Saturday, 4 August 2007

Rendition - Jake's the one to watch

What a day yesterday was, finally getting to see the Rendition trailer, which has left a real buzz in its wake among not only among the fans of Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon but among appreciators of good movies. As one site said, 'Does it get any hotter than Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal?... Has Oscar come knocking a bit early?' Obviously, it's premature, albeit irresistible, to be discussing next year's awards already, with the film not yet seen, but it appears there are chances out for a lucky few to have a sneak preview.

A poster at IMDB went to see a preview in Pasadena on Thursday night - although we might not get a review. They say: 'This movie is being shown at advance screenings. I know this because I am going to one tonight in Pasadena, CA. You can't blame them for being vague about the movie plot. Technically, when you participate in advance screenings you sign a contract stating that you will not discuss the movie on forums like this.'

The Entertainment Tonight segment is now available for everyone to see and supports the view that, amongst this stellar cast, it's Jake who is the one to watch.

Pictures from IHJ.


  1. OMG! These screen caps are just awesome. No more "boyishly charming" Jake. He looks older, and he actually looks menacing!! And it's a very hot look! LOL!
    As I said in an earlier thread, IMVVHO, there is something of the young Al Pacino in his look in these caps.

    Thanks WDW!

  2. "there is something of the young Al Pacino in his look in these caps."

    Methinks the same.
    Yes I found Al Pacino HOT in the good old days too!!!!

  3. Hot hot hot!
    TY for these beautiful caps. I saw the trailer, up close and personal on the big screen last night, when I went, with my son, to see The Bourne Ultimatum . I had no idea I would be so lucky:):)
    It's even more intense on the big screen, if that's possible, and Jake is more than hot...very serious. I can't wait to see this movie. Rendition-- a word very new to my vocabulary-- is mentioned in The Bourne Ultimatum, as part of America's new arsenal, for fighting terrorism, since 9/11. Anyway, this trailer made my noisy seat mate stop talking--thank goodness-- especially the last scene when Reese screams her desperation and anguish at Meryl and the other government officials; I heard someone behind me say "damn that was intense."
    Be back later:)

  4. I saw Bourne yesterday,too. But they didn't show the trailer in my theater! Oh, well at least I have it to look at but that would have been great.

    I agree with the Al Pacino fans from back in the day. There's nothing hotter from those long ago film days than when Al became THE GODFATHER! Jake definitely has that look.

  5. Interesting how they restyled his hair, (compared to say, Zodiac) to make him look older, maybe more agressive. I am going to see Bourne today. Maybe they will show the trailer! (OT: I hope my Bourne experience isn't ruined bcz of the Jimmy Kimmel/YouTube/Matt Damon trailer I watched on JustJared! I haven't ever laughed so hard in my life.)

  6. Wow, these screen caps are great. As I've said before (many times!) Brokeback Mountain was the first movie I was lucky enough to see Jake in, so he intrigued me enough that I saw as many of his other movies as possible. I loved Jake in them, when he was younger, and when I compared them to his performances in Brokeback and Jarhead, I could see glimpses of the actor he would become. I think, with the more mature, sexy Jake of Rendition, that he has arrived as an mature leading man/ actor, and will only get better and better in future films. I agree, I can see a bit of a young, explosively intense Al Pacino as well (whom I admired very much). Hub and I are going to see Bourne Ultimatum today, so maybe we'll see the trailer for Rendition too! :)

  7. Hey WDW! I too seen the Cinematical comment, and couldn't agree with them more--especially regarding Jake--HOT! I agree, there is that sense somewhat, of Rendition getting some early Oscar buzz. There will be a couple of up coming poltical movies coming out as well....lets just hope that won't affect Rendition's chances in any way to shine.

    Thanks WDW and Stephanie for the great screen caps. Jake certainly does look so mature. Love Jake's hairstyle as well!

    Regarding the poster on IMDb...When I came upon that, I did not know that fact before, that when people go to advance screenings, that they sign a contract not to talk about it on forums or websites. I've noticed many people that do go to advance screenings, I think are breaking that contract, LOL. Lets hope the guy will cave, and talk on IMDb a bit about when he went to the advance screening of Rendition, LOL.

    Sass - The term rendition was somewhat new to me as well. Glad I'm not the only one (*blush*).

  8. Hi WDW...thanks for posting these fabulous caps of the Rendition trailer...Jake is so hot...that hair...that clean shaven face whew!!...I hope he stays that way throughout the whole movie. You know how much I love clean shaven Jakey..As usual..this site is the best!! Michele

  9. Hey everyone - good to see you all - just got back from London having seen SherryBaby and then eaten and drunk the rest of the day away in excellent Jakin company - but more of that tomorrow.

    So what have I missed? Hi Bobbyanna and Incognita! I've spoken before of my dislike of the gangster genre but I still have a lot of respect for Al Pacino - never found him hot though... But if Jake earns half of the respect Pacino has accrued in his career - and I think he'll achieve far more than that - then I'll be very proud and also proud that we were there at the beginning.

    Sass - how great to see the trailer! Bourne Ultimatum opens here in a couple of weeks I think so I'll make sure I go. I was never fortunate enough to see the Zodiac trailer on the big screen so I hope I have more luck with the Rendition one. I want the surprise of it popping up unexpectedly and there is beautiful Rendition Jake, larger than life, before my eyes.

    Dani - hey there. Sorry they didn't show the trailer where you are. It's strange how hit and mis these things are.

    Bobbyanna - let us know if you get to see it.

    And you too Marina! I definitely agree that this role looks a million miles from anything we've seen Jake in before, although I think there could be the same complexity of character development that we're used to with Jake - but looking (to my mind, anyway) hotter and sexier than ever before :D

    Hi Jantoinette - thanks for your comment and especially for pointing me in the direction of IMDB! I'll have to keep my eyes open in case an illicit review does appear :D

    I agree that an oscar buzz could be developing because, as you say, this is definitely a hot topic right now and one trusts this film will stand out from the others - particularly in the quality of the leading man, that's for sure! Oh yes, I love the hair too ;D

    Hey Michele - You know how much I love clean shaven Jakey. As do I, Michele, as do I :D

  10. It's funny- one of today's episodes of The Simpsons was the one where there's a preview of a Mel Gibson movie in Springfield! Can't remember if they had to sign a confidentiality agreement,but Homer ends up going to Hollywood with Mel Gibson to help him re-shoot the movie and ends up completely ruining it:D Which is pretty much what would happen if I got to do that with Jake, they would end up having to re-name it "Shirtless And Sweaty";)
    I still can't get enough of the trailer.I reckon this film is going to be really good and Jake is going to prove to anyone who might still doubt it, what a great actor he is:)
    Anyway, back to looking through my pics of Jake. I've narrowed it down to ten now!!

  11. Hey WDW! Didn't see you there! I'm glad you had a good day:)Look forward to your review of Sherrybaby!

  12. Hey Twisted Logic! When are you going on holiday? I hope you'e going to take a Bafta pic with you :D

  13. Funnily enough, while I have always loved Al Pacino, it's mostly for his work & what I've learned about him in biographies and interviews. I never thought of him as hot. And yet, Jake reminds me of some of his poses when much younger...except with Jake, it's definitely about HOT.
    Went to see Bourne at the multiplex. A zillion trailers, but no RENDITION. Two political thrillers coming up, one with Jamie Foxx and Jennifer Garner, another with Meryl Streep and Tom Cruise.There were also two crime movies, Russell Crowe and Denzel, & another with Joaquin Phoenix and Mark Wahlberg.Seemed like every single person in line at the multiplex this afternoon was there to see Bourne. Edge of your seat exciting! (Do try to watch the YouTube: Guillermo Slaps Matt Damon! JustJared has it on his gossip blog if you scroll down. Hilarious. Truly.)

  14. Hey WDW! I'm going early Tuesday morning, so just over 48 hours to get these pics sorted! Also have to do tons of laundry, buy new clothes, get haircut and buy lollies, but that can all wait;D
    And yes, I have a bafta pic in there! How did you know?! It's the one at the top of the main page!:)

  15. I saw Bourne today too - you're right BobbyAnna, so much intense action I swear it was dizzying. Relentless is the word. I loved the "revelation" too. Exciting make-your-heart-race soundtrack too! I've always liked Matt Damon ever since Good Will Hunting. Lots of good films coming up this fall judging by the previews - I liked Joaquin Phoenix, and I like Mark Wahlberg (except for a recent comment he made about Brokeback, didn't like that, not at all)! The two political thrillers looked great, and American Gangster. Denzel!, and Russell Crowe is another actor who "becomes" whatever character he plays. But no Rendition trailer, yet. :)

  16. Bad luck Bobbyanna with the trailer - they are being selective with where it's shown. I'm glad you liked the film though. I'm going to admit to not having seen the previous Bourne movies because I can't stand Matt Damon - maybe I should have said that very quietly... I can see he can act but he just has no charisma for me. Al Pacino does nothing for me in looks but he oozes charisma.

    You must remember the lollies Twisted Logic. Sigh, that Bafta pic is one of my absolute favourites - putting it very mildly. And Bafta Jake is Rendition Jake. Glad you're around for a couple more days :D

  17. Hi Marina! No trailer for you either? Damn... But these other films look good, let's just hope Rendition stands out to all the critics. So what did Wahlberg say about Brokeback? I've always liked him but I'm prepared to change my mind - Protective of Jake WDW emerging...

  18. Apparently, he said he was being considered for one of the characters, read the script, and got 15 pages into it when he felt it became too graphic for him. I forget what he said word-for-word, but he could have left it at that without making another remark. I'll have to see if I can find a link to the interview before we accuse him tho! :)

  19. Thanks Marina - I remember that Wahlberg's name was associated with the project. I take it he won't be doing the musical then ;D

  20. WDW, the lollies are top of my list and I'll be thinking about Jake when the plane takes off!;D
    I can totally undrstand why the Bafta pics are special to you, and that is one of the best. I'm also thinking of taking the Rendition one in the office and the first Guardian one. And I already have Jack Twist on my keyring;)

    Hey Marina! I remember reading those comments from Mark Wahlberg too and I wasn't happy either. I think he said something along the lines of he felt it would have been demeaning for him to do those scenes but don't quote me on it cos I can't remember exactly what he said. In any case, it wasn't nice. Anyway, it's his loss and our gain cos Heath and Jake were meant to be Ennis and Jack:)

  21. Great choice of pics Twisted Logic - I really must get a Jake keyring... The idea of Wahlberg in BBM and not Jake and Heath togetehr? Abhorrent.

    Off to sleep. G'night all and see you in the morning *)

  22. There is an interview with Matt Damon in this week's "Entertainment Weekly" magazine. I found this exchange interesting:

    Q: Is there a movie you didn't do that you wish you had?

    MD: "Brokeback Mountain". Years ago Gus Van Sant wanted to do it with me and Joaquin Phoenix. But I was on my way to Italy to do "The Talented Mr. Ripley" and then "All the Pretty Horses". And Gus wanted to do Brokeback right after. And I was like, "Gus, I'm going to do a gay movie, then a cowboy movie. I can't follow it up with a gay cowboy movie!" (Laughs)

    I do like Matt D., so I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt here, and assume that he has always felt this way about Brokeback..... and that this isn't a case of 50/50 hindsight based on what a landmark, beautiful movie it turned out to be. But it does impress me that he wishes he had done it.

  23. Hey Birdie - that's very interesting. I must try and find this interview. I agree and think Damon means this sincerely but I am so grateful that it wasn't to be and we had Jake.

  24. I found a link to Mark Wahlberg's comments. Apparently he said the sex scene "creeped him out". I'll resist the urge to rant;)

    And what a contrast with Matt Damon's comments! Thanks Birdie:) I have a little soft spot for Matt (don't worry Jake, he's not in your league;D)
    But having said that Heath and Jake ARE Ennis and Jack and the thought of anyone else playing them is just wrong!!

  25. Thanks Twisted Logic - this is interesting stuff - and it has certainly made me think again about Wahlberg. What's the point of being an actor if you don't want to take risks? Complete opposite to Jake who never seems to take the easy path.

  26. Probably not! :) Speaking of which, my hub and I were trapped on an airplane for 2 hrs. due to bad weather, and we talked about Brokeback on Broadway, and a movie about Joe Namath. He felt like you, how could it be translated to the stage, the wide open spaces, the mountain? Only if it were adapted from the short story, and as a drama, not a as musical! He wondered if there was enough about Broadway Joe to make into a movie, as Michelle did.

    Anyway, here's the link to hunky-and-I-hope-not-hateful Mark's comments:

    Mark Wahlberg on Brokeback

    To be fair, maybe he was misunderstood and he did clarify the remarks:

    Mark Wahlberg

    And I loved him in The Departed.

  27. Oops, forget that link above - wrong one! This is the one that tells more about it and puts it in a fair context, the actual interview it was taken from.
    Mark Wahlberg on Brokeback

  28. I would also add that just as the idea of ANY other 2 actors as Ennis and Jack is truly unthinkable...... so is the idea of any other director. I cannot imagine that "Brokeback Mountain" would have been so beautifully pure and powerful in the hands of anyone other than Ang Lee.

    And I agree with you, Twistedlogic...... Matt is a perfectly fine actor, but IMO he sure doesn't have Jake's charisma. But in all fairness to Matt, I can't think of anyone who does! :)

  29. I agree, guys. There's noone else who could play Ennis or Jack, so things worked out just right. All of these very fine actors I enjoy, Matt Damon, Joaquin Phoenix, etc. but Jake has something extra. Sublime good looks? Yes, but it's more than that, his creativity and intelligence, and self-expression are some of the things that come to mind. Put it all together and it's pretty powerful stuff. :)

  30. Well, I am back from a long day at work. It is my misfortune to have to work every other weekend. Anyway, it seems I have missed a lot of great conversation as usual. First I would like to clarify my remark from earlier this morning regarding the "hotness" of young Al Pacino. I never thought he was hot in the way that Jake is. No other actor in my very long life of movie going has affected me the way Jake has.

    No, Al's hotness factor to me was his intensity in the first Godfather film where he went from reluctant to fill his father's shoes, to growing confidence, to downright scary acceptance of being Don Michael Corleone.

    I am turned on by intense people and even though Jake had his moments in Brokeback, it was nothing like Rendition will be. I also think the intense look is my favorite in Jake's photoshoots. As beautiful as his smile is, it's that direct stare that stops my heart and turns me into a pool of melted jello.

    As for Matt Damon and Mark Wahlberg, they are two actors that I like but I seriously doubt we would all still be talking about Brokeback nearly two years later if either one of them had been in the movie. And it certainly would have been different without Ang Lee's gentle brilliance! The stars were aligned just right when the perfect cast and crew came together for this often refered to, but totally true, masterpiece!

  31. I agree Dani, intense turns me on too! Not in that macho way, but strength tempered with sensitivity and compassion. Jake's Rendition stare makes me weak in the knees too. Ang Lee said it best; he needed a romantic hero to play Jack, and nobody has that romantic quality like Jake does. Hunky on the outside, creative, intelligent and compassionate on the inside - my idea of manliness. Oh, and don't forget a great treasure trail. LOL Who could ask for more?

    Jake also has a wisdom beyond his years that I find very appealing too. I also have never been so affected by an actor in all my years. Ok, I think I've talked everyone's ear off virtually enough - g'night everyone. :)

  32. Hey Marina - thanks for the links! As for being stuck on the tarmac in a plane, talking about Jake is always a pleasant way to spend some time. I was doing that myself for several hours yesterday although in far more pleasant confines than a plane I might add. It's great that you can discuus this with hubby :D

    Hey Dani and Birdie - I couldn't agree more. I could never see anyone else in the BBM roles. And yes, it does seem unfair to Matt to compare him - or anyone - to Jake!

  33. Yes, WDW, he and I made a deal a long time ago - for every "chick flick" and "message movie" I dragged him to, we'd see a cop thriller or spy movie, just to be fair. It's not etched in stone tho, he knows more about the theater than I do. So we're kind of artsy fans, and we both like political thrillers. What happened, interestingly enough, is that I acquired a taste for Tom Clancy and Robert Ludlum now. Embracing my inner spy, who knew? lol He really liked Brokeback and Zodiac, and we're both looking forward to Rendition.

  34. Hi Marina - that sounds like a great arrangement - I'm keen on spy movies myself. Unfortunately Mr WDW and I have completely different tastes in films but we do enjoy gentle romcoms together. He did like Secretary .... wonder why....
