Friday, 15 February 2008

Hawaiian Jake on video - More from Doug - Zodiac scores

A short time ago, when the weather was as cold as it is again in parts of the US north east, I did a feature about Jake Gyllenhaal's appearance at the glamorous, martini-rich Maui Film Festival in Hawaii in 2005. Moving pictures of Jake at this event are not easy to come by, so I was thrilled to see that this video - entitled This Is Your Life - features clips of Jake at Maui.

The video also includes clips of Jake at other events, such as Rock the Vote, the BAFTAs in 2006 and at numerous red carpets, charming fans and media alike.

Yesterday, we were discussing whether Jake may be lined up to do The Moon Project or Nailed (if he's doing that at all). Today, another interview, in Rope of Silicon, with Doug Liman appeared - all thanks to Doug doing publicity for his new film Jumper - and again he mentions the project. Interestingly, Doug does not refer to the film as Giant Leap, just as The Moon Project, which makes me think this film may be lucky enough to have a better title after all.

'As far as the future is concerned are you still looking at the Moon Project you have with Jake Gyllenhaal as your next film? DL: That's what I am working on, but I so fall in love with the characters of the current film I am working on, and at this point in my career I've had the good fortune of falling in love with every character I have worked with and the actors that have played them it is hard to imagine leaving the world of Jumper behind to go do the Moon Project. I am having separation anxiety, but maybe a two week break I'll be ready to date something new.'

Some good news today for anyone who is a fan of David Shire's superb filmscore for Zodiac. The members of the International Film Music Critics Association announced the winners of its 4th Annual IFMCA Awards, and David Shire was among them, taking the prize for Best original score - Horror/thriller. You can read more about the score - and the orchestration of Zodiac's characters - here. But let's take another look at Hawaiian Jake.


  1. Excuzez MOI WDW but why are you making us crazy with this Hawaiian shit during a New England wimter???

    OMG OMG I adore this man!

    I dunno. Thinkin' a Jake in Hawaii this time of year is very nice.

  2. Hey Pia, it was exactly for that reason that I thought we could do with a little Hawaiian Jake. It's a cold night in Blighty too (not like you're having, but still icy) and I want to think of Jake in a white shirt, garlands round his neck, a martini in his hand and a little bit of sunburn on that gorgeous face. I adore this man too! When it's hot we'll have to remember Jake in snow :D

  3. Hi (((Pia))),hi (((WDW))) It may be winter outside but in my heart it's spring! Hawaii Jake-just what the Doctor ordered!
    I come to you this evening via my NEW LAPTOP! I've just downloaded the Adobe Flashplayer so that I can watch the video which is new to me (another gem courtesy of WDW - thankyou!). I've had a quick glance at the first few fabulous frames and I am going to lust over it...I mean,admire it artistically in the morning,when I'll be on my own and able to savour it to the full (Besides,I have to confess that I am busy salivating over John Barrowman on the telly at the mo! Phwoarrrh!).
    Great news about the Zodiac score,WDW. That should have been one of a whole shelf-full of awards that that wonderful film should have won!
    Wishing all WDW'ers a fabulous Jake-filled weekend! Nxxxxxx

  4. Hi Nadine on your brand new laptop!! And I'm glad you christened it with this lovely video. Yes much to admire artistically. I walked within a few feet of Barrowman today apparently, but I missed him! Have a wonderful weekend, Nadine, and may it be Jake-filled :D

  5. Thanks for that video, WDW:) It's really lovely but it's made me a bit weepy. Not sure why...Gonna watch some BBM.

  6. Oh what a great video of our gorgeous man J.!!!!

    Jake in Hawaiian shirt...sigh. WDW you know how to warm us up! ;D

    Happy weekend everyone!

  7. I check this site several times a day and love it always, Today though wanted to say special thanks for that video, which I never saw before now. Way cool.

  8. Talk about warming me up. Jake in one of his famous white t-shirts... just gorgeous.

  9. "...and at this point in my career I've had the good fortune of falling in love with every character I have worked with and the actors that have played them it is hard to imagine leaving the world of Jumper behind to go do the Moon Project."

    Sorry, but if loving your characters and actors results in a film like "Jumper" then I prefer Jake working with an a****le like David Russell who hates his actors.....

    Thanks for the pcitures of the Maui film festival - love them!

    New pics of Jake:

    Clean shaven and short hair...:-))

  10. Morning everyone :) The weekend! And a beautiful day too, but more than a little chilly.

    Hi TL - sorry the video made you weepy, maybe it's just cos Jake is too beautiful for words in it. I hope you enjoyed some time up on the mountain.

    Hi Get Real! Have a good weekend too - glad Jake warmed you up - he's good at that :D

    Anon 5:16 - thank you so much for that kind comment. I appreciate that :D I'm glad you enjoyed the video.

    Hi Birdgirl :D

    Morning anon 9:18 :) I know, the reviews for Jumper are pretty stinky. I'm off to the pictures today but I'm not tempted by that one (Juno maybe).

    Thanks for the links to the pics, apreciate that. Ruby told me about these lovely new pics and I've been looking at them - sigh - gorgeous.

    They'll be up on WDW later - I don't take pics from WENN (best to be on the safe side) so bear with me, they'll be up later!
