Thursday, 12 August 2010

The first dose of Love and Other Drugs on the way? And WDW Cornish Interlude Part 5

Love and Other Drugs approaches. Admittedly, not with a great deal of hoohaa and fanfare as yet, but what the film lacks in posters and trailers it makes up for with great reviews and buzz - already you can smell Jake's scent Oscar Fever all over it. Many thanks to Silver for discovering that ET will be showing a preview tonight! And so the publicity begins (hopefully)... (Note: the Oscar Fever, as many of you will know, is an allusion to Jake's Heart FM radio interview for Rendition, when host and interviewee seemed to spend much of the time sniffing that Oscar Fever while the young Harriet flirted outrageously with Jake Gyllenhaal - 'he's a keeper'. Jake even offered to buy her dinner and not steal it. Here's the relevant post.)

I appear to have digressed... Oh yes, another person fortunate enough to have seen a preview of LAOD, the type of prescreening where men in suits hand around questionnaires, has posted more very positive comments while, in another comment, drawing attention to Anne Hathaway's nudity in the film as well as the uncovering of Jake's bottom. But obviously that's not what interest us... (Note: these new old pics from IHJ show Jake with Gemma Arterton at the Moscow PoP premiere.)

'There's very little to say about this movie other than it nails everything it tries to do. There are a lot of subplots but I believe audiences will be completely with it for the entire lengthly runtime. There were 2 moments when the theater exploded into so much laughter that a few quick jokes might have been missed due to the deafening roar. The whole theater applauded and quite a few people were verbal about their appreciation for it. After the theater everyone was talking to each other about the movie and if you have been to other screenings, it remains pretty quiet while everyone fills out their surveys. The "suits" were twiddling their thumbs and murming to each other in delight at the crowd's reaction.'

'Inception was a good film but could have been better in some respects. I don't believe Love and Other Drugs could have been any better. But be warned it has a different approach to its directing style. The movie feels unlike the movies we see now.' Very exciting! Now, there's a word that doesn't do it justice.

WDW Cornish Interlude Part 5

For much of the day I have been dressed as a North Sea trawlerman, complete with orange waterproofs, life jacket and a wobbly demeanour. Fortunately, nobody there knew me. I was even relieved Jake wasn't there. Nevertheless, I was tipped onto a small catamaran and I was sailed out for hours past scenes of lifeboat disasters, shipwreck disasters and smuggling tales of skullduggery. It was a small boat. I hung on while my feet dangled over the edge - shark bait. Yep, today was sailing day and we were not to be put of by Force 5 gales and waves as big as your house.

Unfortunately, dolphins and sharks had too much sense today and stayed indoors. Grey seals were less fussy about the conditions and so we did see quite a few of these. They even posed.

We also saw diving gannets, guillemots and all manner of seabirds (most of which were called cormorants). We also saw people, perched on the cliff face. This was the glorious 1920s Minack Theatre built above the sea on the cliff like some stunning Greek amphitheatre placed on the peak of a Turkish mountain. They were clapping. Possibly not at us.

After this blowy adventure, I had lunch in a pub decked out like the inside of a pirate's vessel and then headed out to do something I'd not done for a few hours - drive for miles and scale steep cliffs. I went to Sennen Cove, the home of white sandy beaches, rock pools, surfing schools and bad coffee. The car parks are always positioned in such scenic places, on top of the cliffs, and then it sinks in that you've got to move your little legs all the way to the bottom and then back up again.

I was supposed to return home tomorrow but this place is too beautiful to hurry back from it (especially on Friday the 13th) and so I'm staying an extra day. St Ives tomorrow!

Pictures from IHJ and WDW.


  1. Yessss!! Yesssss!! Yesssss!! *dances around* Another great film with Jake is coming up!! Yessss!! *dances some more*

    Can't wait! Those comments sounded so very promising! And I don't even know how long I'll have to wait... Going to do some research about that.

    Thanks for brightening my grey day here, WDW. Hope you are enjoying your summer holidays. The photos you've shared are beautiful! :-)

  2. Hi Alejandra! It's on the way :D

    Thanks so much - I'm really glad you like the pictures :)

  3. Is it just me, or is that picture with Jake and Gemma absolutely squee-worthy? I definitely can't wait for LAOD, I think Jake has the most onscreen chemistry with Anne Hathaway (we can obviously see that in BBM). Definitely better than the so-called "Robsten" (Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart). Thank you WDW! I have been Gyllenswooned with this site!

  4. Sorry, WDW - "EatPrayLove" is the new film with Julia Roberts starting this weekeend and someone on IMDB claims the trailer of LAOD will be shown with it.


    Your Cornwall pictures are wonderful!

  5. it's going to be an exciting Thanksgiving for me. I have LAOD to be thankful for (okay other things too but this tops my list )

    I will have to see if I can remember to catch ET tonight to see what they say about it.

    I love your vacay spot. LOve the water. Too bad the dolphins were a no show.

    I'd love to know if LAOD was shown during Eat, Pray Love


  6. Those are the times when I hate to not live in the US - as the movies are often released later in good ol' germany ...

    Again a fun read anyways - including you hol-report :)

  7. OOOOOH!!! I'm jumping around with the rest of you, so excited about that ET news!

    Once again stunning holiday pictures. Absolutely the right decision to stay another day. ;)

    Oh, and about your comment on my comment on yesterday's post: I believe it should be the other way around, me thanking you. :) Thank you for this magnificent place. It was such a lot of fun to read it all. You have great writing skills and your love and admiration for Jake shine through in every sentence.

  8. Hi Georgie! Thanks! And you're so right about that pic. It was my fave of the set.

    Thanks Molly! I've not heard of that one. I'll be keeoing my ears open :)

    Hi Sweetpea! I can understand that :D Unfortunately it's not out in UK and Europe for a while. Sigh. I hope you remember to watch ET :)

    Here too Sasha - although I understand releases can be late in Germany. Incidentally, Cornwall is full of German holidaymakers! I even got a chance to use some basic German on a cliff path today!

  9. Wow! Lady Ekster thank you so so much! I really appreciate that :D thanks :) And can't wait for LAOD.

  10. Finally! I'm very anxious to see the trailer of laod!

    New movie?
    Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds, Shia LaBeouf, Channing Tatum & Basically Every Young Male Actor Wants To Get A 'Safe House' With Denzel Washington
    The Playlist

    Cornish is a very beautiful place.

  11. Hi WDW
    I don't know what I'm more excited about: LOAD, St Ives or Minack from the sea (a sight I've never seen before). Oh its all such a beautiful prospect!

    Lovely lovely weather ahead ;)

  12. OMG!! I checked the link about the film with Denzel Washington and read that Argentina has been tested for locations!! Please please pleeease let Jake get this part!!

    There is someone here from South Africa, if I remember correctly. That was the other place they tested so... we only have to wish Jake gets the part. And Gyllenhaalics everywhere will be happy, I bet. :-)

  13. SQUEEEE, just saw the preview on ET. It looks so good. Jake is so dang hot and Ann is no slouch either. Its funny and it does look like the 80's. Jake cries and flirts. I want this movie now. How is it possible that Jake looks 10 years younger. And the hair, oh my. Yes all that in 30 seconds.

    I never felt the Ann and Jake chemistry in BBM but I haven't been able to watch the whole movie. I can't watch Jake die.

  14. I forgot to include my name in the above comment, the SQUEEE comment was mine- Jake Fan.

  15. Jake always looks older having the beard. Same for most guys.
    He looks "his age" when he is clean-shaven.
    Saw the preview - it's great.

  16. Gorgeous pics, WDW - glad you are enjoying! :)

  17. Looks fantastic!! If you haven't seen it yet, here's the link


  18. OMG!!! Thank you so much for that ET link Alejandra! This looks amazing and so funny and how hot is Jake in an intern`s uniform?! Yum!!! I can't wait for November!! I'm sorry for all the exclamation points, can you tell I'm excited? :DD


  19. Wow I just saw the LAOD ET clip. I still don't know what really happened in the trailer because I coudln't get past how gorgeous Jake looked. I will DEFINTELY be seeing this film multiple times :D

  20. Hello everyone! Great to see you all - and guess what, not only has my hotel wifi blocked blogs it's also blocked YouTube :( Home is starting to look very attractive.

    The comments from you all make it sound fantastic. I'm gonna try and get some internet to watch it and post it - thanks to Stephanie for recording it and for sending me the link :D You did good!

    The Washington project sounds interesting but it also sounds like every actor of Jake's age is being considered. You have to wonder if this is hype/PR. But always good to hear Jake's name linked to such projects.

    Hello to you all and good to see you! Off to find another piece of internet... I've gotta see this trailer!

    The Wash

  21. Er... I'm not actually called The Wash - hat's my flippin iTouch fighting with the flippin lack of internet.
