Friday, 5 November 2010

Exclusive report from the Love and Other Drugs LA premiere! And new LAOD stills

Tonight is Bonfire Night and it's appropriate. All the fireworks that you can hear (and if you can't, just imagine them) sparkling, banging and popping tonight provide a fitting backdrop for a very special post. Last night, as we know, was the LA premiere of Love and Other Drugs and I am thrilled to say that we had our very own eyes and ears inside the theatre, and at the afterparty at the Roosevelt, in the lovely shape of my dear friend Lisa (aka BBMISwear). And, as you can see, from the marvellous picture below, the event went very well indeed! And this picture serves as a useful tip for these situations - if you fear that you may not be able to take the photo yourself, Jake Gyllenhaal can always step in.

Lisa has written a wonderful account of the evening and you'll find it below, interspersed with videos from the evening as well as more pictures taken by Lisa. So, I hope you're sitting comfortably....

'My fellow LAOD premiere partner-in-crime and I left the Roosevelt Hotel on Hollywood Blvd., where we were staying, and headed to the will call window at the Grauman’s Chinese Theater around 5:00PM and were able to see how the red carpet was set-up. We noticed that it was not a very fan-friendly red carpet. There was a lot of signage blocking the carpet (the signs with the festival and sponsor logos where the stars pose for pictures) with not very good views for anyone wanting to watch the action. Those across the street could not see much but based on what’s on the internet we see they did get a quick walk through by Jake with a few autographs before he entered the theater. We chose to get our tickets and party wristbands and get into the theater instead of taking our chances across the street with the hopes of good seats down front. Well, good seats is an understatement - we ended up in the very front row acenter in front of the podium where we assumed Jake would be standing in an hour or less. (Special thanks to my very smart partner-in-crime who insisted we sit in that very front row even if it’s not great for viewing the movie itself)!'

'At 8:00PM the head of the AFIFest said a few words and introduced Ed Zwick who came to the podium and spoke about the AFI and the many people who worked with him over the years and on LAOD. He introduced the gentlemen who were the creative team for the film and they all came and stood next to him at the podium. He then introduced the cast of LAOD who were there and stood when announced and received their round of applause but did not go up to the podium. And then he introduced the “two young actors” of the film – Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway – who were standing in a side aisle about halfway back who came down to the podium to join the small group there. Anne waved to the crowd a few times as the audience clapped and cheered – Jake went up to each and every person from the creative team that were standing with Ed and shook hands, hugged and patted backs. Of course when Jake Gyllenhaal is standing directly in front of your chair and only 6 feet away your camera skills become zilch (where is Ruby when she is needed?!) but we managed to get a few quick shots. Luckily a professional photographer was positioned in the center aisle right over my right shoulder so the photos he took are going to be amazing and exactly what our view was from where we were sitting. Jake looked absolutely stunning (as you can see from the many photos on line) – that dark suit with the dark shirt and tie were absolutely perfect on him, I think!'

'It was a short but sweet introduction and the group walked back up the side aisle and out through a curtain. As far as we could tell they did not come back into the theater and sit down – unless they did and were far back and could not be seen easily. This was my second viewing of LAOD and it was as amazing as the first – this is simply a movie one can see over and over again and it never gets tiring, in my humble opinion! When the film ended everyone exited to the lobby and we were very surprised to see Ed Zwick and a number of the actors from the film mingling in the lobby casually talking to people who approached them. This included Hank Azaria, Judy Greer and Josh Gad. Jake and Anne were nowhere to be seen which was not a surprise as this intimate theater lobby was not set up for the commotion and security issues those two would have caused if they were there! Having party wristbands we headed back to the Roosevelt Hotel for the premiere party.'

'One thing that can be said about Ed Zwick is he certainly is a friendly, talkative man who continued to talk to everyone who approached him throughout the party – he seemed so sweet. It was obvious he was very happy and upbeat and I can’t imagine him not being extremely proud and delighted with this film premiere! Of course our eyes were peeled for Jake but after an hour or so there was no sign of him. We did see Stephen Gyllenhaal enter and head to the back VIP area. This area was roped off for special pass holders but we could see part of the room while standing in that immediate area, but again, no sign of Jake or Anne unless they were further back where they could not be seen. The party was starting to thin out around 11:30PM and we checked the back VIP area one more time and that’s when I saw him – just a glimpse of that dark suit and shirt - and I knew, after yelling to my partner-in-crime “He’s here!” to stand right where I was and wait to see if he was exiting the area.'

'He stopped and posed for photos with a couple of people inside the VIP area and was walking toward the main floor but it was obvious he was heading straight to the Audi VIP area which was another section for specific pass holders. I waited right there as a security person walked ahead of him and a woman who was directing him (actually she was “pushing” him!) toward the Audi VIP entrance. He stopped and said hello to a few people who approached him as he walked but the woman handler kept on pushing him onward. When he got in front of me I walked up to him and said “Hey Jake!” and he said “Hi” (yes that look right into your eyes which you know the feeling it causes WDW!). I then asked “Remember me?”, he paused and said “Ya…Hey” (but I couldn’t tell if he was just being nice or really remembered – ha ha)! I then really pushed it by asking “Can I have a picture?” and he said “ummmm…..” and looked at the woman handler who I was sure was going to say no way as she was trying to push him along but she said “Hurry up!” so I leaned into him, he put his arm around me, and I held the camera in front of me to try to take the photo. Well, let me tell you, I am bad at this “take a picture of yourself thing” in a calm moment so there was no way this was going to work with Jake standing this close!'

'The woman then said “hurry – quick and dirty” to which I responded “I can be dirty but I don’t know if I can be quick” (I wish I could have seen his reaction to that but I was still trying to work the camera so didn’t turn to look)! And then instead of snapping the photo I turned my camera off!! I yelled “Oh no! I turned it off!” and then looked at the woman and started handing her my camera and asked “Can you take it?” then Jake said “I’ll do it!” and grabbed the camera out of my hand and took the picture. As crazy as it all was it wasn’t such a bad thing to have to stand there a bit longer leaned up against Jake during this whole camera mishap!! I then turned to him, put my hands on his chest, and said “thank you…you know I came a long way here” and he said “Of course” and nodded and smiled. (Too bad the smile came after the photo but with the way things were being rushed it’s amazing he even got to look into the camera never mind smile)!' [Time to repeat the picture, I think.]

'Then he was literally pushed into the Audi VIP area. The whole thing was quick and rushed and crazy but such a wonderful few moments after a long and wild day and I continue to feel like one very lucky Gyllenhaalic after yet another great adventure!'

Some more videos from the evening:

Love and Other Drugs stills

The official Love and Other Drugs website now has new stills, as well as more information on the film. And if you take their love personality test, you'll see a few more (and possibly learn something that may or may not be true about yourself...)!

Jake's official site even has a new look (it's been a while).

Pictures by Jake Gyllenhaal, Lisa/BBMISwear and Love and Other Drugs, squeees courtesy of WDW.


  1. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G... I think I need to lie down... Good job BBMISwear!!!

  2. BBMISwear!! What a gem of a picture!!! Congrats!! If that ain't supercool I don't know what is! :-D You have a smile from here to the moon, love it!

    This comment is filled with exclamation marks! And I don't care! I'm bouncing up and down in my chair! *lol*

    Okay. It may be wise for me to take a breath, calm down and read/watch and then re-read/watch all the goodies before I continue commenting... ;-)

  3. I'm here! I'm here! I've been right friggin' here the whole time. Now if you'd only called...... :D:D

    Thanks so much for sharing, Lisa, great job there. And thanks WDW for the post. The pic with Jake is even more special because he took it.

  4. Lisa , this was such a nice written piece. I am so elated that you enjoyed yourself. Good work !

  5. What a surprise!
    Incredible & Fantastic BBMISwear!
    Your smile shows you were in ecstasy.
    How wonderful. I wish someday I can see him live. I can't imagine what it is like to be that close. And the nerves of having to take the picture in a short time with someone pushing.
    Thanks a lot for sharing this with us. Thanks WDW too!

  6. I'm just the same, lady Ekster!! It's so exciting to see Lisa with Jake again!

    Hey Rubes! I know, we could have helped out... as it is, Lisa had to make do with Jake taking the pic... sorry, Lisa.

    I can hear fireworks!

  7. Wow, what a night Lisa! I am so glad for you.

  8. J-U-S-T W-O-W.

    Taking a deep breath. BBMISwear, hey Lisa! [;)] Wow. GOOD WORK. MAJOR congrats, it was well worth it! I was excited as if your words were a thriller movie. Omg. Just so happy this happened to someone "here". Not just someone wanting to go there and grab an autograph for selling afterwards and such. I love the pic. It's so focused, not blurry... and... nice job Jake good that woman didn't take the pic... in the case she would have accepted...

    Erm... I'm gonna read it all over again, loved it. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Okay, back again. Can you believe I actually turned the heater lower because I got so warm?? *lol*

    "We're on E!. We can say whatever we want."
    "Really, can we? ... E! stands for erectile dysfunction!"
    Jake, you're the best. That was hilarious.

    BBMISwear, your report and photos are lovely. Absolutely wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing this with us!
    You've described the picture moment in so much detail and with such tension that I actually got the shivers from it. Fantastic. You are a very lucky Gyllenhaalic indeed, and the good thing about moments like those is that they always seem to last longer than usual seconds. :-D It's gone in the blink of an eye but somehow our brains are able to absorb so much detail in those special moments that they seem to last forever. :-D

  10. I am at a loss for words (yes, ME!). This is an amazing post. BBMIswear, you effin' rock! I would be flying FOREVER! And that Jake video...OMG. Super impressed with EVERYTHING!

  11. Hi there Sophia :)

    Snow, it is just amazing when something like this happens to one of us - I like to think that Jake would like it too. And the amazing thing is, if I hadn't started doing WDW I may never have met Lisa and so many other people who are now my friends and so I'm very grateful to that young man :)

    Ahh, Lady Ekster, that may explain why I've not put the heating on at all yet! Just incredible. And I love the interviews. No doubt there'll be more :D

    A very good day, Gyllenhaalisgr8 :)

  12. WOW! I am speechless. Thank you WDW for the post.
    Hi Lisa!(I like the sound of it :)) Thank you for your special report! Through you we are all connected with Jake tonight!
    You were so lucky to get so close to Jake and that he didn't let that security lady lead him out. He was so nice to take the picture with you. When I saw this picture, I thought you look very happy to have this chance, but when I found out from your report that it was taken by Jake, holding you all the time, despite woman's effort to make is as short as possible, then I think you were feeling like in paradise. I wish someone would take picture of both of you when you were keeping your hands on his chest :)
    That interview - "Jake talks getting dirty" - very funny, I was watching that many times.

  13. Thank you BBMISwear. You sure do get around. I am so happy for you and your partner in crime for being able to see this movie again and see Jake.

    I met you in Boston. I hope we meet again sometime, maybe I can be your partner in crime next time


  14. What a scoop you got WDW. We're so fortunate to have so much access to an elusive man of course through your friends and connections. Hey Lisa, well done our intrepid roving reporter and T. Once again you've taken us with you on another journey, much humble thanks. You've confirmed what I thought about the joy that's exuding from the director. Its so evident.

    BB Torch is good but not wonderful. Off to log onto the old computer to watch the videos. Just enough time for one more squeeeeeeee!

  15. It's incredible, Mermon! I'm so glad BBMISwear shared it all with us - and not for the first time :)

    Hi Sweetpea!

    Thanks Sheba - I am very lucky :) What an amazing evening. I still feel goose pimply.

    I think I need to crack on with my neglected nanowrimo... Not easy today!

  16. Lisa, how was the audience's reaction during the film and after the film ended ?

  17. BBMISwear/Lisa thank you for your amazing recap of the premiere!!!!

    So fantastic that you got that awesome pic with Jake....squee!!! :D :D :D

  18. Hey Lisa! (Ooh it's catchy) Thanks so much for sacrificing yourself for the sake of Gyllenjournalism. Fans around the world really appreciate it. Excitement can be highly contagious. Huge thanks again! :-D

    And thank you, Kate. You sacrificed your NaNoWriMo time to put this wonderful post together.

    I know I feel dizzy after today's pics and news and memories. But it's a great, great feeling. :-D

  19. Ladies amazing post, Lisa love seeing you with Jake you looked lovely thanks for he recap - next time you have him in a hug, shove him in ya handbag & kidnap him we'll all cover for you....


  20. When I finally get to see "Love and other drugs," chances are that Jake and Ann and Mr Zwick won't be in the front lobby waiting to chat with me. Good work, Lisa! Are you planning to see the movie again when you get back to Boston?

  21. Hi Everyone!! I am finally coming up for air after quite a whirlwind yesterday and last night!

    Thank you to everyone here for your lovely comments! There is no other place I would feel this comfortable sharing my adventures more than right here with this group of true Gyllenhaalics who so "get it" when it comes to the littlest details involving our guy Jake!

    Special thanks to WDW who has created such a wonderful group vibe here and has allowed me to be a WDW Roving Reporter whenever the opportunity has presented itself (and, yes, I am very lucky to have had a few opportunities now and I don't take a bit of it for granted).

    I really do think I needed Ruby's expert photography skills but feel fortunate that at least for the intros at the theater there was a professional photographer right behind me taking pictures. I'm not sure when those photos wills surface but they will give a much better view of Jake standing at the front of the theater than my quirky photos for sure! Eyes peeled for those shots!

    To answer Jen, this was the second time I saw LAOD and have to say that this audience actually laughed more than the first audience. They seemed to really enjoy the upbeat moments and I honestly didn't notice reactions during the not so upbeat moments as, all of you will see soon enough, it is hard to peel your eyes from the screen during the more serious scenes of this film. There was much applause at the end of the film and a loud lobby filled with laughter and conversations and Ed Zwick in the middle of it all obviously enjoying every minute of it!

    Hey Paul - YES! I will most definitely be seeing the film again when it opens in Boston. If you have any interest in meeting up to view it together at some point please email Kate to get my email address and get in touch with me!

    A special thank you to my partner-in-crime for this wasn't my usual partner this time but she has been an amazing support and completely "gets it" being a Gyllenhaalic herself. I'm not sure how she put up with all the "Oh My God" chants these past two days but she certainly is a trooper and a terrific friend.

    It's always great chatting with all of you here...I'll be back soon!

    "Hey Lisa" :-)

  22. I am getting crazy about all the promotion of LAOD!!!!!
    I need to see Jake's naked body RIGHT NOW!!!!

  23. A lovely sunny start to the day. Goodmorning all. He looks so delicious, it's weird, like he's transported back 5 years to Brokeback promo days but with a little more reserve. Annie's clip is so wonderful, her joy is evident and the Parkinson story is in itself a very interesting journey and for it to happen to someone so young is what's unexpected too. How am I supposed to wait another 2 months for this. My Italian friend is going to New York beginning of December to see another of my favourite actors in a play and she said she'll go see LAOD while she's there. I'm so tempted to do a sickie and disappear for a week to recuperate on Love and Other such Drugs.

  24. Yay! Lisa does it again! What an excellent adventure.

  25. Morning everyone! What an incredible evening. I think I've worn out my grinning muscles :)

    Hey Lisa :-) (that could stick!). Thanks so mych for sharing your adventure with us! And you just brought it yo life- a really vivid account - wonderful! Bloody good pics BBMISwear. It's so almost impossible to take good pics of Jake but you did it - and Jake did too! Great to hear of such a good reaction by the audience to the film. There's something so special about seeing a movie at a premiere :)

    Waves to everyone!

  26. Good morning! Thank you for this wonderful report and post, Lisa and WDW!!!
    I didn't expect you to be the raving reporter WDW mentioned the other day, since you don't exactly live around the corner of LA...! But then again, even I know now about the things people do for a chance to see Jake... :D :D :D
    How great that you managed to make the trip down there - and even to go to the party!!!!
    It's so good to see how much you enjoyed it - and I really hope Jake remembered who you were (he should by now, LOL)!
    I love that yet again Jake didn't just let himself be pushed along, but instead took the time to stop and take the picture with you (and what a great picture it is!)!
    Just like at the London premiere of PoP they tried to make him go up to the cinema, but he insisted on coming back to us (how lucky was I that not everybody there was as shy as I am and shouted for him to come back to us... Thanks again, WDW (and others) :D :D :D)

    Even though there somehow was such a long Jake draught during the summer it feels like we just went from all the PoP PR frenzy directly to the LAOD promo without a break! I guess it is because it feels like I still haven't caught up yet with all the PoP stuff properly...

    But Jake really needs to go back to work, otherwise there will be a reeeeaaaaal draught coming on. I am shuddering just thinking about the time between Zodiac and Rendition... I hope him taking up his shifts at the Medical Center again really is a good sign for him to get busy again!

    But for now I am looking forward to hopefully many great Talkshow appearances! Regis and Kelly can't be the only ones... (I still have to laugh when I remember that for a long time I mistook a cheap Regis impersonator for the real Regis, since he was obviously standing in for Regis the first time Jake went there (for Jarhead?)... I am still not sure which one is worse, though... :D)
    Looking forward to going through this post and all the videos again!!

    I hope everybody has a great weekend! I've got great weather where I am at the moment, so I try to grab a bit of sun and nice views now!!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I am sorry, those two deleted comments were from me... I always wonder what happened when I see "Comment has been removed by the author" so I just thought I'd tell you that I had trouble posting (or at least I thought I did) and in the end had posted the same post 3 times... *rolly eyes* :D

  30. Err, *rolls eyes*...

    But now I am leaving...´:D

  31. Oh my god! What an amazing encounter!

    Ruby, Jake will give you a run for your money in photography skills! What a sweet guy :)

    Thanks Lisa and WDW for a great report !!

  32. Hey, Lisa. I am very happy to read your report and confirm once again that Jake is a great person.
    You're a lucky woman and Jake is a lucky guy to meet a big fan.
    Thanks for sharing all this!

  33. Hi!
    “We only had sex once in Brokeback Mountain and we have sex like 18 times in this movie,” laughed Gyllenhaal.
    - short clip

  34. Hello everyone! I'm having a quiet day charging my batteries :D Just seen Due Date - I'll write a review of that this evening!

    Hello Uli! Thanks for the three comments ;) Ahh yes, it doesn't always pay to be quiet in a red carpet situation - a good test for the lungs :D IT's strange but anywhere other than a red carpet I'd be perfectly dignified and quiet!

    PoP does seem like a long time ago but I do think sometimes that I'm still worn out from it. When we finally find out what the deuces is going on with the UK premiere of LAOD (it'll be on or about 6 December, I'm sure), then it'll happen again - we have a month to get ready! Gotta say, one of the things I really love about Jake's premieres is that we see you over here and it's going to be lovely to see you!

    Hi Winterbird! I miss you being in London :(

    Monica, I do agree! I think Jake is very lucky indeed to have fans such as Lisa, I really do :)

    Hi Mermom! I do like that interview.

    I'm in two minds about doing a post today as this is such a significant one. I may do one in the morning instead - I'll see :)

  35. Access Hollywood

  36. There will be another post after all :) So bear with me!

  37. Well, it looks like Jake didn't stick around in LA for long after his movie premier. Wonder if he's off to Toronto . . article HERE.

  38. Hi Leslie! I think he's actually in NYC doing press - sounds like there's a press conference going on there right now. Doing post now :)

  39. BBMISwear, thank you so much for responding. I truly appreciate this.

  40. I don't know if this was already reported, but their is a LAOD junkett today. So, hopefully we can get more photos of Jake and more movie scoop.
