Second post of the day again (actually, make that the third post of the day) - it can mean only one thing - Jake Gyllenhaal's giving us a workout. Here we have Jake out running today (8 December) with his trainer. We might not have hair but what we do have is a) arms, b) knees, c) arms, d) a new hat. Must be working off those pizzas (see
previous post).

Update: With many, many thanks to
IHJ, here are more pictures from the run, and more muscle definition... I do hope no driver was injured due to the distraction of having Hot Jake jogging alongside one's car.

I think Jake has his eye on the camera.

But has Jake Clyde Gyllenhaal been rumbled?

Thanks to
IHJ, where you can see many more pictures.
Jake's wearing me out! But so good to see him so much, and see so much of him this time! (sans hair, of course...)
Please check the earlier post for the hair survey and new pizza pics :D
Good night, wet dark!
My God! Jake, my love, you want to kill me?
I need air!
Pizza, hum ... I love pizza.
It has a pizzeria near my house. It is a temptation!
Night Monica! I love to see Jake in motion :D I love pizza too - I think you should go and get one! Mmm, my word is loveness :)
Let's just repeat the mantra:
Jake is hot!
(gosh look at those arms...sigh!)
Hey Monica O! Oh yes, I'm definitely looking at the arms... Great to see them again - and yeay the mantra is fitting - Jake is Hot!
As much as I would love to see Jake's hair. My goodness I can't take my eyes off those arms. I more than ever now, am looking forward to Prince of Persia.
Hi Gail! Me too :D
WOW, what a busy day in GyllenLand, lol!!
So many photos, so little time. ;) But woohoo, omg, those ARMS of his....DAMN...:p
Thanks for all pics and info as always!
I am really looking forward to seeing his hair on Sunday.
Good to see you, Get Real! A busy day; what a contrast to those summer and autumn months :D The arms and the other muscles! I am really enjoying these pics and pecs. I'm looking forward to Sunday too :D
Meant to say that I've updated the post with some of the wonderful pics IHJ have added of the jog :)
What's that, Officer? No, I didn't steal that camera. I have an alibi. I was no where in the vicity of Peet's on the seventh. I think if was Toby Maguire. Gotta go. . . meeting with my lawyer . . .
That's so funny, JoeAnn! I've just done some playing around with the pics!
Wow. Yum. Thud.
Plus, Clyde Gyllenhaal's lookin' like someone the paps wouldn't wanna mess with in some of these pics. Hawt! ;)
Clyde, c'mere babe, you can steal my camera...
I like to see Jake's personal trainer running beside him in some of those pictures. It's also good to see how much jake has built up all his muscles, not just the arms.
Maybe at some point there will be pics from publicity campaigns for some of Jake's upcoming movies? I don't mind seeing pictures of Jake jogging or going for pizza, but when he has a movie coming out, there are all sorts of goodies.
I think the photographers were interfering with him and even posing a danger if they are in cars following the joggers. That is why Jake stopped to talk to a policeman.
Morning everyone! I slipped on the ice this morning and have a bruised derriere :( I'm so dainty...
Hey Anon 23:55 :D Yep, no messin with Clyde - but just the sight of those arms and legs would render me speechless and motionless.
Morning Monica O! Yeah, best to take a spare :D
Hi there Paul :D The photos are good to see - and Jake's legs look good too - sigh. But yes, it will be so, so good to see interviews with Jake again. It's been too long. And roll on the Globes!
Morning Anon :D
Have a good day!
Morning WDW and everyone.:)
Jake's body is a work of art and needs some attention but, I was thinking, Jake must have some serious reason to keep exercising even right after finishing the hard experience of filming PoP.
A new movie, maybe? I know Jake has to take some rest but I want him to work too, this Jakeless year has been oh so tough to stand...:)
Have a nice week-end, see you on Monday with hopefully a lot to chew on from the GG.
I hope to God he doesn't come to GGs in a beanie.
Or with a beard.
Is the Joe Namath movie starting filming soon? Maybe he has to be ready for it even if it starts in 3 months or whenever.
Hi there Xenia! I love the description of Jake's bod! definitely a work of art in progress. Jake's had a few weeks off - that's more than enough :D
Hey Zodiac! Great to see you :D A sparkly Beanie - I'm waiting for it :D Hope you're well and not too chilly over there.
Cold fog out there :D
Hi Linepacker :) One would have thought that it would make sense, considering Jake's current body shape, if he were keeping in shape for the Namath project. I would hope we would get some details on that before not too long - and that flipping UMP!
These pictures make me nervous. I saw the video for them and now I worry he will get hit by a car. he was jogging in traffic. I think he stopped the police, because the paps were causing traffic problems. No one better hurt Jake!
Hi there Anon :D I do worry about Jake when he runs and cycles on those busy streets. I'd have thought a beach promenade or in the hills would be better. Do you have a link to the video?
They weren't running in traffic they were in the street bike lane which is ok to do. Not the safest but its legal.
Thanks for the link, Honk if he's Hot! And I've just one thing to say - HONK!!! (I'm so predictable... :D)
Winter Wonderland out there. So glad to be back home :D
WDW, I think of Jake with Matthew McConnaughey, and I remember being very terrified of them cycling in the hills and even on busy highways with traffic. I think Matthew even asked the paps to keep an eye out for them. I understand how when a person cycles they are out there, but for running why can't he just go to a track. There are colleges, universities, schools of all sorts. We have bike lanes where I live and cars don't always pay attention. Drivers have too many distractions now.
I remember those cycle trips too, Anon, and worrying about Jake. For running, I would definitely prefer a park, not least because of the fumes. But, as first and foremost a driver, I get scared to death by cyclists, especially round here. Millions of 'em. But I do like to see Jake out running/exersising. It's a big treat to see.
My cousin on beach yesterday with his Daddy and they on messy wet sand and splashy water and fun and smells and seaweeds and sniffing and shells and rocks and playing I want run with Mcbongo I got gypped with my Daddy.
Hi Atti! Splashy sea and messy sand mixed with sunshine, sounds great - I hope you get your wish :D
You know I am one of those annoying people who shouts at cyclists to move away! lol... but I guess I'll give Jake all the space he needs... yes, being hot has its advantage :)
was super busy today... more catch up later!
I'm honking for sure because he is super hot! ;p
Thanks for the video link. :)
It's Friday...woohoo...have a lovely weekend all. :D
LOL, my word is my thoughts, lol.
I'm one of those annoying people too, Winterbird! But yeah, all the time in the world for sporty Jake. I wouldn't even yell at him if he didn't have lights on his bike :)
Hi Get Real :D I am so glad it's the weekend!! What a long week. After doing 3 posts yesterday I'm having an evening off, except if Jake turns up of course :) I'm very ready for a full weekend Jaking and taking it easy - and keeping out of this terrible weather :(
Ooh great word! Mine is furrop - not quite so sure what that means :)
Hope everyone's having a great time settling into the weekend!
Aha!! New post - Jake is back :D
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