDeleteHot sauce on a hot guy, I say!
*back to work* ugh. thanks for the emergency post!
OOT have to ask how was Glee last night Stace!!! It is one of the best things on TV at the moment. We have to wait til next Monday night to see the latest episode here:(
ReplyDeleteWas last night's one the Madonna episode?
Hey WDW, thanks for the tips on downloading. And thanks for the emergency post. Whooo. All these delicious pics are exhausting!
Hi Carol! I hope we do - and I hope you feel better soon *)
ReplyDeleteHey there Stace! I do like to throw in some Britishisms - thanks for wading through them :D That's great to hear you're an Anglophile! I'm certainly a USofAphile. It's always a pleasure to welcome newcomers, Stace - it's good for us. People come and go and sometimes come back but I'm always here to say hello :) There will be a lot of newer fans with PoP and I want everyone to feel welcome here. I used to say back in the old days that I wanted WDW to have the atmosphere of an English pub with a nice fire and some good ale :D Jake can get the rounds in...
Hey there Winterbird!! Ooh yes, hot sauce :D Work... sigh... :(
* not understanding a word of this Glee talk * :D
My pleasure, TD! Have a go :)
No gym tonight - thank heavens...
ReplyDeleteThe music was phenomenal as usual, but was the Hell-O episode. Madonna is next week. I've lurked around the fandoms and find it so strange that most of the Gleeks don't even know any of Madonna's music. Strange since I grew up on it.
Anyway, it was a decent debut. Kind of annoyed with a couple of characters but that is to be expected. But, I adore Ms. Pilsbury more and more. Such an adorable ginger, she is. I don't want to spoil it for you, but it does end a bit sad. Next week will definitely be better, though.
Sorry for the aside, WDW. I could definitely hip you to some of the urban slang that Jake uses sometimes. I loved how you were so into the word 'dope'. That's an old school hip-hop word from years ago, as you probably know by now. Reminds me of the AOL Unscripted when Natalie P and Jake were talking about hip-hop and Jake was so amused at how hard-core Natalie was.
Anyway, have a good rest of the day.
I've been singing Van Halen's 'Jump' in my head all day! Totally Jake and WDW's fault.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the good stuff recently WDW. D'ya think you could slow down production a little bit so that slow-pokes like me can catch up?! :D The recap post at the weekend was very useful, but I STILL haven't read SFX.
Am I right in thinking GQ is one of those mags where we get a different edition in the UK so we won't get Jake? And no Borders to go to either! *panics*
I'm not keen on the cover pic myself (the perspective is so very unflattering to our gorgeous boy's slightly oversized, but very beautiful, head), but I'm looking forward to reading the article.
Add me to the list of Glee fans! :D Although it does include some very manipulative women and some very dumb men!
Thanks WDW I'm at home now feeling very sorry for myself:( Think I'm paying the price for a very wild weekend!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Glee update Stace. I love to meet other "Gleeks". I was around the fandoms myself today and there seems to be a mixed reaction to last nights episode. I thought the Madonna one was on last night. Just saw Jane Lynch recreating the Vogue video. Brilliant!!! It always puts a smile on my face whenever it comes on. I agree that some of the men are very stupid Ruby but you have just got to love them!!! Sorry for the Glee interlude WDW:)
I was thinking that the GQ published over here doesn't necessarily follow the US publication. There is some woman called Rosie that I don't recognise on the current British issue. I hope the newsagents here will be selling the US edition like they do with some of the women's magazines like Cosmo and InStyle.
Another Interlude(sorry!): Vogue was outstanding! Love Jane Lynch. And Yes, the men of Glee are kind of dumb, but sweet. I'm so not happy with Mr. Schu right now.
ReplyDeleteAlso, work down the street from the bookstore so will be haunting it for the new GQ. Add me to the list of folks not happy about the yellowing of the cover. It's the power of the blue eyes!
Godo to see you Rubes! Oh flip, I hate that song! Please don't put it back in my head.
ReplyDeleteI fear this is the US edition. They might get it in Smiths. I have got my mitts on a copy though and just put the scans up! So yeah, no slowing down on the production line! I had all this stuff for tonight's post and now it's postponed!
Glee? I always thought that was something you felt when Friday arrived. However, since starting WDW I no longer have time for TV (except MasterChef :D).
Hi Carol! Well feel better soon and have an easy weekend! The UK one is different but some shops do occasionally sell it.
Hey Stace! Hope you find it!
New post for a bloody good reason :D Jake is HUGE!
All I can say is I want to kiss the boo boos