Saturday, 17 July 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal and Adrien Brody surprise the critics - and PoP 2 (the WDW home movie version)

Now that Prince of Persia has finally left the theatres round here - after a very long run - I've been making up for lost time and seeing movies as if I haven't seen any movie but one for the last 2 and a half months (which I haven't). I went to see Predator today and it gave me the kind of shock that maybe PoP gave to some people who weren't as familiar with Jake Gyllenhaal as we are - ie, Adrien Brodey, Academy Award winner for The Pianist, pumped to the heavens. The last time I saw Brody he looked as if he'd snap if a breath of wind hit him sideways.

Jake and Adrien have both shown that actors are more than ready to reshape their bodies for a role and, if we are surprised by the results, that could be because we're not so familiar with the actor or actress, just seeing them when a movie hits the screens. There was a great deal of surprise surrounding Jake's transformation into Dastan, but that seemed to be mainly because critics remembered key roles in Jake's career - Donnie Darko, Jack Twist, Robert Graysmith. In all three, Jake was either very young or slender or both. Suddenly, to some, Jake became big and buff and yet, as someone approaching 30, who's now grown into their body and is extremely athletic and fit, it shouldn't be a surprise to see what Jak can do with this body of his. After all we've seen it before - we'll see it again.

Prince of Persia 2

I'm sure I'm not alone in missing Jake. However, we must make do while Jake catches up on his holiday reading and enjoys local produce. It was good then to get not one but four Dastans in the post this morning. I ordered them 6 months ago and so I thought they might not show up. I put them through their paces and re-enacted some key scenes from PoP.

Firstly I put the Dastans through their paces - labelled to avoid confusion.

Prince Dastan once more took on the vipers.

And struggled with the sandglass...

Finally, it had to be the one on one struggle with the chief Hasanssin who could blend into the desert like a puff of sand.

Let's hope Jake reappears soon...

Talking of movies, you can read my - spoilery - review of Inception on MovieBrit.

Pictures from IHJ, IMDb and WDW.


  1. *Chuckles to herself and kids giving me funny looks* Wow, you've got some spare time on your hands I see. And even some drama and action thrown in there, very inventive. Have you ever thought of becoming a producer or director? I want lego! Only I want the giant lego.

    When you said PoP 2 my heart leapt thinking that there had been some announcement about it happening. But you know what. I'll make do with your fun version and updates until then. My only concern is for Dastan, having to fight himself over and over again, and even having to grind the sand down into a manageable consistency in order to replenish the dagger may be a bit draining for him (you can see I've given this much thought).

    Yes, funnily enough I was talking with Karen about missing Jake and she agreed. It really is a strange feeling. Maybe it's his physical apprance and how it fills and feeds a room. Anyway I don't want to get into that I'll be here all night. I can't even explain it to myself.

    More scenarios please, you've started a little franchise here :DD

  2. Hi Sheba! I thought that as Jake's not about, I'll just have to make something up :D These figures are very flimsy though - accidentally pulled off a few hands and snapped a sword but it's tough out there in early medieval Persia. I want giant lego too - very much!

    Yep, I miss Jake - this seems to happen most years around this time... But he'll be back! All ready to go to make movies.

    I'll be back (with Dastan(s)) :D

  3. Hi WDW, I've finally got my web connection working on the weekend (I think) (Its complicated;)(I'm sure you're not interested;). Anyway, I started surfing and of course came right see PoP2 in Action! I couldn't stop laughing! This is what its all about, these lovely scenes of Akshes (tissue) and vipers and hassassins. More! We need PoP 3 asap!

    Also, Adrien Brody reminds me so much of Methos in Highlander, I can't help but love him. Have you actually seen Predators? Is it really scary? I usually let my brothers check these out for me and let me know if its too scary for me - they know what I can take (which is not a lot) in the scary stakes.


  4. Hi TD! Glad you got the web sorted out and yeah I'm interested as I want to see you around the place :D Ah yes, Aksh (bless you) is a lovely horse :D I need to sort out some new adventures for my Dastan army... I'm on the case!

    I did, I saw Predators today! I'll do a review tomorrow for MB, but I really enjoyed it and it wasn't scary. I asked Rob to see it first and make sure it was safe, but it wasn't as scary as the first one. Glad I saw it, so I hope you do too :)

  5. I must say, your PoP re-enactment photos are priceless -- I especially like the sand glass one!

  6. Wow! Is that Adrian Brody?!?

    I love your PoP 2 WDW ;) you truly are the biggest gyllenhaalic i know. I wish PoP 2 could become a reality though :( it looks unlikely.

    Read that you went to see Twilight 3 :P well i was dragged along with my friends, they keep moaning at me for skitting them when i havn't actually seen them, (must point out it was orange wedensday so the ticket was only £2.50) and it was the first twilight i've seen, but i stand by my views that it was total rubbish, not as bad as i expected however. I've never had the cinema experience of people whooping and clapping, it was crazy. The 17 year old in me came out however and yes i'm a little bit in love with Taylor Lautner. Well i know im in for top quality cinema tomorrow! Machester IMAX booked for inception, so excited.

    Hope everyones having a good weekend. I've broken up from school! Yay. :)


  7. Thanks Gyllenhaalisgr8! That was hard to do that shot, I hope the CGI isn't too obvious...

    Hi there Silver! You're not the first person to say that actually :D

    Yes that's Adrien Brody - quite incredible. I did go and see Eclipse - sort of as a dare - and it was HORRID! I knew it would be but it exceeded all expectations - HORRID! We were, of course, the oldest people in the cinema and also the tippsiest as it took some Dutch courage to get us in there. HORRID!

    Enjoy Inception in IMAX - that'll be wonderful!

  8. Thanks WDW! I look forward to PoP3: March of the Dastan Army. I'm hoping one of my fav characters "Clanger" might have a cameo :D
    I think I might gather my courage and see Predators...after Inception tho' (that'll be amazing in IMAX I should think).


  9. Hi TD! Clanger may well come out of resting - along with ostrich-stand-in Mallard the Duck. I also need to see if I can work a seahorse and a humpbacked whale into the plot.

    Yeah, you should see Predators, it's more exciting than anything else. But do see Inception first. And then Toy Story 3 is out here on Monday too (a film coming out on a MOnday - never known that before!). I wonder if Jake has been going to the pictures at all on MV.

  10. WOW Dastan looks in danger! I hope he can handle the many creatures you've put in front of him to test his stamina and strength.



  11. WDW, what a hoot - your antics with the Dastan figures. My teenage son says he wants one of the figures!

    Said teenager took me and his Dad to see Eclipse. I read your review on Moviebrit. In a strange replay of your experience, we were the oldest in the theatre, and we had French and German young women behind us, talking in their languages intermittently. There were a lot of talking heads, it really is a love story about a love triangle. And the audience (small) clapped and cheered at the end.

    Enjoyed the Jarhead pics. Hope Jake is really relaxing and enjoying his time at MV.

    Whoa - Adrien Brody has muscled up!



  12. Morning all!

    Hi Sweetpea! I know, it looks dangerous but rest assured that it was all done through green screen and doubles :D

    Hi there Tui! Your Eclipse experience does sound a lot like mine! We did get a 'look' from the man on the door as we weren't your typical Eclipse viewers. I'm just scared that there are another two on the way that I now am obliged to see ('or else!' - I think that's how it went). I'm glad your son wants a figure! I don't recommend the smaller warrior Jake as he keeps breaking his sword...

    Have a great Sunday everyone!

  13. WHEW, I should have known there was some 'Hollywood' magic involved :D

