Monday, 14 February 2011

Jake Gyllenhaal pipped to the post at Mme Tussaud's, and some memorable smooches

While not being one to partake in commercialised smooching days - I'm quite happy to be wined and dined on any day of the year, not just one - my attention was caught today by news that Madame Tussaud's in London has been polling visitors on which A lister they want to see waxed as a Valentine date. Jake Gyllenhaal was indeed amongst the forerunners but he was pipped to the waxy post by a certain Bruce Willis. This video tells us a bit more. Arguably, one is much better off with the real thing. A perfect excuse to post some favourite pics (the US Open, September 2009).

PoPSugar has been taking the opportunity to recall thirty of its favourite movie kisses and if you take a peek you may spot a rather special one.

This seems like a good time to direct you to my comprehensive Guide to Kissing Jake Gyllenhaal. Please study it closely, there may be a test later...

And finally...

Many, many congratulations for winning the Best Director BAFTA last night for The Social Network. You probably heard my cheers from there.

Includes pictures from IHJ.


  1. OH NO THEY DIDN'T!! How could Bruce Willis beat out Jake Gyllenhaal - even in wax?!?! I bet that it was rigged and Madame Tussaud's people went with Bruce because his (lack of) hair would be easier to do. And they would have to change the hair and beard on Jake's wax figure every other day to keep up with him.

    Thanks so much for the link to your comprehensive Guide to Kissing Jake Gyllenhaal; I think I'm ready for the final exam.


  2. I am very happy with the award for David Fincher. He did a great job in The Social Network.

    I was sad that Bale did not win. He is excellent in The Fighter.

  3. Hi Susan! I know - isn't it incredible! Maybe the judges thought he'd be easier to mould.... :D I'm glad you liked that post - definitely one of my favourites.

    Me too, Monica! I was so thrilled - and it was good to get a break from The King's Speech... But it was an entertaining evening.

  4. Well, Bruce wax figure looks very much alike. But I doubt they could make Jake in a way that could satisfy us. That inner light wouldn't show. So let them have Bruce instead. Their lost :)
    I don't know how it is to kiss Jake, I may only imagine that, but I know for sure, that I like to watch him kissing. I like the way he does it and the way he looks at that moment.
    That link you gave, WDW, led us to many goodies :)Thank you.

  5. It's a very good figure of Bruce, Mermon - they really caught his expression. I think Jake could be quite hard to capture. I'm really pleased you liked that post! It's a real favourite of mine and it fit. Imagining a Jake kiss is a very pleasant thing :)

  6. Morning everyone! Have a good Tuesday :)

    I do wonder what Jake's up to....

  7. Good morning to you all!

    Well, his face in the very first and very last pictures is PRICELESS. Cute is not even the word!!! Hahaha ... Thanks for the daily fix!

  8. Source Code release dates:

    US & Canada: April 1
    Australia: March 31
    Brazil: April 1
    France: April 20
    Germany: May 5
    Italy: TBA
    Japan: TBA
    Mexico: May 6
    Spain: April 22
    UK: April 1

  9. YES! Thanks so much for the info Monica! Can't wait to see this movie!

  10. Hi WDW and all!
    Madame Tussaud's, that brings nice memories. I visited it a long time ago, as teenager. I even have pictures of that visit. ;o)Among them a snap with Michael Jackson and his shiny globe.
    I agree, to capture Jake's essence would be hard. What a challenge for the artists there.
    I enjoyed the kissing post, I had not visited that one. So it's good Jake is in a news break. You bring back nice things to read.
    When did you say was the exam scheduled? ;op

    Good Night. Smooching dreams....

    PS. Glad Fincher and Firth got awards. Bardem got one too here in the Goya's (our "oscars") and so did The King's Speech in the european movies category.

  11. Hi Brulee!

    Thanks for the list, Monica :)

    Thanks, Eureka! I'm glad you enjoyed the kissing post -while Jake's being busy away from our eyes, it's good to look back at these things :) Thanks for the news about the Goyas - I've become quite a fan of Javier Bardem.

  12. Speaking of kissing......

    I saw Jennifer Aniston the other day -- not Jennifer herself, but her image on the screen in "Just Go With It." I found the movie unexpectedly entertaining. Everyone involved was well-cast and interested. Adam Sandler was retaively tolerable, though I still have no idea why he's so popular. Jennifer is a major Jake link, as she played his lover in "The Good Girl." There was, however, another Jake link: Bailee Madison, who played Isabelle Cahill [Jake's character's niece] in "Brothers." Just thought you'd like to know.

  13. Hi Paul! I quite fancy seeing that film. I'm hoping it'll be better than the last couple of Jen's movies...
