Sunday, 7 March 2010

[Updated update] Jake Gyllenhaal presents and walks the red carpet! Happy Birthday Peter! Duncan Jones tweets about SC and more...

Update (again!) Jake Gyllenhaal and Rachel McAdmas presented Best Adapted Screenplay to Precious. Upon presenting the award and walking off camera, Jake and the winner shared a huge grin!

Many many thanks to IHJ for fabulous pictures of Maggie and Jake Gyllenhaal on the red carpet!

And from Just Jared:

At last! Jake Gyllenhaal walks the red carpet. In this interview, with AP, Jake Gyllenhaal told the interviewer, who'd just spoken to Maggie and Peter, that she was caught in a Gyllenhaal Sandwich. Maggie had just mentioned 'he's caught up!'. Tribute was paid to Peter wearing his wedding tux while Jake said he was wearing Burberry and rooting for his sister. Jake was also interviewed for E! so hopefully we'll be able to see that later.

Thanks to Get Real for the heads up!

Updated - Maggie Gyllenhaal at the Oscars in a beautiful dress...

... and the birthday boy!

As Hollywood wakes up to Oscar Day - if indeed it went to bed - we still have time to bake a cake, defrost a trifle and tie some ribbons because today is Peter Sarsgaard's birthday! Further excuse, if any were needed, for Peter and Maggie and Jake Gyllenhaal to float down that red carpet tonight and shine with happiness, irrespective of the result for Maggie and for An Education. So happy birthday Peter from WDW!

Before we look at what's going on in LA, we've had our first 140-word reports from the Source Code set in Montreal thanks to director Duncan Jones and a certain social networking site. Over to Duncan: 'So! 1st week on Source Code: built a train, and it's a beauty, but a bugger to shoot on. JG & MM are such a good laugh! Love em to bits.'

'SC has more humour in it than we saw on the page, & that's been great fun! Shot some of our effects tests & they're wonderfully horrible!'

So what do we learn from this? 1) Duncan loves Jake Gyllenhaal to bits - this is hardly surprising because Love Him To Bits is actually Jake's middle name. It can't hurt that Duncan loves Michelle Monaghan to bits as well. 2) 'wonderfully horrible' effects - love it! 3) Duncan built a train which shows that not only is he a talented director he's also handy wth a spot of glue, sticky tape, corrugated cardboard and paint. 4) Source Code might be gruesome (I'm thinking it's gruesome) but it's also funny. 5) I can't wait to see this film.

The Oscars... despite Peter's advice to Carey Mulligan that she shouldn't drink a lot before the Oscars because she's going to drink a lot after the Oscars, there is every chance that there are some pre-Oscar fluffy heads this morning thanks to a night of parties. The main bash Jake attended was the Montblanc Charity Cocktail at Soho House in LA, hosted By The Weinstein Company. 'Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Gosling, Gwen Stefani also partied loud and well into the early hours of Sunday morning.' According to tweeting Jared 'Jake G [was] chatting up Emile Hirsch and his BFF Jamis Foxx.'

Earlier yesterday, Jake was among the many stars rehearsing for the Oscars and this was followed by the first big party of Saturday: The Night Before party at the Beverly Hills Hotel. This event demonstrates very well the big gap between being a star and not being one, because while star after star swans in for sushi, wine and erudite conversation, the likes of me ends up hiding in the coat rack. Admittedly, I hadn't paid $25,000... This still ranks as one of my most fun experiences during my Gyllenhaalic years and I recommend to anyone hanging out in the Polo Lounge on the night before the Oscars. My story is here for anyone who's interested.

Good luck to everyone tonight, kudos to Sandra Bullock for her Razzle acceptance speech and happy birthday Peter! It's been a while but Jake will be back at the Oscars.

It's going to be a long night. I can almost smell the hairspray and shoe polish from here.

Includes pictures from IHJ.l M


  1. Updated post to a link for livestreaming Oscars - I don't know if it'll work everywhere but it should work somewhere! If anyone else finds livestreaming links, do post 'em :D

    livestreaming here from AP

  2. Hooray! Thanks WDW! Should be fun.

  3. I love the SC info from Duncan - Yay! And the excitement is really building for the Oscars with all the pre-party talk (although I really wish there were some photos of Jake going in or out of the pre-party like there are of others). :-(

    Oh I remember reading your story about the night before the Oscars when you were in LA that year WDW! Your stories are always so entertaining - so colorful!!

    I'm so glad you found a site that streams for those who can't see it tonight. There will be so much on line tomorrow for those that have missed anything I'm sure. I have my DVR set for all the red carpet stuff, the show itself and then the after party stuff. I had to delete some of the family's old Olympic and Saturday Night Live recordings - oops! Hee Hee!

    Have a good day/night all...back later I'm sure!


  4. Thanks for the live streaming link WDW. I know that Sky are streaming the red carpet:).

    Happy Birthday to Peter:)

  5. My pleasure Anon :D

    Hey BBMISwear :-) Love that we have a tweeting director :D I wish there were some pics too - there must be some somewhere, but sites think we want to look at Kate Winsket and Gerard Butler more than Jake...

    Glad you enjoyed my Oscars adventures! That was an incredble trip - made even more fun by sharing it here.

    Keep us in touch with what's going on! And oh dear oh dear, deleting the family's sports for Jake :DDD

    Have a good evening everyone!

  6. Hi Carol! Posting at the same time :D ooh thanks for the info. I'll check them out.

  7. Me again :) Carol, do you have a link? I get lost around the Sky website...

  8. PPPS

    The AP livestreaming link I put above will be showing the red carpet from 6pm EST and 11pm GMT :D

  9. Errr... me again :D

    'For Oscars, Burberry also to dress jake gyllenhaal and gerard butler, woody harrelson, and ryan seacrest. Jake and Gerard are jackpot.'

    Fashion tweet

  10. 'Jake G [was] chatting up Emile Hirsch and his BFF Jamis Foxx.'

    I think they should have worded that differently. Chatting with? Chatting to?

    I'm English and my understanding is 'chatting up' means flirting ;) hehe.

  11. I'm pondering doing an all-nighter just to catch Jake live :P I'm so jealous of all you Americans who don't have to stay up till ridiculous o'clock to watch it :(
    They should hold them somewhere with not such a large time difference. Or on a saturday!! Screw tradition they should move the day. :)


  12. Hi Anon! I love that Jake was chatting with Emile and Jamie :) I think 'chatting up' has quite a rich usage these days :D

    Hey Silver! I know, I wish I'd booked tomorrow off now. But it is ridiculous trying to watch it here! Yes! Saturday night!!

  13. Just done a post at MovieBrit sticking up for Razzie winner Land of the Lost by Moonlight Mile's Brad Silberling :)

  14. Can't believe that movie you practically starred in is up for Oscars, WDW!

    My word is "droll" :D

  15. Nouskie *) I know, I can hardly believe it - I feel soooo close to An Education! It's such a big night for Carey and I know Peter and Jake will be rooting for her! I love that Jake said it was his favourite film of the decade :)

    I'm relaxing now in my dressing gown with a glass of wine ready for some red carpet :D

  16. Getting ready to watch all the Oscar pre-show stuff! :)

    Thanks for all the updates, WDW. Sorry you guys get the show so damn late across the pond. That damn time zone. :p

  17. OMG, E! is previewing a new PoP commercial now and we hear more of Jake's accent and it is GOOD...SWOON!!!! I hope they show it again throughout tonight. :D

  18. Hi Get Real! The time difference and I are not on speaking terms... :( That's great! Thanks for letting us know - we should all see that soon, I hope!!

  19. Phiou! I finally made it home after an afternoon at the office. Boy does working on a beautiful spring afternoon suck! Jake walking the red carpet would be a perfect reward, I am so ready for tuxed-up Jake.

    I`m going to see Alice in Wonderland tomorrow night and I`ve read about some poeple getting POP in the previews but I have no idea if it was in the US or Canada. I`ll be in an Imax theater and with my brother and my sister-in-law. I hope I don`t make a complete fool of myself if they show a 37 feet high Jake. :DD


  20. A nice recap of the commercial from UV at Gyllenbabble:

    few of the new Dastan lines:

    "We make our own destiny, princess."

    "This won't be the last time we'll be together." (To Tamina, as he caresses her face.)

    "We can sit here and chat or you can get on the horse."

    "I won't let you go!" (He's struggling to hold on to Tamina.)

    We get to see them jump and fall into that pool/fountain. And there are a few just gorgeous shots of Jake, one where he does the look-down/look-up thing."

    It is swoon-worthy!

  21. Wow, get real, that`s sounds great! I hope somebody will put it on the internet tomorrow.


  22. OMG Olympia! Jake in IMAX??? That's far more than I can take... Hope you like the film. I've been put off by the reviews.

    Thanks Get Real - it should be on the net soon :)

    The AP livestreaming works! And the red carpet has started... The question is, how long can I stay up!

  23. Poor you, it`s already pretty late where you are. It would be easier if we knew when Jake will be on. I have a ton of stuff to do tonight and I won`t be able to watch it all. I don`t usually watch all of the Oscars anyway, the only time I did was when BBM was nominated and we all know how that went. >:(


  24. The Supporting Actor and Actress announcements have usually been in the first part of the show.

  25. It's raining in the red carpet.

    Sam Worthington is so great!

  26. It's hard, Olympia! But I'm watching some livestreaming red carpet and that finishes at 1am so that's manageable :D

    That's good to know 23:14 :D

    Hi Monica! For once the weather is better here!

  27. Streaming working for me too:)

    Will just about manage the red carpet I'd say!!!

  28. We'll have to keep each other awake, Carol!

  29. Maggie and Peter are in the house! (Well, more like on the carpet)! Just caught a glimpse of their first step on to the carpet before E cut to commercials...their interview with Ryan S. should be soon. I wonder if you know who is anywhere near (???)

    Still awake WDW and Carol???


  30. MAGGIEEE :) Her dress! Beautiful. No Jake with her though :(


  31. I saw them too, BBMISwear!

  32. Wow, Maggie`s dress is beautiful! And I love her hair! Well done!


  33. Just updated the post with a pic of Maggie :DD

  34. Here they are....Maggie looks BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  35. Maggie looks gorgeous!!

  36. Still awake:)

    Maggie looks stunning. Love the colours in her dress.

  37. BTW - You're so quick WDW! Got Maggie's picture up already!!!


  38. I'm so good :D But I saw no Peter - sigh...

  39. Peter and Maggie look's great!

  40. I saw a glimpse of Peter when they arrived but I don`t have cable and Ben Mulroney, the canadian Ryan Seacrest, doesn`t seem to have interviewed Maggie and Peter. I don`t understand, he is litterally standing right besides Ryan.


  41. No Peter on my live stream... sigh.. Sandra Bullock looks gorgeous!

  42. For Our Brit Friends a Quick Maggie/Peter Tid Bit: Peter was very funny saying maybe he can get the place to sing happy birthday to him and that if Maggie wins his birthday would be postponed but actually his birthday has been postponed! When Maggie was asked about drinking during filming Crazy Heart she said not while they filmed but they did when they rehearsed and Peter said they drank all the time and he would get drunk calls from her at 1AM! Maggie said they did get to have breakfast together this morning!

  43. I agree WDW Sandra Bullock looks fab. Real Hollywood glam.

  44. Thanks for the Maggie Peter update BBMISwear:)

  45. ooh thanks for the pic, Monica, and the info, BBMISwear :-) That is so funny!! I love Peter *) What a day for a birthday...

    So is Jake gonna walk the red carpet? getting nervous...

  46. Does anyone know when Best supporting actress will show? How early?

  47. Looks like your question has just been answered WDW and he is looking good:)

  48. Thanks BBMISwear! Gotta keep us Brits updated. WDW, is this stream just of the red carpet or of the whole show?


  49. OMG OMG OMG!!!! I just saw Jake!!! He`s on the carpet!! I need to see more, it was only is chest and head!


  50. Hope they interview him. He is looking good Olympia we just got a full shot of him coming in:)

  51. WHAT!? I didn't see him!!! (livestream) YAY :D :D :D


  52. bow tie or tie? :P



  54. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  55. Well he's not being interviewed on my live stream! Help!!!


  57. I AM SO JEALOUS OF ALL YOU AMERICANS RIGHT NOW. We want Jake on the livestreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam :(


  58. Jake was just interviewed by Ben Mulroney! He look gooood! Ben asked him what advice he had to give Maggie about her Oscar nomination and he said he told her to try to just enjoy herself. He said he`ll be presenting with Rachel McAdams, that he was ready for the fame that will come with POP, that he`s filming in Montréal and that canadians where the funniest people around. Well, thank you jake! :DDD


  59. Carey Mulligan on our stream now WDW. Looking fabulous. Fingers crossed Jake will be interviewed.

  60. I just saw the interview on E! Jake looks sooo handsome!! I love his suit! I love seeing him on the red carpet.

  61. Have mercy! No Jake for Brits - we need pics!!!!

  62. Silver, he`s wearing a bow tie. :)


  63. I saw Peter at last - they're getting down the line...

  64. Saying that he can't express how much he loves Maggie made me want to cry...can't imagine how that will make her feel!! No after parties for Jake...said he's getting on a plane to go back to work in Canada. Go to the Montreal airport Olympia - LOL!!! :-)

  65. If they are getting to Peter and Maggie soon, WDW, that means maybe Jake eventually too???? *crosses fingers for the streaming Brits* :-)

  66. Yay Maggie and Peter interview!! If Maggie got interviewed half an hour ago for everyone else, Jake should reach the live stream interviewer in half an hour..


    I think thats right :P


  67. Maggie looks so stunning.

  68. Awwwww, Peter is wearing his wedding tux!

    Jake is coming on the feed, Brits!



    JUST SAW HIM WDW :D on the livestream!



  70. BTW - Bow tie (not a typical one though). God he looks HOT! *THUD*

  71. Just seen Jake on E live show - Looks totally lush in his suit & loves his sister so much (its so sweet) just watching the Sky 1 coverage here in the UK to see if Angela gets an interview - hope so

  72. Red Carpet Jake is back:) I loved when he said "you're talking to me like I'm some old guy" and when he mentioned about looking after Ramona.

    How hot is he. Think I'm going to have to cool down:)

  73. Hey, WDW, are you still there?

    I hope she didn't fall asleep! :D


  74. He talked about Ramona? How sweet! Just remembered something funny...he and Ryan were touching each others hankerchiefs sticking out of their pockets and Jake said his was real and might be needed if he got the sniffles and would if he sees his sister up there. So sweet!

    WDW...where are you??? Did you see him????

  75. Weeee.....Jake said the sweetest things about Maggie...sigh. Like everyone here I love Red Carpet Jake! :D

  76. Where did Jake talk about Ramona?!?! I need to see that too!

  77. Hope you didn't miss red carpet Jake WDW.

  78. Just updated the post with Jake pics!!! Yeay! Saw AP interview Maggie and Peter and Jake caught them up. A lovely interview. OMG it's all too much and it's the middle of the night - how will I sleep...

  79. Get real, Jake said his duty today was to take care of Ramona while Maggie got ready and Peter looked for his tie. :D It was on the live feed.


  80. Does anyone know what time Jake is likely to be presenting at. I don't think I can sleep with all the excitement.

  81. Hey Carol - what did Jake say about Ramona? I caught the old guy thing but not about Ramona! Can you remember what he said?! I got bits of it :D It's so hard focusing when it's Jake on the red carpet for the first time in so long!!!

  82. Oh yes, Olympia! Thanks! That's what he said :)

  83. I reckon they're all round at Jake's again and Naomi and a nanny are babysitting according to what Maggie said.

    Yeah, I wanna know that too, Carol, as I don't know how I can sleep?! I'm assuming this site will stream the awards as well...

  84. Olympia, OMG where can I see that interview!! Awwww so sweet that he took care of Ramona!! :D :D :D

  85. And welcome to the new commenter here, T :)

  86. He is so wonderful and so proud of Maggie!

  87. Get Real, it's the AP interview from the streamlining - they could well have it on their site later. I hope so!

  88. I was distracted aswell WDW but I think he said part of his job today was to look after Ramona while Maggie was getting ready.

    They will be streaming the awards after the red carpet aswell.

  89. Thanks, WDW! I will check the AP feed and hope that they put it up again later.

  90. Jake is presenting with Rachel MAdams...

  91. That's McAdams - I'm too excited...

  92. Kate does look wonderful. I love her gold dress and that necklace she was wearing was stunning:)

  93. I'm gonna try and stay away for Jake's presentation... Keep me awake!

  94. So am I WDW. We will have to try and keep each other awake:)

  95. Oh that is great that Jake is presenting with Rachel McAdams! She is a great actress and lovely. :)

  96. I bought a High-definition TV this afternoon, and have been trying to get it set up. Finally I got it going, and it's set to the channel that will carry the Oscars. I missed the red carpet stuff, because I only just got back from having dinner with my parents.

    But I can hear the show from my computer. I just heard Barbara Walters' interview with Sandra Bullock. Sandra has just toasted meryl Streep with cheap champagne. ;-)

    Bring on the Oscars and Jake and Maggie....

  97. Get Real! The AP stream is repeating in about half an hour :)

    I'm glad yu're set up, Paul!

    Well the bad news for us here is that the live streaming doesn't last for the cermeony itself :( Does anyone know of a place to watch it online?

  98. Switched to ABC for 30 min show before show...Maggie on stage with 4 other fellow nominees. So beautiful and sweet! JAKE ON!!!

  99. Talked about PoP and advice for Maggie being nominated!!!

  100. Maggie was just interviewed with all the Best Supporting Actress award and now Jake's being interviewed!!!

    Thanks for the AP info, WDW!

  101. Sigh, can't see any of this here, so thanks for the updates :)

  102. Zimbio
    Maggie Gyllenhaal's brother Jake Gyllenhaal admitted in a red carpet interview with MTV that he's nervous for his sister. He said, however, that Maggie is clam and collected. And that calmness shows.

    Jake: getty Images

    I saw the interview and she praised the work of Jake in Brothers.

  103. - watching the SKY movies UK coverage through this link.

  104. Awww :( Streamings stopped. At least Jake got an interview :)

    Bedtime I think. Night fellow Gyllenhaalics :)


  105. Thanks Monica!

    And thank you, Carol! The link works :D

  106. Is this going to show the Awards, Carol?

  107. As far as I know it is. Fingers crossed:)

  108. You're a star Carol for finding this!

  109. Thanks WDW. We have to stay up now at least til Jake comes on:)

  110. WDW, Getty Images has two amazing pics of Jake and Maggie together!

  111. Okay that link is brilliant! Now i'm staying up :P


  112. Thanks Get Real! That's amazing!

    I'm staying up too, Silver... I'll wear dark glasses at work...

  113. Wow, you Brits are tough! I don' t even know how I' m gonna stay up till 11:30! :) I think you' ll need to switch from tea to coffee tomorrow! :D

    Ryan Reynolds looks gorgeous!


  114. Great pics of Jake and Maggie.

    Ryan Reynolds is looking good

  115. Does anyone know if Jake is on next.

  116. So has anyone spotted Jake in the audience yet? I need help, it's almost 2am!

  117. Haven't seen him yet. Just Maggie and Peter behind Jeff Bridges.

  118. Hope Jake is on soon i have to go to work in 5 hrs!!!! Great pics of him & Maggie though :)

  119. Great to hear the Secret of Kells mentioned. Flying the flag for Ireland.

  120. Updated the post again! More pics, thanks to IHJ and JJ.

    I feel your pain, T. I have to be up in 4 and a half hours...

  121. So do I :( I will be thanking god for coffee tomorrow!!!

  122. Just saw first shot of Jake in the audience.

  123. I did too, WDW!!

  124. I saw Jake. He is sitting next to Rachel McAdams!

  125. Chuckle! Let's see who spots him again! Jake must present soon, I have to go to beeeeed...

  126. I was wondering who he was sitting next to.

    Hopefully he will present soon as I don't think I'll be able to stay up much longer.

  127. He's on now!!!

  128. Well going to have to call it a night now Jake has been on.

    Night all. Had fun:)

  129. Updated the post! Lovely...

    And now Maggie's award...

  130. Well, Maggie didn't win but I didn't expect her to. Thanks everyone for a fun evening. :)


  131. Signing off now! 3am seems a sensible time to go to bed! No surprised but good on ya Maggie!

    And great to see you Jake!

    Night all and THANK YOU!!

  132. Thank YOU, WDW for the amazing reporting and staying up so late. I'm off to bed too :)
    Jake, Maggie and Peter looked stunning :)

  133. Good Night Brits! I just had the best timing...all that Jake, Maggie, Peter on TV stuff and somewhere in the middle while none of them were on TV I got to see Jake's AP interview on line (love that 'my duty was to watch my niece' comment)!

    Lots of great pics and tons to come tomorrow I'm sure! Fun night WDWers!


  134. Night WDW and everyone across the pond!!!

    Thank you for the great, great posting!!!


  135. "Crazy Heart" walked off with an award for best song. They showed a film clip of Colin Farrell singing it, and I couldn't help thinking good this year has been for Colin: he was in "Crazy Heart" with Maggie Gyllenhaal and Jeff Bridges, and also in "Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" as a version of Heath ledger's character.

  136. I watched the E! red carpet for jake and saw Rachel McAdams(who looked beautiful)and since she's my favorite female actress and he's my favorite male actor i was hoping that maybe they could meet each other and then i came on here and saw they presented together and nearly passed out im so exited!!!(This is also the first time i commented on here even though i check this blog out every day.)

  137. Morning all! Didn't I just go to bed??

    What a fabulous night! Lots of catching up with it all today. And so good to see old (meant in the nicest way :D) and new posters last night - welcome Sara!

    I have an extra shot in my latte...

  138. WOW... did you all brits sleep at all?

    Great report there. You deserve a steaming cup of coffee.

    Jake looks dashing :) I have to get used to Peter's shaved head!!

  139. Awwwww, I wish I could have been here with you last night, but I had to get to bed, cause I had to get up early again for Bratislava... :(((((
    Couldn't read all the comments now, though (am at work :(((()

    Jake looked so fucking gorgeous!!!

    Can't wait to see videos of yesterday!!! (Will have to, though... :((()

    Have a good day everybody - and get some sleep!!!

  140. I'm feeling very tired this morning. Just had a double Espresso so hopefully that will get me through until lunchtime!!!

    Had great fun here with everyone last night. Just looking at the red carpet pics again this morning and Jake looked gorgeous:)

  141. Thanks Winterbird! People keep bringing me coffee :)

    Hi uli! Hope you had a good trip back... and I hope it won't be long til you can catch up :D

    Morning Carol! Thanks for the company last night :D I'm heading into town at lunch to buy An Education, it's out on DVD here today. I'm going to enjoy that tonight. And I can't wait to catch up on all the goodies from last night!

  142. I'm glad to see the Brits are taking in some coffee and hanging in there! Whew! What a night, huh? So much fun.

    I just looked through the 100+ photos on IHJ - gorgeous, stunning, breathtaking! I started thinking about Jake's 'look' - if this is his official Source Code look (minus the tux of course) then WOW to that!!

    Can't wait to re-watch last night and see all the stuff that will come out on line today...oh, and to work...that's right...there's that thing called work too. Don't you hate when that gets in the way of these more important things?!

    Good luck staying awake bed early tonight!! It was so much fun to hang here with you for the excitement of the Return of Red Carpet Jake! I'm still so happy about that!!!


  143. I went to find out what happened at the Oscars, and found this incredibly long post that captured the excitement and all the highlights. Fabulous! Thank you to WDW and everyone for allowing those who could not keep awake for getting every bit that mattered! Jake and Maggie both looked fantastic. I'm sorry Avatar didn't win. Fantastic about Kathryn Bigelow, but I think they just did a BBM/Crash mix up again on the Best Film. Star Wars didn't win Best Film. Don't they ever learn?

  144. Jake did a great job on the red carpet! Very elegant escorting Rachel McAdams, and I loved her dress. I saw a quick interview with him where he talked about Prince of Persia, and of course his presentation, and then a quick glimpse of him seated. Maggie looked great too, loved her earrings and dress. Kathryn Bigelow looked awesome, and is an awesome talent, a big congrats to her! The Oscars had a very intimate feel this year. I was so happy that The Weary Kind won for best song. A great night!


  145. • What a kidder! Presenter Jake Gyllenhaal was having a prolonged conversation with Rachel McAdams in the lobby of the Kodak Theatre before the actor finally introduced her to a friend, saying, "This is Rachel McAdams, she's the mother of my child!"

    Just read this on

  146. Source Code Jake is goona look great! Hi BBMISwear :-) Keep the coffee coming... I can't wait to catch up! Work is such a distraction...

    Thanks so much, TD. Glad you've enjoyed it :D I have to say, I was pleased for Katheryn Bigelow but I wouldn't have minded Avatar getting best picture.

    Good to see you Bertie! I love that we all saw bits of this, all over the place :D Jake's return to the red carpet :)

    I saw that too, Carol! It's so funny! The things Jake says sometimes - a classic! And lucky Rachel :D

  147. Wow, well done the Brits who stayed up late!! I'm impressed by your dedication, I'd have never been able to stay awake and still be functional today.

    You were well rewarded, Jake looks great in the pics I've seen. Hopefully I'll catch some highlights on E! or Sky this evening.

  148. Thanks Rubes! Although I'm not sure how well-functioning I am today as a result. I'm definitely foggy...

    Postingsome goodlies later on to help with the recap for all those who had a decent night's sleep :D This will also help those of us who are too tired to remember much of it except Jake being HOT!

  149. I've been taking a closer look at Maggie's dress now it's daylight and it really is very beautiful.

    And also at Jake's hair. It could have gone Jarheady but they've kept it just long enough. Also beautiful :)

  150. The 2 pics of Jake with Maggie are just beautiful. I wish we had one with Peter, too.

    And the ninth one is stunning, I can't stop looking at always gets to me when he's looking strait at the camera. His eyes are mesmerizing, God he's beautiful... *swoon*

    Sending lots of virtual coffee to everyone who had a short night. :)


  151. Thanks for the coffee, Olympia! I'm still going... Getting ready to go home.... can't wait to do the post when I get in!!

  152. Thanks for the virtual coffee Olympia:) Badly needed!!

    Heading into the last hour of work now so not too bad but just remembered I have a Salsa class tonight so can't rest just yet.

    Looking forward to studying the pictures and everything in more detail when I get home.

    Loving the pics of Jake and Maggie together. Stunning:)

  153. I re-watched all the red carpet interviews on IHJ and the stunning photos... What can I say? The Gyllensiblings looked gorgeous, so much has been said for Maggie's beautiful gown, but Jake's tuxedo was so beautiful, I loved the cut (for example, the slanted pockets, etc.), and the bow tie, not to mention his stylish and perfectly polished shoes... Oh well, I guess I'm betraying my Italian nature there :)
    I loved Rachel McAdams' dress too :) She looked like a class act. Next to Jake, it's no mean feat :)

    I hope you had enough caffeine this morning, WDW, to sustain you through the day.
    I'm feeling ok, but my lack of sleep is making me drowsy now...


  154. I re-watched all the red carpet interviews on IHJ and the stunning photos... What can I say? The Gyllensiblings looked gorgeous. So much has been said about Maggie's beautiful gown, but Jake's tuxedo was so beautiful too, I loved the cut (for example, the slanted pockets, etc.), and the bow tie, not to mention the shoes... Oh well, I guess I'm betraying my Italian nature there :)
    I loved Rachel McAdams' dress too :) She looked like a class act. Next to Jake, it's no mean feat :)

    I hope you had enough caffeine this morning, WDW, to sustain you through the day.


  155. sorry I did it again (double posting)... don't know what's wrong with my browser... :(

  156. Maybe your browser is feeling like you, a litle drowsy. :D


  157. he looked great. I saw the red carpet before the oscars. Kathy Ireland interviewed him. I didn't see the E news report yet

    I loved the photo of him and Maggie. it's wonderful how supportive they are of each other. I think you need that kind of strong support in an industry that can be so cold and cruel at times

    I bet Jake is on his way back to Montreal to continue filming Source Code


  158. hehe, I just watched a video of Jake presenting (thanks IHJ) and I notice that OPP is playing in the Up In Air clip. I wonder if Jake thinks about himself in a Santa hat whenever he hears that....... :D It certainly conjures up nice images for me. ;-)

  159. Ooh rather you than me with the Salsa class, Carol!

    Done a catch up (part one) - there's so much wonderful Jake to catch up on :)
