Good morning everyone and what a beautiful morning it is. Why? Because not only has the trailer for Rendition been released and shown on US TV, but also because kind souls have made sure that this morning the rest of us can wake up and watch it too. So thanks to UV at DC and Stephanie at
IHeartJake for completely making my day!
Here is the
link to the trailer.

Jake Gyllenhaal isn't in the trailer nearly enough, although both Peter and Reese get a good showing. What there is of Jake is dark and tough and nothing like we've seen from him before. I cannot wait!
Thanks to everyone who sent me links to the trailer overnight.
Picture from
Now everyone is happy throughout Jakeland. I definitely like this tougher Jake that we have been shown a glimpse of. Can't wait to see him show the world what he's got when Rendition finally hits the big screen! Once again, it's like Jake hears what we say. Just yesterday I was saying why can't we see the trailer since we know it's ready. It was like all you have to do is ask and here it is!
ReplyDeleteToo bad that doesn't work for everything.
Morning Dani! Isn't it great?! The film will be here now before we know it - although on the 19th and not on 12 October - at least in the US. I wonder if they'll put it back a week everywhere.
ReplyDeleteI'm not really here, by the way.... ;D See you all later :)
I saw the trailer on Entertainment Tonight -- I hope this film is as good as it looks. And Jake ... well, what can I say? A whole different character coming through like gangbusters! He looks even more grown up, doncha think? He certainly seems tough, but there is about one second where that toughness vanishes. I am soooo looking forward to this one, even more than Zodiac.
ReplyDeleteForgot to add I LOVE Zodiac!
ReplyDeleteAllow me to add that I SAW Zodiac!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love Jake in the Rendition trailer - not sure about toughness as perceived. I could see something very complex and fascinating from those little glimpses. Can't wait to see the film.
Is it possible to over-dose on Jake-ness? Cos I think that's what happening to me! I've got a thousand things to do but I thought I'd have a break and have a quick peek at the trailer again but now I can't tear myself away from the computer!Unless it's to watch the rifle scene from Jarhead! I can't get enough Tough Jake at the moment:D
ReplyDeleteBut I'm wondering how much of the toughness in the character is for show, cos the bit where he has his head sort of in his hands, and then when he tells the guy it's not working, suggests that he isn't comfortable with what's going on. And it says it's his first assignment so maybe the character feels he has to put on a show of toughness in front of his bosses? Either way, I can't wait to se it!! This looks like a great film even if Jake wasn't in it - the bit with Reese screaming at the end is haunting. But sexy tough Jake is the cherry on the icing on the cake;D
I certainly agree that there are some underlying complexities to Jake's "toughness". I would not really want to see him play a totally heartless brute. I just love that those people out there who are still doubters that there are many layers to his talent will have to eat their words!
ReplyDeleteAnd Incognita, congratulations on finally seeing Zodiac! Did you like it?
Hi Beckela! Jake certainly looked all grown up to me. I can't believe that I'm looking forwrad to Rendition even more than I did Zodiac - but it's true and I am :D And yes, I love Zodiac too!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you got to see Zodiac at last Incognita! Now we just have to wait for Twisted Logic ;D
Talking of whom ... hi Twisted Logic - you can never have too much Jake, of that I'm sure, and, like you, I'm all for a bit of tough Jake even if he does have another side to him.
I just think it's time for studios to see there's more to Jake than they may think, just as you say Dani
Good-day Everyone!
ReplyDeleteHi Dani - Zodiac just blew me away.
Everything was so perfect about this film. And so real -- I could feel all the emotions from under my own skin. Jake's Graysmith made me feel like I was Graysmith personally going through all the phases of that obsession. An unforgettable experience and one that I am likely to repeat very often -- there is so much more to this film that one needs to uncover.
WDW good to see you here. How's it going?
Hey Incognita - more of Zodiac comes out with each viewing - that's for sure.
ReplyDeleteGood to see you too :D As for me, I'm on a bus... for a change...:(
Hey WDW, how goes it?! I knew that if I checked here first I would find the clip to the "Rendition" trailer and I wasn't disappointed in any sense of the word! Bloody hellfire, this film looks fantastic!
ReplyDeleteAs for Jake's performance, the brief glimpses we were treated to here would suggest it's going to be another absolute triumph. He is definitely maturing, as a man and as an actor (although many of his previous performances have been mature beyond his years).
There is certainly some serious conflict within Douglas Freeman as Jake plays it, evident even from such short snippets. I've watched it several times now and some of his aggression,hostility and anger seems as much born of frustration and exasperation with the methods he's being forced to use, especially if he suspects that the man he is interrogating actually has no answers and may be innocent.
Does anyone get the feeling from one of the later scenes that Freeman might be helping the prisoner to escape?
All the major players in this trailer seem to be at the top of their game and Ms. Streep at her ruthlessly iciest is compelling.
Needless to say,I am champing at the bit with the rest of you for this - let's hope the UK release date isn't too far behind the US - in fact a simultaneous release would be just fine by me, the sooner the better! I feel visits to several screenings coming on :-)
Hi Nadine - thanks for that great comment! Douglas' character looks every complex - you can tell that just from the taster. I just need to see more!
ReplyDeleteAnd what a fine cast - Arkin is always excellent as Meryl is and Jake - Acadamy Award nominee - has top billing on the trailer. Fabulous.
As far as I'm aware the US and UK releases ARE simultaneous.
Don't know which is correct because IMDb still has the US "Rendition" premiere as October 12th, yet the announces on "ET" said October 19th??
ReplyDeleteAnd the trailer is fantastic!! :)
Hey WDW! I can't tell you how long the wait for Zodiac is feeling, strangely even more so since I actually ordered the dvd:( Most normal sane people count down the days until they go on holiday but I'm going to be counting the days until I come back, so I can watch Zodiac ;D
ReplyDeleteHey Nadine! I loved your post about the Rendition trailer - you summed up my thoughts about it perfectly:)
And I agree, I think Jake might be helping the guy to escape in the bit where they're walking down the corridor. Jake's wearing the same clothes that he's wearing in the pic of him in the office that WDW posted recently. So I think he goes through the paperwork and sees it doesn't add up and the guy is innocent and he tries to get him out. I had a feeling about that pic that he wasn't meant to be in that office:) But what do I know?! I could be completely wrong lol! Anyway, as I've said 1000 times I can't wait to see it!!!
Btw, I still can't decide which new set of pics I like best, Rendition Jake or Guardian Jake:D It gets harder to decide every time I look at them..Of course I could just stop looking- but I can't!!
twistedlogic: "cant stop looking' - I printed out black and white the Guardian photo with arms crossed and shirt out and black jeans down way low on his hips and tell him a few times a day that love him. well I say other things, too, such "you're mine, all mine"
By the way, I tried overdosing and it didnt work, in fact had the opposite effect.
Hey Pia! That's a good idea, printing the pics out:D I was planning to go cold turkey while on holiday but maybe I should take a couple of pics just in case the Jake-lessness is too much to bear:D I would have to choose the fifth one first, where's he's leaning against the wall with his hands behind his back. He's got that look of a naughty boy trying to look innocent that makes me want to get inside the computer and...well,you get my drift;)
ReplyDeleteForget Walking Water Jesus, it'll be the men in white coats taking me away if I keep looking at these pics!!;D
Hi WDW...I watched the trailer with much anticipation...there was too much Reese and not enough Jake!! Jake certainly was acting the tough guy in what little we saw...but I understand he is new employee who becomes disenchanted with the rendition process after awhile. I have to point out that it seems unlikely that the CIA would give this kind of important assignment, a renditon interrogation, to a new employee..(they would give it to someone with a lot of experience) so I am anxious to see if that is explained in the movie. Love the posting...and I simply cannot wait for October and Rendition...Michele
ReplyDeleteHey, TwistedLogic, I actually took pictures of Jake with me on my recent vacation.... Like I was going to forget what he looks like. But it was nice to have something "familiar" in my hotel room. I never would have confessed this if you hadn't mentioned that it was a good idea. And it is better than going cold turkey!
ReplyDeleteAnon, 00:55, I'd normally agree with the observation about how unlikely it might be to give a CIA agent on his first overseas assignment, this type of job, but in this particular time with the "War On Terror" and all the people imprisoned on GITMO, it wouldn't be unusual at all. They have hundreds of prisoners, possibly thousands of "persons of interest" all over the world. Everybody has their first time. Even in the CIA. This is going on with increasing regularity to more and more prisoners, so it would make it very plausible to use people who might not be as seasoned as they would idealy like to have. There is a myth out there that these agencies are so professional and so proficient. And they aren't.
ReplyDeleteI really can't wait to see this - what a dilemma it puts you in. On the one hand, I can hear Reese's character begging for any information she can get on the whereabouts of her missing husband, and on the other hand I can hear Meryl Streep's character saying that 7,000 lives were saved in London because of the program. I can only wonder about the dilemma of Jake's character.
ReplyDeleteOn a lighter note, he is, in my opinion, the most beautiful, talented, and sexy man in all of Hollywood at the moment. And WDW's got the pictures to prove it! (No, I didn't take any with me on vacation, but I did think about it! lol) :)
Hey Dani1 Thanks for that:) I think I'll do that then, I mean, it can't hurt to just take a few pics just incase, it doesn't mean I HAVE to look at them;D Of course this means now I'm going to have to look through 100s of pics of Jake to choose the right ones- however will I manage?!;)
ReplyDeleteHi Bobbyanna...I appreciate your reply to my comment. I still disagree with what you wrote concerning the way renditions are handled, but I appreciate your differing opinion. I do have a problem though with this statement "There is a myth out there that these agencies are so professional and so proficient. And they aren't." Making a blanket statement like that is very dangerous. I have a feeling, whilst some of the people who work at these agencies are unprofessional (like at most workplaces),..the majority are probably hardworking, skilled, and proficient....You are demeaning a whole group of people with one sweeping statement..which is a bit scary to me..
ReplyDeleteI am a msture, seasoned, in fact, professional, adult woman who carries a picture of Jake around in my wallet and during a recent hospitalization tacked a picture of the Beloved up on the bulletin board.
ReplyDeleteHe needs and wants to be loved, or else he wouldnt look like that.
MATURE not msture
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a great idea, Pia. One of the Guardian pics would be perfect - especially the first one here. Those lips, those eyes! I also agree with you about the low on the hips black jeans. *thud* He's incredible! ;)
ReplyDelete"and during a recent hospitalization tacked a picture of the Beloved up on the bulletin board. "
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me like a very reasonable thing to do Pia. I know that his pictures gave great comfort to my mother during her last illness.
I have a friend who was in the hospital recently and when I asked her if there was anything she wanted me to bring to her, she had one thing to say: Bring me Jake! Since I couldn't get her the real thing - flesh and blood Jake - she had to make do with a picture. I taped the picture to the wall at the foot of the bed and he stayed there for five days until she was released.
ReplyDeleteIncognita, how wonderful that Jake's photos gave your mother comfort. Jake is very comforting in many ways. Since my awareness of Jake began 20 months ago I have been through several real life crisis and I do believe that thinking about Jake and the friends I have made because of him helped me find solutions to my problems as quickly as possible so that I could get back to what makes me happiest, next to my son, and that's Jake!
HI everyone - thanks for your comments. I'll be back to chat later, I'm running out to see SherryBaby... :D
ReplyDeletehi friends - on the bus again - for a change... Very interesting comments - thanks. First off i must admit to carrying bafta jake with me for comfort on those hard days. I'm doing my own rendition research as at the mo i feel unqualified to comment on anything beyond the hotness issue!
ReplyDeleteI would never demean a whole group of working people, so let me clarify that.I agree with you, there are thousands of individuals that are very hardworking and very skilled. And they deserve our cooperation if possible and when appropriate, and certainly our thanks. I'm thinking especially of first responders. But I said "agencies" as in institutions and the top decisionmakers, and frankly, as an American I have seen very little recently to disabuse me of the notion that the top decisionmakers: the people who make the assignments, the people who decide who to arrest, detain and investigate, the people who decide to start a war based on their interpretation of intel, the people who decide what intel to review, and give weight to, the people who decided to mothball reports that men were going to flight schools to learn to fly planes but not land them; the people who ignored watch lists, the people who decided that inter-agency squabbling is more important than sharing information, are all-knowing and have not been consistently guilty of some egregious errors. There were a lot of hard-working people trying desperately to help people waiting on rooftops when the levees were breached in New Orleans. They didn't have equipment and supplies, they didn't have key people in the right places to do what was required and make timely decisions. Those images are something I will never ever forget. And frankly, they remain for me a metaphor. One of the main points, I would suspect, of films like Rendition, is that they not only point to abuses of power on a very elementary level, but to the moral dilemma which presents itself when one has to balance the need to make us secure, with the extreme measures we have in place that are totally at odds with what we always believed we were about. I was raised to question authority. I can't totally surrender my fate to anyone with the assumption that their superior knowledge and skill will protect me. Recent history has taught me that "they" don't really know as much as "they" ought to and "they make mistakes. I realize my views are not necessarily consistent with those of many other people. I also know there are probably thousands of incidents that have been averted. I understand perfectly the notion:"We have to be right all the time, they only have to be right once." And I am sorry for getting so serious, but rendition is a serious subject. And we will have to respectfully disagree. I would certainly rather concentrate on Jake. Does anyone else think he sort of resembles a young Al Pacino? (only taller LOL!) might be surprised to read that I agree with many of your points in your last post....because you clarified what you meant by "agencies"...the word "agency", at least to me, does not mean top government officials, who, in my opinion have played fast and reckless with their power. However, you must keep in mind that many things that you wrote about...the ignored intel...the intel that was used to justify the war in Iraq...are out of the control of many of the people who work at specific agencies..and that good people were fired or forced to resign when they tried to speak up and stop the wrong information from being used. This has been reported in the media. ANYWAY...that is all I am going to "type" on the subject..I just hope people think intelligently when they view "Rendition". I think Jake will be matter what the subject matter of the movie is...Michele
ReplyDeleteGreat discussion, Bobbyanna and Michelle. I expect we'll have lots of serious discussions about this subject before and after we've seen Rendition. I agree that people are only human, can and do make mistakes in judgement, in all levels of society, including those with authority, and it's important to question that authority, especially when it extends to human life and liberty.
ReplyDeleteIncognita, I'm so glad that Jake gave your mother comfort, and that he does for all of you as well. He makes me happy too, I can't explain why. I just know I enjoy him very much, and it's not just his dreaminess. :)
I don't wish to be argumentative, but I find the tone just a little bit condescending, "Anonymous." But I don't think you meant for it to be.
ReplyDelete"I just hope people think intelligently when they view Rendition."
Ouch! I find the whole concept of rendition abhorrent and I feel it is based on hypocrisy. We kidnap and transfer people (we aren't even sure they are the right people!) to foreign countries where others torture them while our hands stay clean? We've altered our laws so we can arrest and detain someone indefinitely without due process. We've suspended habeus corpus. We've turned our back on the Geneva Conventions. If we're at war, and people are guilty of war crimes, they should be punished. Maybe previously international laws were too lenient for this current situation. But it seems we've gone to the other extreme. I often wonder how many spies we discovered, and what intelligence we gathered of any value, when we consigned thousands of Japanese Americans to detention camps during WWII and seized all their property. Sometimes, when we trade freedom for safety, we place ourselves in greater danger. At what point do we draw a line and say, "No. This is NOT who we are." Rendition appears to be the kind of film that will provoke people and makes them think. I can assure you I will bring all my intelligence with me.
"However you must keep in mind that things you wrote about...are out of the control of many of the people who work...etc."
Of course they are! I spent 15 years working in government with many talented, dedicated people.
I am very aware that people were forced to leave their jobs or were fired. Yes, some of it was reported in the media. But it would be a mistake to think only the very top people are guilty of excesses and gross misjudgements. There are too many people who are mid-level managers who acquiesce when they should be presenting better alternatives. And too many automatons is postitions where they are asked to apply rationality and good judgement and are clueless as to what that means.
I'm truly sorry!I'm using up too much space discussing the film, before the film is even out.LOL!
OK. I'm done.
Bobbyanna and Michele - what a fascinating discussion. I can't tell you what it means to me that people can have a serious debate about a serious subject and agree to differ. This discussion of yours has also been extremely informative for those of us - especially me - who are only just learning about this emotive topic. Before I knew of Jake's film I'd seen a few stories in the press about these torture planes that exist outside justice and evoke a very frightening shadow world - I can see parallels with horror films. But I am ignorant and so I'm reading about it and this is surely one of the reasons for Hood to make this film and for Jake to star in it for a reduced fee. In the trailer, I was interested by Meryl's statement about how rendition saved the lives of thousands of Londoners - obviously that's got to mean something to me who is in London every day but I also want to see how this claim is substantiated.
ReplyDeleteI do agree that the people who carry out official policy can not always be held responsible for that policy - government officials are expected to work for and be loyal to governments of both parties. However, I also think that if one is asked to do a job one finds morally dubious, one should stand by some principles. That's my simplistic and ignorant view! I'd be interested to know the role of the British government in Rendition...
Thanks to Jake and to all of you, I feel like I may learn something.