Saturday 14 July 2007

Jake climbs another mountain - on two wheels

I've been meaning to do this post for a few days now, but everytime I sit down to do it, something else pops up. I'm not going to let it this time, because this is about Sporty Jake and, if there's one thing I love, it's Jake being Sporty, especially in spandex.

When I returned home from the London Live Earth extravagaanza last Saturday, I was wedged into a train with people with stepladders and steps, which wasn't particularly pleasant actually. But it turns out that I was sharing the train with what seemed like a large proportion of the million or so people who turned out on to the streets of London to watch the Tour de France set off not in France. Of course, this reminded me of last year and the excitement many of us felt when, out of the blue it seemed, Jake turned up in France to watch parts of the race with friend and Tour de France legend Lance Armstrong.

In fact, Jake prvoved his own cycling credentials by accompanying Lance up the Tour's most famous climb - l'Alpe d'Huez - setting, Jake laughed, the 'record for actors'. False modesty indeed, not many of us could cycle up an Alp, especially not that one. This was presented in the media as Jake's other mountain, as opposed to Brokeback of course. Jake arrived in France in the centre of Lance's controversial and infamous battle with Floyd Landis, but Jake proved a worthy distraction and maintained that he would cheer for whomever he wanted - even Landis - but he wouldn't let on who for. However, Jake's respect for his friend after seeing him in action, steaming ahead of him on the Alp, spoke volumes in terms of admiration: "I am speechless. Obviously he is extraordinary when you watch him from afar. Seeing this and then watching riding on the bike. It is unbelievable."

It was also clear that Jake and Lance were having fun outside of the race and Lance was no doubt enjoying being able to act like a spectator. The two were seen together at the Igloo nightclub: "Lance Armstrong and Jake Gyllenhaal made their way in around midnight, both wearing baseball caps pushed down tight on their heads. Women said Armstrong's name in heavily accented French as he walked through the crowd, hitting the second syllable harder than the first. As the two men found a spot to talk in a back corner, Brewer shifted into a different mode, setting up a defensive perimeter to keep the crowd back and give them a little space. I had a short conversation with Armstrong, and then headed back out in the crisp night air alone and walked across the mountain to the Club Med."

Back in the hotel, Lance was "back from a run and looked fit enough to compete in the race he once dominated. Yet telltale signs that those days were over were scattered on every side: from the cold beer and plate of pastries sitting on a table nearby, to the collection of friends, including actor Jake Gyllenhaal, who gathered around a TV set and insisted on switching channels in time to watch Tiger Woods win the British Open." Now you know me, I can forgive Jake anything, BUT watching golf may be a step too far. I'll move on...

Jake said in a Discovery podcast, preserved in the Miscellaneous Video section of the Media part of IHJ, that his Tour de France experience gave him a succession of pinch-me moments, not least because of his helicopter trip above the course. It also allowed him to see firsthand - perhaps a little close for comfort - the adulation of a sportsman, with people hurling themselves in front of their bikes to get close to their hero Lance. It must have been extraordinarily exciting for Jake to have been part of one of the major sporting events, especially one that he is so good at himself, enabling him actually to take part in an extremely difficult part of it.

This video gives you some flavour of what it must have been like for Jake. Many of you will remember it from last year, but it doesn't hurt to pay it a revisit. If the video doesn't behave, you can also reach it from this page.

Pictures from IHJ and Kreutz Photography.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that lovely trip down memory lane. The Summer of 2006 seemed like an extraordinary time for Jake and for us because we got to see so much of him in spandex! Just kidding - a little. No, it really was amazing that he got to experience one of his major passions with the man himself, Lance Armstrong. When you see the excitement in Jake's eyes and how very honored he was to have the opportunity to be up close and personal with the bike races of all races, you get the feeling that Jake isn't all that different from those of us who admire Him! Yes, he does have the ability to be invited into the circle of someone he respects without looking like a stalker, but his admiration for Lance is genuine and there are a lot of qualities about Lance that makes him worthy of that.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Thanks Dani for that great comment! I do like to allow myself precious Jake in Spandex moments - deep breaths - but I got relly caught up in the our de France last year. I loved the idea of Jake out there fulfilling a dream of following a sporting hero out there at one of the major events. He must have had the time of his life! And yes, we know a little about hero worship, I suppose ;D And I can't help it, I like Lance and what he's achieved, in and outside his sport.

Anonymous said...

OMG...I love the boy in spandex. My husband is an avid I am used to seeing men in spandex with shaved legs!! I was sorry to see the rumors about Jake playing Lance in a biopic, but I knew it might be too good to be true when I first heard it. I thought he would be perfect, because he loves cycling and has the fit body, like Lance, and he knows the anyone watching the tour this has been pretty exciting...I am willing to bet our blue-eyed beauty is catching on the always have the best "stuff" on your site...Michele

Anonymous said...

EEK...Michele again...I meant I was sorry to see the rumors about Jake in the Lance biopic go away!!! heh heh

Anonymous said...

I know I must be a mutant, or worse, but I'm not into cycling or spandex. BUT, I love to see Jake looking happy as a clam (where the heck did THAT expression come from?) -- and he certainly did at the Tour. Works for me!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Michele - Another Spandex Jake admirer - excellent! I can't quite get my head round the shaved leg look though and I was more than happy to see Jake's legs recover their hairyness :D I think Jake would be superb in a role where he could at long last get the chance to show off his body (Jarhead being the obvious exception - but that Swoff body was an integral part of the role itself and wasn't Jake in my mind). In Zodiac, Jake had to confine his physicality and he is such am athletic sportsman - I want to see some of that energy - I'm hoping we'll get a chance in Rendition. I'm not too keen on the idea of Jake doing a biopic but I do like the idea of him playing an athletic role - he'd hardly need to act!

But I do like Lance a great deal and you can bet that both he and Jake will be glued to it again this year.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hey Beckela - I didn't know that clams could be that happy (I love that!) but if they do, then Jake was doing a good impression. I really think he enjoyed himself. I like cycling myself but I'd never thought that much of Spandex until Jake showed me how it could be worn :D

Anonymous said...

Oh WDW, you had to make me remember these pics!

I loved these pics of Sporty Jake -he's the most beautiful man in spandex, a strong and athletic body. I can tolerate the shaved legs for the sake of the sport, but a I'm happy to see the hair back too. It's beautiful.

He was so poised and modest in interviews then, but it is quite a feat to make that climb. We've always admired Lance throughout his career, and he's overcome a lot. LiveStrong is a wonderful cause too. :)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Marina - Just give in to it and enjoy the delights of Spandex Jake!!

It's an incredible feat to have cycled up an Alp. Jake should rightly be proud of himself. And I like that he wants Lance to drive him forward to greater skill. Jake does like to test himself.

I'm a supporter of LiveStrong for a whole host of reasons and I'm glad to see Jake support it too.

Anonymous said...

Goooossshhhh, thank you as always. I stop by your site multiple times a day to see what I can get for my Jake fix. Thank you, a (usually) silent Jake Luvr, and Wet Dark and Wild fan.

Anonymous said...

Spandex Jake OMG NICE! I love these pics when i see them.
Love sporty Jake, his athletic body hmmm!

Glad to see Jake support LiveStrong aswell.


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hey Anon 22:58 - Glad to be able to supply you with that Jake fix! And I'm so pleased to hear from you. It's great to hear that Jake lovers are out there, so thanks for your comment and I'm very happy that you like the site :D

Hi Cass - I love how the Spandex Jake lovers are standing up to be counted because I'm certainly one of them! Thanks very much for your comment, I appreciate it :D

Anonymous said...

thanks WDW for allowing us to revisit Summer 2006 Jake. Like you, I 'm a real sucker for Sporty Jake..... cycling, basketball, baseball, it's all good!

It was so cool that Jake had the opportunity to see the Tour de France in such a special way. And I do like that Lance has publicly said that Jake is a very good rider. I doubt that Lance gives those kind of compliments lightly.

I love this post..... in light of the current Jake drought we are experiencing, it's helpful to have that Spandex Jake photo to drool over. You have provided a much appreciated public service. :D

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Ooh Birdie that's great, thanks! I'm glad Spandex Jake is helping you through the Jake drought :D

Jake must be so proud to have the respect of such a sportsman as Lance Armstrong. Jake acts as if it's something to be ashamed of that Lance left him behind as they were ascending the mountain, but really Jake should be very pleased with himself. That's some feat.

I love Sporty Jake and I'm sure we'll revisit him soon :D

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that post WDW! I am an admirer of Lance and I can see what has inspired Jake so much. I remember a year ago there were some "nasties" on the net who tried to stir up unpleasantness about Lance and I was one of those who jumped in to his defence. I would have known nothing about him and his battle with the Big C if it hadn't been for Jake. I don't think Jake would admire a person for trivial reasons. I remember an interview of his where he declared "Lance Armstrong is my hero". I had read that even before I saw Spandex Jake and it led me to promptly find out all I could about Lance. It was very humbling to read the story of Lance's fight with death and comeback. Jake certainly has things right in his heart and head.

Hope that wasn't a too-long post.
Oops I forgot to add I love Spandex Jake but not defoliated!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Incognita
I'm never keen when people leap all over anyone that Jake becomes associated with. Lance is someone who's had a hard time of it in that respect - and in others - and I don't think he deserves it. He's a strong man who speaks his mind and, inevitably, says the wrong thing sometimes, but don't we all? He's been an influential figure in Jake's life and Jake is extremely fortunate for that and I'm sure he knows it.

- I'm definitely with you on the foliated Sapndexed Jake :D

Anonymous said...

I'm with you guys -

I remember all that general nastiness concerning Lance, and I thought it was cruel. I remember thinking the poor man has been very ill, give him a break! I don't know what it is about fans' need to tear down the celebs they profess to admire. They are only human, will make mistakes, but deserving of respect, just like the rest of us. Life is too short for that - why not enjoy celebrating them, their families, friends and relationships - not nasty comments, in-depth analysis and hyper-criticisim? It's one thing to wonder what your favorites celebs are doing, maybe even disagree with how it appears to you, but only up to a point, and I think they expect that we'll be a little curious about them.

You're right, WDW, Lord help us if we were in the public eye, at least for me, I'd be doing and saying things that would be misinterpreted all the time! :)

Anonymous said...

How very right you are Marina. Yes we would be misinterpreted, misunderstood and mistreated too by certain people!

What Lance went through should serve to remind us all the more that life is too short. Today I am in a sad mood. I wish Jake would emerge.