Thursday, 2 June 2011

Jake Gyllenhaal sees Hangover 2 with Adam Levine instead of picking up Kung Fu tips from the Panda

Jake Gyllenhaal is a movie star; he's also a movie fan. Several times over the years we've heard him talk about how importance the audience is for him and that it's the audience he thinks of during his performance. We've also had more than a few sightings of Jake at the pictures and the latest was earlier this week, on 29 May, at the ArcLight in Hollywood. The tweets, and there were several, were even more excited because Jake took along none other than old friend Adam Levine (I recognise that arm).

There are lots of pictures showing at the ArcLight but one tweet in particular suggests Jake and Adam were there to see Hangover 2 (tweets were posted in early hours of 30 May, hence date difference). One would have thought that Jake should have been there to see Kung Fu Panda 2, especially after all Jake's Kung Fu training. Clearly Jake missed the opportunity to pick up some tips from the black eyed tubby, furry master.

Adam is now in Venice (and I don't mean the one near LA). He appears to have fallen in love with this most beautiful of places.

The video below is a pap video. I don't often link to these for obvious reasons but in this one there is a slightly comical exchange between Jake and the guy with the camera.

Many thanks to IHJ for those pictures and thanks to Julia for the video heads up!

Perfect excuse to post a link to my review of Kung Fu Panda 2 3D at MovieBrit.


  1. Good evevning! Hi Kate!
    Nice to see Jake smiling on those pictures despite of intruding his privacy. A cap is not enough to hide, Jake :)
    I've seen Hangover2 trailer, watching SC in the theatre. It looked quite funny. Maybe I will go and watch, thinking, me and Jake saw the same movie :)

  2. Hi Mermon! It's good to see Jake having such a good time - although Hangover 2 sounds so awful I'm rather glad Jake saw it so that I don't have to!

  3. Hello girls! The video of Jake in the parking garage is priceless! It is nice to see him taking the attention in stride and smiling through it.

    Coincidentally, I saw Hangover 2 the same day Jake did. I have no idea why that sounds important to me, but it does. It certainly isn't as if we might have bumped into each other at the theater...

    Hangover 2 is so, so FUNNY - but be warned: it is gross-out humor and definitely not for the squeamish or prudish. The premise of the first one was quite original; the guys had to recreate their wild night in reverse order to figure out what happened to their missing friend. Basically the same thing happens in this one, so it isn't as fresh and original an idea. To compensate, the filmmakers set the action in Bangkok, where apparently anything goes. I mean ANYTHING. I liked the first one better.

  4. I saw Hangover 2 on Sunday. It is a remake of the first but not the end of the world. I laughed in some scenes. And the photo session at the end is funny.
    The son of director Ang Lee is in the movie. He plays the character that they need to find.

  5. Hi Susan and Monica - it is interesting hearing your views on the film. I'm not good with this sort of humour. Wouldn't it be great if we could hear what Jake thought?!

  6. At least he was able to have a bit of a laugh with the pap. Most of the time he looks annoyed/pissed. I can't blame him. When he's in certain areas of LA they follow him like a shadow. But when he's in NY it's rare the paps find him, we usually have to wait for tweeters to let us know where he's at. I wonder if he'll ever move to NY full time?


  7. Morning Sweetpea - it is good to see Jake with a smile on his face. Fortunately, Jake's in a position where he can move between LA and NYC (or anywhere) so he can escape :)

    Have a lovely day everyone! Friday :)

  8. He's too fat. He has to lose weight!

  9. Rolls eyes at the return of the Fat Poster... ;)

  10. Rolls eyes and sighs in exasperation, wondering if Anon 10:09 is referring to Po of Kung Fu Panda... or perhaps Jack Black... :)

  11. Hi WDW and everyone...
    Jake's is looking real gooood... Love that scruffy smile :D
    Really can't share my opinion on Hangover 2 because theatre at my place here is just so broke up, it never show foreign movie anymore(I live in Indonesia)... I'm waiting for some miracle to happen for SC to get here, I hope God loves me enough to give me my share of Colter Jake..;p
    Have been really busy with my school, homework, work, upcoming exam on Monday, I got no time to comment, real sorry there WDW..:( And with the exams coming on Monday, there will be no laptop for me through next week...
    Thanks for the posts as always WDW!!!
    And last thing, this has been going round in my head these past few days, which do you guys prefer, bald Jake or sasquacth Jake? ;D

  12. Hi Susan! That'll be it - Po :)

    Best of luck with your exams, Serene Hill! I do hope SC makes it to your local theatre. Hmmmm - must say that I think I prefer Sasquatch Jake to Bald Jake but it's a close one!

    Had a lovely meal with Ruby, Rob, Uli and Mr WDW. And such a sunny warm evening too :)

  13. Hey! It's been toooooo long since I last commented here... But wanted to thank you (and the rest) for a lovely afternoon - and I am looking forward to tomorrow! I feel another WDW interlude coming up??? :D :D

    Should also say something Jake related I guess... Err, Jake is still hot?!!! :D
    And I liked his reply to that pap... A big fan? Yeah, right...

  14. Jake is a fine looking specimen of a HOT GUY :D

    He doesn't need to lose weight at all. He's got bulges in all the right places :D


  15. More great stuff - thank you WDW! One helluva week that kept me off line for the most part so nice to catch up tonight but what on earth is up with this person and the "Jake has to lose weight" crap?! It literally made me laugh out loud! That guy is so damn buff it''s...well, I don't even have words to explain! LOL!

    I have to say I loved that little clip of Venice that you included, WDW, from Adam. That is literally my favorite place on earth and I have video footage almost exactly like that from when I was there a few years ago and long to be back there. *sigh* So thank you for that! :-)

    I am personally excited for the VOD of SC 2 full weeks before the blu-ray/DVD release but get that those not in the U.S. (and even those in the U.S. that don't have a cable service with VOD) don't understand it. It's a very interesting test Summit is doing and my gut says it's a mistake and not going to make them any money - in fact they may lose money. Only diehard fans of SC or Jake or Duncan, etc. will pay the fee to view the movie between July 8th and 26th AND buy the blu-ray or DVD when it comes out. Most, if they can just watch it once on VOD will do that and skip the DVD all together which makes me think they will lose money in the end. I will, of course, do both and can't wait to show the many people that missed SC in the the theater the movie as soon as it's available. And now I only have to wait until July 8th! It will be interesting to see what Summit says at the end of this "test". I'm sure the VOD viewings will cost more than the average movie because it's an advance showing...hmmm...very interesting (to me anyway)!

    I hope to get to enjoy more online fun this it's been way to busy for my liking lately. I miss my WDW updates on a regular basis :-(

    Happy Friday all!


  16. Hi everybody!
    I have small vacations at my parents house and garden, keeping my eyes on it when they are on their vacations. And I did exactly the same one year ago when my fascination with Jake started after POP. It was such a exciting end of May and the beginning of June. I was walking on clouds, searching for anything I could find about Jake. I could compare that state of mind to being freshly in love :). And I found WDW blog as well :) It took me a while to start to write here, but I had such fun to read old posts. And since then it was such an exciting year for me, so many things happened in Jake's world. So this is my first anniversary!

    Have a good weekend!

  17. New actor appeared on End of watch cast list. It's Fernando Lara, playing Officer Lightfoot. That's from IMBd site.

  18. BBMISwear, I hope you were all right during the violent storms on Wednesday. The lightning was almost continuous, and it seemed to be north of me. The devastation in the Springfield area is horrendous. Not many people died, but there are large areas of woodland where *all* the trees are horizontal.

    Jeffrey Tambor is the biggest Jake link in "Hangover 2." Tambor was also in "City Slickers." I'm a little surprised that Ken Jeong wasn't also in "Kung Fu Panda 2."

  19. Ah Mermon, you took me back to 5 years ago when I felt exactly the same and although the rose coloured glasses no longer apply the feelings are still as strong. Happy anniversary, enjoy it and the friendships and great experiences you'll find here.

    WDW hope you and the gang are having lots of fun.

    So glad to see Mr G lining up like everyone else to enjoy the pics. But the second to last movie I'd ever want to see is Hangover 2 (to each his own I guess). Now Kung Fu Panda 2 oh yes please although was very disappointed when I saw 1 at the IMAX and it wasn't 3D.

    Just saw Sean Bean in Ca$h and loved it immensly. So now I've got me Yorkshire accent on chuck :) enjoy the sunshine everyone.

  20. Hello everyone and good to see you and really good really to see Uli today! A wonderful day but yep I'm worn out (and sunburnt and eaten too much cheese) but a fantastic day.

    Congratulations on your first anniversary, Mermon!

    Hello to BBMIswear, Mermon, Sweetpea, Paul and Sheba! Sorry to hear about storms...

