Monday, 20 December 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal on Daybreak, ideal movie sex with Julianne Moore and Yul Brynner memories

At long last, the publicity machine for Love and Other Drugs steps into gear in the UK. With embargoes lifted, the interviews and quotes appear, including Jake Gyllenhaal's all too brief appearance on Daybreak this morning. Anne Hathaway will appear on the show tomorrow. If this video doesn't play for you, I'm working on an alternative.

Updated to add a temporary version! I can't edit it down at the moment, it keeps corrupting so please skoot along to the 2:45 mark. I'll try and fix it in the morning. Until then...

A video reveals five minutes of the London press conference from 11 November at the end (I can take some amusement from images of the back of my head). My own report will be published tomorrow. In the meantime, take a look at Jake and Anne at the Dorchester, one extremely wet and wonderful Thursday afternoon. I'm about three foot away, in front of Jake and Anne.

There is a wonderful interview with Jake and Anne here, showing yet again how true their chemistry is - so true that they can even pretend to vomit over one another. A sure sign of closeness and appreciation. If you can't see the video below, just visit this site and hear Jake reveal who he would most like to have movie sex with ('hands down'). Without naming any names, it's Julianne Moore.

There is another video here with Jake and Anne interviewed by the German media.

Strip Jake naked
Jake features in the January 2011 issue of one of Britain's leading gay magazines, Attitude. You can click on the scans and they will be embiggened but amongst the chestnuts in this deliciously loving Jake article we learn that 'The first show my mother ever took me to, when I was three, was Yul Brynner in The King and I... When I was 13, I saw Angels in America, the original play. I was mesmerised.'

'I was always taught to feel comfortable about my body. They told me that there is a beauty in whatever you are and however you look.' Indeed there is, Jake.

Includes scans from WDW. Thanks to Mermon and BBMISwear for heads ups!


  1. GREAT post, WDW! But what is this crap about not being able to view the Daybreak clip outside the U.K.? I can't get there because you are all snowed in, so I'm counting on you to get the alternative link in place. :)
    Thanks for all your hard work and graciously handling the difficult task of keeping track of Jake wherever he is.


  2. Hi Susan! Thanks for letting me know about the video - I wasn't sure if it would work or night outside the UK. I'll try and get it up to YouTube this evening. And thank you!

  3. Another NYC sighting20 December 2010 at 21:34

    Carrier_Pigeon: Attention ladies - Jake Gyllenhaal sighting at ABC Kitchen. He is eating lunch, but not with Taylor Swift, haha.
    about 3 hours

  4. Thanks for the sighting, 21:34 - hope Jake's enjoying the holidays in NYC.

    Just trying to upload the video now...

  5. Gotta run but the post says "When I was 31": Jake turned 30 just yesterday. Should be "13". Can you dagger-of-time that? ;-)

    I'll be back later. xo

    PS: Yeah, it's a threat. Captcha says "Whops". Exactly!

  6. Thanks for the headsup on that, Alejandra :D I've daggered of timed it!

  7. Julianne Moore? Good choice!
    She is always fantastic.

    I saw Tron, Wet dark. Bad movie, but the soundtrack is amazing.

  8. Hi Monica! I totally agree about Tron. The soundtrack was amazing - just as well as everything else was rubbish...

  9. I could watch this kind of interviews all day long :)
    awesome !
    waving at you WDW! :D

  10. Hi!
    Unfortunately, I can't watch the Daybreak clip either. And judging from the pictures it's worth to see.
    I like this press conference. It was good to see you live - WDW, even though only from your back. You were in the first row. I wonder if you had any chance to cross eyes with Jake?
    I like German article. I wrote down the last sentence coming from Jake's parents. "Feel comfortable about your body. There is a beauty in whatever you are and however you look". It's beautiful and wise. I have it on my wall now for my daughter[and myself :)]. I wish I knew it when I was growing up. It would have help me a lot:).

    Those two interviews are great!
    Someone once told me I look similar to Julianne Moore (I don't think it's true), but if so, I would have a chance with Jake :)
    It was funny when Jake chose Julianne M. for movie sex and it was fine, but when Anne chose Vigo Mortensen - Jake said he was slightly jealous :).
    In German interview I like the most that part when Jake talks about sexuality, about their discussion - what turns them on. How he was surprised, that some things may turn Anne and Ed on. I can imagine how interesting that conversation was.

  11. I agree about Tron - the film was OK but the soundtrack made the film.

    I am looking forward to seeing the Jake interview on YouTube because I cannot see it :(

    Jake hasn't been seen with Taylor at all lately, I guess that was a short and sweet relationship lol.

    P.S. I posted this about 3 times now so if three of them show up then I am so sorry. I think it's just my internet connection is not very good.

  12. Thanks Linda! Waves back :D

    Hi Mermon! I was so close!Jake did look at me a few times which isn't surprising as I was staring at him so hard. Oops. He was chewing seeds or nuts through some of it. He has a fascinating face in repose to watch. Yep, that's me holding up the camera at the end. I'm looking forward to sharing lots more about that.

    I love some of the wise things Jake says. And the silly. He's the perfect mix.

    Hi Margot! Sorry about the troubles posting - thanks for persevering. I'm trying to upload it now. You might have to put up with some rubbish at either end as it's causing me some trouble to edit it down...

  13. I think the video will have to wait til tomorrow now - having big technical difficulties... sigh... worst comes to worst I'll just add a download link but I'll see what I can do in the morning. Sorry about that :/

  14. Oh my! Oh my WDW! You were so close to him! How could you stay still?
    Jake looked pensive or serious during this Q&A, do you agree?. I'm looking forward for your own report. ;o)

    "Jake Gyllenhaal has the naked truth" video did not work for me either.

    I still have to read in detail the rest of the post magazine and all. It is really such a concentrated post!
    Thanks so much as always.

  15. I was so close, Eureka! I've an official post being put up tomorrow and I'll post a review on MB to go with it. And more stuff later, here or in the forum...

    I've just put up a temporary version of the interview - I couldn't cut out the ads at the start - it's taken me hours, so please just fastforward to around the 2:45 mark. And apologies for the abrupt ending. I just wanted to give you something for the time being.


  16. Maggie and Peter are in Nashville according to some people on twitter who saw them today, maybe Jake will fly there.

  17. Anonymous: What in the world are Maggie and Pater doing in Nashville? That seems random. lol.

  18. Margot,three people on Twitter and one person on facebook said they saw them at a coffee shop called crema, I thought it was weird to but apparently they are there.

  19. Good morning!!!
    Thanks for even more great interviews, WDW!!! Even though we've seen endless interviews of Jake and Anne now, I will soooooo miss it when the LAOD promo will be over one day!! I just can't get enough of the two of them together! I wish they would feel the same way, LOL!!

    Interesting what Jake said in the press conference about the situation he was in when he read the script - the question about love in his life.

    And I so agree with him about sex in boxers... :D I always find it very awkward when after movie sex the people leave the bed clothed... Like "how did they do it????"

    Hehe, so cool to see you in the press conference, WDW!

    I am in a hurry, cause I need to get ready for my christmas travels... I just hope I will arrive despite all the snow here!!

    I am not sure if I will be able to get hold of an internet connection these next days, so just to be safe I wish everybody here Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
    And I wish you an especially wonderful 31st of December, WDW!! In the cinema maybe?

    Looking forward to more Jake love here in the next year!

    Take care everybody!

  20. Morning everyone!

    Uli! I'll miss you over the Christmas gap - you need to get a dongle :D That was such a funny bit about the boxers - drew a big laugh. I'm really going to miss the Jake and Anne doubleact. I will no doubt be spending a considerable part of my birthday in the cinema :D Mr WDW is forewarned!

    Gonna try and get into Oxford today... still snowed in.

  21. PS All Brits, remember Jake is on ITV2 at the Christmas movies this lunchtime at 1pm. Repeated on ITV2+1 at 2pm.

  22. MrsJakobGyllenhaal (IHJ)22 December 2010 at 14:51

    Thanks for making the daybreak vid viewable outside the UK as well, I really enjoyed it!

  23. Good to see you Mrs Jacob G! And a big welcome :D I've done a new version of that video in the new post along with another one from TV yesterday. I hope you enjoy them!
