Fans even today, no doubt, stop Jake Gyllenhaal when he's on his coffee run and, after saying 'You're even hotter in real life than on the telly' ask what that film with the rabbit means. Jake said (in his foreword to Richard Kelly's Donnie Darko book) 'What is Donnie Darko about? I have no idea, at least not a conscious one - including the man from whose mind it emerged - ever had a simple answer to that question. And that, ironically, is the very thing the film is actually about. There is no single answer to any question.'

One of the curiosities about Donnie Darko - and there are countless of those - is it never loses its appeal and it constantly pops up. Gary Jules' version of Mad World was a Christmas No 1 in the UK, a huge hit, and now the song is getting some renewed interest in the US, thanks to its appearance on American Idol. The song, like the film, is a phenomenon:

'That more haunting, slowed-down and melodic version was performed by little-known California singer/songwriter Gary Jules, who recorded the song with his childhood friend and producer Michael Andrews for the "Darko" soundtrack. The tune also appeared on Jules' 2001 indie album Trading Snakeoil for Wolftickets. Two years later, the "Mad World" cover started getting played on the radio in England — some say it was Robbie Williams who spun it first during a guest DJ slot; others claim Radiohead's Thom Yorke brought it to light. In December 2003, the song made Jules and Andrews only the sixth American act ever to win the coveted Christmas #1 position on the British charts.'

Director Richard Kelly has said that the film was odd even before filming began: '"It seems there's always been this weird cult awareness of the film... Even before we started shooting, there was already a fan site, which was very bizarre to me. I mean, the script had been passed around by a lot of people, but I had no idea that anyone would be interested in tracking our film. Although," he adds with a laugh, "I think the original fan site maybe had a little more to do with teenage girls who wanted to know about Jake."' Surely not.

In an online chat with fans of the film, Richard Kelly talked about some of the astounding cast that he won over with little promise of booty. Patrick Swayze for example: 'I guess I was very persuasive with this cast. But the screenplay was what ultimately attracted them. Swayze wanted to completely destroy his image, and I think he should be applauded for doing that.' As for Jake: 'Jason Schwarzman was originally attached to the film, but had to drop out because of a scheduling conflict. When I met Jake, I knew he was the one.'

So, if you want your own Frank the Bunny, can you get one? Richard: 'There has been talk of some "Donnie Darko" toys which, to me, is completely insane. But as of yet, no one has manufactured a replica of the costume. I'd imagine it would be quite expensive.' Well, that's what Richard thinks...

Although, I'm kind of sad to say, that this particular rabbit has come a cropper and is no more. There is now no escape from the needle-and-threat option if you want your own Frank costume. But you can buy, courtesy of Amazon, 12" and 7" figures of Frank, the larger of which speaks or whispers: 'Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?; I can show you the way; Wake up, Donnie; I can do anything I want. So can you; Don't worry... you got away with it; They're in great danger; Do you believe in time travel?' Eerily, Amazon is suggesting that the smaller figure be bought with your very own Hannibal Lecter toy- just what you want for the bedside table. You could get one of these for your bedroom wall instead.

I think I'll wait for the lifesize Prince of Persia model... Happy Easter to all those who celebrate and Happy Holidays to everyone! Here are some treats from me.

Includes pictures from IHJ and links.
Thanks, WDW, I'll take one of each treat please! Jake and chocolate, what more could a girl ask for? :)
I didn't know you could buy Frank figurines. And one even talks?Wow, that's really creepy!
I love DD, it's my second favorite Jake film. I remember the first time I watched it, it
was after discovering Jake in BBM. I hadn't heard much about the story so I just had no idea where the hell this was going. :D There sure wasn't anything predictable about that movie!
But I really enjoyed it. Everyone in it is excellent, the music is great, it has a lot of funny scenes and not understanding everything is actually a big part of why I love it.
I wish I could go watch it now instead of being at work... :/
I hope everyone is having a lovely week-end!
Hi Olympia! Glad you like the treats but I'm sorry you have to work :(
I prefer Frank to stay where he belongs, on the screen!
DD is such a special film for me too. I fell for it years ago and it led me to TDAT and Jake :D I still don't really understand it, but the conversations I've had about it - with Jake fans and non-Jakers - have been so much a part of the experience. It's such a great film to try and fathom out over a pint!
I hope you're having a good weekend despite having to work :)
Thank you WDW. Mmmmmmmm...... Jake and Chocolate. What a treat at easter. Mine's a Cadbury Flake easter egg and when opened out would pop Jake.... preferably in his PoP clothes.... well, that's my Cadbury Flake fantasy ;D
I wonder how the chocolate egg tradition got started? Is it only us in the UK that do this at Easter? So many questions... just like Donnie Darko I guess.
I absolutely love Donnie Darko and all it says to me, it's timeless. The Mad World song was amazing back then and is still quite haunting now. It's great that it's still so connected to Donnie Darko. Also love the fact that such a depressing sounding song made it to the Christmas number 1 charts - trust the British public to 'go against the grain' and back the underdog.
Love the picture with Jake and Steven... he just looks so at ease (Steven seems distracted).Happy Easter everyone.
Hi Sheba! Jake and chocolate is a combination to savour - and cadbury creme eggs are a special favourite :D But if I had only one, Jake could have it...
Mad World is such a song... I have three versions of it on my MP3 player - the DD version, the original and a stunning version by a young female singer called Alex Parks who seems to have disappeared off the planet, but what a version...
That's a lovely pic of Jake and Steven (Steven Poster, cinematographer on DD and Southland Tales) - it could well be in my top ten :D
Have a good Easter - eat chocolate, watch lots of Jake :D
I don't think Jake will fit in my Easter basket, but I'm willing to give it a shot! ;)
Anyway, Frank has always given me the creeps, and that wall decal would give me nightmares. (I still LOVED the movie!)
Hey Bandgeek! Frank on your wall - now there's a recipe for bad dreams! Having Prince Dastan on your bedroom wall is another matter :D I have an image of Jake in a basket in my head now - it's a big basket...
There are many images in "Donnie Darko," but the first one is most vivid: Donnie sleeping in the middle of a road somewhere in the country. You want to rush in and wake him up, because a car could come along and hit him. Same with River Phoenix, who fell asleep in roads in "My own private Idaho."
That opening scene is really beautiful. Sadly, the movie gets more disturbing as it progresses. Strangely enough, the love and fear duality makes more zense to me now that I've thought more about it. I think Donnie was wrong to reject it out of hand, though I think Donnie was right in some oher ways. In any event, the woman who was pushing that kind of thinking on him was warped.
It seems more than a little strange that Easter rabbits have somehow morphed into Frank the Bunny. ;-)
Hi Paul :D I think the opening of Donnie Darko is simply astounding and so memorable - especially with Killing Moon. But Donnie sitting there on the road... I feel scared for him and of him! But that whole opening sequence is incredible. As for after that bit, sometimes I get it more than at other times, depending on my mood when I see it.
I didn't grow up with Easter and I have always found the Easter Bunny a strange beast, a bit like Frank but with chocolate.
I hope everyone has a lovely day :D
I didn't mean to upset you WD, over the Peter post, it was just a btw. Couldn't matter less! Please accept my apologies on this lovely Darko Easter.
Speaking of Easter and Eggs, there's a hidden Easter Egg on the Donnie Darko DVD that has the Killing Moon live song on it and a few more extras. I'm a bit of a geek like that loving hidden eggs on DVDs ha...... Loved Jake's Christopher Walken impression as Frank the Bunny.
I felt that Donnie didn't reject love or fear on the spectrum, he said that it's not that simple and that other variable had to be factored into the equation. See, that's the beauty of DD, different perspectives each time it's watched. The genius of Richard.
In any case, I love the darkness and troubled-some mind that Jake was able to portray. I hope he gets another chance to play such a role about 10 years down the line. In the meantime, I wish upon the Easter Bunny that Jake has fun with his movie choices and not leave the industry. Shudder at the thought....
Watching the talented Freddie Highmore in The Spiderwick Cronicles at the mo. He's nailed that American accent really well. Can't convince my little man to watch The Wizard of Oz later so off to see Monsters Vs Aliens later. Happy Easter y'all xx
Happy Easter!:)
Many chocolate eggs and happy holidays to everyone!
I love DD, from the opening scene to the very end, love it all and I'd kill for that costume;)
Have a good day, everyone
Thanks for the Easter treats, WDW! I'm allergic to the candy, but I'll take seven of the for every day of the week! :)
Hope you are enjoying your holiday, and best wishes to all!
Hi there everyone! I'm worn out - been having a countryside and ancient monument kinda day - I've been dragged up so many hllforts and I've seen enough reconstructed Iron Age roundhouses to last me quite some time. Fortunately, there was cider in one of them...
Oh please don't worry, TD, you didn't upset me - sorry if it sounded that way. I hope you've had a lovely day :D
Hey Sheba! I hope too that Jake can enjoy some more roles like this down the roads ahead - roles that intrigue and bring on debate. DD has perplexed so many people! Enjoy the movie - I saw Twilight last night - I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
Great to see you Zodiac! I hope one of these days you get your very own Frank costume - that would certainly get attention at a Jake red carpet :D Mind you, it might make Jake run away... I hope you've had lots of chocs!
Have a great Easter Stephen Hawking :DD I'd give up the chocs for Jake seven days a week, that's for sure :D
I hope everyone's having a fabulous day :D
Thanks for such a great post on Donnie Darko!
Its definatley my favourite film, joint maybe with one or two..( I love TDAT! and this was before i even knew who Jake was :) didn't even realise it was the same actorr :P )
Although my favourite Jake film has to be Jarhead i think :) lots of eye candy there..POP may present some serious competition though! XD
Hi Anon! I'm so glad you liked the post :D Oh Jarhead is just too good for words, although, I agree, that Prince Dastan may rival Swoff :D
Glad to learn that someone else liked "Spiderwick Chronicles." Joan Plowright's scenes alone were worth the price of admission. She is very underrrated. Freddy Highmore is amazing, too. :-)
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