Tuesday, 5 April 2011

First exclusive report from Source Code's day in Madrid with Jake Gyllenhaal and Duncan Jones! Much more to come...

This is an emergency post, brought about by the extraordinary experiences that WDW friends Eureka and Carlota enjoyed today in the beautiful city of Madrid. Indeed, the city was made even more striking today by the addition of Jake Gyllenhaal and Duncan Jones. This is a stop gap post, giving them the time to digest their adventure - and it involved chatting with Jake, giving him presents, talking about football (with Jake and Duncan) and selling secondhand cars - and me to process the files. In the first picture we have the lovely Carlota and her cousin Carmen with Jake.

These pictures were taken by Eureka. As you can see, our friends were able to watch the photocall.

There is a lot more to come, including the press conference itself, and some great video, but I think it's time to let Eureka and Carlota sleep and recover. And thanks so much to them for sharing this incredible day with us all!

And finally...

As mentioned in the post earlier this evening, I have not one but TWO tickets available for the screening on Thursday night in Berlin, introduced by Jake and Duncan. The tickets are not together but they are in the theatre (which is what counts). You will need to be in Berlin for 8.30pm on Thursday night. If you're interested email me using the contact link on the top left hand corner of the front page here. Thanks to reader Mrs JG for contributing one of the tickets.

Photos from Carlotta and Eureka!


  1. Just splendid! Thanks girls. Oh how lucky you were! It looks like it was not so difficult to get close to Jake and chatting seems so interesting and quite long. Get some sleep and share with us tomorrow :)
    Thx WDW that is such a great place like your blog to experience those things together.

  2. Isn't it amazing? Just wow. I'm so glad they could go to the press conference, Carlota and Eureka (and Carmen) what a nice job! Well done...

    Now excuse me while I get my jaw back...

    Sleep tight ladies, those who had such excitements today, those who are to be excited in 24 hours...

  3. Yeay! Didn't our girls do good! And this is just the beginning! Lots more to come over the next few days from Eureka and Carlota :)

    Hi Mermon! Looks like Jake was totally in the mood - fantastic! I feel really proud, Mermon :)

    Amazing, Snow!

  4. Thanks so much for sharing your adventures and lovely pics with us girls and to you too WDW:)

    Can't wait to hear more about your adventures!!

  5. I just popped on before I logged off for the evening to be greeted with these goodies.

    It's so exciting following everyone's adventures:)

    Have a fab time in Berlin WDW.


  6. gosh if I had access to a Star Trek transporter I'd GRAB those tickets up in a min. I'd love to go to Berlin.

    have fun WDW


  7. I'm glad you girls had fun meeting Jake.


  8. Good morning !
    Amazing post. Thanks a lot to all of you girls. Can't wait for Berlin...
    Kate, I sent you an email with my phone number. Hope you got it (unfortunately my account didn't work on the front page of this site).
    Hope to see you tomorrow !
    Have a nice day everyone

  9. Oh lucky girls! Can't believe he'll be in Rome, totally missed the news :( though maybe it is better so since I couldnt go anyway .. I'll be happy to breathe his same air eheh *snort* Thanks everyone for all the news and updates!


  10. MrsJakobGyllenhaal6 April 2011 at 09:20

    Wonderful post!

    Very nice pictures! Our girls look so happy (how could it be anything else!)

    I so hope to get one tomorrow as well.
    I still can't believe it!

    Have a safe trip to Berlin, WDW! See you then!

  11. Good morning!
    Rodene and Duncan himself - have few new words about Madrid and Rome on their site :0 - pleasant to read.

    WDW, MrsJakobGyllenhaal and Christina - have fun!

  12. Morning everyone! Still flying high from this and with lots of goodies to come, thanks to the generosity and wonderful experience of the Madrid gals.

    Morning Carol!

    Hi sweetpea :)

    Thanks for the email, Christina! I'll answer that in a few minutes!

    Hi there HVV :) The trip was definitely done under the radar. And a flying visit too - but always good to be in the same time zone and city as Jake :)

    One day to go Mrs JG! see you tomorrow :D

    Beautiful day here. Let's hope it's as nice in Berlin. A lovely day for a trip :) Have a good day everyone!

  13. Morning Mermon! Duncan and Ro were getting lots of tips on what to do in Rome!

  14. Hi Ladies!
    Thanks, we had such a incredible and lovely day yesterday. I wish you the same for Berlin. We all deserve a moment like this.
    Mermon, it was not long enough for chatting but certainly long enough to enjoy the moment. *sigh*
    MrsJakobGyllenhaal, Christina you'll love it. ;o)

  15. How exciting this is all!! Thanks to the intrepid duo in Madrid and good luck on the Berlin adventure - I hope it is as sunny there - and loads of goodies for us who eagerly await...
    :D :D

  16. Oh, @Eureka! I'm glad you enjoyed the moments! Now we want to share your enjoyment reading about your encounter with Jake :).

  17. There should be laws against this amount of hotness


  18. Hello everyone! At heathrow devouring a veggie brekkie. Will try and do a post before I fly. Otherwise when I'm there.

    The berlin tickets still available by the way :)

    What a lovely day!

  19. Seems like Duncan's finalizing plans to be in London on Friday.

  20. There's a Q&A at the Odeon West End on Friday :)

    Sorry for short comments - on mobile

  21. I can't get wifi to work at Heathrow - a tenner for any minutes - so I'll grab the internet when I get to Berlin. Thanks for being patient with me!

  22. MrsJakobGyllenhaal6 April 2011 at 16:25

    @ Eureka - glad you enjoyed it! Can't wait to have "my" own moment of Jake joy!

    Looking forward to hearing more details and seeing pictures!

  23. The artist formerly known as6 April 2011 at 20:15

    Dying to know more about the football they talked about!! As long as Jake wasnt supporting Tottenham last night-then I might have to go off him!

    Hello by the way-it's been soooooo long but I still check this blog often and still love Jake! Hope everyone is well :o)


  24. LondonJakeFan (LJF)6 April 2011 at 20:16

    Dying to know more about the football they talked about!! As long as Jake wasnt supporting Tottenham last night-then I might have to go off him!

    Hello by the way-it's been soooooo long but I still check this blog often and still love Jake! Hope everyone is well :o)

    The artist formerly known as LJF

  25. Mi Mrs JG!

    OMG LJF!!! How are you?! So good to hear your voice. I think it was Duncan going on about the footie. Details in the new post. Great to see you!

    Greetings from Berlin!
