Monday, 17 January 2011

Jake Gyllenhaal at the Globes Part 2 - and some new Love and Other Drugs covers and stills

There are some more pictures today from last night's Golden Globes and so we have a chance to catch up with that and some other wonderful pictures courtesy of Eureka and Monica before tomorrow's stonking exclusive Golden Globes report. Yes, tomorrow's post will be like the custard on top of a trifle, the bubbles inside a glass of champagne, the vinegar on top of a plate of fish and chips. In the meantime, let us enter the arena of the Kung Fu Panda Staring Contest as re-enacted by one Jake Gyllenhaal and another Matt Damon.

There is also another photograph of Jake with his lovely escort for the evening, Jenny Lewis...

... and another with the other Golden Globes companion of choice - Bubbly. Bubbly with some sort of silver funnel in it to be precise.

Jake was later seen amongst the party goers scoffing SpagBol at the Chateau Marmont at 4 in the morning. Without doubt, Jake was one of the 7 sexiest guys at the Golden Globes (I think we can narrow it down further than that...).

Many thanks to Eureka for some corking new magazine covers from Spain coinciding with the release there this week of Love and Other Drugs.

We also have some new stills from Love and Other Drugs via Monica. These are such great pictures - I've not posted them all, there are more there. Interestingly, a few of these (like the running pictures) are from scenes that never actually make the movie. Ed, we need them on the DVD.

And finally...

Duncan Jones has been talking to We Got This Covered about his next project after Source Code. It's well worth a read.

Pictures thanks to IHJ, Eureka and Monica.

My review of The Green Hornet is now up at MovieBrit.


  1. Thank you WDW. Jake looks nice with MAtt. I think they should work together (they have both worked with Heath)

    thanks for all the LAOD stills too


  2. Thanks, WDW! The new stills from LAOD that didn't make it to the movie's final cut really are great. We definitely need to see those scenes on the disc. I'm also hoping for a nice, detailed commentary from Jake and Anne. Okay, Ed Zwick too, but he can let Jake and Anne do the bulk of the commenting.

    As far as the 7 sexiest guys at the GG -- who in their right mind could compile that list and not include Robert Downey, Jr.!? What is the world coming to!!!


  3. MrsJakobGyllenhaal18 January 2011 at 09:06

    Thanks for posting those stills, makes me wanna get the DVD even now!
    I'm curious how theses scenes will fit the movie.

  4. Morning everyone! Good to see the sun today, I'd forgotten what it looked like...

    Thanks Sweetpea :) Matt looks great there with Jake.

    Hi Susan! I love those pictures - would have loved to have seen Jake on that Pfizer stage doing the macarena. And agreed about the commentary. I also agree about RDJ - very sexy - loved his suit.

    My pleasure, MrsJG! And me too - I'm hoping that stills means extras...

    Have a good day everyone!

  5. I would say about the film about Facebook
    Once again the film industry was brided.
    His corrupt officials insist on imposing things for people .
    Hollywood films have mostly Subliminal Message in movies of childen as well.
    The own of the firm Facebook is a dirty person! The work enviroment reflets betrayal and theft.
    So this isn't good staff brided .
    Hoyywood keep making suggestions with prize money.
    Much less about movies that teach people to be bad caracter.
    My friends and I hated this film absolutely!

  6. I definitely get the impression you didn't like it, Anon :)

  7. Hello~~WDW

    I found an interview of Duncan Jones

    He mentioned Source Code and Jake.
    Sounds very intersting:)

  8. Hi Hui! I kind of linked to the wrong interview in this post - that's what happens when I do a post too late at night :D

  9. The interview with Duncan Jones is very interesting. I like getting a glimpse of how the "business" of making movies actually works. In this case it seems to have worked beautifully, bringing Jake and Duncan together on the SC project. I wonder how many other projects Jake is "attached to" in one way or another? I hope he has lots of stories he wants to turn into great films.


  10. WDW - Thank you for second post about GG.
    I like to see Jake in such a good humour. He seems to feel great in Jenny's company and between so many other celebrities. They were sitting, I think with Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas! And we can see Jane Fonda, right behind them. They are all famous, but probably even for them is interesting to found themself in such a company.
    Absolutely gorgeous stills from LAOD. I'm a bit disappointed those scenes didn't fit in the movie.
    I really count on many goodies on DVD.
    Thank you Eureka for Spanish scans.
    Interview with Duncan Jones - very interesting!
    I liked everything he said about Jake. I had no idea that Jake had such a big influence on "hiring" DJ as a director. It was so obvious that Duncan had to click with Jake, who wouldn't?! :)
    Movie seems to be more and more interesting to me.
