Monday, 3 May 2010

[Update] Jake Gyllenhaal arrives at Heathrow with a very big trunk, Jake on Duncan Jones ('I'd put my money on him') and Mike Newell

[Update] We know Jake Gyllenhaal is back in London, getting reacquainted with his old restaurants, shops and jogging spots of choice, but it's very good to see his arrival in pictures at Heathrow on 1 May. And Jake arrives complete with his and our favourite bodyguard, his own Virgin stewardess, an extremely large trunk and what looks like a new ring. Last time Jake travelled over for the Jonathan Ross show with a big trunk, the suit disappointed. I'm wondering what we'll see this week... Many thanks to IHJ for the lovely pics!

We're used to Doug Liman talking to the wise Ninjas - today they turn their attention to Jake Gyllenhaal. In a great interview with Jake, recorded by phone on the day that Source Code wrapped, the Ninjas keep their filmmaking focus, asking Jake, amongst other things, to compare what it was like working with two much-admired British directors, Mike Newell and Duncan Jones. You can read the whole interview at the Ninjas, and there is promise of more to come, but here are a couple of snippets.

'Every director than I have had the pleasure to work with has been so different in their style. So Mike Newell, just physically … they both happen to be British, but Duncan spent a lot of time growing up in the States and all over the world so he has a different sort of sensibility than Mike. Well, Mike is like six foot five, and Duncan is like five ten or something, so [laughs] that is one major difference. And in a way, their sizes mimic their styles, because Mike is very robust and dramatic in his approach and he’s like (in a gruff British voice), “Oh yes, my dear boy, it’s fantastic,” and there’s always this sort of energy to it.'

'Duncan really creates this space that is much more quiet, and I would say that there is a serenity to the way he directs, and to me it’s fascinating that the two of them could not be more different. That’s actually a really good question. They had two different beasts [to direct], you know? Mike had a movie where there are just so many elements that he had to balance, and I learned from him a really important lesson that every actor should know; he said, “You know what I look at more than the monitor?,” and I said “No, what Mike?” And he pointed to his watch. When I asked ”Really?,” he said, “You never get all the things you want as a director, and you’re always chasing time.” Any actor who is in sync with their director knows you want to try to give your director everything that they want within the day. And that’s something that I really learned with Mike. It is something that I don’t think that actors really know: how much a director is dealing with. So when I went to work with Duncan I brought that mentality with me, and it was like, “What do we need? Did we get that? OK, what do you need from me? Let’s go.”'

On testing out ideas on set: 'Yeah, you know, a majority of them have to suck for some of them to be good. I think with Duncan it was all that, all of the time, and it’s surprising because with someone who’s doing [only] his second movie, you would think that he would be holding more tightly on to the reins, but he has a surprising sense of self-confidence and sense of self. JULINA: Moon,Jones’s movie, was so tight, and so precise. JAKE: Right, I know.'

'JULINA: Sam Rockwell’s just so relaxed through the whole thing, but you’re going, “Oh my God!” and you go with it, because he’s going with it. It’s really impressive. It’s one of my favorite films, actually. JAKE: Me too. I mean, that’s Sam, because he’s so talented. But you have to create the environment, I think. I think [Duncan Jones] created the environment for it — and now, I’m his second, so you know, I can say — he is so collaborative. He’s a really special director. I believe that he’s like the next generation, you know? I’d put my money on him. [Laughs] He definitely protected his actors from all the stuff going on behind the scenes with the politics of making movies, which is so important because once you get into that sensitive space working with an actor, bringing that in can screw things up. It’s amazing to me that it’s his second movie, ’cause he’s just on point.'

Lightheaded moment: Jake mentions the Princess Bride, one of my favourite films! Unfortunately, apart from a passing reference to the Unnamed Moon project (UMP or Argonauts as Doug called it last), there was no news on the progress of that one. Be sure to read the full interview.

Pictures thanks to Disney, IMDb and IHJ.


  1. Morning all! I hope you have a good day, whether you're at work or putting your feet up like me - the lull before the PoP storm!

  2. Thanks WDW. I know you're counting the days until you get to meet the prince in person :D (will you be able to see Jake at the premiere?)

    I love how Jake compares Mike and Duncan. I loved how Duncan reached out to the fans during the filming process and let us know how things were going. I wish all directors were doing that (can you imagine the tweets we would have gotten from Mike?)


  3. That was interesting to hear Jake compare Mike and Duncan. Moon really impressed me and I'm not a fan of sci fi at all.

    Hope you had a nice relaxing bank hol WDW to prepare for the whirlwind week ahead. I'm so looking forward to hearing and seeing all from the premiere. Unfortunately I can't be there in body but will most definitely be with you all in spirit:)

  4. Hi Sweetpea :) It would be great if all them tweeted, although judging by how much Mike got his assistant to play the PoP game while he watched, I reckon he wouldn't tweet much at all!

    Hey Carol! I loved Moon, I really did amd Sam Rockwell was the best thing for me in IM2. It's a real shame you can't make it over next weekend, but I'll be thinking of you. I hope you had a good weekend too - the long ones always seem so short!

  5. Hey WDW! How did you manage to get tickets for a pre-screening? wow :D you must be so excited!

    yay, it's so nice to see Jake in England! Walking around barely two hours away from me :) I wonder what's in the trunk! I cant wait for friday :) off to see iron man 2 and then home to see Jake on JR. My whole family watch the programme, i feel as if i'm introducing Jake to the family! LOL


  6. I do like that jacket - very much. :)

    I'm feeling cheerful, although it's back to work tomorrow. I have a feeling this is going to be a very good week. :D :D

  7. WDW, I hope you really enjoyyyyyyy PoP, I know you will. You'll probably be bursting at the seams to tell us about it, but I agree, we Yanks will have to wait. If you could just say quick Yea or Nay, I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance. Isn't it great that Jake is making London a frequent visiting place! :)

    My word is mathmitl, probably something Hal would like. :)

  8. Looks like Jake flew with Virgin this time, that looks like a virgin uniform and they are outside terminal 3.

    What's in the trunk? Maybe he brought his own bike! :)

  9. Hi Silver :D They sent them to me, WDW has a lot of readers and they know how we all want to know about PoP! I'm very excited! Can't wait for the JR Show :D

    It's a lovely jacket, Rubes! Love it :D Yeah back to work tomorrow but just thinking of what's at the end of it on Friday! And alwso thinking what other media Jake will be doing during the week. So good to have him here. And with us back at work, the weather will improve :D

    I can't wait 21:26! I will be bursting but I'll be good. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone. On 15th when I'm able to talk about it, I'll do a non-spoilery review here and a full one on MB. I love how Jake loves London! I thinking working on PoP will have strengthened Jake's relationship with GB and Duncan Jones can't have hurt either!

  10. hi winterbird! Posting at the same time :D Yes, Jake was on a Virgin flight. Best way :D And I wouldn't mind her job! Last time, if you remember, when Jake was here for JR he brought a trunk like that and it had that not very nice suit in it! I can't wait to see what Jake will wear this time and what he'll wear on the red carpet. He normally colour coordinates with his leading ladies so that'll be interesting. He and Gemma will look amazing!

  11. jake looks great. can anyone tell me if there was a pop trailer for iron man? i havnt seen 1 in uk yet.

  12. The hair style of him is horrible!

  13. I know Jake is in London but it's nice to see pics of him arriving. I wouldn't mind being that Virgin girl either:)

    Can't wait for JR on Friday night. Hopefully the suit is better than last time he was on. He is bound to be popping up on tv and that all week. All the excitement is going to get me through a really busy few days at work:)

  14. I just saw a PoP trailer before IM2 last night.

  15. Hi 21:52 :) I didn't see a PoP trailer before IM2 in the UK. I did before Clash of the Titans.

    Gotta disagree, 21:53 - I love it!

    Hi Carol! It is good to see pics and I can't wait to see what Jake wears for JR and for the premiere. You can bet he'll be popping up through the week - we have to keep our ears and eyes open! That's great you saw the trailer before Im2. I was realy hoping for it, but yet more Robin Hood...

  16. AHHHHHH I FINALLY saw a commercial for PoP on TV! I've been waiting to see one for weeks and it finally happened. I may have screamed OMG a bit too loudly, good thing I live alone :-)

    Great pics of Jake today. I hope he comes to NYC to do some promotion for the film. I also hope I get to see him if he comes here. But I don't think I'm that lucky.

  17. Did you saw the commercial while watching That 70 show? Because that's where I saw the Tv Spot.

  18. No I was watching Family Guy on CW.

  19. Let's see, how many Jake movies have wrapped but haven't gotten to the movie theaters yet? "Source Code?" "Prince of Persia?" "The Nail?" Am I missing any? I would absolutely hate to have one of them going flying past when I wasn't looking. :-(

    WDW, are you really going to meet Jake at the PoP premiere? I think he should take you out to dinner for keeping the faith during this long stretch of waiting for jake's movies to come out.

  20. I have to wonder if Jake knows about WDW and has visited :D

  21. Good morning all! It is a fact universally acknowledged that as soon as one goes back to work after a Bank Holiday, the sun comes out...

    Yeay Leslie! I'm so glad you saw an ad. It's great when jake just pops up like that! I hope he does publicity all over the place - NYC would be great :D

    Hi Dark Shadow, and welcome!

    Hey there Paul! You missed LAOD :D Jake's films are like buses - nothing for two years and then they all turn up at once.

    I suspect that this will be my usual premiere experience with a lot of dignified hollering. One of these days Jake'll ask us to the pub. Dinner would be nice :)

    That's a thought, 5:03! But I'm sure if had he'd have a good laugh :D Maybe I should go in disguise and wear a moustache...

    Have a good day everyone! So is it Tuesday or Monday...?

  22. Yay Jake in London. No luck spotting him yesterday in Stratford U Avon though. Tell you what if anyone deserves to meet Jake it's you WDW. After those barren lean years where we couldn't fully appreciate Jake for his work cos none was released, you kept this place alive and buzzing. I feel some sadness that he's going to belong to the world now not just to us Gyllenhaalic admirers. So I'll stay back and admire from afar. Have a great premier and screening.

  23. Thanks, Sheba :) It's not always been easy over the last couple of years but it's been well worth it :D I do feel like this is a turning point for Jake.

  24. Hi!!

    Been so busy with work and school and as most of you know the South in the US has been hit with some serious storms. Fortunately, I and my family are all OK. It didn't quite reach us, but the weather has been scary and a bit gloomy. So glad to see some pretty!Jake to make the day go along better.

    I'm so busy that the movie will be here before I know it! I may convince my family to go with me on Memorial Day to see it. It will be good for the kiddies, at least.

    Anyway, WDW, haven't known you long but so happy for you and I hope that everyone that gets to go to both premieres has a good time. Maybe by the Fall/Winter I will be able to get time off and head out to LA for the LAOD premiere or something. :-)

  25. Hi Stace! Sorry to hear about the storms - I hope they give you a wide berth. I also hope that you all get to see PoP :)
