Saturday, 8 May 2010

PoP Friday - Jerry Bruckheimer and Mike Newell introduce Prince of Persia & the premiere to livestream on WDW!

I was very fortunate to be at one of the earliest screenings of Prince of Persia this evening - held at the Odeon in Leicester Square. I'm not able to talk about the film for a few days - I'd hate to give anything away - but it's giving nothing away to say that I thought it was Fanbloodytastic! We were also sitting in the front row - a very good view. This also gave us a good view of the film's introduction by Jerry Bruckheimer and Mike Newell. Most of their time on stage was spent praising their prince, Jake Gyllenhaal.

So much went on today, not to mention something to do with cooking an iPad on the Jonathan Ross Show, but it's the small hours of the morning now and so I'll be back in the morning for a catch up.

They'll be more about this over the next day but just to let you know that the premiere kicks off at the Westfield Centre from 5pm on Sunday and, all being well, the events will be livestreamed on WDW. I should also be in a primespot!

Pictures by WDW.


  1. Hi everyone! No worries if you've not been able to see JR, the matter is in hand! Stay tuned :D

  2. I`m so glad you guys had a good time, I can`t wait to read your full report. Sleep well. :)


  3. So exciting! :)

  4. Great pics! Looking forward to all the details! So happy you enjoyed the film. :-D

  5. I just wanted to share this. I found this clip from the press conference today on youtube. A little bit of Jake's humor & charm!

  6. WDW, I see three people on stage, but you only mentioned two. is the third one Jake himself?

    Also, in the last picture, there's a woman holding a book. is that you?

    I saw a premiere today, today: "Iron Man II." There are at least two Jake links: Robert Downey Jr. (who was in "Zodiac" with Jake) and your favorite actress, Gwynneth Paltrow, who brought artichokes seasoned with cilantro (Not! Just kidding!), who was in "Proof" with jake. An honorary Jake link was Samuel L. Jackson (who was in "Losing Isaiah" with links to both jake's parents).

    There's also a lot of crap in the theaters right now, and I envy you because you saw a movie that was probably way better than some of the options I have available. :-(

  7. WDW-just a quick question. How long is the movie? I was hoping for it to be atleast 2hrs and something minutes. If it's 1hr & 56mins that ok, but I really love long movies.

  8. He handled that question beautifully. :)

  9. So good to hear from you even if just a little bit! Sounds like and exciting day with MORE exciting stuff coming up over the next couple of days! Enjoy every minute of it and I know we will too with all the great stuff being posted and shared. Everything is just plain PoP right about now...this is what we've been waiting for for so long. Loving it all! Looking forward to hearing more from you tomorrow.

    Thanks for that link in the earlier post, Olympia...what a great teaser for us as we wait to see the full JR freaking funny (as usual)!


  10. Samuel L. Jackson has a more direct link...he was in Jamie Foxx's Blame It video with Jake ;-)

    Anon: I agree!

  11. Hey WDW,

    I am happy you got to see the prince. I will be anxiously awaiting the JR interview


  12. Morning all! Great to see you all! Sorry this is a fly by but some answers :D

    Yes that's me, I'm afraid, Paul!

    The guy on stage with Mike and Jerry is a presenter her, Alex Zane, I think :)

    The film is under two hours.

    Have a great day!
