So if you spend a lot of time eating in New York City's finest restaurants, it can mean only one thing: you have to spend a considerable amount of time working out. Proving that the perfect way to a healthy, beautiful body is a combination of exercise and posh nosh, Jake Gyllenhaal was photographed returning home from the gym on Saturday, complete with a bottle of Smartwater (which I've never heard of before but apparently
Jennifer Aniston just loves it) and a very large toothpick - what on earth is that? A giant lolly? I have to say, it doesn't get much better than this. As an avid Nike fan, I would also like to tick off a new pair on Jake's feet. Very nice!

Photographs from
Thanks a lot, WDW, for putting these up right as I was fixing to eat dinner. Now I have an ice cold plate of food because I instantly forget everything else as soon as I see new pictures of Jake doing what we love best - being himself!
Hi Dani! Well, I'm glad you have your priorities straight - Jake first, food second :D
Thanks so much WDW for posting these yummy pics of our boy. Whew...sleeveless is beautiful!! AND..The oral fixation...makes me swoon...what is that in his mouth? It looks like a straw or a coffee stirrer. Michele
Boy, I cannot keep up with you WDW.... all these lovely and informative posts today. Thanks! I love and appreciate all the little extras you provide here...... restaurant links, Maggie info, etc. It all adds up to painting a picture of Jake World for us.
I just returned from seeing "Away From Her", very good movie, but NOT the cheeriest of subject matter..... and what is awaiting me? These killer photos of Jake in a black sleeveless tee. Totally altered my post movie mood! I'm happy now.....
Hi Michele and Birdie
I've always had a special appreciation for Sporty Jake so I love these. I'm glad they cheered you up, Birdie!
I have fun with the 'extras' - glad you like them :D
I, too, love seeing Jake being Jake. BUT the mother in me worries about the paps camped outside where he is apparently staying. He doesn't appear to be upset by it, though. Guess I should just keep my mouth shut and enjoy the view!
Hi Beckela - I can see your point and I'm torn too but I can't help loving these pictures and the glimpses they allow us of Jake's life - so different from my own.
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