Sunday, 15 June 2008

More Prince Dastan than Howard Ryder - Jake and Reese in Santa Monica 14 June

These pictures, with big thanks to IHJ, were taken yesterday (14 June) and show Jake and Reese returning from a private yoga class in Santa Monica. I always knew it was true, but Jake Gyllenhaal is bendy! Speaking as someone with all the balance, grace and poise of a sea cucumber, it's good to know that Jake has no such trouble getting into such positions as the 'Awkward Chair Pose'.

Although looking tired, here is a man in amazing shape. Jake's hair seems to be growing as much as his muscles, presumably in readiness for the Prince of Persia. I'm trying to gloss over the sock with sandals thing - this may well be Jake practising for a summer filming in England and, as such, is excusable - and I love a man who can drink from a bottle with no hands.

Big thanks to Stephanie from IHJ for the very welcome new pics. You can see more there.

Happy Father's Day, Dad!


  1. OMG what a magnificent ANIMAL!

  2. Morning Pia! I'm already looking forward to having a big, big poster of Prince Dastan up on my wall :D Jake looks absolutely incredible.

  3. He does look great - extremely fit (those arms and shoulders, that chest!), a glimpse of chest hair, facial stubble, longer hair. Prince Dastan should look a little untamed I think. No hair cutting, face shaving, or chest waxing. And I love that he does yoga. :)

  4. I see some significant biceps having a come back this summer.... :)

  5. Hi Bertie! I can feel my temperature rising :D I like the idea of an untamed prince - intriguing. They could go that way. Hmmm. I love that Jake does yoga - I've never been able to do it, only managing a bit of Pilates, and just the idea of imagining Jake doing yoga... :P

    Hey Winterbird :D Jake's reminding me of Swoff with hair. I like that!

    Hope everyone's having a lovely Sunday :D

  6. Please, don't get me imagining him doing Yoga - I'm already thinking of him sitting on the mat, in a seated twist pose (half lord of the fishes), with that gorgeous profile. :)

    I'm no expert, only have taken the basics, but it's extremely beautiful & elegant, and I'd do it for the deep relaxation alone - it's such a great stress reliever, better than any artificial means. Makes your back feel great too, so it's really good for you, at least I felt it was, for me. I love it. I only tried Pilates briefly, along with my Yoga class, but I fell in love with Yoga.

  7. Oh Bertie, that's a lovely image :) I have no balance so I could only do some of the seated yoga positions. I found Pilates too boring as I'm an aerobic, running kind of person. I used to get bored trying to breath with one lung at a time... excercise is such a great way to relax. I can see why this would be a private yoga class - imagine trying to focus with Jake right next to you - nope, not possible!

  8. LOL, I wasn't so hot at it in the beginning, but I really wanted to do it, so I had to "think" to learn it, and now I'm better at it, and it's a little more automatic, still not a superstar at it, tho. But I love it and it makes you feel so good.

    Oh, I can certainly imagine meditating on Jake.

    Have a great Sunday, everyone! :)

  9. Good Morning, Wet dark!

    Jake is increasingly sexy and hot!
    I love it all the photos!



  10. Hi WDW,

    OMG, I go away for a few days and find you've had a traumatic weekend. How wonderful that your 'cybermates' were around to keep you company while you were going through this (sorry I wasn't). Hope you're feeling safer and well.

    Thanks for another great post. Jake looks great, tanned and seems to be bulking up.

    I've always known that Jake is 'bendy' - any adult that can sit cross-legged is bendy as far as I'm concerned. I think Jake is more of a minimalist mover than a rocker. I know he had problems with the choreography in BBM dancing with Anna Farris. In any case, slow and rock-steady is much more tantalising than 'jump up, jump down, jump around' :D

    NB: I'm counting the days now ;D

  11. Hi bertie - I think you need that kind of motivation for something like yoga. I love going to the gym but I fear that the thing I like most about it is going to the pub afterwards... Meditating on Jake sounds good, especially if done while actually meditating on Jake. I think my humour has taken a nosedive after having had too many lattes in a cafe this afternoon.

    Ola Monica! Just when you think Jake couldn't get any sexier :D Thanks very much for that info on Brothers, fabulous - thanks!

    Good to see you Sheba :D You were probably very lucky to miss the trauma - I only hope it doesn't happen again. I'm very shakey and jumpy and I'm trying to fight a window-opening phobia so it's great having everyone around here. The support has been amazing! Mr WDW is away again tonight so I'm gonna be needing everyone. Also if Jake wants to come round and stand guard I won't argue :)

    Slow and steady Jake. I imagine he'd be very good at yoga because of the way it channels the mind while relaxing and stretching the body. I know Jake's said that his mind can be overactive - yoga seems like a good remedy for that.

    I'm counting the days too!

  12. Oh WDW, I fear I may have lead you astray with that "open to interpretation meditation comment I made, without meaning to. *blush* But now that you mention it . . . ;)

    Wow a Brothers test screening. How does one get a job like that?

    In any case, slow and rock-steady is much more tantalising than 'jump up, jump down, jump around' :D

    I agree, Sheba. OK, I better stop now.

    See you all later, and Happy Father's Day all the Dads out there! :*

  13. I should think yoga would be interesting for Jake as he seems to have a habit on movie sets of going antic to relax between takes.

  14. See you later Bertie!

    Hi Pia :D You have to tell me what antic means - I always think that Jake spends all his time between takes either drinking coffee or texting, but I'm sure he does more than that!

  15. 1. A ludicrous or extravagant act or gesture; a caper.
    2. Archaic A buffoon, especially a performing clown.

    watch the production notes of DD to see Jake's capers - with Posner's commentary. Others have mentioned this, also.

  16. Thanks Pia! I've enjoyed Jakes capers on the DD DVD :D Jake is a born entertainer and seems to have shedloads of energy.

  17. I've seen a video of Jake doing the Riverdance. I'm no expert on that kind of dancing, but I think he does a fine job of it.

    Jake has done a *lot* of yoga over the years. Yoga was part of the mix when he was bulking up for "Jarhead."

    I remember trying some yoga poses when I was 16. I didn't continue with, it, but I know some people who have been helped by it.

    My exercise preeferences are long walks and distance swimming. The latter tones every muscle in the body.

  18. Morning Paul :D I know that River Dance video and I nearly posted it for the dance feature the other day but I just can't bear it! I think Jake has done yoga for years, which doesn't surprise me because he's so interested in meditation. Nothing beats a long walk in my opinion :D
