Thursday, 9 December 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal: 'There is no one I would rather have movie sex with than Annie'

This post comes with a health warning attached - if you can look at a picture of Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway holding a 'Wollongong bub' (aka little baby) and not melt a little then you're safe. Otherwise, you might want to skip at least the beginning of this post. Jake and Anne visited Sydney's Children's Hospital during their brief visit to Australia and gave little Payton Gilmour a hug. You can read the details here.

A couple of Australian interviews with Jake have been published and so too, I'm really pleased to say as there haven't been many, has a new set of Love and Other Drugs stills. On to the first interview: "I think something in me was touched by the script, something in there that says we do all have trouble somewhere... This movie says, 'If you are in love, keep it; but if you know it's not there, go and look for it'. That's what I got. It's about old-fashioned love — and perhaps that's modern."'

'In rehearsal he practised using everyone's name constantly, prefacing almost every sentence with "honestly" and countering every objection in improvised sales with a friendly, "Really?" "It's extraordinary — sick, a little bit, but extraordinary to see, in the world of selling, where that gets you," Gyllenhaal says... "Jamie is such a storyteller and has such a rhythm that became a huge part of who this guy was"... When he read the script, Gyllenhaal says he was excited within the first 10 pages. When Hathaway joined the team, however, she wanted changes to the way her character was written. Although neither she nor Gyllenhaal will say so straight out, it was a chick part: the woman who is a catalyst for change in a man's life.'

'"She was kind of this shell of what she is now, the quirky girl who comes in and takes control," Gyllenhaal says. "When Annie came on board, she said, 'This needs to be a love story; it needs to be two people being changed by each other as opposed to this guy's journey'. And I agreed. That is our relationship, I think. You'll find actors vying for attention and I don't think she and I really do."'

'Gyllenhaal and Hathaway had already worked together on Brokeback Mountain, where they played husband and wife. "It did help that we had been sort of naked together in Brokeback Mountain," Gyllenhaal says. "So we had been cinematically devirginised to each other."'

'They also were able to agree with the director, Edward Zwick, that nothing they shot would be under contract — "you know, where you can only see this part of his butt and her breast for so many seconds" — and that, in return, they could veto any shot that made them uncomfortable. "In terms of getting intimate, I didn't think about it," Gyllenhaal says. "I mean, I really didn't. And I don't. The thought that was on our minds was telling a good love story."'

'Gyllenhaal is 30 years old next week. He feels at a point of transition. "I don't know if it's to do with turning 30 but I do feel like there's a big sea change with who I am and what I want to do, what I care about," he says. "I do feel that." In one respect, at least, he feels something in common with his character — a kind of tranquillity. "When I was younger I always wanted to be ahead of where I was," he says. "Whereas now I feel that this is where I am. And I feel good about that."'

The second interview has such a great start to it: '"Even though this is a very serious interview, I am not a very serious person," Gyllenhaal jokes. On the eve of his 30th birthday, the actor who will be forever associated with the cult hit Donnie Darko is actively embracing his lighter side. "Bill Murray is the brooding hero," he laughs.'

'"I feel like this movie, in particular, is the beginning of who I really want to be. I am sure some of that is about turning 30 and feeling like, 'All right, I've been doing this for long enough, I have made choices, tried things out, now I know who I am and what I want to do'."...'

'After toning up his six-pack to play a swashbuckling hero in the action fantasy Prince of Persia, Gyllenhaal has finally graduated to fully-fledged romantic lead. "I'm getting old enough now that that needs to happen," he laughs... "I loved the idea of this guy being the ultimate womaniser and using that to become a great salesman," he says. But after being stopped in his tracks by Hathaway's free-spirited artist, Jamie is finally forced to confront his commitment issues - which are complicated by the fact that the woman of his dreams has early on-set Parkinson's disease. "I feel like what we have done is put a mind to it (the rom-com) without any fear," says Gyllenhaal. "It's more in the vein of much older comedies. In the '40s, there was always something else going on, it wasn't just slapstick. I guess there was just more at stake."'

And going back to Jake's long career: '"I felt always supported in whatever I wanted to do. I think whatever pressures were put on me were put on me by me," says the actor, who made his movie debut at the age of 11 in City Slickers. Love and Other Drugs might be the first film to cast Gyllenhaal as a ladies' man, but the actor had no doubts about his ability to play an incorrigible flirt. "It just comes naturally. If you put a charming, beautiful young woman in front of me, it's hard not to try and flirt."'

'He was similarly confident about his character's comedic rhythm, even though Zwick took a little bit of persuading. "He wasn't convinced at first. He said to me, 'I've seen you vulnerable but I have never seen you not vulnerable'. But after I sold him my character in the movie, he was down." When it came to casting Hathaway, who had previously played Gyllenhaal's wife in Brokeback Mountain, neither actor nor director had a moment's hesitation. "I have wanted to work with Annie again ever since we did Brokeback, because even though we didn't have much together in it, we just really connected as actors," says Gyllenhaal. "We have a really similar sense of rhythm, a similar style. It made everything a lot easier because we already had a relationship."'

'"It's always a bit awkward, but there is no one I would rather have movie sex with than Annie," says Gyllenhaal. "Because of the nature of our relationship - we had already had a sex scene in Brokeback - we were familiar with all that." As one might suspect for a movie that takes its inspiration from films of the '40s, Love and Other Drugs is deeply romantic at its core. "When people get married, the vows say 'in sickness and in health', and these are the questions that a real relationship needs to ask," says Gyllenhaal, suddenly becoming serious. "You need to have the courage to ask them."'

'"Would I describe myself as a romantic? Yes, yes I would. What else is anyone supposed to be? How can you be in a relationship and not be a romantic?"'

And finally...

Jessica Biel has signed up to New Year's Eve, the follow up to Valentine's Day. Jake is still attached, as is Taylor Swift and half of Hollywood. With the beginning of filming imminent, one hopes we will get confirmation of whether Jake is involved or not very soon.

Pictures from links and Fox via IHJ.


  1. awwww I just can't get enough of these two!
    that little baby looks like their kid lol
    I love the way our GyllenHot talks about Annie, he's just so sweet! :)
    great post as always WDW :)

  2. according to IMDB Jessica's name has not been added. Jake, TS and Ashton Kushner are all rumored. So I guess we'll see.

    I hope Jake is not doing this one. I hope he'll be doing something else. Like moon or Damn Yankee. It would be a blast to see him and Jim Carrey together. Can you see it, there would hardly be any filming finished cause everyone would be laughing too much.


  3. Great post, WDW! Jake and Anne posing for a photo with a baby... It's almost heartbreaking to think they aren't together for real. :-) Oh well, let's hope we'll have many movies starring the two of them together over the next few years.


  4. Thanks Linda! Cute, eh :D

    Hi Sweetpea! IMDb isn't always reliable and so you need to look at other sources. This sounds like Jessica is confirmed and so we just need to see what happens with the rest of the cast. It would be good to see Jake and Jim in a movie together.

    I hope so too, Susan :)

  5. This may sound weird, but Jake, Anne and the cute baby look so right together. What a shame Jake and Anne have other partners. I guess that's life!

    Thanks for the great updates WDW. :)

  6. Hi JF! They do! We need to create an alternate reality...

  7. Exceptional choice of photos today, my dear! I'm sure you have to pick and choose from the lot at IHJ but you always seem to get it right!

  8. HellO WDW and everybody

    Loved the post today. What a treasure trove of riches the Sydney trip brought - Jake with Bono and the Edge and now the uber cute baby pic.

    Great new stills. I am hoping LAOD is opening here in NZ in a week or so as well as Australia.


  9. Thanks Gyllenhaalisgr8!! There were some lovely ones to choose from today - gorgeous!

    Hi Tui! Sydney was a real summer treat. I believe that LAOD opens in New Zealand on 1 January so not too long to go. I hate these gaps! I was really pleased to get the preview tickets for Monday.

  10. I'm afraid this is one of those posts again where my knowledge of the alphabet shrinks down to three letters: aaaawh.
    I'm absolutely adoring that baby picture. I hope little Payton will benefit from all the operations on that teeny tiny body of hers. Good luck to you, sweetie!

    Now I'm off to drool some more over those LAOD stills... What a perfect warming-up for the actual film. :-D

  11. Evenin' Lady Ekster! Such a wonderful pic and I hope that too. Such a good place for Jake and Anne to visit. The LAOD stills are wonderful!

  12. I'd rather not have Jake in New Year's Eve (and not not just because I despise Taylor) but because for me he is just toooooooooo good to be in chick flicks when he can be proving himself even more to others with his charm and great acting. But, if that indeed is the case, I will keep on supporting him! :D

  13. Hi Georgie! Well, I hope it won't happen but if it does it'll be such a small part it won't be too big a deal. I'm hoping Jake will get back to work on his next project very soon or we're going to have an awful long wait after SC!

    Morning everyone! Friday at last - it's even above freezing... Have a good day :D

  14. Hello everyone! Anyone fancy some snow? I would very much like to get rid of it. ;)

    I've been thinking about NYE and you know what, I think it wouldn't be that much of a disaster. First, Jake won't be carrying it so it would not be his responsability if it fails. Second, the cast list is huge, not just number-wise but also star-wise. Who wouldn't want to work with Robert de Niro? ;) Third, this type of film might attrack a totally different type of audience compared to his earlier films and even LAOD. All he needs is two seconds of screen time to mesmerize the people in the audience who have never seen him before and a whole new generation of Gyllenhaalics is born, who just like us PoP-Gyllenhaalics ;) will experience the urge to watch all his movies and become GyllenAddicts.

    Uhm... am I babbling now? I guess. *grin*

  15. Sorry, lady Ekster! But I don't want any more snow at all! It's actually warmed up here now - just above freezing - toasty...

    I definitely agree with those arguments for NYE not being as bad for Jake as it might seem. I'd rather he spent his time doing something more worthwhile though. Nobody expects NYE to be good and so I can't understand why anyone would want to be in it. But as you say, a few days work, a few scenes, maybe it'll surprise us :D

  16. Hello all! Had to enable moderation for a while due to some random turnip. Post as normal and I'll approve you as soon as I can :)

  17. Hello~~WDW

    These LAOD pics are amazing!! I can't even describe how beautiful Jake is.

    Maybe NYE is not a bad idea!! Coz I can see Jake on big screen on my birthday(yeah~~~my bithday is X'mas :D)

    I am kind of anxious about Jake's new project. I haven't heard anything...maybe he wants to celebrate his birthday first:)

  18. Hi Hui! My birthday's New Year's Eve so I could take the film as a compliment :D That's true. Maybe in the New Year he'll be ready to go. I wouldn't be surprised if something happens all at once and moves fast (as LAOD and SC did).

  19. First pic? I melt more than a little, drooling... from this trip, stills of LAOD, briefly: all pics

    December, very long ... want to see the movie, now!!

    I think a small part in a movie, doesn't important , no bother (a oportunity to see him, and better for the wait to other proyects... a wait very long, seem ) but for now is a rumored,

    @LadyEkster totally agree, thanks to PoP become GyllenAddicts, saw all his movies

  20. Hi!
    Thank you for beautiful post WDW, beautiful pictures and nice interviews.
    On that picture with the baby we can see how fine Jake looks with a child. He will be a good father, I think. And together with Anne and a baby they look like one happy family. ...sigh

    @Lady Ekster, I agree with you absolutely about NYE. That's good point! That's kind of American tradition to make those holiday's movies with the famous stars. They have their own audience and we can see them every year during holidays. I don't believe those great actors treat them too seriously. But anyway they take a part in it. So let's do not judge Jake if he will play in NYE. He's American child by the way. If Robert de Niro may be in it, then Jake as well. And good point in it we will have a chance to see that movie and Jake quite often on TV.

    "... but if you know it's not there (love), go and look for it". - That very good advice , thank you Jake for that.

    "I felt always supported in whatever I wanted to do. I think whatever pressures were put on me were put on me by me," - it shows how great family he has. And how happy childhood he had.

    "If you put a charming, beautiful young woman in front of me, it's hard not to try and flirt." - Hm, a young, charming woman? ;)

    "... there is no one I would rather have movie sex with than Annie," - that sounds great! No one? So what will be in the future Jake? No other sex scenes with you? So I count on another movie with Anne:).

  21. Some news about Jake and Taylor with the pictures

  22. Hi WDW...
    the baby pic is really cute, like a perfect family picture..*squeall*
    ooh...great great stills, I was wondering why would they release so many wonderful stills from the movie, it won't spoil the movie, will it??? not that I don't like them, I love them, especially with the close up Jake, gorgeous.
    I'm not really sure how I do feel about this rumoured NYE project... Just hope Jake will make more great movies soon.
    Thanks for the great post WDW!!
    Great interviews too..

  23. In another reality that baby would have been Jake and Anne's. BUT it's nice to see they went to a children's hospital. too bad Payton can't appreciate who was holding her (mean knowing it was Jake and Anne)

    It was still nice they took the time and visited


  24. New beautiful picture on IHJ from Source Code.
    Jake Gyllenhaal & Michelle Monaghan

  25. Hello! Been working on a new post - took quite a while.

    Hi karmentxu! I love that pic too. I hope it's not long til you can see it.

    Hi Mermon - it's true about these films. I find them rather odd but I suppose they do have a holiday purpose. And quick and easy to film, I'd have thought.

    Hey Serene Hill! There have actually been very few stills for LAOD - there were so many for PoP. But I do like them and I don't think they are too spoilery. They are certainly lovely!

    Hi Sweetpea - I loved that they did something like that :) And by all accounts they were there for quite a while. Very nice and I bet it was a pleasant boost for the parents there.
