'Oh no! What's wrong with our Jakey? Why is he wearing a cast?! These were the shouts of concern running rampant in the PageSix.com HQ this morning, once these pics of Reese Witherspoon at the farmers' market in Santa Monica, Calif., with a clearly injured Jake Gyllenhaal — who is something of an office favorite — floated across our desks. But you can rest easy Gyllen-heads, because he of the puppy-dog eyes will be back in fighting form next week, his rep assures us. "Just a minor thing, he sprained his ankle playing basketball," she tells PageSix.com. Guess we can recall the bodyguard resume we sent over to his apartment today, huh?'

So, maybe Jake should have a rest from doing that and stick to more placid outdoor activities, such as playing the trumpet, or playing chess with his shirt off.

Fabric Jake
Last October, I spent many a day touring the upmarket estate agents of London searching for that month's free property Fabric magazine to no avail. And I wasn't the only one. Fortunately, a kind contributor to IHJ has produced a transcript of the interview, in which Jake has some interesting things to say about the nature of fame and his experiences of love and acting, and how he lives between the performances.

“Love is one of the most intense and fantastic experiences we can ever have... When I fall in love, I won’t let anything get in my way when it comes to expressive my love.” “Love is a complex thing. There are times when it’s bigger than you. Who knows how we all end up and who we end up with? I’m not one to say. I believe there are many people you can truly love in your life. Well, maybe not many, but definitely more than one.”

“I love being able to step into a character’s head and live in that world for a while... You find yourself floating in this strange space that comes with making a movie. It’s real and not real. And I’m sure that explains why a lot of actors lead twisted lives. I try very hard to enjoy everything I can about this kind of life… but there’s a whole other world out there. I still question whether acting is something I intend to do for a long time or not!”

“I think of a role as a suit that I’m trying on and I have to make it fit me. I just wish to represent myself. If you give me a suit that’s too large, I’m not going to gain weight: I’m going to tailor it to fit me. That’s a metaphor for how I act and I feel it’s therapeutic for your life. Even if I’m playing a particularly intense or affecting character, like I did in Jarhead or Brokeback, I can always see my way back to my own self.”

“I like being in the position to work on interesting projects and meet a lot of very artistically ambitious people. You often discover that it’s the actual process of working with other actors on the set which is the most reqarding part of this business. The recognition is nice, but as my friend Peter [Saarsgard] says, ‘It’s a very odd profession where you give a performance and a year later people commend you for it.’ So that kind of keeps things in perspective. My life occupies all the space between my performances and that’s where it’s really at!”

Maggie at ShoWest, where Heath is missed
Maggie has been in Las Vegas for ShoWest - yesterday (Thursday) Warner Brothers previewed their upcoming films and high up the list was The Dark Knight. Accompanied by a clip of the film, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Christian Bale appeared on stage but one star of the film was absent and painfully missed - Heath: 'The sequence introduces audiences to Heath Ledger as the Joker. And after calling the movie's other leads, Christian Bale and Maggie Gyllenhaal to the stage, [Christopher] Nolan paid tribute to Ledger, saying, though saddened by the late actor's absence, "It's a great performance. ... I'm very proud to have been able to work with him."'

Incidentally, Jake may - or may not - be the only Gyllenhaal who may be filming in Connecticut shortly (although it now appears more likely that Nailed with be shot in South Carolina). Maggie's new film the starry The Private Lives of Pippa Lee - is about to be begin shooting in Danbury for 90 days. Even more incidentally, Peter Sarsgaard has just started work in London, I believe, on An Education, a film which was also to feature Orlando Bloom as the friend of Peter's character. However, Orlando's had to pull out due to his need to become an expert in Kung-fu!

And finally
This appeared, apparently, in OK! and has left me rather stumped. It seems that OK! can 'exclusively report that he [Patrick Swayze] is not going to star opposite Jake Gyllenhaal in updated remake of Kramer Vs. Kramer.' Just thought I'd throw that in there.
Includes pictures from IHJ and Pop Sugar.
That's a beautiful, beautiful picture of Maggie Gyllenhaal.
I'm wondering why official info on Jake's work in "Nailed" is so long in coming. Is Jake negotiating for combat pay, in case, the director blows up at him?
Thanks WDW for gettin' the oxytocin on high, again - lovely pictures of JBG.
As for Kramer VS Kramer, please, no! NO! Must admit some jealousy as I worked with Avery Corman, who wrote the novel, on Mad Ave slick trade mag, and we were racing to see who was first to write the Great American Novel on our lunch hour! Avery won, and I married the boss of the magazine, stupid cow that I was.
The moral of this story I do not know, except that I would like JBG to do more orig. material.
Hi Paul! Maggie looks beautiful, doesn't she? I love the dress too. I'm mystified myself about Nailed. I do wonder if there are some fine details being ironed out.
Hey Pia :D Lovely pics. I just don't know where that Kramer vs Kramer idea came from - just bizarre and I can't see anything behind it. That's so interesting about you and Avery :D
Kramer vs Kramer??? with Jake? that's.... interesting. who is he going to play? the Dustin Hoffman role?
I think the original is a good movie, but sort of like "Ordinary People" in that era... it's good family drama, but I always wonder if they are good enough to win Best Picture. But then, by now we all know Oscar is crap.
for a film that's about to commence filming, "Nailed" certainly looks strange that apart from Jessica Biel, there's only Jake (rumoured) and no one else on the confirmed list.... who knows? But two of the producers of "Nailed" are also the producers of "Jarhead", could be one of the reasons why Jake got attached to the project. I have to say, I am getting excited about this project... it's a "slight" return to indie films for Jake. And playing a baddie :)
I would like to exclusively report that I will not be staring alongside Jake Gyllenhaal in a remake of 9 1/2 Weeks.
Much to my bitter disappointment.
Where do they get this stuff from?
I'm with Pia, I want Jake to do original work not remakes. Although I am looking forward to Brothers.
Nice post WDW. Jake sure does talk about love a lot! ;-)
I would like to exclusively report that I will not be staring alongside Jake Gyllenhaal in a remake of 9 1/2 Weeks.
Ruby, you stole my "I wanna star in _____ with Jake Gyllenhaal" movie!
damn... i'll pay good money to watch Jake re-enact that scene in the tunnel, under the rain.
I want to recreate the whole movie with him. Especially the food scene. And is it tmi to say I'd love him to tell me to crawl across the floor to him?
Damn, must watch that movie again. :D
I would like to exclusively report that I will not be staring alongside Jake Gyllenhaal in a remake of 9 1/2 Weeks.
Oh Please stop! lol ;) Seriously, I'd love to see him in something like Kramer vs. Kramer.
Maggie looks absolutely beautiful, and I can just feel how much Heath's presence is missed from the pic of Christian, Maggie and Christopher Nolan. :(
Love the pic of Jake playing the trumpet, very charming. Great post, WDW! :)
LOL Ruby, best evah :)
Glad you finally got to read that mag, WDW :):)
Hi Winterbird - I'm all for seeing Jake as a baddie and a rogue. But it does sound pretty odd. I'd forgotten that about the Jarheadproducers. Shows a lot is going on behind the scenes. Jake playing a Dustin Hoffman role - sounds wrong somehow :D
OMG Ruby - that made me spit my wine out :D 9 1/2 weeks... You'd be so good in it together.
You've got me thinking now what film I'd do with Jake - hmmm, gonna think on that....
Hi Bertie, glad you liked the post :) That pic of Jake playing the trumpet is one of my favourites - bet it didn'd sound as good as it looks!
Hi Anouska! About time, eh. I walked miles looking for that thing :D
I've just read your whole post. Peter Saarsgard is where? :D
Poor Peter, more quarry!! ;-)
Yep, they're filming in London, but where... :D
Hey Ruby, I know - time to get the bloodhound out ;)
Ruby, you're flying tonight :)
I picked the wrong spelling of Peter's surname :D
I reckon Ruby's on the fancy sparkly vino tonight ;)
Not sparkly, just pink! :D
Pink, eh? Yum, could do with a pink drink. I am pretty happy though as Richard Hamster Hammond is hosting Sports Relief tonight :D
It is haard to know where to put all the a's this family uses aaouskaa! Peter's is the worst, because you have two choices.
Ramona could have a hard job with that surname at school if they've gone double-barrelled. I'm getting flashbacks of Conan O'Brien :D
I really don't believe in re-makes, so Im writing my own script for Jake wherein I play his - oh, dear, I just remembered, it's not good to write about one's work-in-progress. . . .
just sayin'
Rubes, do you get this Hamster Hammond thing that WDW's got? Do you think he should have a post of his own? I do.
Pia :D
o gosh my boring comment just as you guys are beginning to party. :)
Can't comment for the mo - Top Gear are doing a gardening special for charity and they're weeding with a shotgun.
Pia, I want to read your script :) Your comment is not boring! I'm not partying, I'm watching TV.
I have some ideas for my own Jake script, the deleted scenes are particularly promising :D
hehe it's double-letter week.
I don't get the Hamster fixation, Anouska.
I can tell you that I'm developing a bit of a thing for Gareth David-Lloyd, aka Ianto in Touchwood.
I'm keeping most of my Jake fantasies to myself! I haven't had that much pink wine. :D
ROFL!You girls are hilarious!:D I'll have to buy you a drink next time I see you;)
I don't know which film I'd like to remake with Jake (at least not one you can get at Blockbuster!). Maybe I'll go for one of those 100 Sexiest Moments In Film countdown things instead:)
Brilliant post yet again, WDW! Tbh, I would've said that if it just consisted of the pic of topless Jake playing chess, but all the other stuff and pics are brilliant too:D Well done on tracking down the elusive Fabric mag!! I was going to make a serious comment about some of what Jake says but I've forgotten it now cos I'm laughing so much!
That OK thing is weird??? I guess another moral is "don't believe a word you read in OK magazine" ;)
PS: I still miss Heath so much:(
I'm in talks to play opposite (amongst many other positions)Jake in the hardcore re-working of "Nine and a Half Weeks". It's called "Nine and a Half Inches"!
We go into production just as soon as we can come to an agreement over the fee. My last offer was I pay the film company 5 million quid to give me the part. Think I'm going to have to consider taking on a paper round to earn a bit of cash.....
And to be serious for a moment, yes I still miss Heath too,TL,and it's felt particularly acute again today...maybe because my good news yesterday, which gave me an extra lease on life, threw into even sharper focus the injustice and the tragedy of the fact that Heath was taken far too soon :-(
(((Nadine))) It just feels so wrong to see those pics of Maggie and Christopher Nolan, knowing that Heath should be there and he isn't:( The whole Batman promotion/hype campaign is going to be really hard (of course I do realise it will be harder still for those who knew Heath)
Thank Heavens for Naughty Nadine to get me laughing again;D Five million sounds like a fair price to me! If my lottery numbers come up...I'd love to say I'd help you out, and you know I love you, but...I think you might yourself being outbid;) Unless of course it's a rollover week, in which case we could set up a trust fund type thing and finance all our movie careers with Jake. But like most of my ideas, I doubt that'll come to pass either;(
I have bad news about three movie remakes:
1. I will not be costarring with Jake in a remake of "Twins"
2. I will not be playing jake's father in a remake of "Breaking away"
3. I will not be playing Darth Vader in a remake of "Star Wars.
I know you all must be bitterly disappointed, but I am relieved, because it was hard to breath under that heavy D.V. helmet.
(((TL))) Love you too hon and thanks for that lovely scenario!
I've got to hit the hay now,but I shall go to sleep dreaming of your Roll-over lottery win and the fun we'll have taking it in turns to play Jake's love interest. My best laid plans often go awry too,chucky-egg, but we can dream,can't we ;-) xxx
Has Jake ever made a public statement about the death of his friend, Heath?
OMG, WDW, what a wonderful post.
Thank you so so much Pia and Paul for my first big laugh of the day@ 9PM. It's never too late for a good laugh:)
My anxiety level increased tremendously, when I was first introduced to Mr. Russell via Youtube.com, yet I know Jake will have no problem with him at all, because I suspect Mr. Russell will never go off on him, as he has with some of his actors. Poor Lilly Tomlin, I was afraid for her safety for a very long time.
Excellent sleuthing WDW. TY so much for posting the interview. I really enjoyed reading it.
I hope Jake continues to take good care of his mental and physical self. Seeing him shop in green markets and at Whole Foods, knowing that he exercises, and that he has perhaps introduced his to good healthy eating, makes me feel better about his survival in cwazy Hollyweird.
It seems that he, like Heath, is always looking over his shoulder, from time to time for another career.
Maggie looks grand and classy. I saved a few of her pics along with Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan.
There is a very sad video interview on Access Hollywood of Ang Lee @ Showest talking about Health and how he felt after seeing his performance in TDK film clip shown at the festival. He was near tears...I felt as if he had been ambushed.
The interview made me want to hug both him and Maggie for a very long time.
Morning everyone :D I can hardly see the keyboard actually because Nadine's comment made me laugh so much I'm crying !!
Hi TL! Oh goodie, lining the drinks up... I thought you'd like the chess playing pic for some reason and strangely I dreamt of Jake playing chess last night. I miss Heath too :(
Hey Paul - at the ShoWest expo in Las vegas there's a great pic of George Lucas on the stage with a stormtrooper, really surreal. I'm sure we're all giving Jake some good ideas here for future remakes - although his temperature may have gone up a little for Nadine's.
Hi there Sass :D I think Jake's got a good head on his shoulders too and he's living a good life over there - it can be such a wonderful place. I'm not too worried about him with David Russell :\ I've seen that interview, it's heartrending.
Have a good day everyone - I'm in for an absolute treat, meeting some of the lovelies from here in London for a few bevvies and some good nosh. I think a day of Jaking is in order!
So, I'll be on Peter Watch for any London sightings (although not many films have been filmed in North London, Shane of the Dead and....err....)
I've got Sports Relief to watch tonight, very much looking forward to the Top Gear segment, if I'd known where they filmed I could have hired a plane to fly overhead trailing a 'Get Jake in the Reasonably Priced Car' banner :D
Morning Agent K :D Keep your eyes peeled!
You're in for a treat with the Top Gear special - I love pics of jake and his cars, it's a weakness...
Good morning,WDW. I ran out of steam when I was posting last night (although I'm glad to say that my "naughty" side kept going long enough to give you a good laugh,as was the intention). As I had more I wanted to say here I am,like the proverbial bad penny,turning up for a second bite at the cherry.
I'm really glad you finally tracked down that "Fabric" interview with Jake,WDW,for our sake as well as yours. It was really fascinating to read Jake's own description of his approach to acting and how he keeps himself sane in an often crazy profession. (I remember a clip in an out-takes show of Stephanie Beecham in a very serious deathbed scene in the prisoner-of-war series "Tenko" and something suddenly made her crack up laughing and to declare "What a ridiculous way to make a living". You have to admit,she has a point,much as I'm enthralled by great actors and fine acting.).
Someone else said that he talks about love a lot, in all its many and varied forms. An intense,emotional and complex chap,our Jake,as well as being a wise-cracking live-wire. What a heady combination!
That "Kramer v Kramer" rumour is just plain bizarre. Were it not a remake, I can really see Jake in the Ted Kramer role,but as Dustin Hoffman already made a masterly,heart-rending job of it all those years ago,what would be the point of a modern remake? (Probably money,in truth,typical of the lazy ideas of some grasping film executive,ever thinking up easy ways to guarantee an avalanche of dollars at the box office - who cares about artistic integrity anyway?! ;-) ). Fascinated to read your Avery Corman experience,by the way,Pia.
Thanks for including that lovely picture of Maggie,looking glamourous and beautiful as ever,but,I think,a tad wistful, as she and Heath's other co-stars must have been feeling Heath's absence acutely at a promotional event for his last complete performance. It must be a bittersweet job to promote TDK,as I'm sure it's going to be a mind-blowing but almost unbearably poignant experience to watch it.It's going to be hard enough for his fans and devotees,how traumatic will it be for his family and friends,God help them.
I saw the Access Hollywood interview with Ang too and it made me cry to see him so obviously upset by Heath's death and to hear the lovely things he had to say about him.
Oh and thankyou for the compliment WDW,suggesting that my idea for my co-starring role (or should that be roll?! ;-) ),with Jake might raise his temperature. Alas,I fear that the only way I'm likely to get Jake hot under the collar is to lock him in the airing cupboard! :-(
Anyway,I've waffled on to excess,as per usual,so I'll close by wishing WDW, and all the kindred spirits with whom she'll be partying later,a really great time and to all and sundry a lovely weekend! :-)
The dress Maggie was wearing in the pictures in WDW's blog was the same color as the one she wore at the Martha's Vineyard poetry reading in August 2006. I just think that that kind of dress is extremely flattering for her willowy figure, and highlights the delicate features of her face and hair. It's also such a simple, classic combination.
I can only imagine what Jake must be thinking, when fans bombard his publicist with questions about his ankle injury! :-) He knows how much he is loved. :-)
Good morning,
Nadine, I loved your naughty post, and all of your posts are fun to read and interesting (as are all of the WDW'ers' posts!). You sound like a lovely person, and glad you are feeling better. :)
PaulH, I agree with you about Maggie's dress - I love it and I want one! ;)
Good morning, WDW!!! Great post!
I am both looking forward to and dreading TDK. I miss him every single day. It might sound strange, but the fact Maggie and Christian will be carrying a lot of the PR comforts me. I am very fond of both of them.
May I interrupt these proceedings to announce a Very Significant Birthday??? Today we mark the birth of Naomi Foner Gyllenhaal...without whom, none of this would be possible! LOL!!
Naomi Foner Gyllenhaal is a spirit of light and grace. Happy birthday, Naomi!
we just toasted Naomi's birthday. 'we' being Wdw, TL, anouska,Freetraveller, Mouk , winterbird, Rosie, Froggy and me!!!
Hugs all.
Yes indeed,Many Happy Returns Of The Day to Naomi,our lovely Gyllen-Momma :-)
And to Bertie,many hugs and a big smacker for your lovely words and good wishes. Right back at ya! xxxxx
Hey, Wdw,TL,anouska,Freetraveller, Mouk , winterbird, Rosie, Froggy and Ruby!
You lucky ducks!
Joining you in happy birthday toast to Naomi.
Enjoyed Lovely and Amazing. Early Jake. Very much a film with a woman's sensibility, guess I'll watch it again.
^ ^ ^
c'est moi
Thanks for the updates WDW!
The pic of Jake playing chess bare chested is hot. Maybe Heath inspired Jake to learn to play chess, since Heath was a great chess player since he was a little boy. He even planned to direct a movie about chess... :(
Maggie looks really good in the new pics!
hi pia and welcome Sandy! WDW and I are a leetle drunk and on a train home. We've had a great evening. Jake has been with us in spirits - gin, vodka you name it!
We toasted you Nads too; we toasted a lot. Safe home, gals.
Hey all!
Happy birthday to the lovely Naomi Foner Gyllenhaal!
Glad you UK lovelies got together and had a fun time! ;p Would love to join you one of these day, lol.
Another wonderful post with another expressive Jake interview. Love it. Jake playing the trumpet...aww, Jake playing chess shirtless, nice! Glad the injury wasn't anything serious. The Page Six write up had me lol.
Maggie looks beautiful in the ShoWest pics. I am sure it is bittersweet for all of the Batman crew, as I know it will be when the movie comes out. :/ I think from all reports Heath really was outstanding. I will be seeing it for sure.
Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!
Oh and WTF at Jake and Patrick Swayze in a remake of Kramer vs. Kramer? Um...no.
And please continue with the original movie ideas with Jake. Naked Jake, emoting Jake, funny Jake, sexy Jake, etc, etc. Hee...
Hi honeys, I'm home!!! thanks WDW, Anouska, Ruby, Winterbird, Freetraveller, Rosie, Mouk and Froggy for a brilliant day out and for indulging my rambling/druken soapboxing! Wish the rest of you could have been there too. Ok, where did I put the coffee and ibuprofen?
PS: If anyone's wondering, no we didn't see Peter Sargaard:( If I find out on Monday he was in Soho tomorrow(a la his brother in law in LA when WDW was there) I will be very pissed off:D
SO glad you're safely home,TL,and that the others are at least on their way homewards.
Touched that you all toasted me Nouska,I'm honoured. And I've dropped in here a few times while you were out and I missed you all! :-(
Glad you all had such a great time! I'll type in a whisper tomorrow to respect your collective hangover ;-)
well, one's home, one's on the train -
Wonder if the flowers from the market were for Naomi's b.day.
Hi Nadine! We missed you too, but you were with us in spirit:) Thanks for whispering! Actually, a Wispa would come in very habdy too - nothing like chocolate for a hangover:)
Stupid blogger ate my comment, well, I think it was Blogger. could have been Tipsy TL;D
Hey Pia! Didn't see you there! I think Anouska is home too, the others should be home by now or soon:) Anyway, Home is where the heart is and all that...
Hey my lovelies! I'm back home, a little worse for wear it's true but having had such a good day, and I wish you could've all been with us. We toasted you, Nadine, and not a few others either who have made WDW such a joy, and we toasted Naomi, and Jake and Heath and there were a few tears on the way home for Heath and Matilda.
Can I just say that I am very jealous of Ruby's iPhone toy and I find it unfair I don't have one.
Love to all of you for commenting today and tonight - and happy birthday Naomi :D
15 March 2008 23:17
Wonder if the flowers from the market were for Naomi's b.day.
Now there's a lovely thought - Happy Birthday to Naomi! :)
Hi Bertie - that is a lovely thought :D
I'm too tired (that's one word for it) for a post tonight so, to make up for it, there'll be a double post tomorrow :D
Hey WDW! Glad you got home safe and sound:) Don't blame you for being tired (is that a euphemism?;)) Double Jake tomorrow sounds good:D
Hey TL - glad you got home OK! Yeah, tired is a bit of a euphemism for drinking stella on the train ;) But I'll be up raring to go in the morning :D Thanks for the chocolate x
In that case, I'm tired too;) Not from Stella on the train, just the wine beforehand. Can't promise I'll be "raring to go" in the morning but I'll be here, so please post quietly;)
Hey TL - I'll try and post quietly :D I'm all ready to go but I don't want to rush it. Thaks so much for your company today - I'm still hungry though - did I miss a course?
Hey TL and WDW! Glad you got home safe. Hope the rest get home safe too. :)
Promise to post quietly tomorrow. ;)
Today I had a Jake/Heath/Gyllenhaal walkabout. I went to the West Village and took in all their spots, Bonsignor Cafe, Saint Ambrous, Beatrice Inn, Waverly Inn (a popular spot for Anne Hathaway as well), Spotted Pig and Bar Pitti. Just walking the area which is all very close to each other. Love that area but don't get down there a lot. It was hopping on such a beautiful day. Thinking of all of them and all of you. :)
Hey WDW, thank YOU for organising it, it was great fun:) I'm hungry too, so digging into my supply of post-drinking food aka Marmite flavour crisps!Yum!
Hey Get Real, that sounds a brilliant tour - glad the weather was nice for you:)
Hey Get Real - that is fabulous!! I love to hear of when anyone of us can get to some of these well known Jake places. What a great way to spend the day! Thanks so much for thinking of all of us in these places. Love that - thanks :D
Hi, it's Sheba here from IJH. Thought I'd look you up since I'd been away so long. Glad you posted the Fabric interview over here. My beautiful friend in London sent it to me for my birthday in October but I think I made a few typing errors eg 'expressive my love' should have been 'expressing my love'. I've been trying to send the scans to Stephanie but no luck yet.
So happy for Jake and that even before Heath's death, he had decided not to hold himself back from enjoying life.
Off now to read all the posts I've missed x
Hey Sheba - so glad to see you here and I can't tell you how grateful I am for the Fabric interview! That magazine became a mission for me but I never managed to track it own even though I walked miles, day after day. But you made up for it, so a huge thank you! I agree - the way Jake lives his life is a pleasure to behold. I really do think he appreciates what he has. Thanks so much for commenting, that means a lot :D This is such a good day!
And I must welcome Sandy as well :D
Hey Get Real you did good, while the Brits were out boozing.
Next time you're in the neighborhood walk over to Hudson and Morton where I lived at 68 Morton with my family, well its a sacred site for me, not for anyone else, I guess. Also shared, later on, a rent controlled wee place on Bedford St, bathtub in the kitchen, etcetc. my cat loved that place.
Sounds like you a great walkabout!
Probably absorbed some JBG spiritual DNA.
TL, what were your soapbox topics?
What JBG issues did you all resolve? Wish Id been a fly on the table. Y'all are probably snoozing by now. sleep well, sweetpeeps.
Hi Pia! I have to draw my map of NYC - so many places I have to see and, unlike the west coast, this is all new territory to me. I love the sound absolutely of Get Real's walkabout :)
I wish you'd been with us too, but not just as a fly - there was a lot of love for Jake, that's for sure, and all of it was at the top of our voices :D
I'm off to bed now, thanks everyone :D I'm going to stick with my usual food mantra after today - don't eat cute food.
Hey Pia! As my fellow WDW-ers will tell you, any topic from the sorry state of the world in general to Jake's latest trainers, is a soapbox topic for me when I've had a couple of drinks;) Off to sleep now, after some SNIT. It's weird TL Jr not being here, even though she'd be fast asleep anyway. Nite all, and thanks again to everyone who was there today, in person or in spirit xx
G'night TL - gotta agree, Jake's latest Nike are a serious issue for me :D
Must be strange without TL Jr. I'm missing Mr WDW, especially as I hear that he's ill tonight. Hugs all round and see you all tomorrow :)
Hi there,
WDW and fellow peeps,
You all sound very tipsy and very happy. I am enjoying your Jaking vicariously... happy to be there with ya:)
Wow Get real, I think your walking tour is a wonderful idea. Maybe if things keep going along as well as they have with me physical self, when you peeps come over I can hang out, have a few drinks and talk about Jake with my favorite fellow Jake lovers.
My poor boy loves Jake and Heath, and has loved them both for nearly 10 years; he indulges my Jake chatter and Heath sorrow... but Puleeeze...enough is enough:lol:lol
Kate, so much of Jake's approach to life and love and acting has become clear to me now after reading the Fabric interview ...TY again,
Morning everyone! I'd definitely appreciate some quiet typing today please ;D
Thanks for a lot of fun yesterday - both in London and on the site here.
Morning Sass! That'd be great - I would love to go on Get Real's tour myself. I'm so glad you liked the interview - it's a big thanks to Sheba for that.
Have a great day everyone :D
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