Sunday, 4 July 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal and Independence Day! ('It's not over til the fat lady sings')

Alien invaders, rousing presidential speeches, expendable hoards, exploding buildings, big hair, mad scientists, pet dogs with ten lives - Yes, it's 4 July and that can mean only one thing: Independence Day. Never mind the fireworks, it's all about storming the space ship and seeing off the ugly aliens. Roland Emmerich enticed Jake Gyllenhaal to make his own disaster movie due to Independence Day and, there's no doubt that Jake enjoyed himself as he paved his way to becoming the star of his very own big action movie Prince of Persia.

So, to celebrate Independence Day, here are a few words from Jake on the subject: 'I loved Independence Day, and that was a big part of me really wanting to do this movie [TDAT]. It has a great sense of humour – I found myself laughing at the secondary characters getting squashed, like the reporter who gets hit with an Angelina [Jolie] billboard.' I was quite moved by that bit myself.

[Aside: The Day After Tomorrow wasn't quite like Prince of Persia: 'I didn’t have to get in shape, work out, or go on a special diet. I was playing a normal person, put in extreme circumstances.' However, Jake's character Sam - or Wet Sam as I like to call him - did take his shirt off to help out his inner core temperature.]

When talking about which actors inspired him to take on the role of Dastan, Jake mentioned those two heroes from Independence Day: 'WILL SMITH – “He’s the man, in everything he does. That’s what a hero should walk like, talk like, act like. He always delivers the goods.” JEFF GOLDBLUM – “He usually plays a villain or freak, but in Independence Day, he was a hero and I guess because it was so unexpected, it made it all the more powerful.”'

Jake also has spoken of how he told friends Will Smith was an inspiration for his role in The Day After Tomorrow: 'I told them that I think Robert De Niro is a genius in "Raging Bull," but I also think Will Smith is a genius in "Independence Day." Good acting is good acting; it doesn't matter what kind of a movie it is. A movie that makes a lot of money can be as rewarding as a movie that doesn't make any money.'

And again: '"Will Smith is my hero. He's a genius, he really is, and you also realise that M*l G****n or Harrison Ford are incredible at this type of thing.'

Happy 4 July to all American readers - may it be alien invasion free!

Includes pictures from IHJ.


  1. 'Now that's what I call a close encounter'. :)

    Independence Day is one of those fun movies I never tire of watching.

    Happy Fireworks Day, US-Wdwers.

  2. Hey Rubes! Looking good there with your ruby flower :)

    I love Independence Day, and not only because it has Data in it - so many good lines in it :D

  3. Happy Independence Day to all who are celebrating:)

  4. Hi,

    Some days ago I discovered your blog.
    I've become a fan of Jake recently.
    For some reason I can't stop looking for information about him.
    And that's so strange, cause I'm not a teenager. I'm a mom. ;-)
    But I'm excited as I was a teenager again.

    There is something beyond his wonderful looks that moves me....

    By the way. Do you know if he has ever been to Spain?. I'm Spanish.

    Keep the good work in this wonderful blog.


  5. Hi Carol! I think we should get the day off too.

    Welcome Eureka! It's been so nice to chat to you on the other post and, as I say, you are not alone and we are all ages here. I'm so glad you found Jake. That's been such a great thing about PoP. And I'm really glad you commented! Do look back through the archives. There are plenty of videos and adventures.

    Jake was in Madrid briefly back in March 2009 but I wouldn't be surprised if he's been there for longer :D Welcome and do come back!

  6. Totally agree on Independance Day, I love that movie and I can`t help but watch it any time I stumble upon it when it`s on TV.
    It`s such a good mix of humor and action and Jake is right, Will Smith is just excellent in it. I saw it in french last night and it`s playing again tonight in english.

    LOL, Eureka. I so understand how you feel about Jake. I`m not a mom but I`m surely more than old enough to be one and Jake can make me feel like a teenager too. It`s totally irrationnal but oh so much fun. Congratulations, you are now a gyllenhaalic. Don`t fight it, there`s just something about Jake. :)

    Happy Independance Day to all American gyllenhaalics!


  7. Hi Eureka there is definitely just something about Jake:)

    Like Olympia says don't fight are now a gyllenhaalic.

    Good to see you here:)

  8. I saw ID only once in 1996, I think. I don't remember much. I just remember I did not like!
    I did not know or I don't remember that Jake is a fan of Will Smith. Thanks for the interview.

  9. Thanks! Nice meeting you.
    I'm really enjoying it. Getting fully gyllenhaalic now! :)

    Happy Independence Day!

  10. Good morning! I hope everyone in the US who celebrated yesterday had a good time :D I'll try and speak quietly this morning.

    Hi there Olympia! I'm going to have to dig it out again. I do love a good fun movie with aliens and peril, Jake should make one :D

    Definitely, Gyllenhaalism is good for us - taken years off me, I reckon. The lego helped too.

    Morning Carol! That's good advice not to fight it - it wouldn't work :)

    Hi Monica! It's incredible it was made that long ago! I remember when it came out and longing to see it at the pictures. Just as I did with TDAT :)

    Good to hear, Eureka!

    Have a good day everyone :D Ugh... Monday...

  11. I absolutely LOVE Jake for these comments. Bravo to him. (again).

    And well done WDW for bleeping the bigot.


  12. Hi there TD! me too - Jake knows what he likes and he knows people can enjoy (and makes) all kinds of films. And a blockbuster done well is a good film just like any other.

    And it had to be done... ;)

  13. Thanks WDW, I was at a community BBQ at our pool. I can't be sure if aliens, WEREN'T at the pool. Some of my neighbors are questionable (wink)

    Saw some fireworks both on TV and around the community.

    Happy 4th (we also celebrate today since the holiday fell on a Sun.)

    Love that Jake is taking a vacation, I hope the paps give him a break too. I'm sure he was somewhere (Maybe on MV) with his family and friends watching the fireworks last night.


  14. Hi Sweetpea - I'm glad to hear you had a good day - I bet Jake did too :D

  15. I never knew about Jake Gyllenhaal until I watched prince of Persia. Now ihave watched all his other films. I absolutely adore him. He is a great actor and very charismatic. I can't wait for his new films to come out.

  16. Hi Anon! That's great! That's brilliant to hear that you fell for him enough to see all these other wonderful names. Welcome! And do pick a name and post again :)

  17. I've never seen "Independence Day." :-(

    If Jake had been in it, I would have had to see it. ;-)

    Today I saw "Cyrus," which had two links to Jake: Catherine Keener [who was in "Lovely and amazing" with jake] and John C Reilly [who was in "The Good Girl" with Jake].
