Tuesday, 7 September 2010

The Love and Other Drugs poster in full glory - and Brokeback Mountain on our minds

Fox may have delayed the release of Love and Other Drugs in the UK to Valentines Day 2011 (demonstrating remarkable lack of knowledge about their own movie), but it is a consolation of sorts that the US date of release - 24 November 2010 - is fixed. A good way to tell is through the posters that are now being framed in pride of place in American theatres. We've had a glimpse already but now here is the poster in all its splendour, giving us a close look at the bedlinen, the chrome on the lamp, the weave of the carpet. You'll find this attention to 90s detail much easier to appreciate if you ignore the fact that Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway are naked. Look at that wood panelling. Source.

Talking of Jake and Anne, one film that will always be a part not only of their career but of all of our lives here is Brokeback Mountain. As time goes by (can you believe it's almost five years?), references to it continue in the media. Sometimes, it can't be denied, it's not always positive, but nevertheless it's because Brokeback Mountain has become a part of our culture and it embodies powerful feelings and suggestions. Take the Take That and Robbie Williams reunification Shame video. For me, this did nothing but make me squirm because my tolerance levels for Robbie Williams have been mined out from under me over the last couple of years. But while some have said that this video doesn't evoke Brokeback at all, others have said that it is a compliment and a tribute. This is because Brokeback Mountain evokes such personal feelings for us all, we're never going to embrace it (if we're fans of it) in the same way.

Recently in the UK, the new Coalition government has been labelled the 'Brokeback Coalition' due to words spoken by a backbencher in a pub, although the politician in question, David Davis, may not actually have seen it: 'I'm going to have to get the DVD'. Let's hope he does. It's a film that people draw conclusions about, or make judgements about, without feeling it necessary to see it. Until their bluff is called. Nevertheless David Cameron - one half of the Brokeback Coalition - took the comparison to heart enough to state that the Coalition was more True Grit than Brokeback Mountain. Does that mean he thinks John Wayne is a better role model? Or that guns at dawn is a better style of government?

Jeremy Hunt, the Minister of Culture who abolished the UK Film Council, dismissed the comparison as 'a very catchy phrase', insisting that the process of government was much more about rolling up sleeves and getting on with it. Nick Clegg, the other half of the Coalition, also dismissed the analogy, saying he'd seen the film 'too long ago' to be able to comment.

It's all just words but it has been interesting to watch the discussions in the media of how relevant, or not, the lesson of Brokeback Mountain is to an uneasy Coalition. And not all ministers have dismissed the comparison out of hand.

It's not just politicians who are compared to Jack and Ennis. The Dallas Cowboys have recently been described as 'more ‘Brokeback’ than they were ‘Eastwood’.' Again, it is deemed as 'better' to be compared to Clint Eastwood or John Wayne than to Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger. Less surprisingly, cowboys get compared to the Brokeback cowboys: One particular cowboy 'exclaimed: "Do I look like Jake Gyllenhaal? I get that about six times a day! I get sick of that. I have seen it though. It's kind of different, I mean it ain't really ranching, all they were doing is sheep."'

I would argue that being compared to Jake Gyllenhaal six times a day is rather a compliment. But, to be fair, this cowboy has seen the film and he focuses on the sheep and so one wonders if the 'negative' attitude of the article belongs more to the journalist than the cowboy.

Brokeback continues to be just as important to gay communities and I loved the idea of Georgetown University's GU 'Brokeback Georgetown Ice Cream Social'. Brokeback Mountain, Jake Gyllenhaal, Heath Ledger and ice cream is a mix one can only dream of.

Includes pictures from links and IHJ.


  1. My gut still clenches when I see photographs from Brokeback Mountain. I think it will always remain the most heartbreaking movie I have ever seen.

  2. Hi there BR :) Indeed, and that's why it's as powerful as ever and will remain so.

  3. Interesting post! The Brokeback coalition in the parliament makes me yawn, unlike the real brokeback...

    I love that picture of older Jack and Ennis sleeping in the tent, aww.

    The film is part of cultural zeitgeist, it will be remembered always. Just hope the message carries on as well. Maybe the coalition government should do something useful for once, and put the film in school curriculum :)

  4. Thanks Winterbird! And, I know... That is such a good ideaa! I love that picture :)

  5. Hi!
    It's so good to see all those pictures again! Unforgettable movie. For me the best ever.
    I know too little about British politics to discuss it. :)

  6. Hi Mermon! So glad you liked the pics :D I was just struck by the references to BBM about this week and I had to mention the UK government as an example, but hopefully you enjoyed the rest of the post :) Thank you for commenting!

  7. I don't think Jack and Ennis were doing sheep, I think they were doing eachother, weren't they?



  8. That is very true, TD! I think the sheep got a little bit of a look in though, when the coyotes weren't having them for breakfast :D

  9. That photo of them passing the beer - isn't that photoshopped btw? or are you testing us...


    Wonderful post though, caught the zeitgeist for me certainly - been watching these types of comments in the media for quite a while. Don't let it grind you down! As you say, the comments go on - signalling a truly 'classic' movie.

  10. Damn, sorry about that - I hadn't realised. These pictures are so small on my browzer. I've changed it for the picture I meant to post. Sigh... and oops.

  11. And yes, I agree, TD, the comments can be good or they can be bad, but BBM is out there in the social consciousness and that I like :D

  12. WDW said - "but hopefully you enjoyed the rest of the post :)"
    I enjoyed everything in the post, not only the rest.
    About the beer - I noticed it as well. Maybe that's commercial. :)
    TD - About them "doing each over, not the sheep" - quote from the book - "...without saying anything about it (they)both knew how it would go for the rest of the summer, sheep be damned." :)

  13. Thanks Mermon :) Ooh I love that lines about the sheep - love it. Thanks for quoting it!

  14. excellent quote!
    Have a good evening all.

  15. Loved the latest LAOD poster. gosh isn't that paneling something? :D I took a close look it too. And are those pillows standard or queen size. I guess Jake's must be KING size.

    and as Jack Twist said BBM got us good! I don't think I'll ever get it out of my mind


  16. Have a good night TD! Sorry I didn't get the reference earlier - I'm a bad brokie... but I do know that I like it :D

  17. Hi Sweetpea :D Those pillows are something else...

  18. Hello WDW and everyone

    Yes, Brokeback Mountain has become iconic. It has really entered into the cultural vocabulary. And,yes, it is noteworthy that many people commenting on it haven't seen it, think of it as a "gay cowboy movie" when it is not that at all, or so much more than that.

    The movie's 'done good' for what was described as " a movie no one will see.":)

    Sometimes I wish these verification words were in the dictionary. Mine's an evocative 'spiti' today.



  19. *howls at the poster like an overexcited pup* I can't wait for this anymore. Just can't. Please give me a reverse Dagger of Time and let me fast forward to Febr'11.

    The Brokeback Coalition, how cool is that! Whether or not the comparison makes you cringe, how many stories are so impressive that they get to represent national politics? It proves BBM's greatness despite whatever negative comment. Hence it made me grin at that useless excuse 'seen the film 'too long ago' to be able to comment' - yeah, sure, like you could forget it. ;-)

  20. Morning Tui! This film does seem to play with people's preconceptions but hopefully it does challenge those who then decide to go on and see it. I know it really affected some people I know who only saw it after quite a bit of gentle coercion. Yes, I think it's done good too.

    The words are great - mine is serche :)

    Hi Lady Ekster! Yeah, a fast forward dagger - like the sound of that. Yes, that comment of his was just plain ridiculous.

    I hope everyone has a good day - and the good news is Play has posted my PoP DVD!!

  21. *sigh* can I swap places with Anne :D I can't hold it back: What a nice body Jake has - even if there is lot covered by the pillow ... what is seen is enough to know it ... *sorryfortheobjectification*

    Laughed about the comparisons in role model and government style -lol- maybe sometimes a "gun meeting at dawn" wouldn't be as bad ... it would put things to rest much quicker - the surviver decides ;)

    btw WDW and TD remember my Q about the "FRauenversteher" ... Vanessa, a texan girl at PGs (she might come here to but I cant remember), statet that "suave" in america would have a different meaning (a man that can sweep women off their feet without even trying (well jake does that for me -lol-) and (I havent talked to her again) the woman understander would be the right word. As a word-to-word translation thats correct of course ... there we go WDW ... didnt You stated some time ago about the joy of languages :) -justtotellyouaboutitall- think I have to talk to someone from downunder now ;)

  22. haha what a nice wordverification I actually had: mymesang 8)

  23. Hi WDW, thanks for the post...
    The poster is real the best, just can't wait till LAOD come out...fuuhh..
    BBM is really beautifully heartbreaking love story, even until now stil crying watching how the story ended, still hoping that there would be somehow alternate ending, happier one. Jack & Ennis forever!!!
    ummhh...WDW, have you ever Jake on person?hahaha...and is it possible if I want to send him some mail and get reply???
    Thanks a lot :D

  24. That is true about the politics, Sasha! They do say that nothing separates England and America quite like the English language.

    Hi Serene Hill :D It's almost five years since I first saw Brokeback and it's not once lost its power for me.

    Do you mean have I spoken to Jake? (although I rather like the idea of the 'on person'!) I've been lucky enough to see Jake a few times over the years, most recently at the PoP premiere in London, and I have spoken to him. I've never heard of anyone getting a reply from writing to Jake's agency. Best way to speak to Jake is at a premier/event :)

  25. HeyUGuys is still reporting LAOD's release date as 29th Dec? Maybe they've not noticed..its underneath their poster post.


  26. Hi there TD! HeyUGuys must have copied old information there and not noticed - they were the ones who told me that the new press release had a date of 14 February. Shame. And ;) indeed.

  27. Ohh!!!
    must be awesome to really meet and spoke to him...
    wish there could be any of Jake's movie premiere here at Indonesia, but the possibility is almost none about having a premiere of some foreign movie here. Not my intention to say bad things bout my country, but Indonesia is a really slow developing country, bet you've never heard of my region, Jambi, have you?
    Anyway thanks for the answer, WDW!

  28. another question WDW, I think it's naive, but can't help to ask : so is it no way for us to send Jake mails?how about straight to his address? haha...
    And where is Jake's cute puggle, Boo? Cause we've seen Atticus on Source Code set, but where's Boo?

  29. Hi Serene Hill! I haven't been to your part of the world - it is a long way from where premieres are held. The best way to write to Jake is c/o CAA in LA - I just don't think there'll be an answer. I never think it's a good idea to write to a star's home address even if you know it! As for Boo, there's a story that he unfortunately had an encounter with a coyote. Not good. No worries about questions - questions are good!

  30. BBM is the movie that was the greatest ever. I will never forget it. Looking at those pictures made me cry.I loved that movie and I can't seem to move on. Would they ever make a BBM2? There could be some excellent scripts produced. Do you thing Ang Lee could or would take it on????
