Farragut North, which is named after a subway station in Washington DC located near to K Street where a number of lobbyists work, is set to be the third of four productions taking place during the 2007-2008 season at the Second Stage Theatre (307 West 43rd Street, just off Eighth Avenue in NYC).

Talking of directors, which I wasn't really, it's rumoured that David Fincher is to appear at the Edinburgh Interactive Festival that takes place on 12-14 August this summer. The aim of the gaming festival is to focus on the 'cultural and business impact that games are having on the public, entertainment companies and on more traditional media such as film and television.' Other guests include Stephen Berkoff and Stuart Beattie, the screenwriter of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Meanwhile, Maggie, Peter and Ramona are still doing their bit for the Gyllenhaal campaign to eat at every restaurant in the United States. My favourite guide to the Batman filming, the Chicago Sun-Times, reports that Maggie and her family were spotted lunching on pasta at Cafe Spiaggia, which, apparently, serves the best tiramisu and ice cream in town. Another one to add to the list.
This leads me to the Joker, who as we all well know is played by Heath Ledger. The first eye witness description of the Joker has made it to the net. This is what they say - it's a bit spoilery so don't read unless you know you'll have forgotten it by July 2008.

'I. saw. the. JOKER! He comes out of an elevator with 4 or 5 of his masked minions, two with actualy plastic masks and guns, and the others had painting on their faces. The Joker does not look as grotesque as he did in the photo on the harveydent site. He has long hair with green highlights in it, he was wearing a long purple jacket with a blue sport coat under it, purple gloves and I regret to say I forget the color of his pants. But anyways, he comes in shooting and people are being hurt and killed left and right, he's looking for Harvey Dent (his first line says so). As Joker is hitting people along the way (he's slapping extras!), comes in Batman in that new suit that was in Entertainment Weekly this week. They fight, it's all long and drawn out and during this, JOKER DOES HIS LAUGH. It was high pitched, unique and really badass. Not exactly like Nicholson's, but who the hell can pull that off? It was awesome, just leave it at that. After all that, the Joker grabs Rachel (Maggie Gyllenhal) and begins his escape.'
Heath Ledger grabbing Maggie Gyllenhaal - this has got to be worth waiting for!
Includes photographs from Celebrity Baby Blog and IHJ.
If "Farragut North" is going to play at Second Stage Theater during the 2007-08 season, then it's NOT going to play (at least not initially) at a Broadway house. Second Stage is NOT Broadway; it's a prestigious not-for-profit off-Broadway theater. I'm not surprised they're trying that show out there first before possibly bringing it to Broadway. Straight plays NEVER or very rarely open cold (meaning no pre-Broadway tryouts, workshops or nonprofit theater productions) on Broadway. The economics of producing a play on Broadway is so high it forbids that.
FYI, Mary ZImmerman's "Metamorphoses" (so wonderful) played first at Second Stage (opening just days after 9/11). But word of mouth and critical buzz were so good it quickly moved to a Broadway house--Circle in the Square.
Thanks Anons, this is very exciting. I hope we hear something soon!
I'm also very intrigued by The Dark Knight. Can't wait to see Heath and Maggie in it. Hope Maggie and Peter enjoyed the tiramisu. :)
Heath has a great job - professionally grabbing Gyllenhaals in various films - and he gets paid for it. Lucky bastard.
Love that pic of Maggie--file under "Celebrities who at least some of the time appear to be normal people."
RE the second pic of Jake, from Cannes: I don't mean this in a bad way at all, but does anyone else find him to look like an ACTUAL cartoon sometimes?
Thanks Anons - this is very interesting about how Second Stage can be that first stage towars Broadway. I would have had no idea about how these things work so thanks very much.
Marina and Anon 22:10 - I can't wait for Batman myslf and yes, Heath is one lucky so and so for acting against both Jake and Maggie - what a lucky guy!
Thanks for the update, WDW and the interesting informations, anons!
When I understand the article correctly, the first offering on Second Stage starts Oct. 18 and when it plays for about 4-5 weeks and "Farragut North" is the third offering, then it would start in January?
I would love to hear or read something about a new project soon - whether he decides to do the play or a new movie or supporting challenging projects like he did some years ago (or a kind of documentary like "11th hour" which Leo diCaprio produced) We know he is choosy but I cannot believe that he doesn´t get interesting offers.
That picture of Maggie is so cute - and Ramonas little hands grabbing her nose...
Hi Carla - I was trying to work out the dates too, which isn't easy, but I agree that if each play runs for a couple of months (although looking at some of these, some only run for 5 weeks or so), it could be February or March.
I'm sure that Jake gets some of the best offers going now - if you want an extremely intelligent and gifted actor of around that age - who also is blessed with the best movie star looks of his generation - where else are you going to look?
Thanks for commenting :D
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