Sunday, 4 March 2012

Catching up with Jake Gyllenhaal in NYC - drawing with Jake and Star Distraction

Jake Gyllenhaal continues to set aflame the hearts of his fellow Soul Cyclists in NYC, and making me hungry by eating delectable seafood - possibly with good friends Susan Sarandon, Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin - at BLT Fish, he has also been upping his cultural quota. On Friday (2 March) Jake was seen amongst a most glittery audience at Seminar, comedy on Broadway featuring Alan Rickman. One lucky tweeter, who nabbed a quick pic of Jake leaving with his mum, also spotted Michael J Fox and James Wood amongst the audience. You'd think you'd want your money back for Star Distraction...

Elsewhere, we have little added news on the release of End of Watch later in the year, but a review of the script has been uncovered. It's non-spoilery and brief so take a look. Focusing on the characters' police work as well as their private lives, the reviewer concludes about the script: 'I don't want to give away the whole story, but let me just say after it was over, I appreciated David Ayer's writing even more than I had before. He is very clever, and the home-video device works extremely well here. Given the modest budget needed and the star power of Gyllenhaal, fresh off the critically and commerically well-received Source Code, I expect End Of Watch to do well at the box office, as it deserves to do based on this smart, character-focused screenplay'. Thanks to Mermon for the link:

And finally...

Should you want to brush up your drawing technique, you could do much, much worse than consult this 'How to Draw' class, which takes as its subject  a face you might find familiar...


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hello everyone! I hope you're all having/had a good weekend :) winter returned. Let's hope it's now been seen off again...

Susan said...

Ha! What a wonderful description of Mr. Gyllenhaal's head: "not even a perfect jellybean shape." I'll remember that next time I start to draw him...

Thanks for the update, Kate. I'm especially happy for the good words about EoW!

Arifur Rahman said...

Thank you for publish tOOns MaG Link.
best regards
CartOOnist ARiF

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Susan! How I love jellybeans :) Hope the storms have eased a bit.

My pleasure, Arif - I really enjoyed the article and I know a few readers here like to draw Jake :)

mermon said...

Looks like Jake is very comfortable in NYC. SoulCycling became a habit. If I would live there, I would have try that. Seems interesting - spiritual and physical.
Jake on Broadway-serious distraction from a play. A girl tweeted me that having Jake in a row behind it was hard to concentrate "It was very hard for the first like 10min. I kept looking behind me to see if he was laughing. Alan was amazing!"
About EoW - I like that D.Ayer focuses on characters, not only at cop's story and crimes. "demonstrates the comradery that officers have for each other" - can't wait to see that. I have big hopes for deep, great Jake's performance.

BBMISwear said...

Hello and I hope everyone had a great weekend. Great review regarding the EoW script...still feels like such a long wait for the actual film to be released. I'm trying to be patient...really!!

Thanks for the update WDW...have a good start to your week. I'm off to sip some red wine and watch the video from the L.A. production of 8 The Play from last night...sounds amazing!


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Mermon! I am looking forward to seeing Jake's performance too :)

I'm trying (not really) to be patient too, BBMISwear :-) That sounds like a lovely evening, I hope you enjoyed it.

Hope you all had a good day - Monday... ugh...

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hello everyone! All quiet on the Jake front unfortunately, I hope you're all having a good day!

BBMISwear said...

Quiet is right, WDW. I hope that means we'll be in for a lot of good stuff all at once (like that sometimes happens with Jake news). We'll see!


paulh said...

I hate the strange lettering in the "Please prove you're not a robot" box. I have a very hard time figuring out what the letters are, and I assure you that I'm not a robot.

Anyway, the wintery weather has pushed me into the movie theater two days in a row.

Monday, I saw "The Lorax." Didn't look too hard for Jake links, as Taylor Swift was one of the stars. Jake used to date her.

Tuesday,I saw "Wanderlust." There might or not might not be Jake links there. I'll check on it later.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Jennifer Aniston in Wanderlust? She is a friend of Jake and she was in The Good Girl.

paulh said...

Thanks, Anonymous. Jennifer is a huge Jake link.