On Donnie Darko: 'It really marks, more than any other movie I've ever done, figuratively a time in my life. And that movie -- before we started shooting, I had been having a rough time figuring out what was up, what end was up. Jason Schwartzman was supposed to play that part. They had financing, they were ready to go and he dropped out and I stumbled upon it and out of the director's desperation got the role. It really matched somehow somewhere where I was in my life. I remember it premiered at Sundance and my mother, father and sister came up to me afterwards crying and realizing that I had been saying something to them with that movie -- how lost I was. How did I do it? I don't know something about talking to that rabbit. It just seemed to comfort me at that time.'

Lost - watching, trying or not trying to understand Donnie Darko is something that has filled my last ten years and it brings this film home to me in a way I've not experienced before - just by hearing that Jake stumbled upon it and that it marked a time in his life. Comfort in speaking to the rabbit - I can understand a little of that too.
'When you think of cult films a lot of time's there's a bit of a wink. I don't think that was our intention at all. It's a deeply serious movie to me... Whether you're experimenting with drugs or not there's a moment where you go 'Whats real? What's not?' There was no thought of result. Any time I've ever done anything with the thought of a result its been a bad thing.'

In addition to talking about the difficulty of filming love scenes, for the first time in quite a while, Jake discusses Brokeback's reunion scene: 'It was about more than just kissing. The scene in Brokeback Mountain where Heath and I see each other after a very long time. This has been hard for me to explain for years. We had very little to do with that scene being as powerful as it is. It was powerful when you read it in the screenplay. It was powerful in the short story on the page. What we do when we had that moment together is filled with -- it's filled with moments that people have had that have nothing to do with us. We just basically went up and slammed our mouths together. You know what I mean? We were the instruments for something that was much bigger than both of us.'
Jake's performance in Brokeback: 'I think I do have regrets about it, about things, as every actor does. When I see Heath's work in that movie it's just transcendent and amazing and as a fellow actor to me I just always admire him. I hoped that I could be as good as. So I watch it and I always see that.'

In my opinion - and I am a completely biased and awestruck admirer of David Fincher - Zodiac was a vital step on Jake's acting journey, albeit not necessarily always a pleasant one. Although, having said that, since the filming days, David and Jake have never shown anything but affection for each other. In hindisght, Jake can see that Fincher knew what he could get from Jake and that is indeed what Fincher got. Firstly, Jake describes the scene where his character finally sees the man he believes to be the murderer: 'We shot that twice. David didn't like the first store we shot in. That was again multiple takes. The funny part of that is John Carol Lynch played by dad in Bubble Boy so that look is filled with so much more than just 'hunter and hunted.' I was desperate for you show a scene of me and him crying in a car and me in a bubble.'

One of the best scenes in Zodiac is the final cafe scene when Jake explains his theory to Mark Ruffalo's character. Since the first time I saw this movie I have admired Jake, who hasn't always had a good time learning lines, for this scene. 'That was the third time we shot the scene. We shot each of our takes close to 50 times. So... 150th take? Now I see what David wanted. I watch it and I'm like 'Now I know.' I didn't know what he wanted. What I've been learning -- this is what happens when you start when you're 15 years old -- no one is going to hold your hand and when you're 15 you need that. As I've gotten older and worked more and more I've realized how much I have to be prepared and there for the director so they think 'Jake's got my back I don't need to worry about him.' I think I had a misunderstanding for a long time -- because I grew up in a family off filmmakers -- that we're all supposed to collaborate. The truth is an actor is supposed to show up and do their job and know their job to a 't' 120% and be ready to go. Discover on the day but be ready to go. When I watch that I see myself learning.'

And that, for me, is one of the most marvellous things I have ever heard Jake say about his journey to be the actor he has become.
Read the full account here.

Another blogger has recalled watching the Q&A on Saturday: '[Jake] was completely charming, interested, and really smart. They talked about his mustache in Brokeback Mountain quite a bit, and Jake said that he actually won an award for that mustache. (No, seriously, an online award given out every year to best mustache). We found out that Jason Schwartzman, a close friend of Jake's, was originally supposed to play Donnie Darko. (WHAATTT?) He talked about sex a lot, and we discovered that there is a lot of nudity in his new movie - probably the best advertisement ever. It was over way to soon, and was completely surreal the whole time. He seems like a very cool guy who really doesn't comprehend how immensely talented he is. I wish I knew how to quit him. (How could I resist?)'.

Jake's on a Train
Last night Jake was seen and photographed on the 3 Train in NYC, which covers Manhattan and Brooklyn, and, for all the world, he looked like just another commuter, albeit an irresistibly hot one. Jake appears to have separated his movie and private self this year to an admirable degree and, while the glimpses such as this put the smile back on my face, it is good to know that Jake has achieved this.

Someone else tweeted today: 'Jake gyllenhaal's beard almost ran me over today on a LES sidewalk. A dude w/ porcelain face+thick beard is off.. like the guy on KnockedUp. But as we can see how Jake is making his way around the city, relatively left in peace, you can see how the Face Pet may be coming in handy. It almost makes me want him to keep it.... Until Love and Other Drugs comes out, of course.
To satisfy my own personal curiosity, can anyone tell me what 'a LES sidewalk' might be? It's all pavements over here...
Ed Zwick interviewed in Chicago
In this video, Ed Zwick makes an appearance in the Fox studio in his home town of Chicago and he has a lot to say about his funny and sexy stars. If the embedding below doesn't work for you, you can see it here.
Includes pictures from links and IHJ.
I don't know who wrote my first comment on the previous post *cough*, but whoever it was she has to take back the idea that Jake used to be much more open in the past...
ReplyDeleteHow I wish I could use the Dagger of Time this very moment, then fly to New York and attend the Q&A. If it's such a treat just having written reports about it, then I can hardly imagine what an experience it must have been.
I LOVE this: "He seems like a very cool guy who really doesn't comprehend how immensely talented he is." It fits perfectly with Jake's own quotes from the Q&A. :)
I'm pretty sure it LES = Lower East Side. I used to live in NY & thats what I always knew it stud for.
ReplyDeleteAgain a great read WDW - you spoil all of us.
ReplyDeleteAnd a read that - and that might just be me - but really got me near watery eyes and a big smile ... that is what Jake does to me so often. Not to mention ROFLOLMAO even more ... ;)
oh and I loved that bit about him playing a 40 yr old in BBM and the crew made fun of the way he tried it, telling him (as they were) "We are not 80, we are 40" ... so funny.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all WDW a million thanks, what photo!!!!
ReplyDeleteReading the comments of the previous post, I am surprised ... "lost his passion for acting" nobody knows what their plans are, but that's too drastic.
In Spanish magazine in an interview said "action has always been my passion, but now I'm interested in other things I'm willing to develop" and "when I lose my enthusiasm for acting, then quit, but for now I have no problem .
For a movie, an actor has to study the character, documents,prepared physically, testing, roll out, promoting the film ... in PoP, I read 4 months preparing physically, 100 days of filming, promotion in London, Russia, many interviews right now .... is about to release 3 movies, you need to get away for a while and rest. I can not say much because I am a follower since the summer but before the season would also vanish, is needed.
I think he loves acting, not fame, the box office (not related a good movie and box office) of that interview in magazine tell him "I'm not trying to please or not, just look at my work, never mind make decisions on what will be good for my image or not, it's usually my own life that brings me to choose a movie or another.
Surely we see in many movies ... he loves to act and I love to see their films
Hi Lady Ekster! I've said it befoore and I'll say it again, when Jake is asked the right questions, he soars. It's nothing to do with when the interview is, it's what he's asked :D
ReplyDeleteI think that's amazing too - absolutely love it!
Oo thanks, Abby, that sounds right :)
Hi Sasha! Jake's said that a few times before but it always makes me laugh and makes me want to waggle my finger at him while hugging him to make it up to him :D
Hi Karmentxu! Thanks so much for the comment - and I really do agree with this as I think it's important - it's the acting Jake loves and he is learning all the time.
You only have to see Jake on a train to know that it's not about the glamour and celebrity for him and I absolutely love that in Jake. I feel really proud right now!
For anyone who's interested I've written a spoiler-free review of Wall Street on MB
ReplyDeleteWDW, thank you for that post.
It's good to read Jake's thoughts about his movies, so important to us.
He was really open. I love what he said about Donnie Darko (thanks God he got the part!), his family reaction after screening, his special time at that time - and BBM - about reunion, and playing 40 acting like 80 :), about Heath being such a good actor.(which is absolutely truth, but Jake was beyond - for me)
That Saturday evening seems to me now even more interesting and adorable. I just wish someone taped it. I can imagine the atmosphere of that night.
This train picture is fine. Just regular guy with earphones, cellular phone and backpack, taking his train - that's our Jake!
Oh, no! That is not a phone. That is a newspaper in his hand.
ReplyDeletelooks like Jake knows his way around the city. Doesn't Maggie live in Brooklyn. That is probably where he is staying while he is in NY.
ReplyDeleteYes he looks like anyone else in the crowd. I'm glad someone who spotted him took a pic. Is he holding a book?
Wonder what he is listening to?
Excuse me for getting all emotional when I read Jake talking about Brokeback. I don't ink I will eve get tired of listening to that. And what he said is so right and humble and almost poetic.
ReplyDeletethank you!!
Me too, can't see Jason Schwartzman as Donnie Darko, he doesn't have that kind of vulnerability that Jake carries effortlessly.
On the other hand, Jake seems to be all over NYC, except where I'm at! It's the 6 train, Jake, I'm on that all the time :)
No... Please... STOP!
ReplyDeleteI can't take it anymore!
He is just too bloody divine.
I soo love the way he reflects on his DD, BBM and Z experiences. Offers so much more context and texture to his performances.
And that picture on the train... *thud* C'mon... Seriously. Why are there no guys like that where I live? Is it really too much to ask? They're so cocky, macho and agro here. Ew! Where the bloody hell are ya?
Ok - I've had enough - time for a ludicrous interlude.
Here's the plan:
- obtain JG DNA (the beard should offer ample samples shavers ;-)
- travel to China
- find secret laboratory of mad professor experimenting with human cloning
- extort mad professor to clone x-copies of JG (how many would we need? say 50.000?)
- smuggle your personal JG clone out of the country... and live happily ever after
There! Who's in?
Ok, ok...
ReplyDeleteI'll just admit it. I'm sorry for being so on edge. I had a horrific date last night. He was very handsome and intelligent, but oh - so - creepy. (think Patrick Bergin in Sleeping with the Enemy)
Have a great weekend everyone!
Keeping my eyes peeled for JG clones. ;-)
Lemniscate - at least you had a date:) Good luck for the next time!
ReplyDeleteWe love Jake's movies, we love Jake and when our favourite actor talks about our favourite movies we are in heaven.
Have a good day everyone.
Hello WDW and everyone
ReplyDeleteI think Jake is spiritual - isn't that what he's getting at when he is a saying that in the reunion scene in Brokeback Mountain they were instruments for something else? I know he does meditation and interested in Buddhism.
If any one else has an idea about what he meant by that statement I would love to hear it.:)
Morning everyone! Friday - and it's very steamy out there. Odd weather...
ReplyDeleteHi Mermon! That's our Jake indeed - I love the range of what he spoke about on Saturday.
Morning Sweetpea - Jake definitely blends in. Looks like a magazine, I think.
I know what you mean, Winterbird1 After all these years Jake can still surprise me when it comes to talking about Brokeback.
Maybe you should change trains :D Good luck! It's so strange seeing you here in a different time zone now!
Hi there Lemniscate! I wish Jake were travelling about on my bus - sigh... Ooh bad luck about the date. Blimey, can't remember the last time I was on one of those. Mr WDW did buy me fish and chips on Tuesday - I wonder if that counts...
Hi there Tui! What I thought hearing that was that Jake was talking about the power of love. That the story of this love was greater than anything and he and Jake were overcome by that. I think it's a beautiful thing tosay :)
Have a good day everyone! Another busy one :( But Friday and tomorrow's supposed to be hot! Unbelievable...
Wow, what a lovely candid photo. It s nice to see him doing normal things just like we all do. He seems really down to earth :)
ReplyDeleteThanks WDW yes that makes sense.
ReplyDeleteLemniscate, please put me on your clone list. And if my clone has to come dressed, I would like the cycle spandex model please. I can provide my own cycle exercise bike in the privacy of my living room...:)
OMG....a pic of Jake on the subway?!?! With iPod in ears like everyone else does....excuse me while I SQUEEE!!!! :D
ReplyDeleteAnd wow, reports are that he was at the New York City Ballet Gala! Not sure what to make of the backpack and his date not wanting to take pictures?? And there was another sighting of him and Anne Hathaway. I adore his all around NYC. :D :D :D
All we need now are photos!
I love what he had to say at the Q&A. His insights are wonderful and I think he is really appreciating and understanding hsi craft even more as time goes on and he has more experience with different directors, actors, etc. Nathaniel at the Film Experience blog gave a fantastic recap.
Winterbird...so nice to know you are in NYC now! :)
WDW: You've mentioned a few times that Zodiac was not a good time for Jake . . would you please explain a bit further? Was it the filming . . his private life?? I know that he's commented that he took a lot of what he was going through with Kirsten and put that into Brokeback Mountain. Are you referring to something like that?
ReplyDeleteWhat I like most about Jake is that he's not a famous person in his own head. And we all really shouldn't be surprised to be seeing him doing "normal" things. After all, he's just another guy (yes, an extremely good looking and very nice one!).
hello everyone! In a rush so can't chat very much but wanted to say hi before I head off for an evening Jaking!
ReplyDeleteHi Lucia and Tui!
I love it too, Get Real :D It's so great thinking of him out and about in the city :) And at the ballet. Got that for the post tonight.
Hi Leslie :D No, nothing personal - there were lots of stories at the time about the endless takes on set and that Jake and David took a while to get used to one another. It was a very long and intensive shoot and it means Jake wasn't able to go to several BBM awards ceremonies, such as the Globes. But since the filming they have been nothig but affectionate with each other. Robert Downey Jr used to comment on the same thing.
Hey WDW,
ReplyDeleteI loved the continue reports about the New Yorker interview. And Jake is able to go around just like everyone else in NY and not be bothered so much. I'm glad that someone did take a pic of him in the subway. He looks great (would look even better if that face rug would take a hike, maybe it should ride it's own subway :D)
I have one complaint, the Ed ZWick interview. I would love to tell the reporters to SHUT UP and let the man talk! He started to say something and they all jumped in and were talking over him. I wanted to hear more about LAOD.
btw I was one of those 30 something fans and didn't realize that show was Ed's baby.
I'd be interested in knowing who Jake took to the ballet (and mad it wasn't me :D)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHmmm . . reports have Jake with a "date" at the Gala and a girl who was on the same train in NYC says he was "deep in conversation" with some girl he was with.
ReplyDeleteAlways found it interested with a few sites that felt Jake's talking about all the takes was just some young actor who should be grateful, etc. Of which , of course, he was. That's one thing about being young he was learning. Sure a lot better than some who don't or don't want to.
ReplyDeleteBut, RDJ said a lot of the same things Jake said. He called it a "gulag" and there were scenes he didn't esp. want to do. And never heard anything about his comments. In fact he always praised Jake and said he was the one who went through most of it.
And even Mark R. said after they'd done like 60 takes of a scene he was hoping Fincher would fire him which was kidding but still showed a frustration.
But they at the same time knew who they were working with and knew it would turn out good.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Jake was not with a girl on the train. Maybe she was just his fan - brave girl - dare enough to stop his magazine reading and listening to the music. And they lead a deep conversation :) If so - lucky her!
On that picture we have - it doesn't look like he's with someone.
About Zodiac - as I already said it before it's not my favourite movie. And I wonder maybe if director let actors to play the way they felt, maybe (I don't want to hurt anyone's feeling)it would be better. They made so many takes to satisfied David Fincher, but I was not fully satisfied. For me it was slightly boring. I had an impression that Jake's character will develop somehow and I was absolutely right. In second half of the film he's the main character for me and saves the movie.
I agree @mermon - at that time the pic was taken he def doesnt look like someone (woman or man) was with him ...
ReplyDeleteI was caught up in Zodiac from the beginning. (I rem. when that happened).
ReplyDeleteLots of scenes without Jake that i thought were great.
But you see how he was in the beginning and as the movie goes on, esp. toward the last part of it, when he has the scene with the lady in jail - he looks older, he looks so worn down. Again his ability to use nuance that maybe you might not even catch when watching it for the first time.
That pic was taken the other day, Jake was seen with the girl last night, at the ballet then later on the train.
ReplyDeleteKC - probably you're right. I thought about watching Zodiac again just to give it a chance if so many of you, you WDW, like it so much. Maybe I was disappointed since the beginning because it was not much of Jake as I was expecting. Now when I know the story and role Jake plays I could focus on other things and discover some treasure.
ReplyDeleteThanks Tricia for explanations about the girl in the train.
Mermon I think sometimes when you see something and you like it but not enthused about it (and Jake is in the movie) after a while of not seeing it, give it another try.
ReplyDeleteThought the scene between the detectives and Arthur Leigh Allen is chilling.
Someone had mentioned in a review if you want to see great acting just catch that scene at the Diner toward the end of the movie between Jake and Mark. And, also, great directing.
Also Robert was just in his mid
20's when he went to work at the paper. He was a kid to everyone else who worked there.
That comment is because some thought Jake was "too young" to play the character but he wasn't.
Rem. the real Robert saying when asking people he knew "was i really like that?" and they said "yes".
Also its great in real life that Graysmith & Toschi are good friends and meet for meals.
KC - Thank you for those tips about Zodiac I will pay attention to them, when I 'll watch it again.
ReplyDeleteIt's not that I don't like it. I like all Jake's movies. Zodiak just the less. It's like WDW with Proof - which I like a lot.
Jake's character - was quite attractive to me. I liked his obsession and urge to solve the mystery even for the high prize of his own family happiness. I understood that.
Hello everyone! I've been out this evening with Ruby and Mr Ruby and meeting the lovely Eureka. A wonderful evening. And warm too.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the comments - interesting to hear about Zodiac in particular. Of course this is my favourite Jake film :)
I hope everyone has had/having a great evening!
Hi WDW and y'all,
ReplyDeleteHave to admit Zodiac is not my favourite either (@mermon - you in my head again darlin' ;-), but after reading @KC comments, I think I'll give it another look.
Start rant - That said, I'm definitely not a fan of Fincher's process. And personally, I've always found that that shows in the end result... He clouds the performances by whipping up unnecessary emotions. Whenever he does manage to coax out a good (never great) performance, it is to the credit of the actor, not the director. Yeah, sorry, I really don't like Fincher's process. Jake mentioned he didn't know what Fincher wanted at the time (and it's clear he wasn't the only one... nor did his apparent lack of experience have anything to do with it). That, to me, is a huge (also costly!) flaw as a director. Not being able to clearly communicate with your actors. Fincher's reputation for being such a butcher and requiring a gazillion takes, is just that, a rep, a gimmick. His a$$ is saved by exceptional cinematography and amazing, resilient actors.
For me, a brilliant director is a true people person, able to communicate clearly, on a personalised, mutually respectful level with each and every of of his co-workers. - End rant.
Sorry for that Fincher rant WDW - but please don't take it personal. I work in a creative industry, and know all to well it requires an iterative process, but also know from experience when a creative director is hurting or helping...
ReplyDeleteand now on a lighter note
Tui, I'm afraid we need to scrap the cloning plan hon'. It just occurred to me... Not only would our JG clone come into this world "nekkid", but you'd need to bring along spandex in size 0 to 6 months (do they even have that size?).
We'd probably end up with a little bundle of joy, gurgling to goo-goo-ga-ga... Adorable as it may be, so not what I had in mind! Sorry...
Jake at the ballet with a date? ;-)
Oh, good for him! I hope his date turned out much better than mine...
Here is a scary pic: Jason Schwartzman as our beloved Donnie Darko. Thank God it was a parallel universe!
Let's all look at Zodiac again!..ha..
ReplyDeleteReally tho the director of Moonlight Mile mentioned three takes on this one scene for Jake and he thought that was enough.
Isn't it Eastwood who usually doesn't do more than 3 takes.
Everyone is different but can't imagine doing a scene the best you think you can and in keeping with the character and then being told take after take you need to do more. I'd be worn out. And they were.
But I still think Fincher makes excellent movies.
As usual to like a movie you do have to have some interest in what its about and as said rem. the case originally and I like crime drama type things where people are trying to figure out something and Zodiac more than lives up to that for me.
Fincher also continues to garner undue praise, despite of his "director from hell" rep, because he is excellent at sniffing out a good story and he is very well-connected.
ReplyDeleteNow let's all go watch "The Social Network" and fatten up his piggy bank.
ReplyDeletegyllenhaalisgr8 - I like your picture. As soon as I read about Jason Schwartzman in Donnie Darko
ReplyDeleteI googled him and thought "thanks God it was not him" and your picture just proves it :)
lemniscate - nice that on the other side of the world lives someone who thinks similar :)
With a cloning project - I think you would get too old waiting for cloned Jake to grow up. He would be right just for your daughter:)
This beautiful sunny morning I watched Prince of Persia again. With another big pleasure.
Have a good weekend everyone!
Hello everyone! Been busy this morning getting a new post up :D Good to see you all, and interesting to have a discussion on Zodiac and Fincher and I am absolutely thrilled if anyone takes from it a desire to see the film again or for the first time.
ReplyDeleteI do disagree, Lemniscate, which won't surprise you! In my opinion, Fincher's processes, difficult as they may be, have resulted in the films I want to see above all others so for that I will forgive him a hell of a lot!
Anon at 05:38, I have no idea why anyone should feel so negatively towards a director like that (unless you've worked with him, of course).
What a great way to start the weekend, Mermon!
I do agree with you KC :D It's interesting how directors have such different styles. Jake has spoken about Sam Mendes and Ang Lee as well, with some of the difficulties he had with their style. I don't think Jake ever expects working with a director to be easy. And it's one reason why Jake has grown through his films.
Gyllenhaalisgr8! I cannot see Jason in the role at all! I hope you're doing ok :D