It is so good to see Jake Gyllenhaal on the set of Nailed. It's early days and yet we have pictures already (the contrast to Brothers shouts out to me here). Filming in a city, in its state buildings and television studios no less, is a sure way to attract the attention of the media, bloggers and sightseers alike. And, while we're so interested in Jake, there are others who feel the same about co-star Jessica Biel, which also helps for Jake sightings and photos. And Jessica too was seen on the set yesterday. Those are amazing boots, by the way.

According to a poster on The Palmetto Scoop, Paul Ruebens (or PeeWee Herman) is playing opposite Catherine Keener as her legal aide and husband. Meanwhile, a poster at IMDb saw Jake, Paul and Catherine film a scene together, and also noted 'James Caan was supposedly in the movie but he has seemed to quit. He was the Speaker of the House...which the role originally was for Tommy Lee Jones.' Interesting.

And Columbia police have announced more road closures for filming tomorrow (on Friday) for anyone - ie Nicole! - who might be able to get close: 'On Friday, Columbia police say three streets in the Capital City will be closed while film crews work on the movie "Nailed," that stars Jessica Biel and Jake Gyllenhaal. Police say that on Two Notch Road between North Beltline Boulevard and Windover Street will be closed for parts of Friday, from 12 noon until 6 p.m. A spokesperson for the department says the street will be closed and opened as the filming progresses. They say crews will use a similar technique on Bronx Road, between Two Notch Road and West Beltline Boulevard, and Belvedere Drive, between Two Notch Road and Windover Street. Those streets will be closed and re-opened from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.'
Good luck, Nicole!

This is dedicated to Twisted Logic and Bird Girl, whom, it seems, have been singing this song all day. I don't want you to forget the lyrics, now...
When the sun shines, we’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)

Pictures from IHJ and Biel HQ.
LOL! Thank you for those lyrics, WDW:D I'll never forget that song now! (And thank you for accepting my apology on the previous page, don't want to start a major international controversy!!) Sounds like there's enough of that going on already with James Caan! This Russell guy sounds like a bit of a character. Maybe the umbrella is some sort of protective device for Jake?
Ahhhh nooooo! That song. It will never leave me now.
Wow those are some terrible boots Jessica.
BTW TL, I was so embarrassed at my "ella ella ella" post that I almost came back later and deleted it. I was glad to hear that I wasn’t the only one who thought of it.
Hey TL - I wonder what's up with that Speaker's role, with both James Caan and Tommy Lee Jones running from it - maybe they don't have Zen Buddhist training unlike Jake and Russell :D I suppose if Russell's throwing things, an umbrella would come in handy.
Hi Bird Girl - that song will never leave you, and I am here to make sure of that ;)
I'm not sure about the boots, the colour is definitely iffy.
Don't be embarrassed, Bird Girl, I was thinking of that song too :D
The hat's bad too. Maybe I am being a little hard on her cause I don't care for her. That's unfair. I don't want to be catty.
Poor old Jessica :) To be honest I don't know anything about her and I wouldn't know her if she was in the queue with me for a latte tomorrow morning. I must find out about her :D
I guess everyone instantly thinks of that song now at any mention of an umbrella. You couldn't escape it last summer. What am I saying? They still play the hell out of it.
Ohhh so have never seen 7th Heaven. You don't know what you are missing.
7th Heaven? What's that, then? Is that where you are when you get to walk next to Jake...?
Hi guys. Who's looking at the hat and boots? That body is rockin'. That girl is so shapely I'm sure she'll be a huge distraction for the crew whenever she walks by.
Oh yeah, and Jake's ok too :DDD
7th Heaven was a TV show that she was on for a long time. She played a ministers kid. She turned out to be the black sheep. I am embarrassing myself aging. I can't believe I am admitting to ya'll that I watched that crap.
Gotta go guys. I forgot my Cardinals where playing a day game and I want to watch it. I am sure I will be back later.
Would I be ageing myself or otherwise looking dumb if I said I had no idea what song you are all hearing? I think I'm best off not knowing :D
Have we had a casualty of Russell's temper already? Doesn't bode well, really.
Yes indeedy, Jessica's got a great butt. Aha all is becoming clear. (not really) And more interesting by the moment.
Afternoon WDW,
Now I'm humming that ella ella song again.:lol:lol
Jake sure looks serious and pissed a little at the pap/person snapping his picture.
This is going to be an an interesting experience for all of us.
Yay Cards!
dont worry Birdgirl, the song thats been going through my mind is "Nothcing can be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning. . . :
I was just about to post about what movies she's been in - I don't remember seeing her in anything. But we do get 7th Heaven over here on the Hallmark Channel - didn't know she was in that.
What's happened to James Caan pulling out? Maybe they could get someone with caustic humour like John Mahoney or the dad that was in Jersey Girl with Ben.
Ahhh, thanks Bird Girl! Good luck with the game :D
Hey Sheba - she does have a lovely bod, that's for sure :)
Ey up, Rubee - that song by Rihanna (Umbrella) was no 1 for too long last year. Catchy though :D
Interesting if Caan is a Russell casualty.
Hi Pia - very interesting :D And yes, Oh to be in Carolina...
Afternoon Sass - I've been humming it too. I just think Jake was on workmode myself - trying to get into the character of an immoral congressman :P
Hey Sheba - I'm ashamed to say I only know Jessica because of her thing with gorgeous JT.
An aside, Ulee's Gold was on last night and whose name do I see in the credits: Jessica Biel. I didn't know who she was when I saw it in 1997.
She was pretty good in it but it was Peter Fonda's movie.
Me too with JT, WDW. Well, if we didn't know her before, we're sure gonna know her now!
I just checked IMDB and I think I can say with reasonable conviction that I haven't seen a single one of Jessica's movies. And she's done quite a few. How come I never noticed? There's a remote possibility that I may have seen at least some of the episode of The Family Guy she did. :D
Did someone mention John Mahoney? I like him.
Oh, don't get me started on Family Guy - what a hoot! She must have played a sassy vixen or something like that.
Yeah, love John Mahoney - a very sexy older guy.
My first post with my blogger identity. Don't know what else I can use it for.
To be honest, all this stuff is very exciting and we should be excited for Jake because Anything Could Happen. Caan out, Russell's alleged temper again, who's next in or out?
What an ecclectic mix, Russell, Morgan, Rubens, Biel and Gyllenhaal - like Lions and Tigers and Bears... Oh My LOL.
I'm not seen any of them either, Ruby, but then I'm well known for not being able to tell any of the Jessicas from one another.
Hey Sheba, now all you need is a pic :D
And yes, all this - the project itself - it's all very exciting indeed. You just don't know what's gonna happen. It could be quite an experience observing all of this :D And that's before we even see the film!
Gonna have a think about the pic :-)
So what's the weather like over there in SC? They all look cold and bundled up and will they be shooting over the weekend? I wonder how long the shoot will last. Jake's movies usually shoot for about 1-2 months (apart from Zodiac). I wonder if Justin will pay Jess a visit? He'd better keep his hands to himself when he does :DDDD
Roooob, can't believe you got through summer 2007 without knowing Umbrella. It would be like - like summer 2006 without Crazy :D Only Crazy was better :)
I don't think I've seen a Jessica Biel film either, nor her Family Guy episode much as I love Family Guy.
Anouska, maybe I did know the song and I've blocked it out of my memory! :D I could always check You Tube, but I'm scared I'll end up with it in my head for days.
Does that make me craaaazy? Probably!
Hey Sheba, I think the shoot is supposed to last about 10 weeks. Be great if JT visited :D
Hi there Nouskie :) I'm ashamed to say I've never seen Family Guy. As Sheba said, now we're all gonna get to know Jessica much better :D
Rubes, you're in fine voice! But give in and YouTube Umbrella, you know you want to... I've now got Jake singing Crazy going round my head!
I am back. I got mad at the game.
What episode of Family Guy was she on? I should know this, it is my favorite show.
Thanks for the shots of Jake on the set of Nailed. Too bad I don't live in SC
Now if only he and Jessica can hook up life would be complete :D
Oh yeah, you are right Crazy is much much better. ;)
flash from imbd poster -
"my younger sister is a student at the University of South Carolina and she said that she was in the gym yesterday at school and Jake Gyllenhaal and jessical Biel came to "scope" out the area because they were about to start filming there...my sister told me that they will be filming in the gym and night-time on the campus...you won't get any better info than the info i just gave you"
Ruby, it's because you were out there, without a care, yeah, you were out of touch... and it wasn't because you didn't know enough.... you just knew too much....
*sheepishly* (sorry I'm in a silly weekend mood on a Thursday :o)
Had a look at Jessica's IMDb profile and not much comes to mind. Seen Stealth, but don't remember her in it at all. Now, if she actually had a role in Rent - on Broadway, now that I'm impressed with - that and the fact she looks fantastic without any makeup.
Thanks WDW, lucky South Carolina's. I hope he gets to see some of SC without too much interference. Imagine going all the way there and not experiencing any of it - that would be a shame. Maybe they should declare an amnesty day where he and the others could roam freely without being asked for photos etc.
Ah thanks Sheba, it all makes sense now!
Does that make you craaaazy? Just like meeee?
According to IMDB, JB was in the Family Guy episode called Brian the Batchelor, playing Brooke. ??
Thanks Ruby. I just looked it up on IMDb. That episode was pretty good. Any one that features Brian is awesome. I have a little more respect for her now. ;)
Possibly! :DDD
Jake and Jess at the school gym? Now that's one for bedtime :DDD
Good to see you back, Bird Girl :D
Hi Trekfan - I wish I was over there in SC too :)
Thanks for the IMDb info, Pia. That gym seems to pop up a fair amount, hmmmm. Be so great to see Jake in a gym...
And Sheba, Ruby and Bird Girl - I've not got a clue what you're talking about :D But keep going as you're entertaining me :)
The image of the Two Js in the gym is a good one :D
filming in the gym? Jake working out?
Sounds good, eh, Pia? :D
But keep going as you're entertaining me :)
ha ha ha bless your soul,
You really think you're in control?
I think you're craaaaazy
.....Just like meeeeee!!!
Don't mind me, if the neighbours aren't complaining it must be ok.
Oh yes, Jake working out. We need some pics of that. Anyone want to go undercover as a janitor at the school gym?
Looks like we have a new job for Nicole. :)
LOL about the lyrics... but honestly I can't stand that song. I know Manic Street Preachers made a cover version (for fun?) and that's the only version I could stand listening to.
Holding umbrella for Jake??? errr... I have a bit of a technicality problem with that job, I think I'll just hold his trousers' hems to keep them from getting wet...
I have the (un)fortune to watch quite a lots of films with Jessica Biel in them, I am not impressed. but maybe Jake's brilliance will rub off some on her... who knows?
Blimey, Ruby - I might have to get my earplugs and Rescue Remedy... ;D
Hey Winterbird :D I didn't know that about the Preachers. That's an interesting image I have in my head now - Jake walking along with you holding up his trouser hems while the rest of us hold brollies over his head and guide him to the gym for a workout.
Maybe Jessica will surprise us. I've never seen her act so I don't want to judge her til I see Nailed and it could be pleasantly whacky :D
Crazy, just like you. I am, I really am, and it helps in the job :DD
Jake does bring out the best in his colleagues when he's onscreen with them. And Jess supposedly has said ' I've never done a rom-com, I suppose just because I'm fit, people think I'm not funny' - well, watch this space.
Scouting for locations hmmmm, for what scenes I wonder..... (now I've got the Sarah Silverman/Matt Damon youtube vid in my head)... on the mat, by the door, on the great big pommelhorse....
Let a smile be your umbrella on a rainy day.
Bless you, Jake, for wearing a baseball hat with a "B" on it. Go, Boston Red Sox!
This is for WDW, TL, Bird Girl and those who can't get enough of Umbrella...
The Manics can't save the song, but it's a better version.
Hi, Wet Drak!
London seen with her, but unfortunately none film demanded much of it.
Who knows this is the movie for her?
So good to see our Jake. And with an umbrella!
It is normal to see these things from Set's filming.
Hey Sheba, that sounds like a sensible quote from Jessica. We've not seen Jake in this type of movie either and who knows what we're gonna get!
Hi Paul - Jake knows how to put smiles on our faces :D
Hey thanks Winterbird :D It's still a song that drives me mad - putting it mildly (I could hardly listen to the radio at all last summer because of this song) - but that's a bit of an improvement.
Hi Monica - that is true - Nailed could be the movie where Jessica gets a chance to show what she's made of. And filmsets wouldn't be filmsets if they weren't odd!
I dunno, Jessica's got a body on her, a nail in her head and Jake -
I expect great things of her.
I guess David O does, too, he's the one that makes ME nervous.
Already looking forward to DVD commentary haha.
I couldnt get the name/url to work
above is pia. maybe this will work
Hi Pia - Blogger's been playing up this evening... Can't wait for the DVD commentary - here's hoping it's Jake, or Jake and Jessica, or Jake and David O, or all three. I just want the common denominator to be on it.
Off to bed for me - thanks for such a good evening, full of songs, of mixed dubious nature. catch up with you all later :D
And Tracey Wilson and Pee Wee Herman - ! - (re: entertaining commentary)
Why o why do you Brits go to bed when the eve is just beginning in the USA Northeast? O well. Terri Gross on Fresh Air NPR is my daddy.
so there!
pia mia
Hey Pia - if I could stay up all night I would. Just relying on those NEasterns to carry the torch till morning :D After all, they're on Jaketime, the lucky buggers :D I need to find out more about Tracey Morgan... I've never been a fan of PeeWee Herman - quite the opposite in fact - so this is a strange project for me. Just how is it all going to fit together and what is its mood and tone going to be?
Hi WDW...I was skimming the posts and I have come to the conclusion that I may be the only one here who finds it odd that Jake has someone holding his umbrella....not to say that I would not snap up that job in a N.Y. minute..but to see him walking like that (gorgeous as he is..yay short hair..yay clean shaven face) with a person holding the umbrella just looks absurd...I see he has his hands full..but who has not tried to juggle a few things whilst also trying to manage an umbrella...He also looks so detached from the umbrella carrier..as if he is trying to get away..I dunno..I love him..but this scene is just strange...looking forward to more tomorrow....
Hi Michele :D I really do think all of this is strange - not in a bad way - just so outside the boundaries of what is 'normal' and I s'pose that's what makes it so interesting and amazing to follow and watch. How much odder it must be for Jake, to be the one with the assistant who carries a brolly over his head? With this project, even early days as it is, as you say, you never can tell what the next day will bring. I just wish I was over there :D
Hey Anon/Michele, Anon/Pia here because the blog is doing odd stuff. Yes, I agree, the absurdity of the umbrella picture! but I gather the filming process is odder by far than we know. how ever do the actors manage to perform in the midst of all this ommotion to persuade us that They Are Us, and even more real than Us?
The Wizard of Oz ix exposed as a buncha card tricks! But so interesting!
Im watching the Batman Begins Bonus DVD - jeeeze louise! the number of people and money involved in designing the batmobile! Christian Bale wondered if he got to KEEP the Batmobile. hahahaha! And here I am just wondering what clothes Jake gets to keep after photoshoots and films.
whadda life! I bow to the one of us who said the umbrella shot is nothing compared with the oddness of the filming process.
signed and sealed: PIA
Just sayin' before I go back to Batman Begins Bonus DVd - man there are a bunch of wild cards in this production. God bless 'em and goodnight.
I MET JAKE!!!!!!!!! I MET JAKE!!!!!!!!!!!I MET JAKE!!!!!!!!! I MET JAKE!!!!!!!!!!! I MET JAKE!!!!!!!! I MEI MET JAKE!!!!!!!!! I MET JAKE!!!!!!!!!!! I MET JAKE!!!!!!!!T JAKE!!!I MET JAKE!!!!!!!!! I MET JAKE!!!!!!!!!!! I MET JAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG let me catch my breath and stop shaking and I will tell you guys the whole story!!!
O Im not going to bed! Yay Nicole Im all ears - tell tell tell!
ok..so I got there around 6:30ish and I thought they were done shooting since not much was going on..I met this wonderful lady who reads this blog and she told me that Jake was still inside the building so then I got really excited and I waited around for about 15 minutes..then I see a bunch of kids coming out of the building and they were taking picture with someone..and I was like is that jake?? turns out it was and he was walking right towards me!!! so i get my note out and I start speaking gibberish and I think I also say I wrote this note for you and he says Thank You! The other lady asked him for a autograph or picture but he said he was actually in a hurry..then he went into his trailer (don't worry i have video!!! and I will email them to WDW!!) so we wait aroud until he gets out of the trailer and theres a car ready to take him away..as he gets in the car i scream pretty loudly I love you jake!! and i think i saw him wave and then the car left...im not sure if he read my note or not but i really hope he does!! OMG THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE AND I WILL NEVER FORGET IT! ok so on to what he was wearing...when he came out of the building he was wearing a yellow tie, white dress shirt, and i think black pants..he looked sooo hot!! i stared right into his eyes while i was talking to him..he is gorgeous!! then he changed into a navy blue shirt and dress pants..i was like right next to his trailer as he was changing!!! wow im so excited...i definitely want to see him again!!
Hi Pia..Hi WDW..I certainly agree with you both...the umbrella pics weird me out..but I do know that filming must be a very odd process. I guess I have read enough stories to know that is the truth...and yes..I also agree that Jake may be uncomfortable at times in certain situations..but still lovely to look at no matter ...
OMG!! Nicole..I just saw your note...how wonderful..and I am insanely jealous...spill it all baby.
im pretty sure he died his hair because it looked really dark! omg hes even more gorgeous in person!!
i meant dyed his hair..haha im still shaking i cant even type
Hey NIcole! I feel as if we all are supposed to hug and jump up and down and scream - believe me Im DOING IT with you! I guess everypeeps IS.
OMG!!! Nicole!!!!That's brilliant!!!I'm so excited for you! I'm so glad I checked in here, I was going to go to bed cos I fell asleep watching telly and I only just woke up but I'm so glad I checked here first!! I don't know how I'll get to sleep now but never mind! Good to hear he was nice to you and waved:) Can't wait to see your pics tomorrow xx
A yellow tie! Im never gonna go to sleep.
I love you Jake! I love you NIcole!
Wow Nicole! What a wonderful encounter...thanks so much for sharing your experience with all of us!! I hope your luck holds out and you see him again!! Please tell me he was very clean shaven.. :-) Dark hair you say..like Donnie Darko dark..or just a deeper shade of brown? I want to know everything..and I cannot wait for your pics..
g'night all.
he was clean shaven and his hair wasn't donnie darko dark but a dark brown i guess it all happened so fast I don't remember..but im uploading the videos now so you guys can see them!!
OMG, Nicole!!!!!! So happy for you!!! So glad to hear you had such a nice meet up with Jake. :D Can't wait to see pics/video...squee!!! There has been controversy today and your post was a very welcome way to end it! Thanks again and I hope you get more meet ups with Jake. :)
oh gosh guys I can't sleep because i'm on a Jake high!! after seeing jake in person i'm definitely sure that the person in that picture is not Jake because he certainly isn't going bald..hes got a beautiful full head of hair! the lady that was holding the umbrella for jake is the lady you will see in my videos..
Nicole, you are amazing!!!! I can't believe it - And thanks so much for sending me the pics. I've put them up now and any details you remember etc. I'll add it to the post. And get your rest and I'll do the videos. Can't wait to see them.
Jake sounds wonderful and beautiful - a very happy sigh and a big, big group hug for you, Nicole! I'm so glad you gave Jake the note. You and the note have given us all a contact with Jake. A priceless gift, thanks.
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