Originally, Love and Other Drugs had a release date of 29 December (as shown in the scan from the September issue of Total Film below). But other things have changed too. Jake Gyllenhaal's character Jamie Reidy has a new name - he is now Jamie Randall. The Prince of Persia date shifted in the UK (in the right direction) in the last few weeks and we can hope so again here but one can't help thinking that Valentine's Day was picked for a reason that may stick. At this rate, British and possibly some other audiences, will be able to see the film on DVD and in the theatres almost simultaneously, not to mention seeing LAOD and Source Code in the theatres during the same month.

In a possibly futile attempt to cheer myself up I must give thanks to Total Film's October 2010's edition with its PoPquiz. Spot the ten differences. I think I got one or two... The moustache is a nice touch.

There is also a review of the DVD/Blu-ray release of Prince of Persia.

For anyone who missed it, you can see my videos from the Duncan Jones BFI Q&A at MovieBrit.
Includes picture from IHJ and scans from WDW.
Sorry about LOAD in the UK, crosses fingers that this doesn't happen in the US. I always wondered about the last name, since George Segal who plays his Dad is Dr. Randall. Maybe Reidy is the alias name who uses in the movie as part of the plot.
ReplyDeleteOn a brighter note for me, I got my 2011 POP calendar today with a bonus poster.
Hey do the UK awards happen around that time or before the release date in the UK?
The comment I want to make would mostly involve f-words but I'll try to control myself.
ReplyDeleteit's dumb having such disparate release dates on movies now. With the internet we know all about them anyway. Why would I go to the cinema to see a movie I can get on DVD at the same time? And don't get me started on Valentine's Day - a day even more cynically commercialised than Christmas. I don't leave the house on V-day.
Yours grumpily reaching for another glass of Pinot. xx
The BAFTA ceremony would be around that date, Jake Fan.
Oh. My. God. :(((
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it! Three months!? I don't think they will release the DVD in UK till at least a couple of months after it leaves cinemas surely?
Baftas are on 25th of Feb. Not quite sure how awards entrys work etc. but i presume it would be eligible, if its good enough.
Maybe we can hope for "Its the film everyones talking about.." kind of campaign, with the Americans having the chance to tell us Brits how great it is!
Two Jake movies in the cinemas at the same time then hey, we'll be spending spring in the cinemas :P
Hi Jake Fan - I want that calendar :D
ReplyDeleteHey Rubes - my response is this f$&) f£$" f^%$ f*(&_ f%^£* s$%( f$%^£%$%&*(l (that's the polite version). Not happy, not impressed and bewildered at thought that UK audiences deemed to be Valentine's Day soppy moviegoers which I don't think we are as we don't tend to go for these commercialised days as much in this country. Yes, LAOD would be eligible for the Baftas.
It's not good, Silver. It's not the UK release of the DVD I'm talking about, it's the R1 edition, which will be out very shortly after this February release. I owned Jarhead as a DVD at the same time that it reached UK cinemas. I prefer my Jake movies more generously spaced and not crammed in to one month. I would prefer to spend two seasons in the pictures to the one.
Hmmmm, I think I might be feeling a little grumpy.
Had to come back to agree with Ruby that it seems ridiculous in this day of illegal movie downloads etc to release movies across the globe at differrent times. For instance, I didn't bother going to see Crazy Heart at the pics because I already had the DVD.
ReplyDeleteWhat a stupid move. Stupid, stupid, STUPID! Apart from all the downloading, blurays are region-free so why would Europe bother going to the cinema when the US has the film on the shelves?! Hellooo Fox, what are you doing?!
Next time I see a shooting star I'm gonna wish that us lot can take over Hollywood's Release Divison. Grrr.
Exactly, Lady Ekster, why? It was so good with PoP because it came out only a few days apart, just to allow the premiere sweep around the globe, and so everyone can enjoy it. With LAOD European audiences aren't getting a look in and, like Proof and Jarhead, it will have limited success at the box office because of it. Fortunately, one can hope that the makers of SC will have more vision.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for you in Uk and I'm sorry for myself, because I still don't know anything about releasing LAOD in Poland. I suppose it can be around Valentine's Day as well.
I had the same with Jake's movies in May. 21 of May it was POP and Brothers premiere. But I was glad then because I have just discovered Jake for myself and I was happy to see two Jake's movies in the short time. It was a feast!
But this time is different.
I would like to prolong a pleasure and enjoy one movie at the time.
Hi Mermon, you're right - we should think globally as some countries don't ge a release at all or it's late or dubbed. I hope it does reach Poland. I'm glad Moon has made it to Poland now! Fingers crossed :)
ReplyDeleteGeez, this sucks, so sorry for all you Brits. Is there a rational reason for not releasing a movie everywhere at the same time? I just don't get it. What's the advantage of doing that?
Hi Olympia! Just cos they want to p us off and because they think it's 'cute' to tie it in with Valentine's Day, just in case we're too stupid to realise it's a romantic comedy.
ReplyDeletePS I'll be chirpy again tomorrow :D Good to vent now, I think!
ReplyDeleteThanks God, in Poland only children's films are dubbed. I love Jake's voice. And I'm happy that I can listen to him.
ReplyDeleteHa, that Anonymous that's me accidently.:)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how much this pisses me off... Guess I've started caring a lot about LAOD before I've even seen it.
ReplyDeleteExcuse me for ranting. I'll behave better in a couple of hours, promise. But how old are Fox's board members? 85?! Maybe someone should inform them that there are such things as The Pirate Bay. *sigh*
Aww, that's too bad! and unfair! T.T I cry tears for you :( but just think of it this way, Jake's now your Valentine!
ReplyDeleteThat is definitely a good thing, Mermon :D Glad to hear that!
ReplyDeleteI know, Lady Ekster, it's nonsensical. The film is clearly ready to go so why delay it here at this late date? Simply because of the cutesy Valentine's Day link to my mind, which is nonsense! If this film is an R/18, it is not for the Valentine's Day market which is 13.
Thanks Georgie :D Unfortunately, it's the Valentine's bit that hurts as that's not a day many adults go for here. Like Halloween, it's not a UK thing, and, as Ruby said above, many of us hate this commercialism! Sorry to be on such a downer but I'm really fed up about this!
No need to worry, I would be fed up too!
ReplyDeleteWhy oh why does this always happen:(
ReplyDeleteI am most disappointed with the Valentines Day release date. I generally don't pay much attention to the froth that they release around that time of year. LAOD will most definitely suffer if it gets released here then:(
Most of us will probably have the R1 dvd by the time it hits the cinema here.
Crosses fingers about the success of LAOD, if it does, oh God please don't let me jinx it, get award noms here in the US, I highly doubt it will be released on DVD before the big Awards shows which are I believe in early part of the year (Jan or Feb). They tend to extend those in theatres. If it is released in late Nov, hopefully it will stay in theatres Dec, Jan and at least until awards noms are announced state side. I could be wrong but maybe the suits are excited about all the buzz and are trying to maximize profits. I think the suits think it has award potential which I hope it doesn't jinx the movie. If no award noms come its way then yeah it may be on DVD before it hits the UK.
ReplyDeleteBut I believe the major award noms are not until early in the year in the US.
Tho there may be an exception now and then the norm for DVD's to be released is 4-5 months.
ReplyDeleteIf i rem. correctly there have been movies up for Oscars that have been on DVD before the Awards.
The cut-off time for movies to be nominated for Oscars is the last day of Dec. You will see some movies debut in a theater in New York and a theater in Los Angeles right at the end of Dec. so they will be eligible.
I'm sorry for the delay :(
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting that little "spot the difference" picture. I think I spotted all the differences :D
Mustache, different colored dress on Tamina, I think it's Alfred Molina's character hiding in the background, there's a tree branch, a snake on the branch, the sword is longer in the second picture, Tamina's hair is different in the second picture, there are rocks or something in the second picture by Alfred's character, the "scarf" *not sure what it is* around Dastan's neck is a different color in the second picture, and I forgot the other two. I'll have to look again. That was fun!
Ok, got one more for the pictures. haha. I'm sorry, I'm a dork.
ReplyDeleteThe armbands or whatever they're called are different. :D
Morning everyone! Feeling a little less fed up this morning - just a little :D
ReplyDeleteThanks Georgie :D
I know, Carol, it's a complete pain in the bum and it happens far too often. I suppose it happens with other actors too but I wish it wouldn't happen with ours!
Hi Jake Fan! I don't think this will have any affect on Oscar noms - I think, as you say, they want to spread it out. But it's very unforunate for us here.
Hey 00:32 and KC, I don't think this will affect the Oscar possibilities at all and that's a different discussion. It was a similar story for Crazy Heart and Blind Side - these movies weren't out in the UK then but that didn't even stop Crazy Heart being nominated for Baftas (although it did feel a bit odd!). But the discussion isn't the Oscar chances - it remains as eligible as it ever was - but the fact we're not going to see it over here for 3 months after the US release.
Thanks so much Tiffany for the smile you gave me!! The puzzle made me laugh too - look at those whiskers! Thank you!
Have a good day everyone :D
I absolutely love the LAOD poster! Can't wait to see it 'in the flesh' ;) Ive been away from the web for a bit, come back and all this activity! Brill!
ReplyDeleteI agree about the 14 Feb date - weird! Never thought the UK was as much into valentines day as the US. Maybe its a Twilight-generation thing?! Hollywood are so desperate to spread their crop of movies as far as they can stretch, its beginning to show in spread too thinly IMHO.
PS congrats on the retweet WDW!
I'm glad my obsession with solving the differences between the two pictures made you smile :D I was so excited about the pictures that I didn't even comment on how excited I am for SC!! I love the Q&A with Duncan, too! Lucky gal! Thanks for sharing with us :D
ReplyDeleteWell done on spreading the SC word WDW:)
ReplyDeleteIt's great that it's finally got a release date. Fingers crossed that won't be pushed out either. Looks like we will be camped in cinemas during February and March. I still would prefer if it was more spread out though.
I think it's all crazy. why can't we all have a release date at the same time? They did it with the last Harry Potter movie.
ReplyDeleteHas there been a US release date set for Source Code? WDW you thought the March 11th was for the UK, but who knows with the way things go these days
Hi there TD! Good to see you - I hope things are going ok. It's a great poster, eh?! Love it. Yep, too thin in my opinion too. The tweet from Duncan was amazing!! I'm still flying from that. MB got so much traffic yesterday I couldn't believe it!
ReplyDeleteThanks Tiffany! And it did just the trick - did you get them all or was there one left? Did you see the German POP mag I posted scans of a while back/ That had some more PoP games in it :D
Thanks Carol! It's been so strange seeing WDW referred to on some of the sites that I normally read. Feb and March will be busy but I think if it does come out here that late in the UK, it won't get much of a viewing - the funds are going entirely on the US release. I hope I'm proved wrong.
Hi Sweetpea - me too :) The 11 March date is for the UK. I don't think a date has been set for the US just yet.
Hope everyone's having a good day - a busy one for me. I could do with a nap :D
such a shame that LAOD will be delayed in the UK for another three months, GOD!! Makes me wonder anxiously bout when it will be release in my country, Indonesia..
ReplyDeleteHas they announce the worldwide release date? thought i'm still not so sure LAOD will ever reach my region.
Bet it will be a very good movie, I really love Jake's new character in LAOD.
Want to ask if the pic with running Jake wearing earphones, all sweaty and hot:D, is gonna be a part of the movie?or is he just doing his morning exercises on set?
Thanks for the post WDW!!!
oooh, i almost forgot to mention this... Love the LAOD poster so much;)
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting it WDW
Welcome Serene Hill! Over there in Indonesia :D They've released very few dates so far. Hopefully we'll get more of an idea soon. The hot and sweaty running pics with the headphones are part of the film - there are pictures where the prop guys are spraying Jake with 'sweat' :D Thanks so much for commenting!