Thursday, 8 July 2010

Full circle - Prince of Persia 'has everything' and Maggie Gyllenhaal talks about life, family, Jake

There's a mini pause this evening in my WDW Guide to Jake's movies for two reasons. Firstly, tonight, Prince of Persia finished its seven-week run in my hometown. This meant a mad dash across town to catch it. I bought my ticket and the girl behind the counter said 'You'll love it! This isn't normally my sort of film but it had everything - so much action'. 'Really?! I'm glad I made the effort to see it on its last day, then', I replied. But she was right. It was great. Jake Gyllenhaal was great.

And, on this final cinematic viewing for me, I appreciated the epic scale of the film more than ever - the royal grandeur of a family destroyed by one conniving sinister man - the beautiful holy cities attacked and religious sites desecrated - the blind honour of Garsiv and the blind piety of Tus - Dastan's loss and Tamina's isolation. Oh yes, and the fighting spirit of those ostriches. I hummed along to the score and hummed along to it even louder as the soundtrack played in the car on my drive back.

For over two years we have followed the creation and delivery of Prince of Persia here - from the announcement of Jake's association with it, through the filming in Morocco and then at Pinewood. We endured the news of the delay of a full year in its release (at the same time that we heard that Brothers had suffered the exact same fate while still disappointed about the obstructions in the path of Nailed). Then PoP arrived and we had two months the like of which we have not had with Jake before! Quite a few of us here managed to see Jake in person again or for the first time (for me, after more than two years since the time before in Rome) and we had the unusual treat of finding Jake spread large and magnificent across our newspapers, magazines and televisions.

Now, Prince of Persia has left many of our countries' screens and so the wait begins for the DVD in the Autumn (probably) and the release of Love and Other Drugs late in the year. Today feels like the end of a cycle to me and so I want to remember briefly the beginning of this spectacular time. This was the special screening of Prince of Persia in Leicester Square on 7 May that I was fortunate to attend (with so many thanks to Disney UK) with Ruby, Anouska and Winterbird. We sat on the front row and enjoyed the excitement of seeing Jerry Bruckheimer and Mike Newell interviewed a few feet from us. Here are pictures of the ticket from the event and the card that we were given as a souvenir.

The other reason for the pause in posts is this interview from Good Housekeeping with Maggie Gyllenhaal and Emma Thompson. There is little mention of Jake, except for this: 'I used to cook the way my parents cooked: They'd have a dinner party, and they'd still be cooking when their friends came over. When I cook that way, I have a terrible time. I can manage making salad when I have people over — anything else, I just can't manage it. My brother [actor Jake Gyllenhaal] is an incredible chef, a really gifted chef, and he can cook that way. I can't do all those things at once!' Nevertheless, it is well worth posting in its own right.

It contains wonderful images of Maggie's life with her husband and daughter, her relationship with mother Naomi and her friends. You can read it all here, where there is also a video interview. Nanny McPhee is out on DVD in the UK on 19 July

And finally...

In a new interview with Prince of Persia special effects supervisor Ben Morris, Ben had this to say about Jake during the final sandglass scene: 'Dastan is a mixture of real Jake Gyllenhaal and the odd digi-double. Jake really threw himself into the challenge and worked very hard to do most of the stunts himself. It really paid off in post, as we only had to do one face replacement in the entire sequence.' It's an interesting interview, showing what went on during that year-long delay to enhance the effects of this film I'm already missing.

Pictures from links and WDW.


  1. Hi everyone. Sorry the post is so late tonight - entirely the fault of that Prince Dastan :D Have a good night!

  2. hey! nice post Kate!
    i loved that maggie's stuff, she's so cool, the way she talks about Jake is always lovely :)
    here it's barely 05:20 pm but thanks, I hope you have a great night.

  3. We definitely need to know more about Dastan and Tamina, and the Sands of Time. Hoping for a sequel, I loved this clip. Tamina is very sassy. This particular clip gives me a very "old movie" feel for some reason. :)

    Maggie is beautiful and I adore her.


  4. Thanks Linda! It's a lot later here than that so this was a late post for me :) Without doubt this is my favourite Maggie interview - I love it. Have a lovely evening :D

    I'm so glad I saw PoP again this evening!

  5. Bertie! Posting at the same time - great to see you! I love that clip too, and the bit that follows it. It is 'old movie' - quite a few scebes from PoP are and I love that :) And yes, Maggie grows more beautiful by the day.

  6. The movie is still in theaters here and still having success.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thanks for the Maggie interview - I just saved it for some nice bedtime reading! I always enjoy her interviews.

    I was already missing PoP but now you're making me miss it even more! :-( It left the theaters in our area far too soon to make room for all those kid movies and then that teen movie - UGH! I look so forward to the DVD and have a list of people that I have lined up to watch it with me! *counts the days*

    I just read comments from yesterday's post and you and Olympia made my day with thinking of me with that BBM picture! I've had other people say that to me over the years as it's been 'my picture' on every website I ever visit for a while now - people are quite use to it. I always had an 11x14 version framed on my wall but then replaced it with the same sized version with Jake's note to me which is even better (WDW's head slept right below it a couple of nights last summer - hee hee)! Getting to talk to him about it was something I'll never forget. *heavy sigh* BBM 11 Olympia? I was thinking more 111! And that's just for Jake and Heath's chemistry alone!!!

    The movie guide has all been great fun and like WDW says - how great to get everyone's opinions and conversations started. That's the best! Looking forward to more and thanks for the PoP reminders and memories. :-)

  9. So the Prince of Persia has finished its run. It's been a good ride with so many interviews, photos and videos.

    That Good Housekeeping interview is a gem. Both Emma Thompson and Maggie Gyllenhaal are hands on mothers, cooks and housekeepers. Somehow I thought actors with the means to do it would have a bevy of nannies, cook and cleaners. They are both so talented - Stranger than Fiction has a witty script and is very original, one of the movies from the last few years I have really enjoyed.



  10. POP may of left the first-run theaters but it may not be gone for good. Not every place has those but there are in medium to large size cities a theater which will show movies that have left lst run theaters and they will charge 2-3 dollars. No reason POP won't be one of those. Unless Disney decides not to, but tho it's not a big ticket price movies still add onto their box-office.

  11. Morning! Fiday... this week has flown by!

    That's great Monica! Of course in some other countries it's ony recently opened, so still, even though US say it's only made $80million (conveniently ignoring the other $220 million it's made everywhere else), it's still bringing in money and people. 7 weeks is a great run for my local theatre.

    Morning BBMISwear :-) I cannot wait for the DVD and all those extras I'm hoping they're going to fill it with. and a commentary would be good! Love Jake commentaries. I have really been enjoying the conversations too.

    It is a great interview, Tui :) One of the things I love about Jake and Maggie is how they mix the extraordinary and the ordinary in their lives.

    hi Anon - let's hope it does tur up in those theatres. I don't think that kind of thing happens here, at least not outside London.

    Have a great day everyone!

  12. Pop was not my type of movie either. But I really enjoyed it. I wouldn't mind watching it again.

    So, how does it work? Do they receive scripts through their agents, and they have to audition for them? (as per Monica's comment)
    I'm curious now about this....
    I'm sure after PoP, his agency will be flooding with scripts.

    Now one question to have your opinion: What about Jake, playing in a "Gone with the Wind", "North and South" type of movie?

    Have a great Weekend!

  13. Oh I miss PoP! But the Good Housekeeping interview will be brill! I love that magazine. I'm working my way through the PoP books - have you read the 'Before the Sands' GN yet? Its a really good character-background story, and I love the hints at the main story, throughout.
    Happy weekend WDW!

  14. I just read the interview:
    I really identified with the juggling ball thing. And finding a space for your husband in your life. ;D
    Life is not like in the movies. And I guess that's why we enjoy so much the every thing runs smooth and happy endings.

    I thought they would have more help in their lives. But they sound as any other working mom!

  15. Hi Eureka :) I'm sure Jake gets a steady supply of scripts because he's an Academy Award nominee, so he should be able to take his pick while also taking his time to help develop some. PoP is just one film out of so many gems - in a really well-thought out career.

    I totally agree about the appeal of the movies - life doesn't always stick to the script unfortunately!

    Hi TD! I haven't read all the PoP books yet - I must do. I haven't got Before the Sands. I will though. I've never thought about looking at Good Housekeeping before! Mr WDW would break a rib laughing!

    What a beautiful day!

  16. That cover pic of Maggie and Emma Thompson is really beautiful. I might just have to go see their movie when it comes out, I love Emma Thompson.

    POP is still playing in ONE movie theater in my area so I expect it's its last week but we do have a discount cinema so it might show there eventually. I really don't have the feeling we'll get a sequel. From what I read elsewhere, it cost 300 millions to shoot and promote POP and the production company only gets 50% of the domestic sales and 40% of the foreing. If this is true, I'm not even sure POP will make a profit.

    WDW, was Jake looking at you in that second pic? Did you do something because it really looks like he's reacting to something you or someone close did. :)

    Eureka, I'd love to see Jake playing that period, I think he would look dashing in those clothes. :)


  17. hi Olympia! That's definitely not my sort of film but I will get hold of the DVD, if only to hear Maggie's accent!

    I still have my fingers crossed :D

    Yes! Jake looked my way a few times because I was ever so daintily hollering at him. He also gestured that he would come over - which he did. Sigh :D I'm afraid that some people were having a chuckle at me, including all the security, but it paid off! I don't think I left Jake in any doubt... :D

    It reminds me of the pic I took of Jake and David Fincher in Cannes and David was looking right at me! And I didn't realise.

    I forgot to mention before, but yes, I'd love to see Jake in more period costume - so long as the hair looks good... LAOD will be odd as it's the 1990s - interesting to see how different it looks.

  18. I love Maggie and Emma almost as much as I love Jake. I need to watch their movie too. :)

  19. Love This: "Yes! Jake looked my way a few times because I was ever so daintily hollering at him. He also gestured that he would come over - which he did. Sigh :D I'm afraid that some people were having a chuckle at me, including all the security, but it paid off! I don't think I left Jake in any doubt..." Oh I can picture this so vividly and I wasn't even there!! Hee Hee!!

    Sorry to just pop in to only repeat your quote, WDW, but it made me smile from ear to ear and I just had to (re-)share!! :-)

  20. Hello! Just got back from a lovely bike ride out to a village pub out in the countryside - so hot and rather idyllic!

    Great to see you here, Anna! Yes, I'm gonna see it - it looks like a lot of fun, it really does. It's nice to have a fun-filled Maggie filmm to enjoy :)

    Thank you BBMISwear!! I loved it too, I'm so glad I yelled. All right it's embarrassing and I have been teased about it (mentioning no names HeyUGuys) but I got Jake's attention and he smiled and laughed at me so that's all that matters. Jake likes to be yelled out. He really does. In Cannes he was egging us on! :-)
