Monday, 10 May 2010

Prince of Persia Premiere - A day to remember! Thank you, Jake!

Oh my God! Where do I start? I'm no stranger to meeting Jake Gyllenhaal but tonight was without parallel. At one point, security guard Romeo came up to me, shook me by the hand and assured me I was famous and asked me what was my secret. I replied it was something to do with standing firm and hollering. So with thanks to Romeo, to Ruby, to Uli, to Anouska, to Milly and above and beyond to Jake - here is a little bit of what happened to me today. There will be much more - I have videos and photos to download and upload but this is a little bit of a day that I will remember for the rest of forever.

Let me start with the end. Jake Gyllenhaal and Gemma Arterton spent a wonderfully long time on this red carpet - so long that, by the time they reached me, in a special prize winners' pen, they were in a rush - time for the freerunning. But Gemma tarried and throughout the display and subsequent interviews I yelled out 'Jake, Jake Jake!' (I can be subtle, honest!) and that we loved him. People laughed. Jake turned round on at last three occasions to smile at me, and - with a heart piercing jump for joy, Jake asked his people if he could come back to us at the back.

Jake did. He got to me. He signed my We Make Our Own Destiny book and I told him he was wonderful and I loved his films and that this meant a great deal. Jake reached out with his right hand, squeezed my left arm and looked straight in my eyes and said vey slowly 'Thank you, man'. I reached out and squeezed his right arm. It was a moment, friends. Incidentally, I'm not a man and I think Jake knows that...

I also got autographs from an exceedingly beautiful Gemma Arterton, a lovely Reece Ritchie and young William Foster. I got Jerry's autograph yesterday and so I didn't pursue it. Sir Ben Kingsley was close and I got some good photos of him but he didn't sign near me, neither did Toby Kebbell. The big let down was Mike Newell who made no attempt to sign anywhere and just rushed straight passed us all into the hospitality tent behind us. Not a glance. Unfortunately, Kerry Katona did make an effort to give autographs to all. I stayed firm and resisted.

Jake clearly loved his evening - you'll see from the videos I post tomorrow, that he thoroughly enjoyed the Parkour and freerunning display. I also captured some horseplay while the clips played. I, however, missed all of the displays because I was riveted throughout to this golden man.

Pictures from WDW, the hugely photographically gifted Ruby and my new friend (with the biggest camera this side of the Alps), Milly. Please no reproductions as these are mainly not mine (the rubbish ones are mine...).

More to come! What a day. I lost my Red Sox cap today - I think it was worth it ...


  1. Thank you, Jake! Thank you Uli, Ruby, Anouska, Milly and Pickle! Great to meet Karen and love to Sheba.

    More to come tomorrow as it's so late now - thank you Jake for listening and coming back :) I may not be able to speak tomorrow, but it's so worth it :D

  2. Hats off to you!*

    What an amazing memory for you to treasure. Congrats!

    *although losing a Red Sox one, now that's a high price to pay. : D

  3. In two parts as it's too big .....

    Hi all I'm posting this here too. Just got home 11:45pm from a 6am start, showered, put on pj's and rushed to the computer. What a day. Please remember whilst reading this that we 'were' red carpet virgins. What an experience.

    I'm so sorry I couldn't post from inside, the signal kept coming and going, also my phone was running out of charge and I had to take pictures and/or videos of Jake. OMGosh, that's a laugh. You should see them. My hands were shaking so much.

    Well, we got our wrist band and pottered around the shopping centre for a couple of hours shopping and squeeeeeing every so often. We got down to the barriers, showed our wrist bands and they let us in. We saw WDW and Uli it was so great to see familiar faces (we tried to find you guys after the red carpet but our film was starting) then we settled down to wait for the talent.

    It started with Mike Newell coming down the red carpet. I called him over and he signed his picture on my SFX magazine. He said "Oh, I hated that shirt" I said, "that's ok, you can just sign all over it then". He laughed and I said "Thank you so much Mike for giving Jake the chance to star in something so big". He said "Thank you too, my pleasure."

    Then Jerry Bruckheimer came down. We called to him but he didn't come our way. Nuff said about him.

    Then little Jordan Mechner came down and was just taking pictures of all the fans behind the barriers. I'm sure he took one of me. I called him over to sign my mag. I asked him how he felt and he said "This is absolutely incredible, it's fantastic" I said I hope you enjoy it as it sprang from you. (I will mention at this point that I was coherent, chatty and so on form my co-pilot, Karen, said "oh my god, you just talk to them so easily" Please remember that :) I asked Jordan to sign my mag and he said "what's your name?" I told him and he signed it with a nice comment. When I looked later, he called me Margaret :DDD. Jordan, that's not my name though I can't blame you it was so loud in there.

  4. Thank you Special! I know, a high price - I was almost literally attached to my Fenway cap. Now I must find another :) It was amazing, seriously, Jake was beautiful and on top form. It was like Cannes but we were closer and Jake wanted to spend time with us all :)

    Hi Sheba! It was good to see you! That reminds me - Reese Ritchie signed by book with the comment about how he wanted to write on Gemma's chest! I kept the Jake side for Jake :D

  5. Continued .....Anyway, Ben Kingsley then came down, he came over pointed straight at me for some reason, I don't know why but I said "Hello Sir Ben, lovely to see you. Could you sign my mag" which he did, thanked me and went on his way.

    Then Gemma came down. I really didn't see her because my eyes were fixated on Jake (what I could see of him because of the little fangirls beside me squealing).

    I was on the opposite side of the barrier when I saw that woman in your picture posted grab Jake and kiss him. Everyone laughed and he started taking pictures with everyone, really getting in close to them. I felt quite good and I had a side bet with Karen that Jake would be wearing those 'Cannes Self-Portrait' boots.

    When he got right up next to us the girls pulled him in to take pictures with them so he hung around a lot. He bent down right in front of me to sign the posters on the railings. I said to Karen in front of him, "Look, he's not wearing the boots" we had a little giggle about that. I went to touch his shoulder and guess what? BG (who I had a little crush on) gave me the most menacing, withering look I quickly retracted my hand. I then lost all feeling and control in my arms and legs. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever belive a grown woman like myself would get that starstruck.

    I swear, Jake must have had that friggin dagger of time because all time stopped when he got closer. I froze. I think I mumbled "Hi. Could you sign my mag" he looked at me, did a double take then said "sure". He signed it and tried to make conversation but I was frozen to the spot. He had the most amazing bright blueish eyes. I had so many things I wanted to say to him that all I could muster was "thank you". He then tried again with Karen. She too froze. I cannot believe we did that. He tried to strike up some banter with us and we friggin froze.

    He passed on and then we started taking more pictures, mostly of the back of his head. We just looked at each other and said, "did that just happen?". We were in a complete daze for at least 1 hour after. Then it was time for the film. We got in about 10-15 mins late and missed the shirtless scene. Anyway, we promised we would see it togther at our local IMAX next week. The film itself, in my opinion took a while to get into the story (perhaps because we were late) but I swear, I felt transported to 6th century Persia and what a ride. The cinematography was amazing and a great storyline to boot. Jake looked fantstic up on the big screen. Put it this way I shall be taking my children, friends, friend children and anyone else that wants to see it with me.

    Karen and I then had a post-mortem on the days events. I told her that when I get home I'm going to do that Jim Carrey scene in Liar, Liar when he beat the cr*p out of himself. That was when we started squeeing and started to realise that we finally met Jake Friggin' Gyllenhaal.

    Thank you all for your well wishes. So, I'm very tired and will post comments more tomorrow about our little adventure.

  6. I forgot to say that I told Gemma she looked beautiful (and wow she really did) and she said thank you.

    Am I star struck? Moi?

  7. OMG! Peope are telling me I was on the livestream!! I hope it was my best side...

  8. oh, BTW, I saw you on the big screen several times. We were too far away up the top. You had a great spot. I'm so happy for you that you had a good Jake encounter.

  9. SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WDW and Sheba WOW what a brilliant time you all had!! And Jake, you got to talk and touch Jake!!!!!!!! It sounds like he was wonderful to you all. :D :D :D

    Thank you for the reports, pics, videos and everything else to make us all feel like we were there with you on that red carpet with Jake looking totally gorgeous.

    WDW, sorry you lost your Red Sox hat but I think that can be replaced. ;)

    As it was Mother's Day here I wasn't able to watch the live stream but I would imagine Ustream will, hopefully, keep it in its archives so we can all watch it. Happy Mother's Day to all the lovely mothers here!

    Can't wait to hear the rest of the reports...thank you all!!!!

  10. AMAZING!!! Wonderful story!! Isn't it the BEST felling in the world?!?! It's all so exciting!! One thing is for sure, Jake is so great with his fans...he really cares...he makes such an effort to connect, doesn't he?! And when you get to look into those eyes...damn. Wonderful. *heavy sigh* (I'm rambling now...LOL)!

    The pictures from "the WDW Section", as I like to call it, are great and I can't wait to see more and the videos! Looking forward to more, more, more in the days to come! What a weekend you Brits have had (especially you WDW)!! Whooowheee! :-)

  11. I'm so unbelievably happy for all that got to meet & talk to Jake. I admit sometimes I can feel a little jealous when people meet the few celebrities I really love but I'm so happy for you all that I feel no jealousy (okay maybe a little) ha!

    For those that got starstruck around Jake, I don't blame you at all. I've been considering going to try to meet Jake the next time he's in NYC doing the talk shows. Usually people can meet celebs outside of Letterman or Jon Stewart but just the thought of meeting him makes me so nervous that I might just chicken out.

    I can't wait to read more about your experiences.

    WDW: You're pics of him are fantastic. And I saw you on the livestream too when Gemma was near you.

  12. Hermosas las fotos!!
    un abrazo desde Argentina :)

  13. WOW WDW I am so excited for you. I bet you won't be coming back down to Earth anytime soon.

    I can't wait to see the videos. I tried to find you on the livestream but I couldn't.

    You can tell how much Jake loves to interact with his fans. During the interview on the stage he was saying something to Gemma and pointing at something (was he pointing in your direction?) I saw him waving too.

    What a great guy. I was wondering if they are going to have a premiere in NY or it's just in Hollywood.

    big hugs

  14. Let me say this slowly, WDW: you are famous, you are a celebrity. I'm still hoping they put you in the sequel to "An Education."

    What an enchanting description of the premiere, so enchanting that I feel as if I was there with you. Jake loves this stuff, he sounds like a little kid in a toy shop, but in a good way.

    I hope "Prince of Persia" will attract hordes of moviegoers. I am guessing that Jake's acrobatics and Gemma's combination of resilience and beauty will hook a great many people.

  15. Was that Keep Smiling sign yours? I didn't know his bodyguard's name was Romeo. He sounds like a nice guy, he recognized you and was very friendly.


  16. congras, you deserved this!
    Jake was very nice!

  17. I Squeeeeeeed loud enough to scare animals and small children just reading about your great big adventure.
    Y'all must have all but imploded with excitement.

    Well done.

  18. (((((WDW))))) So happy to hear of your wonderful encounter!!! Best result evah! =) I saw you and Uli on the LiveStream *cool*

    You are famous! ;) and I think this is just the start of even more amazing things for your fan-bloody-fantastic blog. Well done!

    Love, X

    PS My word is "glitai" which seems fitting!

  19. oooh, lookit my pics, I could be a paparazzi! :D I'm so pleased I got several great ones and they are WDW-worthy.

    The 'Keep Smiling' sign was handed to Jake by a girl stood next to me. :)

    I'm a little weary today and dashing off to work now, but more tales to tell later. :D:D

  20. OMG I'm reading this at work and trying my hardest to hide my excitement just reading this!!!

    Sounds like you all had an amazing time. That's so good Jake came back to talk to you WDW. Thanks for sharing with us all.

    Must get back to the daily grind but can't wait to hear more about your fabulous time later.


  21. Good morning all - thanks WDW, Ruby, Uli and all for another great day. I vowed this would be my last bloody red carpet EVER but it was a great experience by the end. Anyone who is hesitating about going to see him, don't, it is always lovely :)

  22. WDW, why don't you have my Sox hat, I'm more of a Yankee :)

  23. Morning! Back in Oxford, back at work but I am still flying!! I see there are bits in the papers today so I need to buy a bunch of those. Of course, I've not seen anything about the premiere itself and so tonight will be great to catch up, also to check my videos and my pics.

    Thank you Jake for making my day, week, month, year...!!

    And thank you to me fellow Jakers - Uli, Ruby and Anouska!! Great to see Sheba, Karen and Pickle. Thank you, Pickle, for the beautiful gift. I'll frame that.

    Back later and thank you all so so much for sharing all of this with me! Gyllenhaalics rule!!

    I'm still quite excited... :D

  24. Morning WDaW!
    It was great to see you again yesterday!!

    >so long that, by the time they reached me, in a special prize winners' pen, they were in a rush - time for the freerunning.

    Gee! I know!!!!!
    I totally share that feeling with you!!
    Same to us where we were nearer to the stage in the public pen!!

    I was so much stressed by not be able to get to see Jake any near to me after spending nearly my 8 hours standing there just in waiting because he was too busy answering world media's questions in front of cameras on the very other side of the red carpet!!

    But thanks to the security guard who knew we were the one of the public group who're anticipating so long time whole day finally led Jake quickly to us!

    I was debating hugely whether I should have taken my US GQ magazine May issue which has got a lighter coloured cover of Jake or the Total Film magazine April issue with PoP special cover which was much darker coloured for getting his autograph with a black pen before I left home.

    But I was glad that I might have made the right decision by thinking that Jake would be really there for the PoP promotion so the Total Magazine was more appropriate for the occasion.

    When Jake seemed to notice my magazine, he came straight up to pick my own pen up instead of his pen to sign for me, beating (?) some red carpet mania girls around me who're mostly just there to get any celeb.s autographs on their scrap books or just a piece of paper, kept talking about other film premieres in London entire day and some of them was even trying to sell stuff to me! *sigh*

    WDaW, have you noticed that Paloma Face (Gemma's St.Trinians and Heath's Dr. Parnassus co-star) was walking on the red carpet as a celeb.guest there? I must have missed to see her...

    Anyway Jake was so being himself just as I had imagined but was certainly very aware of the time limit and the desparate rushed situation we were in as pro.

    I've just managed to ask nervously quick question I needed to do for all of the members of my Japanese SNS Jake fan communitiy wanted to know whether he's going to Tokyo for the PoP promotion. ( There's no official announcement of any guest appearances for the other Japan Premiere on the 24th yet!)

    He answered me saying
    'I'm hoping so!'.
    That's all I've got!

    Thank you so much Jake!
    I felt I was lucky enough by then and thought of all my effort and preparation was paid off for that less than 10 seconds encounter!

    Thank you WDaW and also to FreeTraveller who could take a lunch/loo break in turn to save the very competitive red carpet space! Hope she enjoyed the premiere at the Vue cinema after the event too.
    I had to head home straight after the event but made it for the bed time story for my son who spent a quality 'Father & son' time yesterday while I was out!

    Keep great work, WDaW and hopefully see you again sometime!

    BTW, who said that Jake's head/face is big????
    I didn't think so at all!
    (or is it anything to do with just seeing Sir B.Kingsley and Andy Serkis on the red carpet before him?!)


  25. Hi Everyone, Sheba gave a very good description of our amazing day. Still can't believe it was real and not a dream! Great to meet WDW and Uli, everyone was so friendly including Jake, but when I looked into his eyes I could not speak/move/think, I could only melt, they are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.

    Pickle - I took my Total Film magazine for him to sign and he loved it, he said "Wow, this one is great" and I just said thank you after he signed it and looked into his eyes and couldn't speak another word. I will never forget it, so glad I went and the film was BRILLIANT afterwards :)

  26. hehehe so many great stories!!

    Want one of mine? :D

    Like Pickle, Anouska and I were on the side of the carpet opposite all the press, so we were getting concerned we would miss him. At the instigation of a group of teenage girls behind us and joined in by the red carpet regulars in front of us we started up a 'We want Jake' chant, getting increasingly loader. After we'd attempted to rudely interrupt a couple of interviews with this, he finally turned around with a big grin, cupped one hand behind his ear and with the other gestured to us to get louder. Of course we obliged - anything for Jake, right?

    After he'd done his interviews with the press he did make a point of coming down the red carpet to us. More on that in a few minutes _ right now I need to eat lunch, since I didn't/couldn't eat much yesterday. :D

  27. For fans of Jake's BG (aka Romeo), I have several pictures of him, since he was blocking my view of Jake during his press interviews. :(

  28. WOW! WOW!

    Looks like Jake didn't disappinte to all of you who waited for hours there yesterday. Well done!

    Great pics there, WDW!! And oh yes, you are famous! Jake will have you on speed dial... :P

  29. ah, feeling much better after food and a cup of tea. :)

    You might have seen on the livestream of the crowd a very cute little boy of about 3/4 years old on his dad's shoulders, dressed in a Prince of Persia costume (the kid not the dad!) and waving around his plastic sword. He appeared on the overhead screens for a while, so I'm guessing he was on the live stream, but I've not had chance to watch it yet!

    Annnnywhoo...these two were right behind us in the crowd and when Jake came back down the carpet he was absolutely delighted to see the mini-Prince (check back on WDW's post for the pic of Jake pointing with a delighted grin on his face, that's the moment he saw the kid).

    The father asked Jake if he'd pose for a picture with the boy and Jake very happily obliged. I took some pics of Jake holding this little Prince and no kidding they are some of the sweetest pics of Jake that I have. Obviously I can't share them, but I can tell you Jake was so sweet with the little boy who seemed quite shy and overwhelmed by it all.

    Trust me I'm not one to get all goooey over cute kids but this was a lovely moment. :)

  30. Ruby: Thanks for sharing that moment with the little boy. I'm not one to gush over kid moments either but that story made me melt. Jake has mentioned he had kids in mind when doing PoP so I'm sure seeing a mini Prince Dastan was a great moment for him!


  31. Hi! Just a short visit from me! Had to get to a computer to see if I would be stuck in London thanks to volcanos, that just seem not to be able to shut fucking up! Err... But it looks like I will actuallz make it back to Vienna/Bratislava todaz to spend two lovelz dazs at work... (oh, I'm not drunk! The kezboard is... It mixed it's zs and ys up... :D :D)

    Did I saz short visit? Sorrz!
    Will trz to keep mz comment regarding zesterdaz short then...
    Can I just saz WOW!!!!!!! ?

    Okaz, some more words... Jake was wonderful and I am so glad that WDW is so completelz different from me (I am reallz excited and happz on the inside, but zou wouldn't think so when zou see me... No screaming, zelling, calling from me...:-/ :D :D) and can show her excitement and zell and zell and zell (okaz, just for zou: that meant: yell) so that he came back to us and signed also mz lovelz pic of Prince Dastan!!! I will cherish this autograph forever - it's mz first autograph ever (oh, well, apart from Gemma's...).
    Thank zou Rubz, Anouska and WDW for a great time this weekend! Oh, and thank zou Jake... :D :D

    Gotta catch up on here and all the comments later in the week...

    Gotta run, unless I want mz plane to start without me later!

  32. Thank you so much everyone for sharing your red carpet stories and pictures with us, I'm so happy for you that this was such a great experience. It must be hard to concentrate at work today. :)

    Uli, I love your crazy keyboard! :DD


  33. Thanks so much, guys, for sharing your Jake experience. I loved the story about the little boy dress as the prince and Jake taking pics with him. SO CUTE.

    Pickle I don't remember anyone saying Jake had a big head (at least not that I remember) I did say he had an unusually shaped head (if you look at his profile) and it was actually Ang Lee that made that comment in reference to getting hats to fit on his head. Jake does have a uniquely shaped head. But it's a beautiful head and the rest of him is beautiful too and I wouldn't change a thing!

    Can't wait to see this movie (unfortunately I have to wait until the 28th. But it's getting closer. In the meantime I'm having fun reading your encounter/experience.

    WDW I am looking forward to your videos/more pics


  34. Thank you so much guys for the updates, sounds like you all had a blast, cant wait to hear more

  35. Hi there everyone! Back home and downloading videos and uploading pics and basically getting PoPed. I have Studio 5 Live (?) as they mentioned they were at the premiere and I know Jake is due on it one day this week - but not much sign of him on this one. Maybe tomorrow.

    Great to hear about everyone's adventures yesterday. We were all quite scattered around so lots of different stories. And some wonderful pics from Pap Rubes!
    I'll be doing the draw later for the little prize and will announce that later today or in the morning - thanks for aall the entries and for some very nice emails to accompany them.

    Romeo wasn't Jake's bodyguard, he was a very nice Disney security guard :D

    Chuckling at Uli's kezboard :D

    So good to see you all!

  36. oh, I thought you given BG a pet name!

    I was impressed with the Disney security guys - very polite and professional. The London premiere guy (you know who I mean!) could learn a few people skills from them.

  37. Wow! Congratulations all you gyllenhaalics! That is so amazing! I get butterflies reading all your accounts :)

    I love hearing how graceful Jake is with fans, it makes me want to meet him all the more. My wish is to look into his eyes one day ;)

    Can i ask you a question WDW? How many times have you met Jake and which meeting has been the best? :)

    (Uli your message made me chuckle! Kezboard..hahaha)


  38. Hi Uli, I wondered if you got to meet Jake. I remembered how we talked about this moment when we all met up in Sweden and what we would do if we saw him. I can just imagine how you, being such a private person, were bursting inside and how animated you became when talking about him.

    He's a really special guy that has bought some special people together. Karen, my co-pilot for the day (and gesture-maker for the drive home LOL!) thank you for your company and we are forever change for having experienced this together. Thank you WDW for putting us in touch with each other, you've had many hats to wear these past few months - shame about the Red sox hat though - maybe Jake has a spare one ;D

    I would recommend to anyone to go to any of Jake's premiers and above all have FUN because that's what he's about when he's at work and on form.

  39. Thanks Ruby for that perfect description of the Jake and mini-Dastan moments :)

    WDW, hat?

  40. Just got my post out - took all evening - sorry for the delay! Now could someone rustle up some dinner for me please :D

    Nouskie! Please can I have your hat?!!!!! :DDDD

    Silver, I've seen Jake now 8 times and they are all very special!! Got autographs three times. They're all special for different reasons - Cannes, for the atmosphere for example, and because he waved and pointed at me - and Toronto because I seemed to bump into Jake round every corner! Baftas as that was the first time I saw Jake. Rome, he rushed past unfortunately because they were so late due to an official function. I don't know whether to call this encounter London or Westfield (!) but I think this one was extra special - Jake held my arm and interacted with me on a level I've not known before. Also it was the most comfortable red carpet I've ever done - undercover and with tea! I was very impressed by how Westfield did this - and they could never have done a sound and stage show like that in Leicester Sq. Also, watching red carpets in Leicester Square is intense and not pleasant at all.

    Wittering on! Good to see you all!

  41. Hi Everyone, just a quick reply!

    We seemed just cross-posted to each other this morning!
    I'm glad that you liked our little present, hopefully I can get some more after I been to Japan for two weeks!

    Yesterdays' satellite live interviews made the publicity in Japan;

    Thank you for telling me your story about the Total Film magazine! I'm so glad to read it here!

    Well Done for the all lovely photos! Unlike mine, most of the Jake's pictures were blurred with excitement but I have managed pretty good Gemma's for Mr. Pickle who requested me especially because I was much more calmer right in front of her.( We even had some debate session about Gemma vs Keira(Knightly) later at home! )

    You're very much missed! Thank you for pop-in by here to show up!

    I was reffering to not only about the larger sized hat to be made story but also some comments I've read on the net about Jake's face looks too big for GQ cover. Anyway none of us to worry about those at all!

    *correction & applogy*
    I got identity mistaken with Richard Coyle who's in the film and A.Serkis who's not in PoP and
    misspelt the singer Paloma's surname as Face instead of Faith!
    found the picture of her (and more nice Jake on the red carpet) on the Metro site ;

    Good night everyone!

