Sunday, 28 August 2011

Grandissimo Jake Gyllenhaal! Flashbacks to Prince of Persia's world premiere

What with storms blasting across the NE seaboard of the US and across the NE corner of Scotland, one almost expects to see a wolf chasing Jake Gyllenhaal across New York while a tidal wave crashes aside skyscrapers and Russian ships. Therefore, I think it's time to remember that this is, at least in this hemisphere, still summer. For me, as far as Gyllenhaalism goes, summer movies don't get much more summery than Prince of Persia.

With thanks to Monica, this is a great video newly uncovered from the world premiere of Prince of Persia at Westfield, London, back in May last year. I love it. Jake's exuberance, friendliness and openness are a true delight. He is indeed grandissimo!


  1. Evenin' all! I hope you've had a good and safe day :)

  2. To you too Kate!!!
    I hope also a beautiful week and a wonderful Monday to everyone!

  3. Hello from the not so pleasant weather part of the world! What a wild 24 hours it's been - interesting to just sit and look out the window! Luckily my immediate area only lost power and internet connection very briefly and I'm really glad for that since a work project has basically taken over my life and today was the day I hoped to catch up on all the great stuff that's been popping up online. I did exactly that and have enjoyed it all! Thank you for the posts over the last week or so, WDW, this was my first time back here for a bit and it was fun to catch up (and this PoP premiere video in today's post was a nice surprise and, yes, so summery)!

    I am really loving all the EoW stuff - the coverage by E News is great and the more I see, the more I am so excited for this movie! The Edible Schoolyard stuff was simply adorable.

    I hope you enjoyed your recent travels, WDW, and that everyone here is doing well. And good luck to all in the north east states - some parts were hit really hard - stay safe!

    Until next time...(and I hope it's not another 2 weeks)...GRRR!


  4. Thanks so much, Carlotta!

    So good to see you BBMISwear, and safe and sound too. I'm glad that it's all passed you by ok. I've had a lovely week, thanks! It passed all too quickly. Don't work too hard and come back soon!

  5. Thank you for the post with a video "grandissimo! Jake Gyllenhaal". It's very pleasant. :)

    I hope everyone is safe and ok from hurricane Irene.

  6. Hi there Mayumintolor! Great news to hear Duncan is in Japan :)

    Have a good day everyone. A holiday in England I'm pleased to say :)

  7. Hello~~~hope everybody is safe.
    I am getting more and more excited about EOW. I don't know why.LOL
    I feel that Jake must get involve so much. :)

    Love your update, WDW *hug*

  8. Hi Kate! Great video clip! Jake always gives a wonderful red carpet interview.

    Thank goodness all the bad weather is behind us. Now comes the recovery and clean up. Can you believe that some people are complaining that the danger of the storm was overstated and a lot of the disruptions caused by evacuations and suspension of mass transit were unnecessary?! They just don't realize how bad it could have been. Glad to know you made it through safely, BBMISwear.

  9. I guess Jake is headed to Vegas to finish filming EoW - HERE.

  10. Thanks so much Hui!

    That's just ridiculous, Susan! What would they have said if the state had done nothing and the place was swept away? Always better to be safe than sorry. Surely!

    Thanks, Leslie, I saw that - good news and new post :)

  11. Yes! That's great news!! but I'm sorry I failed to see him. I didn't think that he comes to Tokyo so early. and I don't know how long he will be staying in Japan. owwww I want to know where he is now..

  12. Oh dear, he's speaking in Italian here! *faints* :-)

    It's so funny to hear English speaking people talk like mafia villains when they try to speak in Italian LOL!!!

    Thanks, that was really a treat for this little silly Italian me!!!

    And good afternoon, Gyllencrazies!!
