Thursday, 29 May 2014

Jake Gyllenhaal and Colm Toíbín: In Conversation - The Year of James Baldwin

Here it is, Jake Gyllenhaal in conversation with Colm Toíbín as part of Columbia University's celebration of author James Baldwin. It's over an hour long so sit back in a comfy chair, kick off your shoes (if it's safe to do so) and enjoy. But be warned. The event took place on 1 May so there's been no facial pruning as yet.


  1. Enjoy everyone! These long videos are rare and a treat. And Jake reading too.... I'm melting a little.... Have a good day!

  2. If you liked BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN (short story and film version), make sure to read Baldwin's novel GIOVANNI'S ROOM, folks. Never has closeted homosexuality been told/narrated more intensively - until author Annie Proulx came along.

  3. Has Baldwin been translated into Dutch? I haven't read anything of his yet - curious to do so, now that Antje mentions Brokeback Mountain... ;-) *goes to check*

    Haven't had the opportunity to watch the video yet. Will do a.s.a.p.!

    Hope everyone is OK! xx

  4. That video is a rare treat indeed! Watching and listening to Jake read a very intense erotic passage is just one memorable moment in a very wonderful conversation about an extraordinary book. I think I will enjoy this particular video many more times. Thanks so much for sharing it, Kate!

  5. I saw "The Chef" recently. It has so many Jake links that they might as well have written a part for Jake himself:

    Russell Peters - in "Source Code"
    Robert Downey Jr - in "Zodiac"
    Dustin Hoffman - in "Moonlight Mile"
    Oliver Platt - in "Love and other drugs

    Also, I saw a list of the ten best Western parodies of all time. They listed "City Slickeroverys"

  6. Ich habe eben zufällig glesen,das
    die Affäre zwischen Jake und Taylor
    von November bis Dezember ging.Wie kann er ihr nach drei Monaten die Unschuld genommen haben.Denn es stand damals auch geschrieben,das sie Weihnachten 2012 schon nicht mehr zusammen waren.

  7. Ich habe mich leider mit dem Datum geirrt. Das mit Jake und Tailor war
    nicht 2012 sondern 2010.

  8. Great video.
    I have a degree in American literature.
    This video is a real treat for devoted Jake-fans - and for all devoted philologists.

  9. Thank you for this wonderful video. I still haven't had the time to watch it completely, but it is great so far as I have seen it.
    I like Jake talking and reading.
    Have a nice day everyone.

  10. "istening to Jake read a very intense erotic passage is just one memorable moment..."

    Oh? Still haven't watched all of it. But knowing this... ;-)

  11. I saw "A million ways to die in the West." There's one Jake link: Evan Jones, who was in "Jarhead."

  12. Jake links in A Million Ways to Die in the West: There's also Jamie Foxx (in a cameo after the end credits) from Jarhead. His cameo was just as hilarious as the rest of the movie.

  13. Es ist wieder etwas ruhig bei Jake.Aber vielleicht ist schon was
    Neues im Programm.Ich hätte gerne noch ein paar schöne Bilder.Aber was nicht ist,kann ja noch werden.
    Wünsche ein schönes Wochenende.

  14. Finally watched it! I could listen to Jake talk / read all day, every day ;-)

    Curious to read the book now - I ordered it from the library.

  15. I just gt back from seeing "The Fault in our Stars." There is one Jake link: Laura Dern, who played Jake's mother in "October Sky."


  16. Ich glaube Du irrst Dich.Laura Dern
    spielte die Lehrerin.

  17. @paulh
    Oh, dear, Laura Dern was the fatally ill young teacher, not the Mom in OCTOBER SKY.
    Yet, it's a lovely little movie to watch. Jake's very fist lead in a movie for adult audiences. And he was still such a baby in 1999.

  18. @Sonja
    Talking about the first sentence of you latest post -
    yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, I agree 100% with you!!!


  19. Hallo Antje.
    Da sind wir uns wohl einig,das Laura Dern die Lehrerin war,und
    nicht die Mutter.

  20. Have you all heard that Jake is back on stage this winter with Constellations - another play by Nick Payne and directed again by Michael Longhurst. Jake seems to be enjoying these artistic combos. How exciting tho! Having seen him in If there is I highly reccomend everyone tries to see this. Infact I may have to make a trip to NY just to catch this!

