But Disney, now that it has removed our control over the Prince's fighting reflexes and springy feet, thinks its Prince of Persia stands more of a fighting chance against monsters, vertical drops, collapsing palaces, snakes and scorpions, evil uncles and frisky heroines. So they've given him a name and now we know that the chosen name - Dastan - means Trickster. And having seen the dangers the Prince faced in the Sands of Time game (and having needed more than one printout of handy hints to get me through), it's going to take more than the Prince's trademark tricks with time to get him to the end.
The reason behind the choice of name was just the one of the things revealed about the project by its screenwriter and producer, Jordan Mechner. Speaking in San Diego at Comic-Con, Jordan showed that, if it had not been for the 'lure of a Disney/Bruckheimer big budget summer film' being "too hard to resist"', we may have had no real life Jake Gyllenhaal as the Prince, but instead an animated feature with some starry voiceover.
Jordan made it clear that the film will stick to the original Sands of Time and not to the less successful two sequels. Also character development will be central: "You want to be taken on an emotional journey... You want to care about the characters." 'Mechner did say that the film, which stars Jake Gyllenhaal as Prince Dastan, will have a large cast of characters and have a much larger scope then just running around the insides of a single palace.' Mecher also echoed the recent words of Jerry Bruckheimer and said 'he was very pleased with the cast that has been assembled for the film'.
Thanks to visiting Flickrs we can get a glimpse of one of these sets, located where another summer blockbuster was filmed, Gladiator.
Another site reports that Jordan did address the matter of why a western (albeit a sensationally gorgeous and gifted one - I added that bit) actor was chosen for the Persian role: '"Yeah, they looked at a huge range of actors," he said. "There are hundreds of great actors that could've done the job, but you end up picking one."' Well, if you have to pick one actor in the world....
And here we learn that 'Due to secrecy, [Mecher] would not reveal what powers the prince might have in the movie or discuss key plot elements. He expects the film to be rated PG or PG-13 and for its level of violence to be along the lines of other summer blockbusters such as Pirates of the Caribbean.'
Last week, British singer Adele was interviewed for the Sunday Mirror and she mentioned that she was a big fan of a certain part of Jake Gyllenhaal's anatomy: 'I like a good back. I like Jake Gyllenhaal’s back. In that film with Jennifer Aniston, The Good Girl, when he’s banging her, his back was so fit, even my mum was like, “Wow!” So a good back and a sense of humour. I don’t like fit boys who aren’t funny. I’d prefer an ugly boy who was really funny.’ Fortunately, with Jake you get fit and funny. Admittedly, all this is slightly mitigated by Adele also admitting to fancying Chris Moyles, but it's good to hear that both Adele and 'even' her mum know a good back when they see one.
So, any excuse gratefully grabbed to search out some of my favourite pictures of some of Jake's favourite pieces - I should point out, however, that I have not included Jake's face in this post because there is not enough broadband width in the world for that much appreciation (having said that, a couple of favourite face pictures are included above, in the PoP section of the post).
Jake's arms particularly look good when they're working and doing useful tasks - such as carrying a bike over his head. Always easier than wheeling it along the ground, I've found.
It's no secret that I'm not a foot person - unless the feet are wrapped in Nike or knee-length black leather riding boots - therefore this was more of a challenge.
By contrast, I'm very fond of Jake's other extremities.
Sometimes, a glimpse is all you get and all you need.
Sometimes we get a bit more...
Jake looks good from side to side...
...and from back to front.
Legs - just no end in sight.
Have I missed a bit?
Finally, this video presents E!s sexiest movie star No 8 - Jake Gyllenhaal - in which you can see Jake flirting with cameras, interviewers and fans, as well as uttering the classic lines: 'Who wants a piece? How are you?' (before giving the interviewer a peck on the cheek), 'I feel sexy, yeah, I do feel sexy' and 'I do like getting naked on set.' But why no.8, eh?
Includes pictures from IHJ and links.
Yay, more PoP info! I love that it's going to be such an intricate story.
Sigh. That 5th picture may just be my very favorite of Jake ever. That face - those eyes, those lips, that soulful expression. Very sexy and what's more, very romantic. You can understand how Jack won Ennis Del Mar's heart, or anyone's. Yes, he's got a nice back, and a nice everything. :)
Hey BK! I just popped in to post a comment and you were here :D Good to see you. I can never hear enough about PoP and the more I hear the better it sounds! The people involved seem to have such enthusiasm. I loved the first Pirates film and if their goal is to do that and more with PoP then I will be happy. I wonder what the humour will be like.
I love those Jack pictures -yes, you can see how Jack won Ennis' heart and ours'. Also, that middle 'leg' picture is still my favourite Jake pic of all time - although it could be superseded by PoP Jake.
I wanted to remind Brits that Lords of Dogtown is on at 9pm on FiveUS tonight while Flightplan with the gorgeous Peter gets its terrestrial premiere on BBC1 at 10.05pm.
Guh! :P
Hey Rubes :D Are you leaving drool on the blog?
yeah sorry, it's just a little smudge. :)
quick visit - the lovely Mr has the barbeque going. xxx
Well, that's all right, then. Don't wanna flood...
Talking of which! Don't have a BBQ, it's hot, it's sunny and I want it to stay that way ;D Save us a veggie burger.
Playing a game can be very emotional too. :o) Cursing because you've just killed the hero one more time or yelling because you've finished another level.
Fortunately, PoP won't be emotional in the way BBM was - we still need a family box of tissue papers when watching the movie.
I really hope that there'll be scenes in the PoP movie where I can laugh - maybe with tears running down the cheeks - and then having some real great insider jokes.
Hmmm, with some more huge mugs of coffee I should manage to stay awake to watch "Sin Eater" with Heath in the middle of the night.
And I know what I'll do on Sunday night - August 16 - watching "Jarhead" - including grumbling about the German dubbing.
(Being happy that we only had 31°C today.)
Hi T! It's certainly emotional the way I play a game - continuously tearing my hair out. I think PoP will be emotional in such a fun way - I think we will laugh and cry and I can't wait. I'll have fun spotting things from the game too.
Enjoy Sin Eater - I've still not seen that. Jarhead has yet to appear on terrestrial TV here - it's about time it made an appearance :) but Swoff dubbing.... Not good.
Hope it cools down for you. Hot and muggy here but I have a cold bottle of stella, a bowl of strawberries and sitting by a fan so it's very pleasant, until I look at these Jake pics, then it gets toastier.
Lucky one concerning the strawberries - can't eat them because of allergical reactions...
:o( but some more ice coffee should be fine. No fan but some cool air on the balcony... :0)
I mentioned before - the German dubbing is always nasty - 3 different guys gave/give Jake his *German voice* and all aren't good enough. We're still waiting for BBM and "Proof" to be out on free-tv as we call it.
I read Heath plays a priest... sounds interesting.
I had never teared my hair out when playing but kicking the desk caused some nasty bruises and killed some keyboards... had to share my coffee with them. :o)
Hi T! I'm allergic to strawberries too so I have to ration 'em. It's a pain :(
I would love to hear Jake speaking German - maybe Jake should be in a spy movie so he has to adopt different accents and languages as he goes around thwarting villains. Proof hasn't been on 'normal' UK TV either.
I get really caught up in computer games. I got so scared by Tomb Raider 4 that I had nightmares and had to resell it back to the shop! Those scarab beetles - shudder. PoP doesn't scare me, it's just frustrating as I'm not quick enough in the fights. I love the scenery in it though. And it makes a change from playing Spyro the dragon, which makes my head spin... but reminds me of 60s Pink Floyd. One of these days I'll act my age :D Or not...
Great post, WDW:) I don't think I've seen that black and white chest hair pic before, so thank you so much for that:)
I'm having a bit of a Heath weekend - watched Lords Of Dogtown and some of 10 Things.. last night and I've just been watching the first part of I'm Not There and some Brokeback. Anyway,I just dropped by to say The Sin Eater (I keep hearing that as "Sinitta", of 80s one-hit wonder "So Macho" fame!) is on Film 4 tonight at 10.45 pm with Candy following after :)
Hope everyone's having a good weekend:) xx
OK, how weird is that? I've been playing PoP all day today.I kid you not.I came back home at around midday, and now it's 10.16 p.m. and I've just decided to stop and to see what's new on the blog.I didn't have much to do today, well, there were some things, but I just couldn't stop:) WDW, where are you in the game, by the way? I just got to the part with saws moving around the walls. This part is a b****.I keep killing him. I'm sorry but I curse like a sailor when I'm playing because I've become emotionally attached to the main character. Guess why?
And believe it or not, when I was 5 or 6 years old, I used to know a boy named Dastan. My family lived in Asia at that time. It's a long story. The first time I heard the name of the Prince I was, like, wait a minute, I know this name and then it hit me.
OK, back to the game, the night is long.
P.S. The Sin Eater is not a good film, I'm sorry.
Hi TL! I thought you'd like that pic :D It's so lovely.
Thanks so much for the heads up on The Sin Eater and Candy! I had no idea they were on Film4 tonight. I've been watching some of Dogtown and I'll record those two later. Fortunately, I already have Peter's Flightplan on DVD. After TDK last night I feel a need to spend some time on the mountain, so I'm just putting BBM on - I want to see Ledger and Gyllenhaal again, like yesterday in the theatre - but this time, I want it to be Jake. I got really upset yesterday seeing Heath and Maggie in a scene together. So working through that :)
Sinitta - blimey, that's made me think. I loved 'So Macho'!
Hey Zodiac! Posting at the same time. Sounds like you're well ahead of me now. I stopped after the bit where I was getting attacked on all sides after the bit I emailed you about. Saws in the walls? - oh flipping heck. Well, you've inspired me, I'll give it another go tomorrow and see if I can catch up with you, but if you've been playing it all day it could take me a week... I'll be emailing you for help, you can betcha!
Thanks for telling us about your friend Dastan - I have images in my head now of sand and pipes and flowing fabrics :)
(I heard that about The Sin Eater - I'm recording it so I can skip through it :D)
regarding Jake's beautiful back, there's a lovely scene in Moonlight Mile where he lies in bed, sleeping next to Bertie - Ive never seen a clip of this. found it heartbreakingly lovely Jake.
there's something about Jake sleeping. . . (inspired sigh. . .)
Hi Pia :D I love that scene. I love all that film to be honest, but that scene where he finds comfort with Bertie, it's wonderful.
I loved how in the video in this post, the reporter at the end mentions Jake as inspiring sighs. I think he does - enigmatic and sexy and beautiful - all three in one. Jake sleeping is a lovely thought.
Hope it's cool where you are. It's so hot here tonight - nothing is moving.
Hey WDW, it's beautiful, here in the Berkshire mountains. Sunny, a breeze, and a neighbor with a three year old and six months pregnant from a gorgeous guy just went off in a white limoscene in a gorgeouus frothy white dress to marry him - way to go, girl!
Jake in the Out magazine photo shoot blew my fuses. Just sayin'
Wow :) Sounds amazing. So good to see love in motion. I love the Out pics too - one of my favourite shoots.
It's so hot here tonight... if it carried on like this I'm gonna have to freeze the strawberries and use them as icecubes.
It's interesting to find out that Disney has been after Jake to do a movie for a long time. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't "Bubble Boy" a Disney film? So, it isn't as if Jake was working with Disney for the first time on PoP.
Last night I saw "X-Files" -- the new movie version about a psychic pedophile priest who finds evidence of a serial killer. That was pretty good. Today I tried to see "Brideshead Revisint" - the new Merchant-Ivory film that has Emma Thompson as Lady Marchmain - and got all the way to the theater only to find out that the Internet site that listed performances there was wrong. So now it's back to the drawing board. :-(
So, I'm feeling grumpy and deceived. I don't want to see "Step-Brothers," which looks extremely stupid. Why should I waste my hard-earne dmoney on junk like that? :-(
If I see "Dark Knight" again, it should be at an IMax theater. There aren't many of those around here...
Hi Paul! I may be wrong, but I thought Bubble Boy was a Touchstone Pictures movie.
I cannot bear the idea of a new Brideshead Revisited. I grew up on the book and then fell for Jeremy Irons as Charles. Also I grew up in Oxford and so the spires always remind me of the original film and the book. I walk round the Botanic gardens and I remember Charles and Lady Marchmain walking round there arm in arm... I've read about the new version but I can't see it.
I'm going to see TDK again tomorrow - I need to see it with a calmer heart and more alert head. I missed so much the first time. I'll have to wait for the IMAx though.
"...we learn that 'Due to secrecy, [Mecher] would not reveal what powers the prince might have in the movie..."
I strongly suspect that among his secret powers, this Prince will definitely have the ability to put his female co-stars on the ceiling...so to speak...
Ahem, anon :D I think you could well be right :P I hope it's borderline PG certificate! PG with a bit of an edge :D
:) Well, who knew I could get so emotionally involved about a Batman movie? I saw it on a regular screen this time, and was able to concentrate more on the story and the well developed characters. I was almost overwhelmed by the special effects in IMAX - but it was so good that way. I also got to concentrate more on that wonderful soundtrack this time, and the emotion in it. Heath - damn, I just cannot get over how good he is in this. And Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Aaron and Maggie, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman. This is the best Batman movie I have ever seen.
I don't know anything about the PoP game, I wonder if I should keep it that way, or find out about it before I see PoP?
Hi BK! I'm seeing TDK again tomorrow and I've been thinking about some of the other actors too especially Gary Oldman and Aaron Eckhart. Just amazing. Not enough Christian Bale, though, for me to get an angle on his Batman. As I'm a Batman novice :)
I can't imagine it'll be spoilery to know about the PoP game as it's a very simple story in the game but it does give you a really good taste of the atmosphere, scenery and mood. It looks quite dated compared to other games but I love the mood.
I really did like the DK soundtrack - it was great hearing it blasted out over Leicester Square on Monday, especially when we could also hear the Batmobile's engines revving in the distance - what a night :)
Yes, Gary Oldman is so real as Commissioner Gordon, the way he speaks, his tears, just a fine actor. And Aaron is too - and he rocks a suit, a very handsome man. And Heath's beauty - the way his hair curls, his lankiness, his hands. Christian Bale is gorgeous too, a powerful Batman. I'm not sure if Rachel really loves Bruce, or Harvey. :) Decisions, decisions. The way it ends had me teary this time, poor Batman. And poor Harvey - you just want to put your arms around him and make it alright again. The Joker? I don't know if it would work on him. This Batman film is a sight to behold, for sure. I can't wait for the next one! :)
Gary was so good, BK. It's good to see him in a film where he's not playing a panto baddie (although he's so good at that too - just look at Fifth Element). A film all about decisions. Trying not to give too much away here as a lot of people are seeing it this weekend for the first time :D I think for me, though, that this will be the first and last Batman movie I see.
I'm seeing it again tomorrow. Can't wait - I'm going to look at it more closely and try and enjoy it more.
OK, that's it from me - I won't give away another word, just the cute way Heath's hair curls around his ears behind his Joker mask . . . ok, that's it! Enjoy all - I do think that TDK is the movie of Summer 2008, but PoP will be the movie of Summer 2009. :)
I definitely agree, BK! It's incredible to think that we have TDK in 2008 breaking all records and next summer they'll be nothing to match our Jake in PoP :) I'm also interested to see where Maggie goes from here - I'm glad she got this level of attention and good reviews. She deserved it.
Oh she really did - I loved her in this. I'm embarrassed to say this is the first "grown up" role I've seen her in - the other was Donnie Darko. I never did see Secretary or Sherry Baby, which I regret, and will rectify ASAP! She's wearing a navy blue gown in TDK and she is just absolutely beautiful - and I love her role as a real woman, hardworking and with ideals, and I love that the big strong Harvey kind of relies on her, in a way. It's a beautiful thing! :) Ok, I mean it this time, no more hints. Goodnight, all!
Night BK :) Maggie has really done some great stuff, although Sherry Baby was far too depressing for my tastes. Love Secretary though and Stranger than Fiction (oh and Mona Lisa Smile). I do like seeing Maggie in the top 10 IMDb actors at the moment (of course, Heath is no 1).
Maggie's clothes in TDK are just gorgeous :D
PoP to be an 'emotional journey' - which I can't wait to take with JBG. I'm itching to know what the costumes will look like, he must have done some shots of these already... a little teaser would go a long way to appeasing our apetites until next year.
Have just watched Candy and that last shot of Heath drinking that cleansing glass of water has me in bits - after all the characters have been through. Also that Matilda must have been on the way during filming of Candy - that must have been so hard for them. Its tough to watch but also such a sweet and beautiful performance from both Heath, Abby and Geoffrey.
I agree, The Sin Eater is not one of his best. He probably wanted to re-team with Shannyn Sossamon, Mark Addy and Brian Helgeland but this was not such a good vehicle.
Oh, and Bubble Boy was a Disney/Touchstone venture. They just disassociated themselve later because of the bruhaha surrounding the movie. No wonder Jake waited ages before working with them again. They'd better promote PoP appropriately or heads will roll!
I saw that article from that singer Adele but I thought it was too racy to comment here... but WDW, you're a girl after my own heart.. now I know ;o)
Holden is my favourite character of all. He's so sweet and earnest and so very slightly 'tapped' ;- he holds nothing back from Justine "I'm yours, I'm all yours" . Yet Justine drives him to insanity - I should not really like her but I do.
More Prince Dastan and Holden please :DD
Hi everyone! Too hot for sleep last night and another scorcher today - seems like the perfect time to sit in a shady cinema :)
Hey Sheba! A very late night for you too. I was watching BBM. I only went in for the beginning but ended up staying for the course. I find Candy so hard to watch, I can't get past the beginning, which has one of my favourite starts to a movie.
Thanks for that about Bubble Boy, interesting... I love little racy mentions of Jake, I usually save them for when I want to have some fun. Justine drives me mad! But The Good Girl is one of those films that I have grown to love.
Have a wonderful day everyone :)
I tend to think of Disney and Touchstone as pretty much the same. No?
I did get to see "Brideshead Revisited" last night. It was very fine movie, perhaps the finest movie ever made that didn't have to be made. :-/ Whatever.
I still refuse to see "StepBrothers," but I'm willing to watch "Disaster Movie," which is coming soon...
As for Maggie's movies, the year before last she had 8 movies shown, and I saw seven of them. She's got quite a range. I had already seen her in "Donnie Darko," "Mona Lisa Smile," and "Adaptation." I liked her in "Stranger than fiction," but it was her least favorite role. Go figure!
Hi Paul! Like that - The finest movie that didn't have to be made. I've not heard of Step Brothers but I'm definitely tempted by Disaster Movie when it makes it over here. This second time of seeing TDK today, I really appreciated Maggie more. I like what she brings to this whole type of movie.
Hello everybody!
Oh! A few months ago I didn't know that PoP (the game) existed and now I spend HOURS trying to pass a level... it's all Jake's fault!!!
I loved the first Pirates movie too so I'm really looking forward to PoP. Finally a movie where Jake both looks good and has a happy ending (most probably).
I love all parts of Jake's anatomy... I'm not picky. Really. All of them are perfect for me.
I watched Sin Eater a long time ago, just because Heath was in it. Not his best movie, but worth watching just for him. TDK in the other hand... WOW! I enjoyed the movie a lot. The entire cast was excellent with a huge improvement over the first one with Maggie as Rachel. Heath was the best though (although I admit I'm biased). Simply brilliant!!
Thanks for the pics and the information. I check this blog every day but I rarely post. It doesn't mean I don't appreciate the great job you do though. I really do!
Have a Jake day!!
So good to see you Sara! Thanks very much for commenting - you've made my day :D I'm so glad you like the site - and Jake, of course!
I'm hooked on the game too. I used to play it when it first came out, little knowing that here I would be a few years on getting so excited about the game again and its movie and Jake would be in it! Just brilliant. I'm sure you're doing far better at the game than me though...
And I agree with you about Jake's anatomy - sigh - and TDK.
Thanks so much for commenting - do pop by again soon :D
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