Sunday, 25 January 2009

PoP poster to be revealed in February's Confessions of a Shopaholic

If you want to be among the first to see the official poster for Prince of Persia then you have to head to the theatres in February to see Disney's Confessions of a Shopaholic. Jerry Bruckheimer is introducing some subliminal advertising into this film by showing the poster 'as a Times Square advertisement about halfway into the film. It joins posters for a number of other Bruckheimer productions, including the upcoming “G-Force”, though “Persia” is unique in that it marks the first time the films’ artwork has been seen anywhere. Prominently featured on the poster is lead actor Jake Gyllenhaal in full-costume as Prince Dastan.'

What this does tell us is that we are assured of a trail of PoP teasers right through until May 2010. With any luck, most of these will feature 'lead actor Jake Gyllenhaal in full-costume as Prince Dastan.' Mind you, we may have to sit through 16 months' of Disney movies to see them all. But at least this film is about shopping...

Includes picture from IHJ.


Anonymous said...

Next sneak preview: Prince of Persia poster #2 will be seen on a wall splattered with blood and intestines in Jerry Bruckheimer's hit TV show "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation"

Monica said...

Good night, Wet Dark!
Previous post:
Jake finally showed their beautiful hair.

Poster?? Great news!:D

Anonymous said...

"Without A Trace" the award winning detective show produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, will debut PoP poster #3 in an episode titled "Whimpering Below NY In Zero Degrees" when the team is looking for a scorpion trainer wanted on celebrity stalking charges is found half-dead, naked and starving in a hidden underground tunnel, kept alive only by rolling himself up into a Prince of Persia poster with Jake Gyllenhaal's printed body keeping him warm.

JoeAnn said...

Pics of Jake have kept us all warm, indeed. I don't have anything of substance to add to today's update, but when I saw the word google offered me, I couldn't resist posting: subcooti!

JoeAnn said...

Never mind. Maybe I do have something to add. Have a look at this little article I found at SciFi Wire.

It sounds like Bruckheimer is quite pleased with what they got out of Jake.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that link, JoeAnn. I have all my fingers and toes crossed. One thing is sure. Jake worked really, really hard for this movie. I hope this is a HUGE success for him.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Morning everyone!

Hi there Guerrilla Marketing and TV Guide! You had me laughing into my porridge this morning. That's hysterical - I like the idea of Jake Gyllenhaal poster used as a blanket :D

Morning Monica!

Hey JoeAnn! Thanks so much for the link this morning - I've put a new post up as that is well worthy of a new post :D

Morning Anon :) I hope it's a huge success too and I love that we're going to get a lot of publicity for this one.

Have a good day everyone!