It's good to see Jake again - here are photographs of Jake and Reese walking around Santa Monica and Brentwood yesterday. The cup of coffee continues to be the accessory of choice this winter. Oh to live somewhere where you don't have to wear ten layers of padded clothing when you go for a stroll.
Thanks for the link, anon.
Updated to add video from here.
"Oh to live somewhere where you don't have to wear ten layers of padded clothing when you go for a stroll."
Amen to that. I was wondering what happened to the sun. Now I see - it follows Jake and Reese. Thanks WDW and anon for the pics. OMG that 3rd pic! What a lucky woman.
I'm just doing a quick flyby here for now - will have to check back later on.
Good morning/afternoon everyone. :)
Sixty degrees F. and sunny in Santa Monica. In western ma we've got a snowstorm coming tonight. Still Id rather be here, than there, by way of the joke: what's the difference between yoghert and California. Still, glad to see the pix! It was gettin' kinda lonely jaking all by our lonesomes, entertaing as y'all are! (actually I expect we could go on for years as long as WDW keeps us happy. . . )
thoughts of Jake's affectionate nature.
and speaking of Jake's cool - he wa a bit nervous at the BAFTAs - but as always - he delivers!
speaking of delivery, gotta order Chinese food before the snow falls. plus paper embrellas.
Hi everybody!
Thanks for brightening a very gloomy morning, WDW!!! Guess that is Jake's look for Brothers through the whole film, then. Glad Jake and Reese got to enjoy some down time together before they both resume filming. They seem to have lots of fun together.
Hi Neely - we got the sun today and then it went and now it's dark again :( I'm not made for this climate... I like to think of Jake bathed in sunshine though. I think as he's a Californian I tend to associate him with warm sunshine. See you later :D
Hi Positively Pia - sounds lovely in Santa Monica. I hope your snowstorm's not too bad and you get those paper brollies in on time :\
It is good to see Jake, definitely gives a kick to the day. I love that video of Jake awarding the Bafta! So funny, doing that little bobbing dance.
Off to get busy for tonight's post - wrap up warm :)
Hi Bobbyanna - we were posting at the same time :D Looks like Jake's had another haircut too. I still have hopes for the grand shaving scene :D
Maybe James Sheridan will have Natalie shave Jake in the movie, and I will have heart palpitations ! Again! LOLOL!!! Wonder if Gavin Hood "had a talk" with Sheridan...but then, why would he even need to!
Well, someone's got to talk to Jim and get that shaving scene in the script where it belongs! Natalie shaving Jake... now thre's a thought :P
Well, you guys, folks are staggering out of Sweeney Todd in newfound terror of the barber's chair, so I dunno.
Just sayin'
All these shaving talks sounds like great plot bunnies for slashes for me :P (sorry! wrong blog!)
A friend of mine told me that he thought Jake was Steve Carell on that cover of Esquire! So Jake needs to be more careful with the mountain man look!
hey WDW, I just met Zudos and the others BBM fans at a lovely breakfast place today. I know you all had a great time yesterday in London!
And happy new year to everyone on WDW :)
I'm glad you had fun with your get together Kate. But please gag me wit a spoon having to see these photos of Jake and the blonde
well I hope that Jake has a good 2008 and that he finds happiness
LOL About Natalie shaving Jake. I WISH! (I also wish he'd replace the blonde with Natalie but I think Natalie is seeing someone else :(
Ouch Pia - the Sweeny Todd experience is not a good one!
Hey Winterbird! I hope you had a good time with Zudos et al. I'm sorry I couldn't stay for the party last night. Jake looking like Steve Carroll! Oh my! We have to get shaved!
Hi Trekfan - thanks for commenting, I appreciate that :) That's a great wish for Jake *)
Hi Anon - thanks for commenting - I've always liked Natalie - I just can't wait to see Jake and Natalie together in Brothers.
Just updated with a video.
Not many people who come here like Jake with Reese do they. I think they are a great couple.
Hi Anon - on the contrary, there are loads of readers here who like Jake and Reese together - as can be seen by more than one comment on this post - it's not an issue here. Everyone is entitled to their opinion :D
Thanks for the pics and video. They are such a cute couple! I love them together! Hope they will be very happy together in 2008.
Hi Anon thanks for the comment and those are great wishes :D
Jake and Kirsten are good. Jake and Reese are good. Jake and Natalie Portman are good. So are Jake and Emmy Rossum. Also Jake and Liv Tyler. Whatever it takes to fill the world with good-looking Jake spawn. ;-)
I might think twice about Jake and Cathy Bates, though I admire her as a person and as an actress. :-)
But that's not going to happen anyway. ;-)
Hi Paulh! I totally agree - those combos sound good to me. I kind of like Jennifer Aniston as a candidate myself :D
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