I happened upon a journalist's blog account of life at the Cannes Film Festival and I was surprised to read that there had been technical problems at the morning screening of Zodiac on 17 March. This is not good news. Jury members attended all three screenings, as did members of the press, whose opinions on Zodiac can influence cinema-goers across the world.
Zodiac is still in its early days in Europe and elsewhere in the world (with an obvious, big exception) but initial signs are that the film is having a better reception in Europe than it did on homesoil - perhaps as Fincher had expected and possibly the reason for the emphasis on a European premiere, rather than an American grand opening. Not unexpectedly, Spider-Man 3 is still leading the international (ie, outside the US) box office, with the second film varying - in the UK it's 28 Weeks Later. But Zodiac is the international number 3.

Today there has been confirmation that the release date for the Zodiac DVD is 24 July. IGN informs us that 'the DVD will feature tons of bonus materials and extra features, and will be available for the MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) of $29.98.'
Finally, thanks to the SMG forum, which has new threads on Canne's 60th birthday celebrations, here's a link to Jake's own shoe video, which has already become a cult movie all of its own. All in one take, too.

A huge thank you to Stephanie at iheartjake who wasted no time in putting a whole gallery of Cannes photos up at IHJ for us all to enjoy.
I am a newcomer to your great Jake filled blog. I do hope to familiarize myself more on WDW, and I hope to visit here often.
Regarding the technical difficulties when Zodiac was screened at Cannes....I too came across a website, that describes the problem. Thought you and the WDW members would be interested:
I went to the 8:30 ayem press screening of Zodiac this morning just to see how it looked, and what I saw alarmed me. Despite director David Fincher having allegedly checked the print being shown, a slightly distorted version of Zodiac was shown. The Grand Palais projectionist was using a slightly wrong lens, the result being that the images in the film looked a bit more expanded horizontally than they should have.
Jake Gyllenhaal, those first murder victims at Lake Berryessa, Candy Clark, Robert Downey...they all had slightly wider heads that they should have. Every image was just a little bit fatter than the actual proportions of the people, sets and objects that Fincher shot. I've seen this film three times, and I know what I'm talking about. Because the image was over-expanded horizontally and because widescreen aperture plates don't change, this also meant that the sides of the images that Fincher shot were slightly shaved off.
I told the guys at Pheonix what I saw, and one wrote back and said that Fincher "qc'd the movie last night, and I was told that [this morning's] screening was exactly the same as what David saw and approved, so I'm not sure what the issue is." I wrote back and said that "whatever Fincher approved, something went a little bit wrong for this morning's screening. I've worked as a projectionist and I know what I'm talking about. The proportion of the images are not quite right. I'm not hallucinating, and I had only one glass of wine last night."
** Jeffrey Wells from website Hollywood Elsewhere
Hi Jan - I'm delighted to welcome you to WDW. I certainly hope you discover things to interest you and that we see a lot more of you here.
Thank you very much indeed for this added information. It's interesting that two journalists (that we now know of) have commented on the poor technical quality of this crucial screening. Knowing as we do how meticulous David Fincher is, I find it hard to believe that he should pass something so obviously faulty. Therefore, the theory the problem lay with a wrong lens at the Grand Palais sounds entirely plausible. I wonder if Fincher is aware of all this.
I'm grateful for this information, Jan. This is just the kind of thing I want to hear about.
thank you so much for the link to Jake's now legendary "shoe" video. Can't believe it was removed from the Cannes site...... they need to not take themselves so bloody seriously. His "Cannes Self Portrait" was witty, fun and a breath of fresh air..... so Jake!
WDW and all!! Hi!! I am back with a link to the entire self-portrait video
Self Portrait
Hello Jan! Good to see you here.
Birdie hope you enjoy this video
Now I haven't really had the time to comment here recently, RL has been a bit chaotic (as you know), but I really just wanted to say that WDW has become my favouite site for serious and insightful commentary on Jake related issue.
I do check every day, even if just a 2 min flyby - keep up the fantastic work!
Hi there!!
Hi Birdie - Cannes just doesn't seem to get Jake and that sense of humour of his, which is uniquely Jake's. I love how in that video he's laughing at himself and everyone else all at the same time - while also just having a good time. Why they can't understand that he's simply having fun?
I have to fight the urge to tell him to do up his bootlaces though...
Incognita - thanks so much for the extra link! Good to see you!
Hey ATD my friend! I knew you hadn't abandoned me - I know that you live the life of the rich, famous and beautiful. As for this being your favourite Jake site - do you think that I wouldn't hit you if you said otherwise ;D
WDW, in my opinion if a person doesn't love Jake after watching the self-portrait video and Happy Birthday Cannes, they must be constitutionally incapable of feeling love.
(This is as close to a serious post as you'll get from me).
Anouska - I seriously agree with you ;D
New pics: Jake on the Eurostar
Hi Anon: Thanks for the tip! I've put those up. I appreciate that :D
Quote WDW...I knew you hadn't abandoned me - I know that you live the life of the rich, famous and beautiful.
Hey, I thought I asked you to keep that to yourself! Just becasue the yacht wasn't ready in time for your Cannes trip, but come on, after that last party it needed a whole new deck!
Love your blog. Your Jake commentary and appreciation of his acting and him as a person is great. Thank you!
Btw, the video of Jake wishing Cannes a happy birthday is still up, thankfully here.
^^ I do see that the "shoe" video is not there though. :(
Hi Get Real - I'm so glad you love the blog - thanks for telling me! It's important to me that people realise that WDW is intended as a tribute to Jake the man and Jake the actor.
I've checked the links on the main post and the links to The Shoe and to the Birthday Wishes do still both work fortunately.
Thanks WDW, so glad that both the "boot" and "birthday" Cannes videos are still there. For some reason when I rechecked I couldn't find the "boot" one. Great that you did find it.
Yes, I thank you for a wonderful and thoughtful postings on all the goings on with Jake.
All I have to say right now is that I hope that is not the final artwork for the DVD! No where in the film did Jake look like that. There was nothing wrong with the poster that was used in the US - with Jake standing as part of the Zodiac title!
Hi Dani
You're right - the photo of Jake they've chosen is horrendous. When has he ever looked like that?! Let's hope for something better. I can't imagine Jake liking it much when he sees it either!
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