Sunday, 15 June 2008

Jake Gyllenhaal, Jim Sheridan and Naomi at a Hollywood studio 14 June - a Brothers screening?

It looks like the Brothers screening mentioned in the last thread wasn't the only screening of the film that went on this weekend. With yet more thanks to Stephanie and IHJ, here we have further pictures from yesterday, which show Jake Gyllenhaal with mum Naomi and Jim Sheridan, director of Brothers, at a Hollywood studio. Almost certainly, Jake and Naomi had a look at Brothers. I wonder what they thought. And now that Jake is wearing more clothes than he was earlier that day when going to a yoga class, he's lost the socks! Sometimes I do not understand men and clothes... What I do know - Jake looks wonderful.

Thanks to IHJ where you can see more pics.


  1. Ah, here it is! Thanks, hun :)

    Jake does look yummy, doesn't he? but I don't get what's going on with the more clothes but no socks thing either. Mind you, Jake always wears too many clothes as far as I'm concerned ;)

  2. So, I was just about to post about being near a green monkey once, when MORE pics arrive. We'll be having pics galore till Jake goes to Morocco! He looks good.

  3. Hi TL *

    I like the layers and feet - the pool shoes and white socks didn't work for me, but like you I'd being trying to ignore them.

  4. WDW,how do you do it? I was just e-mailing you and wondering if you'd seen these pics,I pop back here and you've already got them posted!

    It seems pretty certain that the party would have just seen a screening of "Brothers". Jake does indeed look lovely - gorgeous but thoughtful. It can never be easy for him to watch his own work and he does seem hyper-critical of his own efforts,but maybe some of his pensive demeanour here is due to some of the sad memories which this film is bound to bring back to him :-(

    So good to see him with his Mom again,isn't it?

  5. Hey! You two are quick. I'm missing the monkey pic though so I'm gonna repost it tomorrow :D

    Good point, TL! I don't get this sock thing - why wear more clothes and lose the socks? And it's cool in movie theatres even in LA.

    Hey Nouskie :D I love how we have monkey stories :) Was the monkey green because it had been dipped in paint or because it felt sick? jake looks great! Almost like Bafta hair now (sorry Rubes) Not going to be long enough for PoP though - wonder what they'll do to it.

    I like layers without the feet... Obviously, jake has to have feet but I prefer them covered when wearing Jeans. The alternative is to lose the jeans and the socks...

  6. Hi Nadine! I just emailed you back *) Great to see Jake with Naomi - she looks so good in that outfit. Must be a screening. Jake does look quite thoughtful as it must be hard to see your movie, quite probably for the first time.

  7. wow... great new pics!

    Jake is definitely growing his hair... haha... apart from the flipflops, he actually dressed like he's going to sunday school with his mom (even the way he combed his hair... lol).

  8. I think the layers and jeans and feet are chic, WDW and I like to see chic Jake after the winter horrors of plaid/birds.

    The monkey was a painted one; the kind they aren't allowed to do any more. I look forward to the repost :D

    I think they'll use extensions for PoP but you need some hair to work them with. I don't think it looks too bad :)

  9. He'd have tucked the shirt in if he'd been going to Sunday school, winterbird :D

    Nite all **

  10. This sounds like it could turn into one of those debates we enjoy so much on here, about Jake's clothes, hair and general appearance;) I don't think we've done his feet yet, have we? Anyway, I vote covered with jeans :)

  11. Hi Winterbird! I love the way Jake combed his hair - except for the feet, Jake looks really dressed up. I suppose it's quite a special event, seeing your film the first time, with your director and mum.

    Hey Nouskie :D Ahhh a painted monkey - what they dipped it in a can of paint, poor monkey? Yep, repost coming tomorrow - that pic is now my wallpaper. Love it. I think it'll be hair extensions too and I am slightly worried... Feet are only chic when they're wrapped in the latest Nike.

    Thank heavens Jake didn't tuck his shirt in - I have my limits :D

    Definitely, TL! As I have said on so many occasions, I prefer feet to be covered on most occasions, only coming out for cleaning, swimming or certain types of sports. However, having said that, Jake has better feet than most. But I say if you're wearing layers, you wear Nike. That's my general rule - wear Nike :D

  12. I think the layers and jeans and feet are chic.

    I do too, Anouska! I hope we'll get lots of movie info now. :)

    Nite, all - I'm off to watch my Celtics very soon. :*

  13. I was just about to post about his sombre demeanour. It must be painful to watch your acting whilst trying to see if personal situations affected your performance as well. It's quite telling that he went to the screening with Naomi, moms usually always seem to say the right thing when needed.

    I feel it for him when he has to do promos for these upcoming movies and pray he has the strengh to be able to answer some of the questions they're bound to ask.

  14. Night Bertie! I hope we get lots more pics too - so we can chart the sock wearing and the hair growing :)

    Hi Sheba - I reckon Jake'll be fine, he's getting used to all this promo stuff now. I like that Naomi was there. I see from other picture sites that Reese was there too. But very nice to see Jake photographed with his wonderful mum :D

  15. Love the look of Jake in his 'layers' its just so him - tantalising us by hiding his body. He has beautiful thick hair that looks like someone has been running their fingers through it - that tousled easy bedroom look..... *slaps self*

    I'm in a Zodiac mood tonight and have been watching the old clips of interview on youtube. I was hoping there would be some clips with Jake's commentary on it but no such luck. Guess I'll have to wait until September to get the Director's Cut. I thought that Melvin Beligh was a 'prize prat'. How pathetic of him as someone in a position of trust to manipulate the situation for his own career. Who knows how that may have hampered the whole investigation.

    Other sites? Just going to have a quick peek and come back.

  16. Hi Sheba - here's the link that I saw.

    I'm sorry you have to wait til September for the Zodiac Director's Cut - it's sensational. You'll love it. I wouldn't be without my multiregion player, that's for sure - mind you, it's on its last legs...

    Love the thick hair :D

  17. Grrrrr... this computer is doing my 'ead in >:o(

    Thanks for the link I've been looking everywhere and not having much luck. You're a wiz at all this finding stuff out.

    I had a multi-regional player but that's kaput. Me and technology have a bad love affair... I love to hate it. Bring back VCR!

  18. Oh Sheba, sorry about your computer problems. Mr WDW got us a new digital TV recorder this weekend as my box had just died and now my DVD player is on the way out and my beloved laptop's not happy either. Fortunately, I have my old sturdy desktop :D Need to touch some wood...

  19. Well, don't touch your head :DDD

    I'm glad of the pics despite their source. Everyone seemed in a sombre mood. I must say, I adore that last moody pic in the car. His lips are still there and so defined (it's been hiding under that beard for ever). It means that this adbstract film we heard so much about is really going to happen and be shown. Was it an independant film - it didn't seem to have the financial woes of Nailed.

  20. It's great knowing that at last Brothers is close to being seen by us all - such a contrast to Nailed. I'm not certain where the financial backing came from for Brothers but the whole project has run much more smoothly. I don't sense the mood as being sombre myself, I see it as formal and solemn - it's a big thing and thoughts will be on the film and how it will do.

    Thanks so much to you all for keeping me company! G'night friends *)

  21. Goodnight to one and all x

  22. Lovely to spend so much time with y'all today, as next weekend will be wild and wooly for many, in Oxford.

    G'nite all. Sweet dreams!

  23. It has been so much fun today, Pia - it feels like a whole day set aside for Jake and chat :D Next weekend will be a little wild but I'll be about here too :)

    G'night to you all x

  24. Morning everyone - another beautiful day! Thank you all so much for a fun and busy Jake day. Have a good Monday :D

  25. The thoughtful look is probably an annoyed look because of the paparazzi.

    He's looking much better here than in the Yoga pictures.

    Btw, Reese was at the screening too.

    Thanks WDW!



  26. Hi Sandy :D Jake just looks wonderful in these pics, definitely. Jake did look very tired in the yoga pictures. I put a link to the photos showing Reese a few comments up. Have a good day and thanks for the hug!

  27. Hi WDW! Apart from dropping in before I get ready for work (my late shift,yuk!)to clock the wondrous Jake with Mom and co. once again,I'm also more than happy to see that you're up and at 'em and ok this morning.

    (((Big hugs))) to you!

  28. Morning Nadine! Thanks so much for checking in on me and Jake - We're fine this morning :) Thanks for everything x
