Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Jake Gyllenhaal and Bear Grylls - Man Vs Wild

With no more ado, here it is! So pull up your favourite armchair, grab something comforting to clutch and get those bushtucker snacks ready, and watch Jake Gyllenhaal take on the wild with Bear Grylls. A rumour has it that Jake even takes his shirt off, something I wholeheartedly approve of. There is one very special person to thank for this and that is Stephanie at IHJ.

So, how did he do?!


  1. Here it is! Thank you so much Stephanie! Off to watch...

  2. Oh, what a cute pic of Jake there at the end!!!! I am soooo looking forward to see that moment later when I come home!! Only managed to download and watch the first part quickly this morning before work! Can't wait to see the rest!
    Thanks Stephanie for the videos and WDW for picking that sweet sweet pic for the post!!

  3. Aw Stephanie as usual, thank you so much. You too WDW though you should put a warning on for something a little stronger than coffee ;D And to Jake...... are you friggin nuts?!! You scared the life out of me. Climbing up the steep, slippery snow/ice clad hills, Sitting on the edge leaning back.... *ok, calm down Sheba* phew, I feel a bit better now.

    That was absolutely ballsy of you. Could I love him more:DD It felt like a movie rather than a real life experience. Well done big fella.

    He looked like a big kid so full of adventure when he first got winched up into the helicopter. I just cant believe what I've just seen. It was like watching my child climb across a ravine on a rope my heart was in my throat. I don't know if it was editing but he didn't complain once which displays the measure of Jake. And helping out the camera crew I guess is just his natural instinct as his co stars always say about him making people comfortable around him.

    I love that 'embrace life' philosophy and spirit of adventure he has which is truly infectious and inspiring. I salute you sir and cannot wait for other adventures we have in store.

  4. Hello Uli! I love that pic, I love it so much - it seems to sum up so much about Jake on this show - pride, exhaustion, exhilaration and relief.

    Hi Sheba! I just finished watching it too - OMG Jake was beyond brave and fearless. Can you imagine how few people have this kind of courage?! This goes way further than being impressed by Jake - I am gobsmacked. I was alarmed in places and seeing that ravine crossing in context made it even more frightening. Yep way more than coffee needed!

  5. I'm so glad Stephanie got this uploaded so people outside the U.S. can see it first thing - Yay Steph!! I commented last night after watching it but, honestly, don't think I formed actual sentences and still feel I can't. It really is that amazing. Wow. *tries to figure out a way to concentrate on work instead of watching MvsW again* :-)

  6. Gosh he's beautiful! Thanks, WDW.

  7. Morning BBMISwear :-) I enjoyed your comment last night! I am so glad I have the day off. It's so difficult expressing how proud I am! I also think he must have been a tad bonkers... ;)

    My pleasure 12:39!

  8. I've got a busy day ahead of me today, not to mention I'll be doing my stuff in the middle of the hottest day of the year so far. So if I don't end up melting away in the heat I'll be back to look at some screencaps at IHJ (big thanks to steph for those and the vids) of course if I think those are going to cool me down, well I guess if Jake can make the sacrifices and be brave in Iceland I can be brave enough to NOT cool down watching him doing it. (later)

    thanks WDW

  9. Thanks, WDW! You've put the "wild" in "Wet dark and wild." That last picture is definitely cute. :-)

  10. Yay!! Thanks WDW! And a big bow to Stephanie, bloody hell that was quick!

    I'm not gonna read the previous comments 'cause I don't want anything spoiled. I'm gonna cook dinner and then put my feet up with this. :)))))

  11. Hi Sweetpea! I think I'll take your weather over that Icelandic storm...

    Thanks Paul! It's a beautiful picture - really sums up a lot of my feelings for Jake :)

    Hey there Lady Ekster! You're gonna love it! But you might not want to eat at the same time... ;)

  12. OMG! Could a Gyllengirl ever be more proud of Jake. I think not!

    I cannot imagine the kind of personality it takes to go through with this. We've seen the rope crossing before, but for some reason I was more scared this time around. Hell, I thought that Bear was secured in some way on his way over, and that Jake would have been hooked in that black rope. But no sir, there is just think endless air between Jake and some nasty looking rocks. Scared me to death.
    I got exhausted from watching. I don't know how Jake did it.
    Chapeau, mon ami!

  13. My heart is pounding, my palms are sweaty, my eye balls nearly popped out at several points... this was EPIC!

    I'll not spoil too much here so I'll take my further comments to the forum till everybody has had a chance to see it, but phew... this was great and I'm so very very proud of the both of them! No way I could ever have done that, period.

    Just a detail that we've already seen in the days before: that worm moment. The sounds Jake made and the look on his face... did anyone else remember the pickled
    onion he ate on Jonathan Ross? *grin*

  14. I've finally watched it! Liked it a lot.
    Like Sheba said Jake was like a kid, excited, ready for unknown adventure and fun, ready to take a risk. Very cute, even in freezing cold, looking handsome and charming. Helping a camera man was very nice, I've noticed that too.
    And who would expect to see Jake's half naked body in those conditions? That was a nice surprise.
    It looked like he had a time of his life facing his fear. Brave Jake! It's not easy to climb a rope and being able to relax body. Otherwise your muscles become so stiff that is impossible to move even. It was very impressive.
    The picture of Jake is awesome. Thank you Kate and Stephanie for giving us a chance to see it so soon.

  15. I love reading all the reactions as we all see this for the first time - I love it just as much as when a film comes out!

    So hello Mrs JG, lady Ekster and Mermon!

    I do agree - shirtless Jake was a pleasant surprise :)

    What a wonderful day!

  16. Second viewing - more detail: did anyone catch the return of "Loogate"? That was so not fair of Bear, yet Jake made a perfect picture on that one too. No wonder that guy at SXSW thought that was something worth snapping with his camera.
    I love how he jokes about having spelled letters in the snow. Guys!

  17. What? Loogate?! Seriously? I'll have to rewind that bit...
    What I did notice was the obvious BBM reference. Jake's face at that moment and the very, very quick movement turning his face to Bear again - priceless!

  18. Wow, WDW, thanks so much for the videos - I really wanted to see this. All I can say is he is fearless! I have a fear of heights - Jake is so brave, I am so proud of him, amazing x

  19. Wow!! At last I've seen it!! Thank you so much for the upload!!
    It's not a fiction is it!? owww almost my heart was going to stope at the scene of climbing the rope.
    Really Jake had an amazing experience! I'm sure these videos will be my treasure!
    Jake is brave, tough, still more cute. I'm proud of him more and more! :))

  20. it seems to sum up so much about Jake on this show - pride, exhaustion, exhilaration and relief

    That really is the perfect description of that pic!!

    Damn, Jake really did some scary things there. I think the problem with the rope crossing this time was, that we got to see how fucking long the way on that rope was!! I couldn't help but wonder how they would have rescued him if he wouldn't have had the strength to go the whole way? Just imagine you loose all your strength in the middle of something like that???

    And I thought the wall of snow they were climbing up right in the beginning was a bit too steep for my taste... :D

    And then poor Jake having to take a pee on TV... He looked a bit uncomfortable there on camera or like he was having trouble getting something out with the whole world watching... :D

    In other places I have seen some people weren't too happy with Bear's reference to Brokeback Mountain, but I have to say to me they looked like two guys just being a bit goofy - like he said in the voice over that they were getting a bit giddy - and having fun, so I don't hold it against him.

    And cute Jake smuggling chocolate (was it powder for a chocolate drink?) into the wild? That sounds better than rotten sheep... (Ugh, that was in my eyes probably the bravest thing of Jake to do - to touch and rip apart that rotten sheep...)

    I have to admit I would have liked some subtitles, though... Sometimes I had problems understanding them cause of all the surrounding sounds like the wind...

    Need to watch it again this evening!! :D

  21. I wanna sleep in an ice cave with Jake too13 July 2011 at 08:04

    Watched these videos in Belgium...thanks so much for making this possible :-)
    Amazing, incredible program! And Jake is the best!

  22. Thanks so much to Stephanie and WDW for this.

    Off to face a busy day at work but knowing I have this to look forward to later makes it easier:}

  23. Morning all! Good to see you all! Running around like a headless chicken so back at lunchtime!

  24. OMG!!!!!
    Jake in MvW is so good!!!!
    Can he be more perfect? LOL
    This is an intense epusode. I relly love it!!
    Thank you so much, WDW :)

  25. Hi!
    I did notice loogate. But for me it was not so bad. I think they have discussed that things before or at least Jake would have asked to remove that from the movie if he wouldn't approved that. Itis a survival in difficult condition and guys are lucky to be able to pee in full clothing, from the back we didn't see anything.
    I didn't notice that BBM joke and Jake's reaction to that. I have to watch it again.
    I regret one thing, that the weather was so bad, that camera's lenses were full of rain drops and the view was not clear and due to the wind the voice was not clear either. But I'm sure that after few times watching we will be able to understand more.

  26. I was thinking about something Jake mentioned several months ago after he'd turned 30. A reporter had asked him if he had anything special planned and he said something about taking his family to the arctic and going swimming with the whales or walrus'

    I wonder if he was in talks to do Man Vs Wild at the time and that was kind of a reference to it.


  27. Back after such a long stressful day with a lovely end having dinner with Rubes :)

    Thanks so much for all the comments!

    To pick up on a couple of things - I do agree, Sweetpea, we've said a few times here that this was quite probably Jake's expression of heading off to dive with walruses and orca.

    Uli, when it comes to the Brokeback comment, I think that Bear's commentary, talking about how they were giddy etc, shows that Bear was very conscious that this wasn't something he would've said normally. So no harm done and I don't think people should be so sensitive. These were quite extraordinary circumstances - you can almost feel that wind blowing on your face!

    So good to see you all - off to collapse! Have a good night :)

  28. Yes, thanks to Stephanie and to you for the videos!

    Since everyone has pretty much summed up all emotions and reactions to the videos . . I have something different to add/ask: What's the gold neclace that Jake is wearing (you can see it when they take their jackets and stuff off)? He's worn it for what seems like a long time and there seems to be a small charm on it. I thought he was crazy to keep wearing it through the water portion - I would have taken it off or not even worn it to this excursion. Any ideas?

  29. lillyrosesNjake14 July 2011 at 02:02

    For anon at 22:47-I tried to find the article, but I recalled him saying years ago about recieving a madagascar sapphire either from his sister or friend that he treasured and wore around his neck. I never actually saw it in other pics over the years, but when I saw the gold chain and charm in the video I thought about the sapphire.

  30. @Sweetpea (19:10):
    I thought the SAME thing! I think he was in talks at the time and that that was a reference to MVW (but I am not sure though). I am on vacation and the videos will not load :(
    I will watch them in a few days.

  31. iTunes has the full episode available, if you want better quality video.

  32. Good morning!
    Glad you had a nice evening with Ruby after a hectic day, WDW!!!

    Definitely no harm done regarding the Brokeback comment! I just wish I would have understood what Jake answered and Bear dittoed then, damn... :D

    And regarding loogate (LOL), I didn't mean that Jake was seriously uncomfortable, maybe I should better say he looked like he was feeling a bit awkward peeing with millions of people watching. You are right, Mermon, if he was uncomfortable in a bad way he probably would have asked them to remove it from the show... Although he might still have been uncomfortable in a different way - he was probably afraid he was freezing off an appendage that is most likely very dear to him... :D :D :D

    And now you can do another show with Bear, Jake! Maybe somewhere warm, and not so windy, so that we can understand better what you are saying... And you are not wrapped into a big jacket and a hat all the time, and a face pet! We could hardly see you!! :D

    Or it would be so great (even greater maybe) if , like others here have mentioned before, he would do an animal documentary, like for instance Julia Roberts or John Cleese did...

    Need to take a look at the gold necklace now.

    Have a great day everybody!!

  33. Good morning everyone. Great to see you all!

    I didn't recognise this particular necklace, he seems to have a fair few of them :)

    Hello to Lilynroses and Margot!

    Morning Uli :) A desert episode would be nice... but yes, I'd love an animal documentary or one where Jake explores different places. That would be so good.

    Thanks for the tip about iTunes 3:33 - I wonder if that's outside the US as well...

    Have a great day everyone!

  34. Sorry if I've missed this along the way but when was this filmed? Any idea?

  35. Amazing how many people comment on this or have seen it, you can tell that when you read comments on other pages as well.

    I'm really glad for Jake to have been enjoying this so much, because we sure have!

  36. Jake Gyllenhaal spotted at Los Angeles gang shooting crime scene -
    with some video
    Jake and Michael Pena witnessed true police' action

    Ha, it looks that being an actor it might be a dangerous profession.

  37. The sapphire charm Jake is wearing on that chain is a gift from Maggie , he mentioned it in a GQ interview several years ago.

    You can see it when he did a photocall for BBM/Jarhead in 2005 where he wears the chai outside his shirt on IHJ.

  38. Stone cold STONES on Mr. G for crawling across a 150' rope over a 500' deep abyss. Wow. I've faced what is delicately called "significant exposure" a couple of times on hikes, and I don't like heights any better than Jake--but I could NEVER do what he did.

    The BBM exchange goes like this: Bear: Does this remind you of two scenes in Brokeback… (giggling so much he has to start over) Brokeback Mountain?
    Jake: (stiffens a moment after the first mention of BB, swings around quickly as Bear finishes) Watch it! (Laughing)

    I can't believe that a page full of JG-lovin folk didn't spare hardly a comment for that other pulse-racin scene, the stream crossing. Jeeeeeeezus. Abso-bloody-lutely the most beautiful creature alive. And he routinely misses turning up on "best body" lists. I suppose that's his stupid publicist.

    I think Bear Grylls is paddling with one oar, but honey, THANK YOU for hosting The Fittest Guy in Hollywood. Maybe Jake will cook you some worm stew?
