I hate to say it, but I'll say it anyway.... are we actually going to see Nailed after all?! I wish I had a pound for every time we've discussed over the years the possibility or otherwise of this doomed project ever seeing the light of day. I'd be rich enough to buy a cow. But
Jessica Biel.com has alerted us to the fact that IMDb has given Nailed a 2013 release date with Universal Studios at the helm. This is a vast improvement on the previous infinite 'unknown' date and is also a huge surprise! They also
report that there are rumours that Jessica has finally shot those missing scenes (they're the scenes with the nail so are really rather crucial). David O'Russell famously washed his hands of the project but this does sound the most hopeful 'news' we've had yet.
To add the icing on the cake - actually, not just icing but meringues and candles -
IHJ has published the first promo shots from Nailed and, well, they contain their own surprises. I've read the script and I'm still surprised!
Thanks to Amanda for the link!
You know a movie's release is getting nearer when ET visit the set. Now is the time for Prisoners. You can watch it here:
There is set footage here:
We also have, thanks again to
IHJ, a cast and crew picture.
Enemy Within
Finally, An Enemy is An Enemy no more. It is now
'Enemy Within' - better, I think.
Blimey, those Nailed pics - we need to see this film!
I love all this news! Have a good weekend everyone :)
Hi Kate!
The NAILED promo shots showing Jake's ever so muscular upper parts just confirm what you wrote a few days ago:
PS: I still cannot fully believe that NILED is about to be released - at last!!!!
PS: And DO have a look at the loincloth!!!!!
Those are some very.. er... interesting pictures! I really hope we eventually get to see to see Nailed.
I'm currently enjoying having Jake read The Great Gatsby to me. I have to say, it's a rather lovely experience. :)
Kate, is there no scene in the script that involves fire and loincloths? Now I'm even more curious to see the movie!
Great news! Love the Nailed pictures... needless to say ;-)
I'll follow your updates very closely!
Hmmmm, yes, Mr Jake Gyllenhaal on film, bare "chested" - yet again!
Watching the NAIL pics I recall that in most of his films there is at least one scene during which we see him wearing not many clothes at all.
- The shower scene in MOONLIGHT MILE and BROTHERS respectively: short but remarkable
- JARHEAD: he is bare chested nearly ALL the time (apart from the combat gear, that is)
- LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS: oh dear, not even bare chested but no clothes at all
But what beats them all is, of course, the second-night-in-tent-scene in BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN when Ennis decides it is time to make love to Jack again and crawls into the tent where we see Jack with his longing eyes and no shirt at all.
But this time Jake on film with no clothes but a loincloth!!! Heaven, where will it all end??!??????
Wow! Thanks for all the great Jake treats. I am definitely looking forward to seeing Prisoners. I'd practically forgotten about Nailed. I don't think it's the kind of film I would normally watch but I will for Jake. :)
Stopping by as I try to focus on something other than what has been going on here in Boston. Thank you, Kate and Mermon, for the kind thoughts in the last post - it has been quite the surreal week here. I am happy to report that my family and I were no where near the marathon on Monday - we tend to avoid it each year as it is so crowded and hectic and it takes hours to get around the city. I'm glad, obviously, we stayed home that day. The lock down areas during the man hunt on Friday were not all that far from us...it certainly was getting scarier by the minute. Everyone is now just looking for some normalcy (but our hearts still go out to the victims and their families...as seems to be the same all over...prayers and kind thoughts coming in from around the world).
A part of getting back to normal (for me) is coming here and it's been so great to see your updates Kate (and what fabulous pictures - such a surprise)! You hit the nail on the head (no pun intended) "Are we actually going to see Nailed after all"?! Nothing official from Universal yet but these pictures sure give some hope! It's was 5 years ago this month that I sat with Jake on the Nailed movie set - I really didn't think we'd actually see the actual movie after all the red tape. But now? Wow...what a nice surprise THAT would be! The pictures are quite amazing...and that little hair piece in front brings back a very nice memory (hee hee).
I enjoyed the on set footage from Prisoners - I look forward to the film but I want to see more of Jake and less of Hugh during promo time (can we put in an official request for that)?! Just kidding. But not really.
Thanks to Kate and Stephanie at IHJ and the various twitter/facebook posters for the great Jake news this week - I know I needed something happy to think about and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Happy rest of the weekend. :-)
If this is true that Jessica finished her nail's scene, that it's a hope for Nailed release! Pictures of dirty, almost naked Jake are great and funny. I'm very ready for a comedy with him.
Prisoners' promotion moves forward fast! Who would expect such early interview? Jake is very buffed under his tight shirt.
Lisa - thx for sharing your news. So good you stayed far from marathon. And that all is over now.
New pictures of Jake walking the street on IHJ!
@BBMISwear/Lisa: So glad you're OK! x
@Antje: Your post made me laugh out loud! I totally agree with your comments :-)))
@Dani: I also thought 'End of Watch' wasn't my kind of film at all. I watched it just because of Jake... and guess what? I really liked it!
Love to you all. Have a good Sunday!
Nailed! After all this long time, I'm afraid to believe it might actually be released - but I'm hoping so. The photos of Jake in a loincloth are something, aren't they? That must be an indication of just how ridiculous and over-the-top the story is. I'm very much in the mood for a ridiculous comedy these days.
BBMIswear/Lisa, so good to hear you and your loved ones are safe. Special prayers for Boston and all the victims of the bombing.
Mermon, I agree, Jake looks like his shirt is about to split! I just want to undo those top buttons a bit.... ;-)
Love the pics of Jake as a 'caveman' ooeeer! Things are hotting up!!! :-)
I forgot to add RENDITION. Remember the first scene with Jake in it?? - "Douglas" waking up with a massive hangover, the sun in his eyes and not a lot of clothing. Yeah!
I'm loving all this Jake updates. Fabulous. I'm hankering for Nailed just as I did for Highway until I found it. Thank goodness it will get to see the light of day. The combination of Jake and Hugh seems strange but our guy as a way of blending his performances to his co-stars for a smooth seamless performance. So sorry work life and admittedly Castle Story prevents me from being here as often as I would like but hope to remedy that over the next few months. The passion for this beautiful man's work has not waned. The horizon looks so wonderful for him ... So many possibilities. I'm in love with the audio book, which has actually stimulated my interest in actually seeing the film. Much love to all faithfully still here cheering our guy on.
Hello everyone! So good to see you all!
Hi Antje :) Indeed, edible! Rather pleased to have been proven right again on that one... I love your lists!
So good to see you here, Ruby!!! The pics were a tad surprising.
Hi Sasha! I'm sure I would have remembered a scene that featured Jake in a loincloth. I'm sure I didn't read one. I'm extremely intrigued and I want to see it all the more now.
Hi there Sonja!
I'm so glad to see you, BBMISwear, and to hear you and your family and friends are all ok is a big relief. Boston is such a special place. I love it. Thinking of it now as it recovers. So good to think of your visit to Nailed. So long ago now and yet I do think it's going to happen now. The photos are too big a coincidence.
I think there is hope, Mermon!
Hi Susan! I was surprised when I read the script just how funny and clever it is. It's really good! A comedy would be such a good thing to see. At last...
Hi Amanda! Caveman Jake. Like that :)
Good to see you, Sheba! I have no idea what Castle Story is but glad it spared you! I'm intrigued to see how Jake and Hugh share the screen too.
I hope you all have a good evening :)
Ok. Note to self: do not have a full mouth of food or beverage when checking out this blog… Just had to give my screen a good wipe-down.
Half my breakkie ended up on it.
I have never laughed so loud, so long, till tears rolled down my cheeks and my tummy ached… at the sight of Jake Gyllenhaal. Correction! The sight of one of Jake Gyllenhaal's characters.
What's with the deranged looking, oiled and smudged loin-clothed maniac? And the hair?! Oh my God the hair… I bet he spends many-a sleepless night pondering about his next character's looks - in particular: "What to do about the hair?"
For the life of me, I don't see "the sexy" in this one. It's just hilarious! @Susan Ridiculous and over-the-top indeed.
Good to hear Nailed is getting some traction again though. Fingers crossed.
@ Antje: I guess they don't call it the "Movie Business" for nothing. Good looking actors and actresses are always pressed to sell their "wares". Either it's in the contract - at least one scene with bare chest or bare bum required - or the big whigs somehow coax them into truly believing it will serve the story so much better… Ha-ha! Gotcha!.
Yeah, the usual titillation… Sex sells after all. Is it just an innocent means to and end? I suppose. To help sell "the product" in such a competitive market. Sadly it often results in a half-baked marketing strategy of drip feeding the titillating imagery to the media well in advance of an official release date, in the hopes of whipping up some interest and getting the suits talking about distribution rights etc. (Hoping to avoid the horrible failure of "straight-to-DVD"). But it often end up distorting and distracting from the heart of the story. I must admit, I've failed to see how it "served" the story sometimes. In Jake's case, particularly those you mentioned earlier Antje: Moonlight Mile, Rendition, Brothers. It's just the way that world works… And we pay to see it.
Interesting interviews for Prisoners. Hugh is always so gracious. What a great role-model. Love him.
And Jake, well… it's interesting how his description of his character fits so well with his appearance. Softly spoken, but clearly smouldering underneath, tightly buttoned up all the way - about to jump out of his skin (So Hip Hop… Or is that his thermal top? ;-). Good job anyway! The midnight pondering seems to have paid off. Can't wait to see the end result.
Gosh… Talk about getting side-tracked.
What I actually came here to share:
"Tom Hanks, Jake Gyllenhaal Up for Drama League Honors"
Here's the link: http://movies.yahoo.com/news/tom-hanks-jake-gyllenhaal-drama-league-honors-172233232.html
So proud of him. No bare chest required… and WITH BEARD! Booyah! ;-)
@Antje: Ah, Rendition...
His first (and finest) scene! :-))
he looked so sexy in Rendition, shame the films affects me so much :-(
@Sonja and Anonymous
Yeah, girls. I also could discuss his sexiness ENDLESSLY. But he's a mindblowing actor as well. A sexy, incredibly handsome actor who is neither dumb nor talentless - this is something of a rarity in Hollywood. END OF WATCH just came out on DVD in Germany. Can't wait to get it. When I watched it at the cinema last December I had to cover my eyes (and wipe away the tears), not just because of the awfully and brutally realistic scenes but because of Jake's acting, too. Last time the tears were welling up in my eyes was with BROKEBACK.
I seem to cry at the end of all of Jake's films! LOL!
Hi there Lemniscate! The award nomination is great news. I do hope it inspires Jake. Gotta say, I love Hugh too.Such a gentleman. Can't wait to see him and Jake promoting the film together. I think they'll have some fun... Hopefully Hugh's Les Mis success will mean that the film will get a lot of attention and buzz too.
Hi Antje, Sonja and Amanda!How I love to be reminded of that opening scene in Rendition. I remember nearly having heart palpitations the first time I saw it. But yep, Jake's films have a tendency to make me cry too. I hope for Nailed. I want to laugh too :)
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