Saturday, 18 September 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal on stage in NYC 2 October - time to prepare for The Great Shave?

In a mere two weeks, Jake Gyllenhaal will emerge from his cave* into the big city - or Big Apple, to be more accurate. Yes, on Saturday 2 October, Jake is a guest of the New Yorker and will talk with critic David Denby at the SVA Theatre, NYC, about his career and about his upcoming film, Love and Other Drugs. A clue to that is the additional presence of LAOD director Ed Zwick. More details here.

This could very well mean that Jake will be spending the next two weeks preparing to bid a sad, inevitable and possibly teary farewell to The Beard. After several months of devoted care, no doubt twirling it between his fingers and stroking it in moments of deep thought, the time is almost here for when it must succumb to the brush and foam of the barber.

I know that many readers here - well, maybe 2 - are almost as attached to The Beard as Jake is himself. And so, in preparation for the Great Shave, this post is a tribute to Jake's face fuzz and, despite its numbered days, one can take consolation in the knowledge that it will be back. For sure. The video below is my favourite video of Jake with a beard. It's also my favourite video of Jake being interviewed by a Brummie.

But don't take it too far, Jake, please.

*Jake has mentioned living in a cave on two occasions now - in late 2007 and during this summer. Obviously, it would explain a great deal and from now on whenever Jake says something unusual, it pays to believe it. I would like to point out to Jake that we have some excellent cave systems in England, many in close proximity to superb cheese and cider producers.

Cave comment 2007: 'I’ve become an ascetic—I live in a cave now. That’s why I am growing a beard. I have no sex, so I’m much more interesting!'

Cave comment 2010: 'I am an ascetic, living in a cave. I no longer have sex and so I've become much more interesting (laughs).'

I'm picking up a theme...

And finally...

Thanks to everyone for all their votes in our What Next For Jake poll?! At the time of writing, Drama, Musical and Historical film are neck and neck and neck. Mr WDW will no doubt be pleased to see three votes for his choice, Film noir. There are four days left so keep the votes coming!

Update: Thanks to Claire for the alert that the international trailer for Love and Other Drugs has now appeared on the Orange UK homepage with, curiously, a release date of 31 December. I'm not so sure that date will stick although as it's my birthday I do approve...

Pictures thanks to IHJ and thanks to Sweetpea for the NYC headsup.


  1. I think he should interview in the beard!

    Long live the beard (sasquatch!).


  2. Yay, finally some fresh Jake! :P
    PoP promotion time already seems so far far away :(

    Now if you'll excuse me I'll go back drooling over that 5th pic you posted @__@


  3. Aaah thank you for this. Have you included me as one of the two lovin the beard? If not please add me :DD

    I was gonna get me some hiking boots and a stick to head up to them there caves to get him outta there. So its good he's coming out voluntarily.

    My 2nd favourite interview with Allison Hammond ever. He's absolutely fricken adoreable. I saw Allison last year @ The Forte and thanked her for her interview with Jake. She laughed and said 'that was two years ago. Yeah, he was great!'. Its sad to say goodbye to the beard but thanks for the memories :D

  4. Hey BR! You were one of the two I mentioned in the post :D Of course, he may keep it (please, Jake, don't) :D

    Welcome HisVelvetVoice! Thanks so much for commenting here :D It does, it seems a long time ago, another season or two ago. OMG that picture is gorgeous, one of my favourite hairy pics :)

    Sheba, you were the other one! Ooh good idea about the hike, count me in. That's so great that you were able to tell Alison that (wondering what your fave interview of hers was! :D) - and I'm glad to hear she remembers it. I absolutely love it.

  5. Aw, I'm honoured! LOL

    Anyway, he's doing us all a service by hiding his lips - keeps the female population sane(r) when we can't see them.

  6. I seem to be watching Prince of Persia again... :D

  7. I'm so glad, we will see Jake soon! 35$ per ticket to have a chance to see him. It so cheap!
    I'm so happy, I found your blog WDW. I have to say it again.:)Otherwise I would miss all those things that are coming. And those from the past, I didn't know about.
    I'm not so sure if he will shave his beard, he can only cut it short. He did quite a few interviews with his beard.
    This interview with hidden pen is hilarious. I was laughing like a horse. Despite very difficult for me accent of the lady. I prefer British accent when Jake talks, then I can understand everything.
    I like the picture when we can see Jake's from the side. When you make it larger, that it shows how sweet is Jake' s profile.

  8. Me again. In Poland, we also have some caves. Two of them are close to my city. In one of them a king Łokietek was hiding successfully, so it may be good hideout for Jake in the future. I volunteer to be his guide.

  9. Mermon! Thank you so, so much for that - I am so glad that you are here. Thank you!

    Alison's accent is very hard if you're not used to it. You do so well to understand English :) Jake in the interview is just wonderful though, I love the kissing lips and the game :D

    That's true - the beard may get just a trim - he does suit a short trimmed beard. And his profile is gorgeous.

    Those caves sound amazing! I hope Jake makes it over to Poland some day :)

  10. This is the best Jake weekend EVER. Having moved from tv couch to chair and cleaned up empty chocolate bar wrappings, I sit down and learn that The Hideous Thing will be gone soon. Hurray!!

    Now, we could of course make a bet that Mr. Sasquatch will be stubborn and scare the wits out of us by showing up with a Gimli-like beard... In which case I'll feel obliged to smoke him out of his cave and hold him captive till he promises either to make a PoP sequel or never to go any further than a civilized stubble in the future (even better: both ;)).

  11. That sounds like a great time, Lady Ekster! I've been watching PoP too tonight, with a rather lovely chocolate orange brownie :D

    How on earth could Jake resist that - the beard will be gone :) or at least reach that 'civilised stubble' length :D

    I've written about Devil at MB this evening if anyone's interested :)

  12. I'm afraid he'll show up in the beard...

    And that interview was brilliant!

  13. Hi Lena! It's a risk we're gonna have to take... :D

    It's a wonderful video, it really is!

  14. OMG you really went to see Devil? Brrr... There's no way I'll ever go near a horror movie again since that one time I saw one as a teenager. You brave woman!

    And yes, PoP combined with chocolate is heavenly... I'll have another round tomorrow. :)

  15. I did, Lady Ekster, very hesitantly! But it was actually pretty good - I'm so easily scared but I think this film is enjoyable for people who don't normally like horror (not gory etc). And it's very short :D

    That sounds like a good plan for tomorrow. It was so good to watch it again tonight :)

  16. Hello WDW and every one!
    I read this blog every day recently.
    Your article is very interesting to me.
    Will Jake going to shave his beard? Either he will or won't, I'm happy when if I can see him.
    But it is impossible. I'm so far from him.

    Thank you to upload this video.
    Despite I don't speak English well, this video is so funny! and Jake is so cute!!!


  17. Morning everyone!

    Hello Mayumintolor and welcome! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and say hello :D I'm glad you found the blog :)

    And yes, with or without the beard is good but I do miss seeing those lips :D Well, actually, at the moment I miss all of him.

    I'm glad you liked the video!

    Have a great day everyone! And VOTE! I'm getting worried for the Historical category!!!! And what about SciFi?????

    My word is 'inuff' - sounds like something Dastan would say to Tamina when she starts talking about the dagger again :)

  18. Good Evening!
    I have one question, not concerning Jake. I do some translation and I have a problem with one line. - "His hair was buzzed short". I can't find the matching meaning to the word
    buzzed". If you could help me, please.
    I started to watch POP again this morning, and I will continue this evening after "Dance with the stars". :)

  19. Hi Mermon! A buzz haircut is when it's really close to the head as it is in Jarhead. Maybe it's from the sound of the clippers? Enjoy PoP again!

  20. WDW!Thank you so much!
    It helped me. :)

  21. HI WDW, I voted the poll just now..
    Yup, soon we will have to say goodbye to the BEARD, a sad, inevitable and possibly teary farewell, "After several months of devoted care, no doubt twirling it between his fingers and stroking it in moments of deep thought", God, that is hilarious, your words is real funny.
    Unfortunately, I'm not really fond with bearded Jake, so it's a relief to finally have him shave it, hope he will really shave..
    Wish I could be there at NYC...
    Thanks for the post WDW
