Friday 27 March 2009

Jamie Foxx's cast pose and Jake Gyllenhaal's Guide to Tucking In

With thanks to BBMISwear for being eagle-eyed, it's great to see that another picture has been released to help promote Jamie Foxx's celebrity-rich video for Blame It. Here you can see the stars that Jamie worked on during the Inauguration of Obama, or persuaded in subsequent phonecalls, including Jake 'I Love This Hat So Much I'm Gonna Keep It' Gyllenhaal. Source.

How to wear a shirt...

Not being a young man of fashion myself (or any creature of fashion, to be honest, or indeed even a young man), I happened to mention to a colleague today that I was rather intrigued by Jake's habit of only tucking in one side (or just part) of his shirt at the front. While, this is clearly extremely attractive for more reasons than I can possibly go into here, I wonderered whether this look was by accident or design. She looked at me as if I were old enough to be her great aunt and then revealed that she had once been a window dresser and The Manual suggests this semi-tucked in look as the perfect way to reveal a) a pleasing shirt b) a rather attractive and expensive belt c) whatever the shirt would be hiding if it entirely hung loose d) a hot man.

With this in mind, I went on a ramble around the male clothing shops of Oxford for evidence and it was not long before I found it, conveniently only a few doors down from Starbucks.

But if you want to see this look at its finest, you don't want to examine a lump of plastic in clothing, you need to take a butchers at the finest exemplar of this carefully disarranged trend.

And it's not just shirts either - t-shirts, woollies... or a combination of any of the aforementioned. The hat is an optional extra.

Includes pictures from IHJ, Just Jared and WDW.


Anonymous said...

Jake is undoubtedly a very beautiful man but there's something I really need to say to him...."Sod what's trendy,Jake love, either leave it all hanging out(cough) or tuck your bloody shirt in!"
But then, it might be nothing to do with current fashions and just betrays the fact that Jake is plagued with doubts as to whether he should be in or out - who can say? ;-) :-D

Anonymous said...

Either Jake does it for fashion reasons or he just gets his shirt caught in his zipper after visiting the restroom. :)

Anonymous said...

I am turning into the greatest cynic, ever.

Can't believe I thought this was to draw attention to his crotch.

Pia, when will you learn! This is not about you, this is about giorgio armani calvin klein tommy whatshisname et al.

Thanks alot, WDW, for destroying the faith of a woman in love.

Sara Andrea Vera said...

a) a pleasing shirt
b) a rather attractive and expensive belt
c) whatever the shirt would be hiding if it entirely hung loose
d) a hot man.

In Jake's case:
e) All the above and especially alternative d)

"Can't believe I thought this was to draw attention to his crotch"

::rolls all over the floor laughing::

He doesn't need to tuck his shirt to do that (at least not for me!!)

Thanks for the "educative" post (((((WDW)))))!!!

Have a great weekend everybody!!!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Gerrem Off (great name :D) - Gotta say that I find this look very sexy and I wonder if Jake arrived at this sexy disolay by instinct or through detailed study of the Marks and Spencer Window Dressing Manual :)

Hey BandGeek! Yeah, maybe he just keeps getting it caught :D That thought had passed my mind...

Poor Pia!! Sorry about that - but gotta say Jake knows what we like and he lets us have it :D I reckon that this is a trend purely because the designers that be know how hot Jake is.

Hi Sara! Oh yep, it's e and oh yep, I'm laughing too! Glad to hear that my retail research is of good use :D

Weekend at last :D

My word is pritti...

Anonymous said...

Well, my "Pretti" - (Pia channeling Wicked Witch becuz her faith in Jake's love for her is in
jeopardy due to WDW's outing the tucked-in shirt as not an invitation to sex directly aimed at PIA but some kind of trendy schtick albeit very sexy)

right! thank you for the "educative" post, WDW! (witchy evil laugh - just you wait, Dorothy. . . )

what was I going to say? I have no idea!

Jake is hot!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

No, no, Pia, don't lose faith in Jake's love for you - my educational research has shown that window dressers across the planet are copying the sexiness that Jake embodies when he randomly tucks in his shirt as an invitation to sex aimed at me, sorry, you :) Jake is hot and so the trend is now not to tuck...

Monica O said...

You know what? Mr. Other wears his shirts, t-shirts and whatever exactly like this for ages now, but...

1. My parents have always hated the way he dresses
2. His parents always call to say he was horribly dressed, every time he gives an interview on TV
3. He's no Jake. I'm depressed!

(My word is WELLATIC, which makes me say "well, Atticus...time to come back to us!)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Oh no, Monnie! But if he's being interviewed on TV he must be doing something right... (depending on the programme, I suppose :D). Mr WDW tucks his shirts in just to wind me up as he knows I don't like it...

Yes, Atticus come back - and I miss the other Monica too :(

I hope a good Friday evening is being had by all!

Monica O said...

Yes, Mr.Other does what he does really really right, and brilliantly.
He's actually number 1 in Brazil in "what he does" right now.
He's so good he can even wear jeans and half tuck in t-shirts in interviews and only his parents will complain.LOL!

but still, Jake is hot, you know...

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Morning Monnie O :D Wow, that's impressive! And boys will never please their mums :D Have a lovely day!