Friday, 9 November 2012

*Emergency post* Jake Gyllenhaal - the Guardian's Top Gun

Today's Guardian has been well and truly Jake Gyllenhaaled....

Click and they shall be embeginned. For a better look at the words do read the interview over at the Guardian and always remember: if you're going to lend someone your jacket, check their bedbug situation first....


  1. Well! This was both unexpected and wonderful! Have a good Friday everyone :)

  2. Jake is much forward than me with his interviews. I still don't have time to watch/read it fully. I watch the half of THR interview and absolutely loved it! Dream came true, to hear Jake talking about himself by 40 minutes. He must like us really! Thank you Jake!
    I go to the theater tonight to see my cousin performing. I will think about Jake on a stage for sure!
    Do you, Kate plan to see Jake in London? Would be awesome!

  3. *runsofftobuytheguardian!*

  4. Oh, geez! What a time to be too busy with work to enjoy all the Gyllen-ness in the Guardian. I will return posthaste to immerse myself in the goodies at my earliest opportunity.

  5. Great ! Got my paper , the second to last one in the village shop! Off to see Skyfall this eve, can't wait! ...Hope to see an EOW trailer too... ;-)

  6. Hi everyone!

    It would be good, Mermon but London's a big place....

    Hi Nev and Susan!

    BMC - glad you got your copy :)

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  9. Kate, I meant meeting Jake at EoW premiere! Or press conference. Not chasing him in London! :))

  10. LOL, mermon!

    I know this is off topic, but went to see Skyfall last night - wow what a stunning film! Totally gobsmacked me. I didn't know whether to cry or laugh at the end. Someone deserves an oscar with this one - art director and cinematographer or even Sam Mendes (liked the reminder of Jarhead - anyone notice it?!). But shame plot insignificant!

    Amanda x
