Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal almost the world's sexiest man, LAOD has another premiere and Source Code gets its rating

So much going on today, I don't even have the time to brew a cuppa in my Prince of Persia mug or take a swig from my Prince of Persia water bottle. There's not even the time to hang my Prince of Persia Christmas decoration. So without any more beating around the proverbial, time to whip out the flipchart and dust off my laser pointy thingie. A lot to get through. First off, People magazine needs to hire a maths tutor because as sure as night follows day it most certainly cannot count. For some reason, Jake Gyllenhaal was not listed as the world's sexiest man even though he clearly is. Having said that, the names 'Ryan Reynolds' and 'Jake Gyllenhaal' are extremely similar and I can see where confusion could arise. As compensation, they did give us a gorgeous picture.

Star magazine has also been voting for the world's sexiest male and it did marginally better by Jake, placing him at No 6.

Star also devoted a page to Love and Other Drugs, revealing that Jake was made to memorise a 50-page pdf of the side-effects of Viagra. That is an awful lot of side-effects. Many thanks to Gyllenhaalisgr8 for the scans!

Proving true the well-known adage that you can never have enough premieres, there was another premiere of Love and Other Drugs in NYC last night, this time it was the DGA premiere and yet again it provided Jake with the perfect opportunity to look short.

It also gave Jake and Anne Hathaway another chance to display their incredible chemistry together. I think that Anne looks sensational here, absolutely sensational. And Jake doesn't look bad either - nice tan!

There is a great account here of the afterparty and the devastating effect of the Jake Gyllenhaal Charm Offensive. 'Jake was not dressed by the designer but still looked good enough to give several groups of women at the after-party a case of the giggles. While I usually consider myself a grown-up and a professional, I was reduced to a 14 year old girl who couldn't wait to scribble his name in bubble letters on the imaginary trapper keeper which holds my sexual fantasy material. If you enjoy him on the big screen, you would likely feel the same.' Without doubt.

Anne also spoke a little last night about her nervousness with the nude scenes. 'Anne, 28, appeared calm and collected during one of the most embarrassing moments on set even though her stomach was secretly spinning. “One of them was the scene where I have to remove my trench coat and be nude underneath,” Anne said. “And I thought we were filming, but it turned out we were just rehearsing and I got unnecessarily naked in front of a lot of people.” “I just did my job,” Anne explained. And apparently she did it well. Not even the film’s director, Edward Zwick, could tell that Anne was nervous. “She was not nervous at the sex scenes at all,” Ed said to us. “I think she was remarkably collected.”'

Jake had this to say: '“It’s a naturally awkward thing to be having fake cinematic sex with anybody, so I feel like with an actress (a woman in particular) when you’re on a set and dealing with what is usually a majority of men on a movie set, I always feel like it’s my responsibility to kind of protect and make sure that she feels comfortable because they tend to be more objectified,” He continued, “So to ease her and make her feel comfortable, I was always like, ‘Where do you want me to go? What do you want me to do? What do you feel comfortable doing?’ Anne was always like, ‘You do your thing and I’ll do my thing. I’m fine on my own!’”

'This wasn’t the first time Jake and Anne worked together on such intense scenes — their first sex scene together took place in Brokeback Mountain. “I had to sort of resist it in the last movie,” Jake said. “And this time I could go for it!” “There are all different types of love in this movie — romantic, familial, and friendship,” Jake added. “What I think I learned most of all was when making a movie, particularly a love story, in order to have a great creative process and be open and ready and game for anything, you kind of have to fall in love with everybody involved. I certainly did in some ways with Ed [Zwick] and Anne. We all did. What we share as a result is really special.”'

For pictures of some of the other stars in attendance last night, take a look here.

Source Code Rated PG-13

Source Code has received its rating and it's PG-13 'for some violence including disturbing images, and for language.' A good rating for a film that hopefully a lot of people will see.

And finally

Am I the only one to be disturbed by this pigeon?

Many thanks to IHJ for the pictures (many more there) and to Gyllenhaalisgr8!


  1. So much in this post! Love it!

    First thing I'll say is that the pic in People reminded me of the legs competition last night at the premiere. Seriously, I was staring at both Anne's and Jake's legs for a good while. Wondering if Anne wasn't cold in that dress and admiring her shoes... And then, adoring the shape of Jake's legs clad in those pants/trousers. I'm a sucker for legs when I spot the perfect pair. Rockstar legs, yes please. ;-)

    I'll go back to the post now, reduced to a 14 year old myself. :-)

  2. I wish I were the pigeon!

  3. Hey Alejandra! Totally agree - both Jake and Anne are displaying fine legs there - these outfits are just amazing on them. Jake really suits this type of suit (apologies for repetition...). I'm so glad you liked the post - it was a lot of fun to do!

    Hi Anon! That is a lucky pigeon - I hope he didn't leave any messages...

  4. Haha, you and your laser pointy thingy again! Good combination. ;-)

    The picture People used is breathtaking indeed, but come on... Jake needs to be #1!! I bet ya that he would have been if LAOD had been released a couple of months earlier. :-P

    They both look fantastic in the premiere pictures. And I love Jake's quote about protecting Anne. Such a gentleman. *swoon*

    LOL @ the pigeon! Oh my word, I think my neighbours have heard me scream at that one. Hysterical!

  5. Another great post, WDW! Between laughing and ogling, I think I've managed to frighten a coworker or two.
    Indeed, if I had a subscription to People magazine, I would be forced to cancel it. What an unforgiveable mistake!
    I suppose the PG-13 rating for Source Code doesn't mean it lacks anything in the sci-fi action department, as Iron Man 1 and 2 were both PG-13. It will surely help make it accessible to a wider audience, always a good thing.
    As for the pigeon... eewwwwww, but even pigeons must not be immune to the nuclear charisma bomb!


  6. Thanks Lady Ekster! Such a beautiful picture - and I do agree. Just a month of two later. Clearly NYC pigeons have no shame and have no worries about divebombing the sexiest man in the world.

  7. Hi Susan! Posting at the same time (and Blogger is misbehaving so thanks for persevering). I think the PG13 is a good result because it'll mean that it shouldn't have to compromise on action and drama but it can still be wide-appealing.

  8. I can only say OLE, OLE and OLE.


    Roger Friedman of Showbiz411 stated , " Ed Zwick is a consummate director who knows how to make this kind of film and these people come alive. After all he and partner Marshall Herskovitz created “thirtysomething” and “Once and Again.” Zwick has put a sophisticated high gloss coating on this story, and kept it several cuts above the usual three hanky chick flick. Alas, every woman in the Directors Guild Theater was crying her eyes out at the end of “Love…”

    If this movie can get every woman at this DGA screening of LAOD crying- this film will be a great word -of - mouth hit, similar to "The Notebook", "Ghost", or "Pretty Woman".

    Also, Hollywood Reporter is reporting , "But the most surprising thing to me right now is how young Love and Other Drugs is skewing. It's been a while since Anne Hathaway was doing The Princess Diaries, and Jake Gyllenhaal was never really a fixture of the younger set. It opens right before Thanksgiving, so we'll see how attention shifts over the next two weeks. Having a younger audience ( most of the moviegoing audience) desiring to see this flick- will help the film's box-office receipts.

  10. Hi!
    So much goes on today, Thank you WDW for this post.
    Great pictures of Anne and Jake together, but the first one with sexy Jake is irresistible. He's fully dressed and looks so hot.
    I like Ryan Reynold, but for me his not more sexy than Jake!

    Two videos - interviews with Jake:
    Jake denies being at HP premiere -

    Jake and Anne on the EW cover -

    Jake said: "God, I'm really good at being shallow!" - Hahaha, that's good line!

    @ ALejandra - I am also reduced to a 14 year old girl - and it feels good.

  11. WOW that pigeon looks like she or he can't keep from going after Jake. I can't say I blame it :D

    thanks for all the pics and SC rating.


  12. Hi Eureka!

    Hey Penny! I was chugged to bits to hear about Anne and the Nobel event in November. What an amazing event to be a part of. And I don't think it's just the women who'll bevlaughing and crying with Love and Other Drugs :)

    Hi Mermon! Thanks for the links :)

    My pleasure, Sweetpea.

  13. Hi Mermon!

    *Wait, that's WDW's exclusive style. Let me fix it...*

    @Mermon Hi! Giggling and squeeing is indeed great. :-D

    Just reading the scans. Regarding what he and his character have in common, Jake says "I found myself thinking 'God, I'm really good at being shallow!'". Awww... Don't say that, Jake. ;-)

  14. So tonight we have Letterman Show. Jake has arrived.
    Look in IHJ

  15. My new favorite photo of Jake Gyllenhaal. The best I've seen in years!

    Two questions, People: Where's James Franco and Ryan Gosling?

    Thanks for the scans BBMI Swear(I love your name). You're a sweet girl and thank you for sharing these scans with us.

    You have a great friend and Jake has a big fan, Wet Dark!

    I was having problems in my net all day, but everything was solved.

  16. Gee.. Who are all these giants around Jake?

    Ryan Reynolds might be number 1, but Jake probably has more stamina to be on that list for many more years. His post PoP getting fat plan seemed to have failed.

    Good news about Source Code - we won't be carded!

  17. Morning everyone! Just got an emergency post up :D

    Morning Alejandra and Mermon!

    Totally agree about James Franco, Monica! He is gorgeous... The scans in this one are from Gyllenhaalisgr8 and they are fab.

    BBMISwear is lovely :)

    Hey there Winterbird! Jake does seem to attract very tall people at premieres...
