Thursday 19 July 2007

Jake tells it as it is - 'Dustin, I really want to make this movie'

First off, I want to salute the power of Zodiac. My city has been struggling under a postal strike for a week now and not one scrap of post has made it through to WDW in that time. Today one item made it across the picket line - my Zodiac DVD - what more post could I possibly require? Talking of Zodiac, I found a comment by David Fincher today, which I particularly liked: "I didn't want to make a movie about sideburns. I didn't want to make a movie about plaid and flared pants, bell bottoms, and platform shoes. I didn't want it to be kitsch." This quote hails from The Times of India, perhaps indicating that, at last, Zodiac is about to reach the theatres of that nation.

A friendly tipster yesterday advised me that today Maggie Gyllenhaal would be featured in The Times as part of the SherryBaby publicity drive (released in the UK 27 July). This interview, probably recorded the same day as the recent, memorable Guardian conversation, reveals little new about the movie or Maggie's interpretation of Sherry but the interviewer notes 'Her milky blue eyes [which] look innocent. It is subtle traits like these that are magnified by the movie camera and can make a rising star.'

What is interesting is the clear struggle that existed between Maggie and her director and Maggie's emotional involvement in following the film through, right to the cinema screen: [Maggie's] 'portrayal seems in conflict with the darker vision of the director Laurie Collyer. 'Gyllenhaal admits that they “fought like crazy” during the 25-day shoot. “When I was so hopeful and looking for pleasure everywhere, Laurie was really shocked. And I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ ” Gyllenhaal says that Sherrybaby sucked her in. “Although it’s a 25-day shoot, which is nothing, I was involved in getting the financing, doing the shooting, seeing all the edits... Then [I was] involved in getting it into festivals, finding a distributor, helping with distribution, helping with the press. It’s almost like being a producer.”'

By contrast, Maggie seems to be enjoying her working relationship with the director of The Dark Knight: 'Her current role in Batman sequel The Dark Knight has surprised her. She calls Chris Nolan “a really great director”. “He made suggestions and pushed me in ways I just didn’t expect on Batman".'

The Plymouth Independent Film Festival

Today marks the beginning of the third Plymouth Independent Film Festival, which, over four days, will feature 50 independently made films of all shapes and sizes. The festival has an environmental theme - termed "scene: Green" - and will include free outdoor movies on the Plymouth waterfront. On Saturday morning the offering is, unusually perhaps for a film festival, The Day After Tomorrow. And so I took up the search and found some more Gyllenquotes on this most mainstream and widely seen movie in Jake Gyllenhaal's career - to date. In 2003, Jake completed a Question and Answer session for IndieLondon and it contained true riches.

We've heard a great deal recently about Jake's attitude towards the environment, and there is more on that here - especally of Jake's awareness of the need to recycle, but what interests me most here is what Jake says about why he chose to do a film in the Disaster Movie Genre - surely, the most derided of all genres by serious moviegoers and filmmakers? Jake's honesty is refreshing and demonstrates that, like so many of us - myself included - Jake likes a blockbuster and he leapt at the chance to be a part of one. "I love big movies and I always have. I love watching them. I’ve never been a cineaste, preferring just small, independent films. I love big entertainment movies, so it wasn’t really a hesitation on my part. It was just whether I would have enough to do – whether it would just be a movie about the weather, or be a movie about human relationships, with a character you want to watch. I read it and I thought it was awesome." When asked he was a fan of director, Roland Emmerich’s previous work, Jake replied "I loved Independence Day, and that was a big part of me really wanting to do this movie. It has a great sense of humour – I found myself laughing at the secondary characters getting squashed, like the reporter who gets hit with an Angelina [Jolie] billboard."

The film for Jake appears to be almost as much about the forces tearing a family apart as it is about the catastrophe facing the planet: "The problems within the family, with people not paying attention to each other, are the same thing we do to the environment, and I thought that was an interesting idea. I don’t think it’s completely in the film, but I approached it that way. I thought it was a beautiful metaphor. It’s like, if we could figure out the problems in our family, we could help the bigger picture." But Dustin Hoffman did warn Jake against making such a movie, advising Jake to be patient for another offer, but "I said, ‘Dustin, I really want to make this movie’. And I think he’s been through movies that haven’t been his cup-of-tea – he’d rather be the storm in the movie than the storm itself! And I totally respect that. But I grew up with those movies. I go every Summer to all of them. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to do it. It’s a lie to say it’s a career-movie, or it’s a lie to say the character was amazing – I just wanted to be in a movie like that."

The message of the movie is about hope, "that not everything is destroyed, that we are the most resourceful creatures on earth and we will figure out a way to live. That is cool. And that’s not Hollywood to me. If there’s one criticism about Hollywood, it’s that they don’t make things real. I don’t buy that. This is a movie about how we suffer the consequences; what happens to Manhattan in this movie is very hopeful." "I think it’s presumptuous to say a movie will make a difference. I think the intention with this movie is to have fun, but it also does things that are political – like America having to ask Mexico for help. The President of the United States begging everyone for help – I’m really into that! I don’t think it will have people protesting like they did with The Passion – but it does raise issues. They’re issues we all know about, and take for granted. Hopefully, it’ll scare the shit out of some people."

Jake and the Beetles

Finally, one of the best answers of them all: Jake was asked 'is it true your great-great grandfather spent his life collecting beetles in Sweden?' and Jake replies: "That’s what I was told as a child, and I’d be devastated if it wasn’t true. It’s true to me! But, supposedly, he was a collector and cataloguer of beetles. We’re interesting people. He was knighted by the King of Sweden, and we have a coat of arms. The Gyllenhaal family has a coat of arms in Sweden!"

A reader - who knows who she is - challenged me to find a way to introduce the Beatles into our lively discussions about music - after all, we seem to have discussed most other musicians of late by using far more tenuous links to Jake. So will this do?

Includes pictures from IHJ.


Anonymous said...

Great post yet again WDW! I'm pleasantly surprised you managed a post at all today after getting your hands on Zodiac! It must have been hard to tear yourself away from the tv (I really appreciate you doing so!).
That IndieLondon interview is briiliant, and I'd never seen it before, so thank you for that :) I find it interesting, with the benefit of hindsight, that he says it's "presumptuous" to think a movie can make a difference. Two words Jake: Brokeback Mountain :)

And your link to The Beatles- yes, that'll do nicely for me;) Loving your work! (Btw, my family has a coat of arms in Scotland and since most of European royalty are all related, I guess that means me and Jake are practically family!;D)

Speaking of Scandinavia and The Beatles, one of my favourite Beatles songs is Norwegian Wood. I was only a kid when I first heard it though, cos my parents used to play the Red album a lot,Norwegian Wood used to make me think of a little log cabin in a snow covered forest! It was only when I was a bit older that I realised that wasn't AT ALL what it was about lol!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Yeay! I was hoping to see you tonight Twisted Logic - I've even put Zodiac on pause for you - albeit with a lovely view of Jake filling my TV :D

I'm very glad you liked this post, I really enjoyed writing it. I'd never seen this interview before and I thinks it's bloody marvellous!

I think my family has an English coat of arms (probably not for my degenerate offshoot of the family line but still..) So maybe that means I'm related to you and Jake? I also really want to go to Sweden one day? Does that help with my lineage?

I'm also glad you like my Beatles 'link' ;D

You only have to say the words 'Red Album' and my heart skips a beat and dances back 25 years, maybe longer. I grew up with that album and it was my favourite for many years - when I was very small I used to love the red vinyl spinning round the record player. I love Norwegian Wood on there too but I think my favourites are Nowhere Man and You've Got to Hide Your Love Away.

I was a teenager near Liverpool and I spent many a Saturday night down the Cavern (although, I hasten to add, quite a while after the Beatles had moved on...!) ;D Jake and the Beatles - fabulous!

Sigh - that interview with Jake is now among my favourites, not least for his confidence and joy in his craft. I get a sense from this that Jake knows he's good and he's going to follow where it leads him.

Kim said...

People not paying enough attention to each other or to the environment--I guess that's one of the things I picked up on here, WDW. Attention seems like such an important thing to Jake. What happened in his life to make him so sensitive to the importance of that? It just seems like he hungers for this, and understands that need in other people or in the world.

Several of you here have talked about Jake being an "attention junkie," and I think that need is interesting. And I think it's fascinating he's seen how that personal need translates into bigger relationships, like with the environment.

When we don't "attend," things in families and nature fall apart. And when we don't get "attended to," what happens to us? What happens to Jake? I'm not a psycholgist, but it seems like there could be some interesting clues to his relationship with Maggie here, and certainly some insights into the relationship of all of us with our greater family, the green and growing world.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Fascinating comment here Kim (Zodiac on pause again).

Jake's need for attention is something that I've picked up on too. He's said that he pursued his acting career as a youngster in order to share his parents' world, then there's some element of competition with Maggie (and vice versa) and he's also said explicitly that there are occasions when he needs an audience. It's possible, of course, that this is true of every performer/actor but Jake seems to stress it. The fact that he wants to be the centre of attention but also that he needs to give that attention to others too. In that Cannes interview, Jake said that in ordr to truly love you sometimes have to let that person go and I can see how he feels this is in conflict with his great need to make that relationship the centre of his world.

It really is fascinating that you here show how Jake can turn this need for attention into the planet's need for our attention Responsibility and pleasure - fused into one.

Great comment - thanks, Kim :D

Anonymous said...

Thank you WDW! I'm honoured you put Jake on hold for me :)

It's nice to think we're all a "family" of sorts here. Blood isn't always thicker than water!

Like you I grew up with The Red Album so the songs on there are all special to me. It was only when I was older that I discovered all their other stuff and I love just about everything they've ever done. "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away" is one of my favourites too,and it's taken on an extra special meaning since Brokeback Mountain, cos it makes me think of Jack and Ennis having to hide their love away. I'm sure you know that it was written by John about Brian Epstein, who was gay. I love the irony that John had to hide the fact it was about a gay man by using the female pronoun "she" in the lyrics. I still get sad when I remember hearing about John Lennon being shot, I cried myself to sleep that night :(
I'd love to go Liverpool and do the whole Beatles tour. My daughter has a crush on Steven Gerrard and her wish is to go to Anfield to see a match, so I'm hoping to combine the two sometime next year maybe;)

I got that feeling about Jake (thought I'd better mention him!) too in that interview. He said that you don't say no to Dustin Hoffman when he told him to come to the West End, but he didn't stop him doing TDAT! I've said before I'm not the biggest TDAT fan, but as far as that type of films go it's pretty good, and Jake's choices have been excellent so far, so who am I to argue? I wish we had news of some new project though.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hey Twisted Logic - happy to put Jake on pause for you - again ;D

that is a moving story about John lennon and Brian Epstein, especially when you think how it turned out for Brian in the end. That he wasn't able to deal with that hidden side of his life.

I remember the night/morning of John's death vividly and I had nightmares about it for a long time. And I miss George too...

As for TDAT, I know it's an acquired taste for some - but I just love it. I can't help enjoying big summer blockbusters, especially when they feature Wet Action Jake :D

But yes, I would dearly love news of Post-Rendition Jake...

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, poor George too, bless him:( It wasn't such a shock as when John died cos he'd been ill for a while, but still very sad.
I've just thought of another Beatles/BBM/Jake link: George's song "Here Come The Sun" and it's opening line ""little darlin'" ;)

Btw, I love the pic of Jake down the pub! The sign about being over 18 to play pool makes me smile.Jake and I are both over 18,but my thoughts of Jake and pool tables don't involve playing pool at all!;D

Wet Dark and Wild said...

HiTwisted Logic - love Here Comes the Sun... I was listening to The Maker Makes this morning and that line about the little doggies just made sense for the first time.

That is a great pic of Jake down the pub - it makes me think of the ub atmosphere I want to have here :D And as for the pool table and Jake - I can't think what you mean ;)

Anonymous said...

More great comments, everyone.

Where do I begin? This thread has a lot in it, especially more thoughtful comments by Jake in yet another great interview. I agree Twisted, it's not that presumptuous to think that a movie can make a difference, Brokeback Mountain being one that does, as you say. I'm always amazed at how involved he his, and that he thinks about the bigger issues in life, not just the next HW party, but he also has fun too. :)

I was hoping that I wouldn't miss WDW's Beatles discussion, and Jake's "Beetles" connection was very cute. I thought I read somewhere that he really admired John Lennon. I was also crushed when I heard about him being shot, Twisted. What a terrible, senseless tragedy. He's greatly missed still.

My favorite Beatles albums ever are Rubber Soul, Revolver and St. Pepper's, the White Album probably others too but these are the big four, for me. Such creative and innovative musics and use of instruments, and harmonies to die for. I love George Harrison and the sitar. I think I must have had the Red Album, I had the White Album ;) I thought I knew everything about the Beatles but maybe I don't!

I'm so happy WDW that you got your copy of Zodiac today, enjoy!

And what? Another Massachusetts film festival? Who knew Massachusetts had so many. I'll definitely try to check that one out too. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi WDW...I do not really have much of a comment about this posting. I just want to pause and say thanks so much for keeping this site at such a high level. You always have something meaningful to post concerning Jake. It is so refreshing. No silliness to be found here. Your site is for serious Jake fans..who love his acting as much as his pretty face.
On another note, I noticed that Jake is wearing his livestrong bracelet in one of the pics, but I do not see him wearing it lately..any speculations as to why?
Merci beaucoup...Michele

Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks to Marina(I think it was Marina) for explaining about "little doggies". But the little darlin' line always makes me think of the line in the short story, when Ennis calls Jack "lil darlin" after THAT kiss...I need to watch Brokeback again!

And what I meant about the pool table is that the green makes me think of the environment and I'd love to sit and chat to Jake about how we could save the planet! What did you think I meant?!;)
Btw, did you see that pic of Jake and Heath standing together by a pool table, with just enough space for one person in between the two of them?! Now THAT'S what I call hot!
Ok, I'd better go before I lower the tone completely and I'm banished from here! Goodnight, and thanks again for this great post xx

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Marina! When I saw this other Film Festival in Massachusetts, I thought of you! You lot are a cultured bunch...

I do like how Jake can be serious while having a laugh too - both sides of him are important.

Glad you liked my cheesey Beetles connection - too good to resist! The Jake and John story rings a distnat bell, I'll do some investigating.

As for Beatle albums... I love the White Album - I think Dear Prudence and Glass Onion are my favourites on there - and Rubber Soul. I love Word on that. But I also really like Revolver and Tomorrow Never Comes - it's so difficult to make up your mind when it comes to the Beatles. I also love It's Only Love on the Help album.

I'm loving having the Zodiac DVD! The film is as it appears in the cinema obviously - but the sound is really good. I'm hearing more in it.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hey Michele - thanks for that kind comment - I really appreciate it and it means a great deal to me. This site is all about where Jake leads us and it's given me so much to think about, listening to everyone.

Jake's not worn his LiveStrong band now for a few weeks. I suppose it could be as simple as that he's lost it, or that he's moved on from that phase in his life. This phase began in 2004 or so when Jake helped his friend Chris through his cancer sadness. Whatever the reason, it was undoubtedly very important to Jake but maybe that phase is over. I still wear my band for reasons to do with and not to do with Jake.

Thanks for your comment, Michele - that's made me very thoughtful.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

I know exactly what you mean Twisted Logic!

I know that picture that you describe and it really is hot! I posted the picture here of Jake by the pool table because to me is conjured up images of the atmosphere I feel here and because I thought that looked like the sort of Jake who's want to talk John Lennon :D

Lower the tone all you want, I think I'm running ahead of you on that one!

G'night :D Busy day tomorrow - but I'll catch up with all of you later *)

Anonymous said...

Loved the interview and Jake's comments about Dustin, etc. He has said in other interviews how much he enjoys those BIG movies and wanted to do TDAT, but he never elaborated quite as much as he did in this one. I really enjoyed the insights! I got the impression Maggie was really involved with SherryBaby, but I had no idea to such an extent. She's right! She was a "de facto" producer!

I just enjoy popping in here SO much WDW! You've really created such a "comfy" place for practicing Jakeaholics! LOL!!! And the threads are really interesting.

I remember sitting watching a TV show that was interrupted by the terrrible news about John Lennon, the evening he was killed. I can recall very few times in my life I have ever been so shocked or so affected. He truly was my favorite...I think it was bcz he wrote...I had his book of poems and drawings and loved it.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to start with the REALLY important bit first...... I absolutely love that photo of Jake, Maggie and Peter in NYC last summer. It's one of my all time favorites. He just looks so yummy!

Now, as for the Beatles...... I am really dating myself here. I saw them live when I was a youngster..... on their first U.S. tour. I can still tell you exactly what I wore, who I went with, what the first song was ("Long Tall Sally"). I still have my ticket stub...... $5.50 for the best seats. I have attended MANY concerts since, but I can say in all honesty the Beatles were the best I ever saw. They were such an integral part of my (and millions of others') youth.... we were so lucky.

Back to Jake. Like Michelle, I have noticed the absence of the Live Strong bracelet. Last time I saw it was in February/March. But as WDW pointed out, it's entirely possible that Jake is done with that phase of his life. He seems to have very specific passions for a period of time, then he moves on...... that's just one of the many things I like about him. I also love that not only does he need/want attention, he admits to it...... I admire that kind of honesty. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Birdie and WDW..just one more comment about the livestrong bracelet. I wear mine 24/7. I bought it to support Lance and what he is doing to raise awareness and money for cancer research. I also wear it to honor my parents, both of whom died from cancer. I just thought it odd that he would stop wearing it...but that is just the way I think...Michele

Anonymous said...

WDW I'm jumping on early morn to say Thank You for that link. That article is from Ahmedabad Times(the capital of a state with a fundamentalist Government if you please). Very interesting they should have score a first. Zodiac is being released in one Mumbai theatre today. I find it intriguing that all the metro cities are not getting it together. I am trying to see if they have tucked it away in some obscure theatre in Kolkata. I'll be doing my research on that. The trouble is that it will get out of the theatre in Mumbai by the time I get to make a trip.

I don't know if this is already posted but here is a review from India
Gautam Kagalwala's review

Anonymous said...

oh, Michelle.... I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine how awful it must be to have lost both parents to cancer. (I can relate a little.... I lost my father to heart disease when I was 14.)

I certainly did not mean to imply that Jake not wearing his Live Strong bracelet in any way implied a lack of caring on his part for the cause. I do believe his obvious, deep friendship with Chris (and to a lesser extent, Lance) has given him a real empathetic connection to this issue. I just think he switches some of his passions from "front burner" to "back burner"...... but I don't think he ever abandons the ideas/issues that he really cares about.

Anonymous said...

in too much of a hurry and forgot to sign in.... that last post was mine.

Anonymous said...

"I just think he switches some of his passions from "front burner" to "back burner"...... but I don't think he ever abandons the ideas/issues that he really cares about."

Ah Birdie you have a way with words, which means you have a way with ideas. I love that sentence.

" I also wear it to honor my parents, both of whom died from cancer."

Michele my heart is with you. And I believe Jake cares very deeply about this. He has lost his own uncle to cancer too. And Birdie I'm sorry for your loss at that very difficult age. I am glad we are all opening up to one another here.

Anonymous said...

"Ah Birdie you have a way with words, which means you have a way with ideas. I love that sentence."

Well, that's one of the nicest things anyone
has said to me in quite a while. Thank you, Incognita.

And I had forgotten about Naomi's brother...... Jake has several reminders of the harsh reality of cancer in his life.

And I agree, Incognita...... I like that this site encourages us to open up. We all have probably experienced loss in one form or another.... it is an inescapable fact of life.

Anonymous said...

Oh, not to be reticent :( :(
Yes, you're so right, birdie.

WDW, "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away" is my favourite Lennon song *of all time*. George was always my best Beatle. Paul who?

TDAT, awww, love it (especially JD).

& I have a coat of arms too. :)

Love the 'links' and digressions, WDW.

Anonymous said...

Digressing myself, back to the topic of Dustin, I thought he was such a hero on Oscar 2006 night (grrr) when he congratulated the nominees on their work while looking straight at the BBM team - it was a great moment.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm - Abby Road, anyone?

I am glad for that great album, I got hysterical when I found they cut off a few seconds on my CD -

I am glad for Jake that he's been off the radar this summer, - and glad for us that WDW is filling in the empty spaces with great stuff.

OK that's enuff gladness to keep me going for today. thanks everybody!

Anonymous said...

Anouska I was still in my Jakeless & BBMless cocoon at the time of Oscars 2006.... thank you for posting that. It was in April that I saw the light and you know the rest! Can you direct me to any video clip of that "look" that Dustin gave them? Dustin plays a very important part in my life .... I think he looked Eastward after that look.

Anonymous said...

WOW! WDW, you and everyone here are amaaaazing! You all bring to the fore so much that I had forgotten -- and open my mind to new ways of looking at just about everything!

I remember in 1965 when I was 20 and had just moved to Denver I had no job and about $4 to my name -- and I spent it on Rubber Soul. No regrets!

Anonymous said...

I googled forever, incognita, but couldn't find anything either on YouTube or DVD. Maybe someone else has kept theirs ... ?

Anonymous said...

Pia Abbey Road for me!
Beckela that's a sweet story. And Anouska(groan) I'll start chasing people now to see who has saved it!

Anonymous said...

Hey,Becks!!! Rubber Soul was an very important part of my collection, too. For some strange reason, I always felt John Lennon influenced it a lot. But who knows? LOL!!! I wonder if Jake ever gets nostalgic for times before he was born. I remember him commenting once about his parents living/growing up in the 60's and how "wild" they were. Made me smile.

Anonymous said...

Bobbyanna: I wonder if Jake ever gets nostalgic for times before he was born.

I think Jake has more indepth knowledge of and a feel for certain eras before he was born than most of his generation since he has done so many films that take place in those eras -- even the 50s, ancient history to most!

Anonymous said...

Loved reading all your Beatles comments and reminisces! Beckela, you definitely had your priorities right! Rubber Soul is probably my favourite album too. Norwegian wood,Girl and In My Life are 3 of my favourites. but it would probably be easier to name the Beatles songs I DON'T like...Nope, can't think of any!
I would strongly recommend the Beatles Anthology dvd set to anyone who doesn't already have it. It's an amazing journey of how they developed musically as well as the cultural phenomenon they became, with loads of clips of old TV shows, concerts and interviews. Fascinating stuff.
If I had a time machine I would definitely go to the 60s to experience the whole Beatlemania thing first hand. And of course I'd love to take Jake along for the ride- I bet he would love it!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry, Michelle and Incognita, for your loss. It is an inevitable, but the most difficult, part of life, to lose a family member, or those close to us. We're going through a similar situation with a family member too. My sympathies to the Gyllenhaal family as well.

((((((((Hugs all around)))))))

Thanks for the article Incognita, about that and also Mrs. G's views on capital punishment. A fantastic movie on that subject is Dead Man Walking with Susan Sarandon and Sean Pean. It will really get you thinking about just how fairly it is administered, with pleas and deals being made for some, and not for others.

Abbey Road - I loved that one too. And what about Magical Mystery Tour? I'm agree Twisted, a better question is for us to try to come up with a Beatles song we don't like. There are so many beautiful love songs, pop songs and even a few that are very amusing. I'd forgotten how amusing Yellow Submarine and Good Morning, Good Morning are. Even the percussion makes you smile, with banging, clanging and unusual sounds. I like If I Needed Someone, And Your Bird Can Sing, Julia, Norwegian Wood, Love You To, In My Life, and countless others. Ethereal harmonies of Lennon/McCartney and great percussion and rhythyms, right down to wonderfully-placed claps. I think Jake would have appreciation for music from other eras, if he's a music lover. I have the feeling he's an old soul. :)

Beckela, sounds like your purchase of Rubber Soul was money well spent - we need food for the soul sometimes! :)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

I don't know what to say everyone - what a wonderful conversation, with everything in it. I've got back from a long but good day - made rather difficult by horrendous fooding across the UK - I've kicked off my shoes, got a glass of wine, got the Dairy Milk beside me, and now I have a fabulous discussion to enjoy. I know I've put up a new post but don't forget this one as I'm loving it and I feel I've arrived late at a party, when everyone's either gone home or collapsed in a stupour...

First off, I must thank everyone for their openness about some pretty hard topics. I'm very proud that you feel comfortable to talk about that here in the WDW Pub.

Bobbyanna - I have John's In His Own Write too and it was very influential to me when I was at school and working out which direction to head in. I always loved John because he was so complicated - kind of why I also love Jake, but with John it was on a totally intellectual level :D

Birdie - I'm so impressedthat you saw the Beatles perform - wow! I can only imagine how exciting that must have been - and a real historical moment too.

As for the LiveStrong band, I've thought on this today as I look at mine on my wrist and I think that for Jake it may be that he doesn't eant to feel 'branded'. This doesn't meant that he doesn't support the cause - as I believe he always will - but to be in the public eye with this highly recognisable symbol on his wrist may not be something he wants. That's my feeling. I wear mine for family experiences too, Michele and also to honour Lance's fight to make good come from such a thing.

Incognita - thanks very much for your link. And I do hope that this attention in the Indian media means that at long last you'll have Jake on a huge screen before your eyes! Wonderful!

Anouska the All-Knowing - you brought back some memories with the Dustin comment. I remember that now! And yes, George...

Pia - I love Abbey Road! I used to live very close to the studio and could never resist the zebra crossing. Here Comes the Sun has to be my favourite on that album.

Beckela what a wonderful story! Rubber Soul is a fantastic album and what a great way to spend your last money. Music is a staple of my life and there are times when I buy music and forego other necessities. You have your priorities right and Jake would be proud :D

I have the Beatles Anthology albums Twisted Logic - they really are so good, especially, to my mind, Hey Jude and Two of Us.

Marina - thanks for the group hug :D You list some wonderful songs - I like Magical Mystery Tour and have even travelled on the original bus around Liverpool. And the Yellow Submarine album too - Only a Northern Song - love it.

Is there a Beatles song I don't like? Maybe only Octopus' Garden and even that has its moments ;D

Great comments - as has been said here, you lot are Ammaaazzzing :D

Anonymous said...

WDW I hum Octopuss's Garden in my bath! You just brought that Zebra Crossing before my eyes. But if you ask me about songs, the ones that constantly play in my head are Long and Winding Road, Michelle, Strawberry Fields Forever and ..... yes, Across The Unverse.
Oh I forgot! "Something". And guess what my mom loved? LSD!

To switch to serious subjects, Marina I have had Dead Man Walking staring at me from the top of my stack of movies for how many months I don't know. I instantly connected with Naomi Foner's blog because of a dreadful experience that my own city went through with a capital case in 2004. I don't know if I'll ever be over that trauma. I need to and I want to see that film, I need to articulate much of my suppressed anguish from my own experience. I have never really opened up anywhere except on this site, not even on my own, and I thank WDW and all of you for turning keys to locks the way Jake did earlier on. This place has become vital for my survival and for my living and expressing myself as I really want to.

Oh dear let me lighten up.
WDW I really love your wit in that Jake and the Beetles post. whenever i see a Beetle whizz past(and there are hordes of them in the monsoon) I get a vision of a fine Swedish gentleman looking pretty much like Jake, kneeling before Queen Christina!

Anonymous said...

Sorry that was one "s" too many in Octopus .... I must have been thinking of Octopussy as I typed!

Anonymous said...

Incognita, I'm glad we all feel that we can open up here, I think it's good for us. We also balance that with lots of Jake info and fun stuff too, I think. :)

I love all the songs you mention! All this Beatles talk has made me remember just how creative they were - and also lighthearted and fun. One song that just makes me laugh so much and is very comical is "You Know My Name (Look Up De Number)". It's so funny, with them singing a la lounge lizards and clowns. It would have been great to have listened in on recording sessions! :)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Incognita - how I love this image: whenever i see a Beetle whizz past(and there are hordes of them in the monsoon) I get a vision of a fine Swedish gentleman looking pretty much like Jake, kneeling before Queen Christina!
My dad is a beetle fanatic (he goes on beetle holidays ;D) so I have a lot of warm empathy with this image and I can also imagine myself and Jake as the youngsters trying to hurry along their elders as they get sidetracked and mesmerised by another fine specimen!

I'm so glad you're able to be so open here - that's a great compliment not only to the sight but also to everyone here.

Hey Marina I love You Know My Name! I really have to stop saying I love all these songs, but I really do :D

Today I'll mention In My Life and I've Got a Feeling - and Helter Skelter - love that, makes me dizzy :D

Anonymous said...

WDW this is news to me. Beetle holidays! I must know more about Beetle Fanaticism. That's called a Beetles Fan Club. Now you started me off with that image of you and Jake as youngsters! It promises to be a nice perky afternoon for me. Really a beetle willever be the same for me again.

Anonymous said...

All this Beatles talk has made me remember just how creative they were - and also lighthearted and fun

I totally agree, Marina. It's amazing how much they evolved in a recording career which lasted only 7 or 8 years. From the simple perfectly crafted pure pop songs like All My Loving, Please Please Me, She Loves You, to the weird but wonderful experimental songs like A Day In The Life or Tomorrow Never Knows. And what's even more amazing is that they did stuff that no-one had ever thought of doing before, like the blast of feedback at the start of I Feel Fine. The variety of their work is incredible even on the same album. If you didn't know you would never believe that it was the same band sometimes. I guess it was some kind of fate that brought together two such creative people as Lennon and McCartney, cos I think it was the way they both strived to out-do each other, as well as complementing each other, that made them push their creative boundaries. And of course George had his moments too (I love Something and Here Comes The Sun) and so did Ringo. I love Octopus's Garden and I've always had a soft spot for Ringo. Another of my favourites is Help, for John's honesty in the lyrics. He had the world at his feet but he was singing about how vulnerable and insecure he was. So many great songs I could mention but I'll shut up now!

Anonymous said...

And what's even more amazing is that they did stuff that no-one had ever thought of doing before, like the blast of feedback at the start of I Feel Fine.

I love these things in their songs, so wonderfully creative!

I just had a crazy thought -wouldn't Jake make a fantastic Paul McCartney, with those soulful eyes they both have? :)

Anonymous said...

Paul has brown eyes though, doesn't he? I suppose Jake could wear brown contacts but I would hate to lose those baby blues. On the other hand, Jake strumming a guitar singing And I Love Her or Here There And Everywhere...*swoon*

Anonymous said...

LOL I know - I thought the same thing, it would be a travesty if Jake had to wear brown contacts - we may have to rethink this! It's just that like you, I would love to hear him sing some of these songs. There's also a pic of him with Lance Armstrong I saw of him somewhere, wearing sunglasses where he resembles John Lennon quite a bit!

And I'm sorry Twisted, I meant to add your name when I quoted your "feedback" comment in my previous post! :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, thought about it - while it would be a shame not to see Jake's blues for an entire movie, to see Jake become Paul, in the way he "becomes" his characters, I know he would be amazing. His eyes with brown contacts would be perfect. And with the Gyllenwolf facial hair, he'd look like Paul in the Abbey Road days. I always thought Paul was the more romantic one, and John the more intellectual one, but that wasn't entirely etched in stone for either of them. Jake has that romantic quality about him I think. :)

Anonymous said...

Oops, sorry, I meant the "Let It Be" days. I can't seem to write a decent post today! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes Marina, Jake could do "romantic" no problem. One way around the eye thing could be for Jake to play someone who becomes possesed by the spirit of The Beatles and starts a Beatles tribute band or something.That way we'd get romantic blue eyed Jake singing those songs to us. I don't recall that pic of Jake looking like John that you mentioned, but over at JakeWatch they have a photoshop of Jake as the four Beatles in Sgt Pepper gear which is brilliant.
Oh, and Marina, don't worry about not quoting my name- I'm happy to share my words here:)

Anonymous said...

Twisted, exactly! I think that's where I must have seen it, at JakeWatch. I love Jake in the Sgt. Pepper's costumes too, especially the one of Jack Twist. The one of Jake as "John" is the one I meant. You're right, it is brilliant! :)

Anonymous said...

That's that mystery solved then! You're right, the likeness is uncanny in that John pic. This reminds me of the commentary in Moonlight Mile where there's some debate between Jake and the director as to whether Jake is sporting a Beatles or a Monkees haircut. I think they agreed it was the Monkees but it's Jake we're talking about, he would look gorgeous either way!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Marina and Twisted Logic - I'm sorry I missed this - what a great conversation.

I would love to see Jake sing Beatle songs, but I don't think I could ever stand to see those blue eyes brown. Sigh..