Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Source Code opens in Germany, a new interview with Jake Gyllenhaal and VOD

Tomorrow, at long, long, long, long, long last Source Code opens in Germany and Jake Gyllenhaal's so so patient followers there will at long last get to see Source Code on the big screen.

Elsewhere we hear that Source Code will be released early on Video on Demand on 8 July. It sounds as if this unusual move is some kind of test for audiences. This VOD isn't very relevant to me in the UK but, even so, I want to hold the disc in my hand. Many thanks to Mrs JG for the links to this wonderful interview from Berlin for Source Code. It's a goodie.


  1. I'm counting the minutes now till I see Jake on the big screen again. AND I don't even have to work tomorrow as it's Father's Day (actually it Ascension's Day). Yeah!

  2. Hello Mrs JG! Not long at all - is that a holiday in Germany? (Obviously when a Jake movie comes out it should be a holiday...)

  3. Fantastic interview, but who did they get to dub Jake in German? For whatever reason that voice just didn't seem to 'fit' Jake. Or Colter Stevens, either.

    Congrats, MrsJG! You get to see it AGAIN! I can just about guarantee that you will enjoy it even more this time. I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Blu-ray, myself. I can't wait to see if they included an alternate ending - that would be so cool!

  4. @ WDW: yupp, that's a holiday in Germany and since it's always a Thursday, most companies close on Friday as well, so I got a long weekend ahead of me!

    @ Susan: Tell me about it! When you have the BR, you need to tell us if the ending is there (not what it is, just if it's there).
    The voice belongs to Marius Clarén, who usually does all of Jake's movies. He also does Toby Maguire, so in Brothers Jake had a different voice...
    I usually see the movies in English, so I don't notice that much.

  5. Yay! Very happy for you, neighbours. ;-) I'm counting the days till Friday the 10th... our turn at SC, hurray!

    That interview was indeed a goodie. :) Has anyone ever told Jake he rocks a black sweater like nobody else?!

  6. That is a voice not very much like Jake's, Susan! I cannot wait for the Blu-ray. I'm not sure yet if it'll be region free - fingers crossed!

    What a lovely long holiday, Mrs JG! I don't think I'd like to see dubbed movies myself. I much prefer subtitles. I saw Jurassic Park dubbed in German all those years ago - I still got the plot ;)

    You still have such a long time to wait, Lady Ekster! Just awful... He does indeed. And I love thinking that we saw him that day in Berlin. I love that I've now been to Berlin and I love that Jake took me there.

  7. Morning everyone! Thursday.... soon this heavy slog of a week will be over... And the sun's out :)

    Have a lovely day and if you're in Germany I know what you'll be doing later!

  8. I loved the interview! I particularly loved to hear the noise while he scratched his beard :-)

    Unfortunately all films get dubbed in Italy, too. And it's so frustrating. Only a few of them are shown in their original version with Italian subtitles which should be the standard, IMO. I know dubbers are really, really good, sometimes they're even better than the actors themselves, but in this case...when we're talking about would one want to hear another guy's voice?

    This is why I'm impatiently waiting for the DVD to be released...I went to see Source Code at theaters 4 times because really, how could I have missed him on the big screen?, but it made me want to cover my ears with my hands :-)

    Lovely interview anyway. And yes, black suits him. Like everything else.

    Have a good day, gang!

  9. Its weird but when we get foreign language films they're hardly ever dubbed. Film makers and distributors need to respond to the needs of the people that don't want dubbing. Congrats to Germany on getting to see Source Code on the big screen. Especially those the stayed away from spoilers and reviews.

    Is this weird but I'm missing Jake very much. Probably because I bought Love and Other Drugs DVD yesterday and watched it 3 times in between washing loads. I wish him lots of happiness and hope his 30s are as adventurous if not more than his 20s.

  10. Hi! Thank you for that new interview. Very good and Jake was looking his best at that time. And yes, black suits him a lot.
    Have fun Sasha meeting Jake on big screen. Enjoy!
    We have Father's Day June 23, but it's not a day off.
    I would love to find out what that alternative ending could be.
    We still don't have in Poland LAOD on DVD.

  11. lovely interview wdw I'm glad SC is in Germany now


  12. Hi Julia! It's a real shame about the dubbing. Here films (99% of the time) aren't dubbed, they're subtitled and that is surely preferable. So I hope you'll enjoy the DVD :)

    Good to see you, Sheba! I miss Jake too - and it doesn't help knowing it's so long before we'll see him on the big screen again. Hopefully the Bear Grylls show won't be long.

    Hi Mermon! I hope it does reach you, or if you can get it from elsewhere. Jake looks great in black :)

    Thanks Sweetpea!
