Friday 5 September 2008

Jake Gyllenhaal in his own words - Jake's 'great roast beef' wins him a Desert Achievement award

This video, new to me, provides a great opportunity to enjoy some golden Jake Gyllenhaal moments and soundbites, many of which I have not seen or heard before. Here we learn (and with Jake part of the fun is that you never can quite tell where the kidding stops and starts) that 21-year-old Jake got in shape with his boflex machine, to which he was introduced by friend Chris, and, in a very funny interview with Jake and Peter Sarsgaard at the Palm Springs Festival, we learn that Jake should be awarded his 'Desert Achievement' for his 'ridiculous roast beef'. Apparently it was so good, Peter was still eating it in sandwiches days later. Jake dedicates his award to 'my children and my dogs'.

Other goodies include snippets of interviews with Jake at the Maui Film Festival, during which Jake tells us how Brokeback Mountain and Jarhead changed his life, and also a proud and very happy Jake charts his career that led to the highpoint of his BAFTA win in 2006. His secret? To be a snob in his choice of roles and go for those that are hardest to get.

As the video shows, the body shape may change, the roles may change but three things remain the same - Jake's extraordinary and wonderful abilities to charm, dazzle and make us laugh. A treat for a very, very wet Friday evening.

Includes pictures from IHJ.


Anonymous said...

Oh my god, what a find! This video is absolutely wonderful! How can you not totally be smitten with Jake after seeing this. He is so funny and charming! (and hot, let's not forget hot!)

I remember when he received his Bafta, he looked so handsome but at the same I couldn't help but think he looked so much like an excited little boy. Totally adorable!

And the part with Peter was hilarious. Those two obviously get along famously. They're a riot to watch and I must say that seeing Peter giggle like that was so very cute. Thank you so much WDW, this is a great start to my week-end! :)


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi there Olympia! I'm so glad you like the video - I absolutely adore it and I've played it over and over. I hadn't seen so much of it before and the bit with Peter is absolutely priceless! What a double act those two are and I love to think of Jake cooking Peter his roast beef!

I do agree about the BAFTAs - Jake was so giggly and happy and it obviously meant a great deal to him, and I'm so glad he realised how much the British love him.

And yes! Jake is HOT! And I love how he makes me laugh while he makes me swoon :D Thanks for commenting!

Zodiac said...

OMG, WDW, I cannot thank you enough for this video! I haven't seen most parts of it either. How did this happen? This is Jake I love: funny, giggly, smart, exuding sex appeal and charm and everything.

Thank you once again.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hey Zodiac! It's great, isn't it? And it's so good to see some new comments from Jake,and showing yet again how hysterical and sexy he is :D I'm really glad you liked it :)

Zodiac said...

I wanted to add that the bit about "kids" was just hilarious. I'm pretty sure his kids will be his greatest achievement:) Ach, so many things to swoon about!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

That was a very funny line - Peter certainly thought so too :D

Anonymous said...

hey - it's been awhile! hope you are doing well, WDW... everything okay in Gyllenland?
(I've been away on holiday and then sidetracked... :P)

Loved that video! All the good bits of Jake at his most charming and wickedly funny form :)
Roast Beef! How about a sunday roast from him?

Peter is charming too, as always :) what a lucky guy - I bet he gets to eat Jake's cooking all the time!

LOL.. that reporter says she didn't see the draw of a love sex scene between Meryl Streep and Reese Witherspoon!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Winterbird! Great to see you - hope you had a good hol.

Maybe we should try and get Jake to do us all a Sunday roast (he'll have to do a veggie one too, of course) - I bet he's a dab hand at Yorkshire Pud. I wonder if he does the washing up too...

That was such a funny closing line and quite some image! Good to see you, Winterbird :D

Anonymous said...

What a gem of a video! Thanks so much WDW for finding that. It put a huge smile on my face and a swoon in my heart. Jake (and Peter) charmed me to no end and was so sexy doing it. Very good profile, imo. :D

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Get Real! So pleased you liked it - it put a huge smile on my face as well. You're right that it's a good profile and it is so pleasing to see Jake having a laugh :) Funny, sexy, charming and hot, and there's Peter too... Good to see you, Get Real :D

Anonymous said...

I love this boy.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Me too, Anon :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great video. Jake is just wonderful - a smart, sexy, charming, good man. And Peter is very very good looking too. They seem like very good friends. :)

Thanks WDW!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Good morning everyone! Might be wet and horrible out there but so glad it's the weekend. A choice today between The Duchess and Disaster Movie.... hmmm...

Hi BK! This video really shows why Jake is irresistible and adorable, and I always love to see Peter :D Hope you had a good night.

Have a gret Saturday everyone :D

sheba said...

Hey WDW, hope your car is OK and you've not had to put the duck back in it :D Thanks for the new tidbit to brighten up my dull, wet Saturday - he looks all polished, shiney and new - sweet, just sweet. I love that he's acknowledge the Brit's support in being the first to really champion him (Donnie Darko, TIMY). I've said this before that we should claim him like Antarctica or something ;D

"..being a star doesn't last it's a complete illusion that has nothing to do with you" He's so smart to have acknowledge that so early and back away from the hollywood scene very early on. He's living his life the way he wants it so keep on keeping on Jake baby :DD

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi there Sheba! Amazingly the leak in my seems to have fixed itself and the ducks have moved out - I'll miss them but it's for the best :D I've gone out this morning and splashed out on a new raincoat and brolly so I'm ready!

'Polished, shiney and new' - I like that :D And that is a great idea about claiming him. We should stick a flag on him...

Just got back from a motorbike ride in the pouring rain - what a treat...

paulh said...

Motorbiking in the rain a "treat"? I knew the British and the Americans had different tastes, but this is oceanic in size.

Ok, I know a love scene between Meryl Streep and Reese Witherspoon would be underwhelming, but if you've seen "Mamma Mia," you have to imagine love scenes between Meryl and Colin Firth, as well as between Meryl and Pierce Brosnan. At least Reese is blonde. ;-)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Paul! I can honestly say it was a 'treat' I don't want to repeat in a hurry... Ooh, I really did enjoy Mamma Mia but I haven't made my mind up about Meryl in it.