Friday 20 July 2007

Rendition Jake - let's have a look

Jake Gyllenhaal may be on his holidays but that doesn't mean no new Jake. At long last here are some stills from Jake's highly anticipated movie Rendition, which is set to premiere in Toronto. Alas, only one photograph is of Jake but there are two of another member of the family, Peter Sarsgaard. I have one thing to say at this point - Rendition Jake has made my jaw drop, my eyes boggle and my head spin - not a pretty sight I assure you, unlike Jake. After sitting today in some of the worst traffic I've ever seen, due to the floods that are washing away much of the UK, Rendition Jake is a sight for sore eyes (click and he shall be made bigger).

Rendition director Gavin Hood so won over the powers that be with this political thriller, that he has just been given the sought after job of directing Wolverine, the X-Men spin-off due late 2008. By the way, I'm loving the discussion about the Beatles on the previous post - please continue!

Thanks to a good friend for her great discovery of this site where more pictures can be found although, sadly, not of Jake.


Anonymous said...

Oh my - he's looking beauteous, WDW. I'm kinda speechless. And Peter is looking very governmental, and Reese and Meryl look great too! :) Now I really can't wait for this film! :)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Good to see you Marina! I have a new screensaver - I think Jake looks so beautiful here - Bafta Jake in all his splendour. I feel weak just at the thought of the big cinema screen...

Anonymous said...

I am soooo looking forward to this movie -- and the inevitable controversy! Yay for Jake's choices! The shot of Jake is now my desktop. He has certainly grown up nicely, n'est-ce pas?

Anonymous said...

Hola WDW...what a wonderful vision to come home to. I can always, and I do mean always, count on you to have something wonderfully delicious on your site. Love the pic of Jakey (the hair is awesome) appears he is in an office setting..but the bottle of liquor seems a little out of place..but I notice files and the desk seems to be rather governmental in appearance. Although...I could be wrong, because he is dressed rather casually for a work setting...though I know many people who work after hours in my office dress casually..anyway..this is getting long..thanks again for the glimpse...Michele

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hey Beckela - there are no words for describing how much I want to see Rendition - I'm even more excited by it than I was by Zodiac! This pictures is my desktop too and he fills the screen delightfully :D

Hi Michele - this picture really is a treat isn't it! I just wish there were more.

I wonder if the picture is supposed to show a hotel room or some kind of lodging (due to the fridge - the mix of domestic and work items). The bottle was the second thing I noticed ;D And the t-shirt. I don't think it's an office, I feel he's working undercover somewhere. I need to know more and I need to see more!

Jake's hair in this is so gorgeous I may need another swig of something to recover my power of speench :D

Wet Dark and Wild said...

speench is of course speech - his is the effect Rendition Jake has had on me...

Anonymous said...

Hi Again..I am with you WDW...I need to see much more. But.mayhap I am thinking too much or reading too much into it..but isn't Jake supposed to be a CIA employee in this movie? If he is unlikely he would have any sort of files or paperwork outside of a CIA office..being that the paperwork or files are most probably classified..anyway..whatever the setting...with Jakey smack in the middle of is just pleasant viewing...Like you...I am so looking forward to this flick...Michele

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! *squealing like a 12 year old* He looks Gorgeous!!! *deep breaths* Wow!!!Thank you thank you thank you WDW!!! His hair!!!On his head AND his chest!!!And his arms!!! What is it about this man? I'm way too old to be gushing like a schoolgirl, but I can't help it!!I need help!
I'm trying to figure out where he is and what he's supposed to be doing, but every time I look at the pic all I can think is OMG!!!
I need to calm down a bit and then I'll try to analyse it;) Thanks again WDW- you've made my day :D

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Michele - This is true - ad there are an awful lot of files on that shelf. But is it maybe a secret CIA safe-house - she says with absolutely no idea whatsoever... ;D

Hey Twisted Logic! You and me both! Without doubt, for me, this is Jake at his most gorgeous and I'm going to have a hard job focusing on anything during Rendition - all my attention is going to be fixed on this beautiful, sexy, perfect Jake! The hair is wondrous on every part of his body!

I'm so glad this picture made your day - it made mine too :D

Anonymous said...

Awwww god look at him. He's lovely.

But didn't I see this posted earlier this morning over on the DC board?

Anonymous said...

Hey WDW! I think I'm probably going to have to watch Rendition several times before I get close to even thinking about the plot. Like you I'll be too busy drooling over His Gorgeousness! but you know, Jake is so talented and the story sounds so compelling that his looks might well take second place. Only one way to find out- roll on October!
It looks like an office to me. Lots of offices have fridges in them to keep milk and food and stuff like that.And the bottle gives it the feel of a detective going over the case late at night.I don't suppose CIA agents work nine to five. And the film's about not-strictly-legal practices and also Jake's character starts to question those practices, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's not actually supposed to be there at that time. The jacket on the back of the chair seems a bit out of place though, with his casual clothes that he has on...Oh Jakey, you're such a tease! But I love you!!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Cyn - He certainly does!

Yes, this was on DC earlier, posted by a friend - I'm afraid I would find it an impossible task to be first with everything :( That's not really the point of WDW, I like to mull things over if you get what I mean.

Anonymous said...

powers of speech haha my post disappeared. here we go again.

I'd seen this picture on DC but not blown up. thought the boat necked t-shirt was some kind of decadent sexy Morocco number that showed off his pecs. thot the office surely in a basement somewhere, whisky bottle, long hair, exhausted CIA agent, it drove me WET DARK AND WILD.

the right sleeve of the t-shirt pushed up over a luscious arm. I am obviously over-reacting, being sensually deprived of Jake who is no doubt lying on a Chilmark beach, or on stage at the new MV club Outlander on Airport Road, formerly owned by Carly Simon, wonder how it's doing - or doing who knows what, bless his heart.

Peter is indeed looking "govermental: and Im also more excited about this flic than I was about Zodiac -

Id like to put it as wallpaper but would not for a million dollars give up dozy embrace which is iconic, for me - and too much sexy Jake would ruin me for RL.

o gosh!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Twisted Logic - I suppose this could be true: Jake is so talented and the story sounds so compelling that his looks might well take second place. And I really should think like that but this is Jake with Bafta hair so I'm afraid I'm lost...

I definitely agree that any CIA agent worth his salt won't be working 9 to 5 and so maybe Jake had discarded the rest of his suit during the evening (be still my heart). You are right! Jake is a tease, even when he's in character, and we do love him!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hey Positively pia - thanks for persevering with your vanishing posts.

Hmmm, a basement could fedinitely be a possibility. I love the way that t-shit sort of twists against parts of Jake like that :D Yo are definitely not overreacting - our Jake may be taking a break but we're not!

The dozey embrace is a fine wallpaper to have on your PC. My iconic Jake is very definitely Bafta/Rendition Jake especially today as today I retraced those Bafta steps :)

Anonymous said...

maybe Jake had discarded the rest of his suit during the evening

What are you trying to do to me?! I hope if you're right we get to see the suit being discarded;D And then we can replay it in slow motion when we get the dvd! OMG!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

That's a pleasant thought indeed Twisted Logic - As it is, this evening I'm finding lots of bits of Zodiac to freeze frame :D

Anonymous said...

Not fair!! I want to see Zodiac AND Rendition! Like, NOW!! I suppose I'll have to content myself with replaying the second tent scene from Brokeback instead. Or some Jarhead Jake maybe. That's if I can manage to tear myself away from this pic. I can't stop looking at it! And you don't want to know what thoughts are running through my mind! God help me when the trailer comes out!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

I'm watching Zodiac but with this picture in the foreground and it's truly mesmerising. I fear I will have to see every film rated 15 until October in order to try and see a trailer and then I will faint way... Believe me, I don;t think your thoughts and my thoughts are that far apart ;D

I think that SNIT sounds like a very pleasant way to spend an evening, especially with a bit of Jarhead Jake thrown in - perfect! Jarhead Jake in a tent with an Aqua Velva.

Anonymous said...

So many Jakes, so little time lol! Actually, I've just seen this link over on JakeWatch which is the closest thing to a bucket of cold water where my thoughts of Jake are concerned - Jake's come in at Number 5 in a list of the Top Ten Best Movie Moustaches! Now you know I love Jake, but even I have to draw the line at the BBM porn-tache - it makes him look like my dad!!

Anonymous said...

Um, it might help if I posted the link;)

Top Ten Movie Moustaches

Anonymous said...

Pia, I remember that place as Hot Tin Roof also! I hope Jake is having a wonderful time in MV. This picture - luxuriant hair, magnificent chest, those arms - he rocks a t-shirt, as we know. That glimpse of chest hair that always drives me insane. I seem to have regained my powers of speech! Ok, ok, I've made it my screen saver too. This scene has us all intrigued. :)

Anonymous said...

I actually had to take a few minutes for my brain to re-boot after seeing that Rendition Jake pic. Now I might possibly be able to leave some kind of semi coherent comment.....

I'm with you, WDW....... LOVE his hair here. What amazes me is...... you would think after seeing God knows how many photos of Jake looking sexy and scrumptious ('cause he truly is insanely photogenic)..... you would think that a new photo would not make me gasp and become light headed and revert to teen girl gushing. But that's not the case with Jake. It is like gazing at a great work of art...... timeless beauty and an indefinable "something" that takes your breath away no matter how often you see it.

Needless to say, this photo has really ramped up my Rendition anticipation! Thank you for saving my Friday (very stressful day at work).

Wet Dark and Wild said...

I wake up this morning as incoherent as yesterdary when it comes to this picture :D

Marina This picture - luxuriant hair, magnificent chest, those arms - he rocks a t-shirt, as we know. - poetry D

Thanks for the link Twisted Logic - I'm afraid even the though of tached Jake does little to calm my pulse after a peek st Rendition Jake, but good try.

Hey Birdie - it really is amazing as you say that we can be always surprised afresh by new photos. I suppose by now we should expect it, but it's always such a pleasing jolt! It is like gazing at a great work of art...... timeless beauty and an indefinable "something" that takes your breath away no matter how often you see it. - that's it exactly :D I hope you have a relaxing day today, after your hard day yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless..Jake is fab!
Thank you for this post...

cyn said:"But didn't I see this posted earlier this morning over on the DC board?"
Excuse my ignorance :( but..what is DC?

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi 11.11 - Good to see you! DC is the Dave Cullen Brokeback Mountain forum - there's a link to it on the front page here :D

Anonymous said...

How one man can project allllll the "stuff" Jake projects, just by showing up, is something I will never figure out...he's just a work of art... I really don't have proper words to describe him.
Thanks for the pictures. I am looking forward to this film more than I can say.

Anonymous said...

Rendition Jake is haunting my dreams! Last night I dreamt that I went to buy an ink cartridge for my printer and as I picked it off the shelf someone behind me tried to grab it and when I turned round it was Jake, dressed like he is in the pic! He said he was sorry but he needed the cartridge and I said I was sorry too but I saw it first, and he said he needed it for official US Government work! I suggested the US Government could get one somewhere else and then he grabbed my arm, forced the ink cartridge out of my hand and walked off with it!!! Weird. I still think he looks gorgeous though!

Anonymous said...

Bobbyanna: How one man can project allllll the "stuff" Jake projects, just by showing up, is something I will never figure out...he's just a work of art... I really don't have proper words to describe him.


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Twisted Logic! Rendition Jake dreams - you lucky, lucky thing, you :D Very jealous, although I must own up to a Jake dream myself yesterday - its content will remains a mystery! :D Your Rendition Jake sounds very forceful and determined, yum, I'm glad you gave up the print cartridge ;D

Hi Bobbyanna and Beckela - to find the words to describe Jake in this photo is defying me :D

At the moment, southern England could do with TDAT Wet Sam...

I just saw a trailer on the TV for an Enterntainment show and it had a clip of Jake from the Baftas!

Anonymous said...

Oh go on WDW, spill the beans! Yes, jake was very forceful in my dream, but if I'd had my wits about me I should have tried to bargain with him, see how far he was prepared to go to get the cartridge;)
And yes, this weather is freaking me out! It keeps going from torrential rain to sunny skies within minutes. I've got to go out soon and I just KNOW I'll get soaked. where's Sam when I need him?!

Anonymous said...

twistedlogic the way you describe the dream is a real treat!
But I agree you should've driven a hard bargain.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hey Twisted Logic - I agree, next time you have this dream, you should try bargaining... I'm afraid as far as my dream goes, I couldn't possibly comment ;D

The flooding is approaching now and we could be cut off tomorrow :(

Good to see you Incognita :)

Anonymous said...

Hey WDW, I didn't realise it was that bad where you are. I really feel for all those people who have suffered flooding. I realise how lucky I am here, it's nowhere near as bad as that, just a mild inconvenience in comparison. Hope you're safe and everything's ok xx

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Thanks so much for the love and concern Twisted Logic - I'm hoping we should be OK here but a lot of people in my town are going to be flooded tomorrow. The villages to the north flooded this evening. Quite a few roads are closed and people have abandoned their vehicles. But I think tomorrow is the last of the rain for a while? I hope so.

I'm definitely one of the lucky ones. Thanks so much and I'm glad you're in a safe place xx

Anonymous said...

(((WDW))) That sounds really scary. I really hope the weather improves soon and people can start to get back to normal. Take care xx

sass said...

I miss a day here,look what happens; you post wondrous beauteous pics of Rendition Jake. My silly computer is having periodic seizures this week and I hate it...arrrgh. I love the look of all the actors, the atmosphere and of course Jake leaves me speechless; I can't wait until October. I can't navigate to DC this week, who knows why, but I can come to this friendly warm site and enjoy my Jaking.

sass said...

Please be safe...

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Thanks Twisted Logic and Sass :D

Sass - I'm glad you can find some Jake comfort here during your enforced DC absence. Isn't that picture of Jake simply amazing?!

Anonymous said...

"This is great news as it signals a move away from the ridiculously skinny and ethereal to the sexy and intelligent."

Am I missing something here? Maggie is built lean, like Jake, but she doesnt seem nor do the roles she chooses seem at all ethereal. Also, I dont understand how modeling lingerie is a sign of intelligence.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi pia - Good to see you :D What I meant was that in Maggie we have a model who is sexy and intelligent - not that modelling underwear is a sign of intelligence. Maggie is lean, as is Jake, but she has never forced her body into that model stereotype. And Maggie certainly isn't ethereal or waiflike - she's a real woman. As you may be able to tell, I'm not a fan of Kate Moss!

Anonymous said...

I thought you were quite restrained about Kate Moss, WDW :)
Interesting gig for Maggie!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Anouska - I know, I saw no point rubbing Kate Moss' face in it anymore as she obviously suffers by every comparison with our Maggie ;D