Thursday, 4 March 2010

[Updated] More from the new Jake Gyllenhaal photoshoot! And more LAOD hints of what's in store

Updated to add, with huge HUGE thanks to IHJ, four more stunning photographs from Jake Gyllenhaal's photoshoot. The mix of indoor and outdoor, casual and sophisticated, and always beautiful and right in the eye. Thanks to Stephanie for the heads up!

Is that a bruise below on Jake's arm? Hopefully that's all better now.

It's difficult to even recall the last photoshoot pictures we had of Jake Gyllenhaal. Not counting the recent fabulous Leather Shot with Tobey Maguire, it's been quite a while (trying not to remember Ukelele Jake from the Interview shoot). But now with Prince of Persia rocketing towards us at a rate of knots, there's the promise of a GQ on the way and more. And here, with many thanks to IHJ, is a taster of what's to come.

Deep breaths... And another tweeter has posted comments affter a viewing of Loving and Other Drugs: 'Oh my... Love and Other Drugs... brilliant. And Jake Gyllenhaal's bod was effing magnificent.' 'This movie was def not Disney material due to excessive nekkidness.'

Also, delighted to see that IHJ has new HQ versions of two recent Prince of Persia, including yesterday's horse shot, which, on closer inspection, shows Jake and Gemma stunt doubles as well.

And there was I thinking nothing could beat yesterday's Gate.


  1. Morning! What a start to the day! And reports of excessive nakedness and fabulous bodies in LAOD... it's all too much for 9 in the morning...

    Have a good one :D

  2. Mmmm. Some nice pics there. Looking forward to increasing my magazine consumption over the next few months.

  3. Morning Rubes! Mmmm indeed - I can't stop looking at him looking at me in that top one :)

    My word is 'cough' - do I have to?

  4. You think it's a lot for 9 in the morning try 6 in the morning! Great top of the day news indeed! I think I may need to tell the family Thanksgiving is canceled this year - I'll be in the cinema from November 24th until further notice.

    Ummmm...let's see...Dastan Jake, Photo Shoot Jake or The Gate? That's a tough one. I'll get back to you on that - LOL!

    Have a good day - dare I ask: Why do Montrealers seem to not own cameras???


  5. Hi, I can't help but leave a comment here...


    Have a great day everyone!!! ;D ;D ;D

  6. That LAOD tweet?

    *I need to lie down...*

    (and hot pictures!)


  7. OMG... that third pic is killing me. I just want to hug him to death, he`s so cute! What a way to start the day! :)


  8. Wow, oh wow, I love these pics. He is so gorgeous. Is he really real?

    I love the horse. WDW, have you ordered the toys online? Do you think they will be in retail shops in the UK? I just don't like ordering toys online/by mail, y'know? Even Forbidden Planet often gets it wrong there.

    I want a Gate too. Several actually, as (at the risk of *horrors* being judged potentially posh) I can actually use them for croquet... Hrmm, I wonder if there is a spot on them where I could balance the champagne glass, must examine closer...


    ps. My word is 'roses'!

  9. Hello!!

    Hi BBMISwear :-) Good that you're getting your Thanksgiving plans in early :D Ooh hot Jake at 6am - what a start to the day... Yep, we need to send Olympia around distributing cameras. I'm holding out for a lifesize Gate.

    Good to see you, Uli! That was quite a thud...

    Hey there Paola! I know, that tweet definitely raises the temperature!

    Hi Olympia! There's an orderly line for the hugging, I'm afraid :D

    Hi there Potentially Posh TD - and I'm glad to say he is real! I odered the figures from (including the horse and prince, fortunately :D). I don't know if ToysRUs will stock them, or a big Disney store? But online may be the easiest bet.

    Yeay, multiple Gate orders! I think you should get the Gate. It's an essential croquet accessory. We need PoP goblets for the champagne.

    Is everyone having a nice day?

  10. Like Olympia, that third pic is... to die for...
    How can he manage to be so effortlessly sexy and sweet at the same time?

  11. OMG that third pic!!
    How does he manage to be so effortlessly sexy and sweet at the same time?...

  12. We need PoP goblets for the champagne.

    We sure do! All of these pics are beautiful, but the dark suit is especially so. The fit! :)

    My word is bling! :)

  13. Just so stunning Paola! I don't know how he does it either - amazing :)

    Hi 15:15! The suit is such a perfect fit. It's been a while since we've seen Jake looking like that.

    And there's more! Big thanks to Stpehanie, we have four more outstanding pictures! Updated the post :)

  14. The new pics are great, the fourth one feels James Bondish to me. His eyes are amazing in that one. And I can't stop looking at the third one, I find it intriguing, I'm not sure what emotion the photographer asked him to show.

    But I still love the seventh pic(that used to be third) the best. I don't even think it's an official pic, it looks like it was taken in between poses. I just love the way his eyes get crinkled (am I using the right word?) when his smile reaches his eyes. *sigh* :)


  15. Hi Olympia! I love when that smile spreads like that, filling Jake's whole face. Just wonderful. I can't decide which ones I like the best as they're all so different. I love the original first one (now fifth) - so confident and arrogant in such a good, sexy way. And the new first too. The look in the eyes. basically I'm gushing and drooling and I love them all!

    The third one is so beautiful and moody - sigh :)

  16. The first pic... *speechless*

  17. Sorry for the double posting earlier... my internet connection earlier (in a cafe) was going on and off, and I wasn't sure if what I wrote was being posted or not...

    Thank you for the updated post with more awesome pics...
    As you say, the mix of sophisticated and casual is just so stunning!!


  18. I can't even start rattling off first pic, third pic, seventh pic - just *THUD* to all of them and when do we get to see them for real in a big, fat, glossy magazine?!

    These little "look at the new pictures" breaks I'm taking is making for not quite as a productive day as I had hoped for. Oh well.

    More later maybe... :-)

  19. GAH!

    He looks SOOOO good in a suit!

  20. That first picture! It took me over a minute to draw my eyes away from his! So gorgeous it's unreal. Also, that 7th picture is the most adorable picture ever!!

    So is this not the GQ shoot then? What was this photoshoot for?


  21. Freetraveller, it was worth saying twice! Anna's three letters sum it up nicely too!

    Apropos of nothing, a Parma violet martini is a very nice thing indeed :)

  22. I am home now! And what do I find? More of this incredible hotness!!! People here were telling about their favourite picture... But hell, you can't really expect me to choose!!!! They are all so gorgeous! And what I find interesting is the big variety of pics!
    I feel like I am overdosing on Jake right now - I had hardly gotten over the great pics from the new PoP trailer... They make me crave some "real life" pics of Jake with the long hair again. You know the ones we hardly got... Damn you, Jake, why oh why did you have to run around with a hat most of the time when you had the long hair???
    Really, we have been in Jake heaven these last weeks, haven't we?

  23. Glad I don't have heart problems!

    I'm in love with the 5 and 7! That smile ... awww

  24. Hello! Please bear in mind that this and subsequent comments will be hampered by a significant cocktail intake, entirely due to Ruby, Mr Ruby and Jake. I accept no responsibility.

    Hi Winterbird!

    Hey Paola! Just good to get the point across, never mind the double posting :D

    Hey BBMISwear :-) My work day did suffer because of these, but it's worth it!

    Good to see you Anna!

    Hi Silver! We're not quite certain what this shoot was for but I reckon there's going to be quite a bit of this ahead.

    Rubes! How did you get home before me? How!! Thank you for a lovely evening *) Btw the Cosmo wasn't bad...

    Hi Uli! The hair in the PoP pics is so incredible. I wish wed seen more of it too.

  25. Hi Monica!Posting at the same tme - these photos are amazing!

  26. WOW...GUH...SWOON! GORGEOUS pictures!!! Jake looks stunning in these....SIGH. :D

    Great great stuff on PoP, LAOD, etc, etc. Wonderful time to be a Jake fan. :D

    Back to drooling at teh beautiful pics.....

  27. Hi Get Real! Thanks for commenting :) Jake looks so amazing, I could look at these pictures for hours. Good to see you!

  28. Lawks a' mercy, WDW!

  29. Morning Nouskie! I know, these gve me quite a turn... and now there's more! New post :D
