Tuesday 25 May 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal on the Late Show with David Letterman

With huge thanks to IHJ for what must have been a very late night, we too can enjoy images of Jake Gyllenhaal in Red Square with Homer Simpson! We can also watch Jake on the Late Show with David Letterman... in that suit...

Back later with a full post! A big thanks to Steph, especially from those of us on this side of the pond *)


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Morning! I've not even had a chance to see this yet! Glimpses look amazing! I'll be back later but didn't want to wait to put this up :) A big thanks to Steph, especially from those of us on this side of the pond *)

Ruby said...

Ugh - I was gonna comment on the last post! Will have to wait until later to watch this. :)

Lovin' Jake in the shirt-sleeves and waistcoat*. Yum! A Very Good Look on him. :D

*A vest is what you wear under the shirt when the weather is cold!. :P :D

Gail said...

Besides being so good looking Jake is hilarious. I laughed my butt off this morning watching him on the Tonight show last evening. He is so entertaining I can never get enough Jake.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi there Rubes! I'm looking forward to seeing this at lunch. OMG what a look on Jake!!

Quite right about the waistcoat :D

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Gail! Posting at the same time - I can't wait to see it! Our guy is unique and wonderful :) I'm so proud!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

ooh! Just watched the interview over my lunchtime porridge and water (I know how to treat myself) and it was great!! Kinda tallies with my memories of Moscow too.. I was actually told off by an armed guard for laughing in Red Square.. Anyway! Fab!! And what a great clip! Such a good scene that one.

Carol said...

Have only been able to listen to the audio at work. Will have to wait til I get home to watch it properly.

He is looking good though:)

Leslie said...

Good Morning! Wow didn't expect the Letterman interview to be up so fast. Thank you!

I laughed my butt off last night watching Jake I think the interview was great. Some people can get intimidated by Dave but Jake seemed at ease being just as sarcastic as Dave. And that suit *sighs* *swoons*

Leslie said...

Good Morning! Wow didn't expect the Letterman interview to be up so fast. Thank you!

I laughed my butt off last night watching Jake I think the interview was great. Some people can get intimidated by Dave but Jake seemed at ease being just as sarcastic as Dave. And that suit *sighs* *swoons*

sylvia said...

Letterman seemed a bit flustered, off his game a bit. Even his opening monologue wasn't quite as ascerbic. He seemed very "off the cuff." Therefore, I'm glad he let Jake carry the interview. Jake was superb!

It is too bad it was such a short interview. This is mostly Jake's doing, I think. Some actors are avaialable for longer,and others rush off.

I was curious that Letterman didn't praise the movie very much and tell people how much they'd enjoy it. He praised the sets and the look of it, so that will suffice.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Carol! You're gonna like it :D

Hey Leslie! I think Jake used to be intimidated but not much sign of it now :)

Hi Sylvie! I do agree about Letterman - Jake did carry the interview in the face of some unoriginal and rather poorly delivered questions. DL seemed tired. Jake seemed to have to remind him to get bck to the film. I couldn't believe DL came out with the same old stuff about the family! Jake was so hot though! And I loved the suit without the tie - hot. Have I said Jake looked hot?

Anonymous said...

LOL! Not to start another paddlegate but what you wear under a shirt when it`s cold is named, very appropriately, an undershirt. :DD

That was a weird interview, I was starting to wonder if they were ever gonna talk about the movie. And I can't believe Dave asked about what his parents do. What was that?! It's not as if that was the first time Jake was on his show.

But hey, Jake looked hot! :D


Wet Dark and Wild said...

I fear the battle lines are drawn... and an undershirt is a vest!

Hello Olympia! Agreed about that - Everytime Jake goes on that show, DL opens with the same question! The pics were funny though! That one with the meal... Roll on Nailed!

Anonymous said...

Thank you WDW. I taped this last night but haven't had a chance to watch it. BUT thanks to you I don't have to go search the tape for it.

I don't think I've ever seen a fan site as informative as this one. thank you for all you do


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Thanks Sweetpea :) But most definitely the credit for the videos lies entirely with the wonderful Steph at IHJ - good job!!

Leslie said...

Just wanted to point out I believe yesterday some of us thought Jake would discuss shampooing and conditioning on Lettermant That didn't happen *surprised face*

Carol said...

Finally got a chance to watch and enjoy the full interview. Thanks WDW and Steph:)

Jake looks fantastic. Love him in that suit.

I agree that Letterman seemed to be a bit downcast and not as sharp as he normally is. Jake definitely gave as good as he got though.

I was a bit disappointed that Letterman didn't give the movie more mention

Anonymous said...

I would like that after all these promotion for the film Prinz of Persia that Jake Gyllenhaal make something intelligent!!!!like how to use green energy or how to avoid bribe politician in the next election with objective to avoid polluted US coast...some campaign to the people make boycott against BP or Shell!
USA transform in a big Disneyland where the people don't see more the reality!